Quadruple split

Chapter 2246 The mountain in the past, the road today

Game time PM13:41

Public space, Joban meeting room

"Damn it! It's amazing!"

A'Du stared at the man with only one arm left on the screen, looking a little embarrassed but still standing to the end, and exclaimed: "The boss guessed it right! The foodie dad just killed those kids, one against five! Super awesome killing!"

Jumu was also a little dazed. He waited for a long time before saying, "Huh?"

"As expected of the boss."

Agatha turned to look at Boss Sakaki with sincerity, and said helplessly: "I just thought that the foodie dad was bound to lose, but in the end, not only did he not give in, he even used..."

"Inherent enchantment."

The little thorny wolf crawling at Musashi's feet swallowed hard and said dryly: "I was eliminated by that kind of thing in the individual competition, but this father's inherent barrier is completely different from Futaba's inherent barrier. That woman's inherent barrier is more like a skill, which is directly lethal, but Foodie Dad's seems to be some kind of ability that can replace a small area of ​​space into another dimension, which is more dangerous. "

"That's Silver Mountain."

Boss Sakaki looked at the mountain peaks at the feet of his foodie father in the freeze-frame, and said softly: "It's a hidden map of the collectible game [Battle] that was a hit around the world nearly thirty years ago."

Musashi, who was only in his twenties this year, blinked and asked curiously: "Ah? What is that?"

"I'm somewhat impressed."

Agatha, who was a few years older than Musashi, touched her chin and recalled: "I remember it was an open world game that focused on collecting and fighting beasts. It was also the first game to try to transform from a computer to a virtual game. It’s a game that has achieved quite a bit of success. In terms of map area, that game is even comparable to every continent on the planet.”

"Oh, I remembered!"

Jumu, who is about the same age as Agatha, suddenly slapped his head and said suddenly: "That game seems to have been popular for many years. Although it was not included in the e-sports circle from the beginning because it was different from mainstream online games, players actually Not bad at all, and he has held several championships. Is this the foodie dad who is the champion of a certain session? That’s why the boss is so impressed?”

As a result, Sakaki shook his head: "No, as far as I know, that foodie dad has not participated in any championships."

Lorelai pushed up her glasses and asked with interest, "Then he is..."

"[The Battle Alliance Global Championship] has been held for seven times in total."

Boss Sakaki rubbed his finger and said calmly: "The champion of the first session is called Crystal, the master of the Shengdu District Battle Hall, and the overall champion of the Shengdu District; the champion of the second session is called Green Firestone, the leader of the Fengyuan District Battle. The gym leader is the overall champion of the Fengyuan region; the third champion is Yaojin, the grand champion of the Shen’ao region and the overall champion of the Shen’ao region; the fourth champion is Wu Chang, the grand champion of the nuclear final region and the final champion. The regional champion; the fifth champion is called Fula, the master of the Gallo Regional Battle Hall, and the overall champion of the Gallo region; the sixth champion is called Brea, the master of the Lula Regional Battle Hall, and the overall champion of the Lula Region; the seventh champion is The champion is called Huo Jian, the master of the Guandu District Arena, and the overall champion of the Guandu District."

After hearing the end, the initially dazed Little Thorny Wolf suddenly frowned and said hesitantly: "Wait a minute, I remember that the Fire Sword seems to be..."

"The character ID that the boss used a long time ago!"

Jumu clapped his hands suddenly and said in a loud voice: "Boss, are you the last tournament champion of that game?"

"Yes, the threshold for the championship is 11 years old, and I was never old enough before that."

Boss Sakaki gave a rare smile and said proudly: "Otherwise, the fifth and sixth championships will definitely be mine."

Musashi immediately raised his right fist high and said loudly: "Boss is domineering!"

Lorelai looked at Sakaki curiously and said in confusion: "But boss, although this news is indeed valuable, what does what you said have to do with your foodie dad who has never won a championship?"

"It does matter a little bit."

Boss Sakaki looked up at the foodie dad on the screen and said calmly: "First of all, let me give you some popular science. The so-called championship in that game is actually the finals of the annual new regional hall championship, and the person who finally wins the regional championship , will become the championship champion of that year. At other times outside the annual championship, although players can also challenge those yakukans that can be seen everywhere, the champion of the big yakukan that is entrenched in the core of each region is almost impossible to challenge. of."

Agatha keenly captured the key words and immediately asked: "What do you mean by 'almost'?"

"It means that if you want to challenge, you can, but you must meet two conditions. First, the champion player who can teleport back to the Grand Hall from anywhere is online. This is very satisfying. After all, all players who can become champions are Avid fans, no matter how busy they are, will be online for at least a few days every month, and then..."

Boss Sakaki paused and said in a deep voice: "When challenged outside the finals of the tournament, the strength of the master of the Daisakukan will be forcibly doubled by the system when facing the challenge."

A'Du was shocked: "Double it!?"

"Triple that."

As a result, Sakaki gave an answer that struck everyone present as if they were struck by lightning, and then continued: "In the championship that year, I won the honor of the head of the Kwanto Daiyu Hall, and also automatically became the Kwanto regional champion. I was challenged on the third day after the championship.”

The little thorny wolf who reacted the fastest opened his eyes wide: "Could it be..."

"His name is [Chi]."

Sakaki looked away from the foodie dad on the screen, rarely put his weight on the back of the chair, and said quietly: "When I just received the challenge application, I thought he was crazy, but when I After experiencing the three times stronger feeling of pleasure, I thought I was crazy."

Jumu swallowed hard and looked at Sakaki in disbelief: "Did you, boss..."

"I lost."

Boss Sakaki spread his hands and said in an inexplicably brisk tone: "In a total of one hundred and sixty-seven rounds, the opponent defeated me with all six beasts alive, or in other words, the data of my six beasts tripled A slave beast, to be honest, I am convinced that I lost and I don’t have any temper at all.”

Musashi, who had fully entered the state of listening to the story, moved his stool towards Sakaki and asked curiously: "What then?"

"Then when I was about to hand over my championship certificate to him, he said, 'Come on and climb to the top of the mountain,' and left directly. After that, another thirty days passed, because the other party never came back. Daiyukan, so I lost my identity as the owner of the museum and became the owner again without anyone knowing."

Sakaki didn't show off, and said simply: "Then, I received an invitation from a group called "League of the Defeated"."

This time Lorelai reacted faster and asked: "Could it be that the previous six tournament champions of that game are in there? Don't tell me that they were all defeated even though they got the system's triple increase. !”

"That's it."

Boss Sakaki nodded slightly. The person who established the group was the champion Crystal of the first tournament. The group members increase by one every year. I am the seventh one. What everyone has in common is naturally that they were killed by that [Red] after winning the championship. 】He came to play in the gym and then failed miserably.

A'Du frowned and asked, "How did that Crystal know that the other champions had also been defeated?"

"After he was defeated by 'Chi', he searched for him for a year, but found nothing."

Sakaki took a sip of the soda he just bought from the system mall and said slowly: "So in the third year, he suddenly thought of a way, which was to try to challenge the Daisakukan half a month after the championship. Lord, I finally found out that the third champion Yao Jin was in the battle hall, but the system prompted that the opponent was not online or not in the battle hall, so I decided that the opponent had also been beaten. "

A'Du laughed and asked: "So from that time on, he went to some gym after the championship every year, and when he found out that the gym owner had changed, he added friends to attract people?"

"That's what it is."

Sakaki nodded slightly and continued to explain: "In short, in the end, we so-called champions got together, and the topic of discussion was naturally only one thing, and that was to find a way to find Chi and defeat him."

Musashi asked with gleaming eyes: "Then did you and those friends find it in the end?"


Sakaki shook his head and then added: "But in the winter of the same year, Chi actually contacted us and said that he felt that the life of this game might have come to an end, so he wanted to compete with a few of us again in the end, and then... Gave us an address.”

Little Thorny Wolf blinked and asked curiously: "Where is it? Is it very mysterious?"

"It's not very mysterious, it's just..."

Boss Sakaki thought for a while and explained in a relatively easy-to-understand way: "It's like the relationship between seven mid-level players and the ember volcano in [Innocent Realm]."

The giant tree, whose birthplace happened to be in the southwest, was immediately shocked and said in amazement: "Isn't that going to die? If you are an intermediate level, you will be roasted to death if you can't stay there for half a day. If you encounter a living fire element or lava again, Puppet and the like are completely dead."


Sakaki looked at the giant tree calmly and said in a calmer tone: "The Silver Mountain located in the far north of that game, to us seven champions, is like the Ember Volcano in the eyes of intermediate players in [Innocence Bound] It’s almost like a hidden map in the eyes of other players.”

"No, why?"

A'Du scratched his head in confusion and said confusedly: "Why does such a place exist? You must be T0 level players in that game!"

"so what?"

Boss Sakaki glanced at A'Du and asked: "Didn't it mean that on the day [Innocent Realm] first opened its server, when all the players were only at low-level levels, dangerous maps like Ember Volcano and Dragon's End didn't exist? ?”

A'Du: "..."

The other four heavenly kings: "..."

Shinmatsu Musashi and Fujiwara Genshin: "..."

"All in all, we have no reason to reject the man named 'Chi'. As for the price of dying on Baiyin Mountain, it is just that all the beasts are weak for 12 hours. It is no different from a death like the direct deletion of the account in the Innocent Realm. The punishment is nothing compared to it.”

Boss Sakaki lowered his gaze and said to himself: "Later, we lost four people while climbing Baiyin Mountain. When I, Wu Chang, and Crystal finally supported each other and reached the top of the mountain, we found..."

Agatha clenched her hands nervously: "What did you find?"

"Those truly powerful overlord-level beasts all crawled obediently at the feet of that man, and what stood between him and us was the previous owner of the insurmountable mountain, who was only mentioned in some background stories. A phantom battle beast that has been mentioned sporadically."

Boss Sakaki closed his eyes and was silent for a long time before shaking his head and saying: "After that, Chi disappeared together with [Yuzhan], and a few years later I came to the youth training camp of Tokiwa and chose to focus on the summoning profession. Trying to use this as a springboard to become a pro player worthy of standing across from that guy.”

As soon as these words came out, the Four Heavenly Kings and Musashi looked at each other in confusion. The main reason was that the 'professional player' in Sakaki's mouth definitely did not refer to the speaker in a place like Joban Studio. Most of the time To be a commercial 'professional player' who wants to lead everyone to collect gold, materials, equipment and even power leveling, and at this moment, the game department of Joban Studio, which is almost only led by Boss Sakaki, is definitely not his ideal at the time.

"I can see you are curious."

After a brief silence, Sakaki opened his eyes again, with a faint smile on his lips: "Do you want to know why I chose to stay here?"


Musashi was the first to raise his right hand high.

"On the one hand, it was because I had some feelings and responsibilities for our studio, gradually identified with [Jiban], and came up with the idea of ​​​​leading [Jiban] to make a name for himself."

Boss Sakaki raised his head and looked at the simple but heavy Tokiwa LOGO on the ceiling, and said lightly: "On the other hand, I have seen my own limit, which is only as high as Lusail's."

A'Du twitched the corners of his lips and smiled dryly: "Mr. Lu is very powerful."

"It's okay, but with his limit, he can't see Chi's back."

Boss Sakaki said lightly, then shook his head and said: "Of course, this is no longer important. After all, the 'Chi' I know is old after all. He who did not choose this path can't even beat me now. "

"Ah? But what kind of inherent barrier..."

"The inherent barrier is not invincible. As you can see, those children appeared directly on the top of the mountain level with 'Red'. And if it were me now, huh, I am afraid that after unfolding the inherent barrier, they Instead, he will appear at the foot of the mountain."


"That's the end of this topic, get ready."

Boss Sakaki did not intend to endlessly satisfy the curiosity of his companions. He just stood up and cast his familiar, rock-like cold and concentrated gaze at the five of them: "There is no doubt about the power of the Wind-breaking Bird. Let’s treat it as our last dance in this [criminal battle] and do our best without any regrets.”

"Yes, boss!"*5

Game time PM14:25

[Guilty Debate·Team Battle] In the first round of the quarter-finals, [Tokiwa], led by Boss Sakaki, stubbornly faced off against [Powind Bird] for a full thirty minutes, and finally defeated Shiyin and the deputy captain Alchemist. Both players were later killed, and [Broken Wind Bird] advanced to the quarterfinals.

Chapter 2237: End

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