Quadruple split

Chapter 2270 Professional commentators must have the courage to let the overall situation be determi

"how do you feel?"

Like Sarufang Weiwu, he is a half-orc of the Ox tribe, but his figure is much stronger than the former. The totem pole alone is as thick as two people hugging each other. The mud drunk angel frowned and asked the former while resonating with the spirit of the water element: "I think it's almost done, right? It's not a serious injury to begin with."

"It doesn't feel right."

The blood has been purified by the water element, and now only the 'carvings' shining with dim light are left on the back, and the whole bear is 'shining'. Sarufang let out a mighty roar twice and wailed: " I’m very hurt now.”

While pressing the totem pole and continuing to get close to the water elemental spirit, the drunken angel asked doubtfully: "Hasn't your trauma been healed? How much less is your blood full?"

Sarufang Weiwei said: "...the blood is already full."

"You are so sick!"

The drunken angel put a totem on the bear's head in front of him and said angrily: "Do you think my mana is free? Just speak when your health is full!"

Sarufang Weiwei, who was slapped on the totem pole, became anxious and said angrily: "I'm going to have my heart broken for three or two minutes because you pressed me to get a tattoo, right?!"

"Okay, okay."

Araha, who realized that Sarufomai had returned to his normal state, quickly walked over, with an expression of concern for the overall situation, and said with a human-like smile: "We are all brothers, don't hurt our harmony, this matter It’s mainly me that’s to blame. If you’re angry, Sarufang, just take it out on me.”

Sarufang was mighty: "...Ararayu, I@#are your uncle!"

"Okay, let me ask for you."

Huang Yu nodded and continued to maintain a decent smile: "But we have to wait until daytime tomorrow. My uncle is already asleep at this time."

Yuan Fang mighty: "..."


After choking the giant bear in front of him, Huang Yu took a deep breath, raised the corner of his mouth in a very evil, very ferocious, and very inhuman arc, and rubbed his hands excitedly: "Can I ride you? "

Sarufang Weiwei trembled on the spot, his mane stood on end and screamed: "Damn it, don't come over here!"

"Don't worry, he won't have any evil intentions."

The cheese cat demon showed an innocent and cute sweet smile and comforted: "If he wants to have sex with you, he will 100% not be able to have sex with you due to system interference. He can only do it if he doesn't want to have sex with you at all." you."

Po Douluo put down his giant sword and covered his stomach: "Hahahahahahahaha!!!"

"You bunch of beasts."

Not wanting to continue to embarrass himself under the attention of countless people, Sarufang Wei almost grinded his bear teeth into sparks. He held it in for a while before speaking in a gloomy tone, "I don't know you all now, but I will kill you all sooner or later." He said: "Okay, okay, have you understood the mission? It's basically a follow-up to our previous game, but this time it's an elite mercenary group that comes to 'annihilate' us remnants. Now there are two ways. , either run directly from behind and discuss it with our 'compatriots', or go directly up and have a fight with those girls, what do you think?"

The cheese cat demon said without hesitation: "Let's break up with some sisters. I can't stand those cultists."

Po Douluo also nodded and agreed: "I agree, you guys are so worthless, I'm afraid I can't help but kill those things first."

The Nizui Angel carried the totem pole on his shoulders and said calmly: "I can do it, it's up to you."

"I can't bear it anymore!"

Araraha, on the other hand, turned a deaf ear to the current issue. He rushed towards Sarufang with red eyes and said in a loud voice: "I'm going to ride a bear now!!!"

"Sooner or later I will chop you to death."

Sarufoshi Weiwu sighed helplessly and leaned down to accept his fate for the time being. After all, he knew very well that Araba wanted to ride a bear not because he was a pervert, but because he had the ability to cast a spell on a moving stand. The desire for paradox is about to reach the sky.

So, under the gaze of God knows how many pairs of eyes, including but not limited to several teammates, Araha grabbed Sarufang Mighty's fluffy gray hair and struggled onto the bear's back.

"How's it going?"

"Can it be done?"

"Is Sarufang useful?"


The four teammates also confirmed the situation with him immediately, hoping to ensure that this embarrassing mess would at least have some positive effects.


"Power! Powerful power!"

Huang Yu, who was riding on the back of the bear, took a deep breath, slowly opened his hands, and literally said with his eyes shining: "Let's go, my warriors, carry me to meet those moths flying into the fire. Let them be burned to ashes by the surging arcane energy, and let them experience the cruel and cold power of the universe!"

Po Douluo cracked his knuckles impatiently and angrily hummed to his partner, whose eyes were filled with arcane energy: "Speak humanly."

"The skill has taken effect!"

Araha waved his hands excitedly and said with great joy: "Just as I speculated before! It really works! Take two steps quickly and let me see if I can completely move and cast the spell!"


Although there were a million reluctances in his heart, Sarufang Mighty finally took a step forward, gritting his teeth and carrying Ara Yu around twice. In the process, a large number of strange phenomena appeared around one person and one bear. , sometimes it is a halo-like light wheel, sometimes it is a mini torrent like fireworks, and sometimes it is an elemental array as agile as a flying bird. Although it does not look very gorgeous due to the scale, it is still gorgeous enough.


The drunken angel made a judgment before Huang Yu expressed his opinion, and said concisely: "Let's go, let's go up and do the final check at the same time."

The cheese cat demon nodded, and took the lead to climb the stone steps with her slender legs. A warm and brilliant halo spread around her, dispelling the darkness and coldness in the air: "I have a hunch, if we really fight, we should use It won’t be long.”

"I'll go to the back."

Po Douluo waved his hand to signal the druid and the mage on his back to take the first step, while his dark cloak quietly 'unfolded', blocking the ominous sight of his teammates in the darkness, those sneaky The existence is not a tangible thing, but a spy unique to this environment, attracted by some kind of resentment, evil spirits, malice or other dark forces. Although in most cases these spies are harmless and weak, But as the person in the team who has dealt with the dark forces the most, Po Douluo knew very well how serious the consequences would be if an 'accident' occurred, so he took his place at the back and used his cloak to guard the backs of his companions.

In the absence of the typing warrior and the seventy-six mallets, Sarufoshi Weiwu, as the first commander, began to confirm the situation with Araha and asked directly: "What is the effect of the skill?"

"I sent it to you in a private message before."

With an extremely intoxicated expression, Huang Yu's eyes narrowed slightly as if he was not a bear but a treasured land such as Eden and Avalon: "Didn't you see?"

"I did not see."

Although he does mind being ridden by Huang Yu, his supermodel physique in giant bear form is almost comparable to Xinglong under the blessing of [Xuanli Zhuqueyan]. From an objective point of view, he doesn't care about the former's weight at all, let alone Sarufang, whose actions would be affected, replied coldly and impatiently: "Hurry up and save me a life."

"The damage of spell casting is greatly increased. The longer the time within the circle and the more spells are cast, the greater the increase will be. At the same time, the consumption of spell casting will also increase."

Huang Yu didn't waste any time and said immediately: "I did a rough calculation. If I can continue to fight at my own pace for more than three minutes, I will basically be able to cast high-level peak-level spells at high frequency. In five minutes, about It can be done second only to Futaba and Sang’s final round of confrontation in the individual competition, but the casting frequency will be faster.”

"Sounds okay."

Sarufang nodded his head mightily and asked: "What about ten minutes later?"

In the end, Huang Yu did laugh dryly and said angrily: "Grave grass will grow in ten minutes. Didn't I just say that the cost of casting spells will also increase in proportion to the gain brought to me by the magic circle. Even if the whole process follows If I play at a tempo, including drinking medicine and mana control, my mana will bottom out in at most seven minutes, and I will become useless before my power changes further. "

"That won't work..."

Sarufang Mighty Bear's face sank, and he said seriously: "I just put myself in my shoes and thought about it. For those beautiful girls... Tsk, the name of this team is really shameless. In short, for those beautiful girls, the best The strategy is probably to rely on that giant dragon to fight us head-on. "

The cheese cat demon frowned slightly and asked, "What next?"

"Even if Huang Yu can maintain the best output state with the mobile magic circle on my back throughout the whole process, plus the cover of you and me, A Po's attack and Boss Ni's treatment, I'm afraid it won't be enough to kill them head-on. At that time, as long as Huang Yu If Yu misfires, we are basically doomed."

Sarufang took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "Damn, the output is not enough."

"The output is not enough?!"

Nizui Angel was shocked at that time, and said in astonishment: "Even if we bring you and Cat Demon as two tanks this time, Apo's output ability is ranked among the best in the whole game, right? Ara Yu is even more of a It can serve three purposes, isn’t that enough?”

"Don't even think about it, Apo. Don't forget about the mad fight named Kasena on the opposite side. If she is not sent out to defend Apo by herself soon, I will eat the game cabin when I turn back. The most important thing is..."

Sarufang's mighty eyes narrowed slightly, and he was silent for a while before continuing: "I have been playing T-shirt for more than ten years and been beaten for more than ten years. Although I have no theoretical basis at all, I just feel that the one named Christina Dragon, they are definitely the toughest, most stable, and most incredible group in the tank! Silly cat, you are also playing T, don’t tell me you can’t feel it at all.”

The cheese cat demon rolled his eyes and remained silent for about two or three seconds before he reluctantly said: "Okay, maybe it's a little...I thought I was too nervous before, but Sarufang, since you can see that she is asking, you can also see that she is really unsure about herself, right?"


Sarufoshi nodded mightily and asked, "So do you think that for a tank position, being 'insecure about yourself' is really a bad quality?"

Cheese Cat Demon: "..."


At this time, Sarufang Weiwei paused and asked seriously to his partner riding on his back: "If I can find a way to give you half of your mana, how far can you go?"

"Is there such a good thing?"

"Stop talking nonsense, can you hold on for a few more minutes?"

"Let me think about it, if you drink the mana potion to the maximum attenuation value and then recover half of it... you can last at least three more minutes."

"Where's the power?"

"I can get stronger to the next level."

"Can it be epic?"

"It can be said that a fireball vaporized the entire map."

"Fuck, so cruel?"

"Go away, do you think what you are saying is human? Can you reach the level of epic? If I can instantly cast epic magic, aside from the morning glory, I can at least touch Cordoba. "

"Okay, I probably have an idea."

"So how to fight?"

"Tsk, tsk, both sides actually chose the most normal, stable, and law-abiding way of playing."

Five minutes later, Greek Milk looked at the screen with emotion as Po Douluo and Kasena, the Drunken Angel and Mika who were firmly in the rear and continued to gain blood, stood beside the giant dragon's neck and bombarded from a high position. Lucie, who was bombing indiscriminately, and Araha, who was riding on the back of a bear and waving his staff to cast spells continuously, clucked their tongues and said: "Melee combat restrains each other, tanks cover casters and healers, glass cannons pour damage like crazy, my God. …”

Xue Yin tugged on her super-large spiral twin ponytails and asked curiously: "Is it weird? In my impression, many games are played like this."

"You are right, but the problem is that this is the [Bound of Innocence]."

Greek Milk spread her hands and shrugged: "Think about the last round of competition. Including Sailor Moon and Yuhuo, almost all teams have different painting styles, and there are even some who poison their opponents with food. Horrible scenes, but this mediocre mainstream style of play has never appeared once, which speaks volumes.”

Xue Yin blinked and said hesitantly: "Does this mean... that everyone is non-mainstream?"


Greek Milk choked for a moment, and then said helplessly: "What I mean is that the degree of freedom in the game [Innocent Bound] is too high, so this theoretically the most traditional way of playing is very rare, and The reason for using the traditional style of play in this game is probably because both sides recognize the strength of the other and at the same time have absolute confidence in themselves.”

The smiling face on the other side nodded and suddenly interjected: "So who do you think is more likely to win?"

"I just made a subjective analysis from an objective perspective. I have no position."

"What if I must ask you to tell me one?"

"Then I'll ask the house manager to ban you for fifty years."

"Oh, professional commentators must have the courage to make judgments! Don't tell me that you really believe those idealistic rhetoric without any evidence."

"Ah... I can't say that..."

"What do you say?"


"Is it a professional commentator?"


"Isn't this a good opportunity for you to clean up your outrageous character?"


"So which side do you prefer?"

"Based on the previous dialogue between the two parties and the analysis of other objective factors, one more person may have a greater chance of winning?"

"Okay, let's congratulate Sailor Moon for making it to the Final Four."

"Damn it, isn't this fight over yet?!"

"You've already spoken, so the overall situation is basically decided."

"You just gave me the courage to make a judgment!"

"Yeah, I'll just do the opposite with you."


Chapter 2261: End

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