Quadruple split

Chapter 2272 14 Supermodel

Chapter 2263: 14·Supermodel

"There's trouble here at Yuhuo."

Almost at the same time that the poker players realized the problem of Christina's remaining health, the handsome guy in the commentary box also narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly: "The decline in Christina's health is too small, and even the frequency of blood loss is too low. Pretty much the same as before.”

Xue Yin immediately raised her little hand curiously and asked: "Why is this? I see that player Arayu's offensive is obviously becoming more and more fierce. Logically speaking, even if player Christina's defense, resistance, and physique are They are all very high, and the blood loss speed will definitely become faster, right?”


Greek Milk, who was also a guest, shook his head and said seriously: "After our player's character strength reaches a certain level, the panel is rarely a fixed number. Many in-depth equipment effects, passive skills and talents can be changed because of it. Different situations change the gain or debuff effects. For example, for the Berserker profession, after the health value is reduced to a certain level, the basic attributes will increase proportionally, ultimately forming the effect of 'the more you fight, the braver you become'."

Xue Yin immediately understood and suddenly said: "So it is because of this talent or passivity that player Christina can maintain a blood loss frequency throughout the whole process, and will not let the health points drop faster and faster with player Arayu's offensive?"

"This is just my personal conjecture."

Greek Milk did not give an affirmative answer, but just smiled and said: "It's just to provide an idea, it may not be correct."

As a result, the smiling face immediately broke the stage and said cheerfully: "Old immortal, don't be humble. After so many years of working in the industry, put aside that bad mouth that I don't know what things have been used to expose, at least You are absolutely top-notch in terms of eyesight.”

Greek Milk rolled her eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, our heroes see the same thing."

She crossed her legs with a smile and said in a brisk tone: "Perhaps many viewers have not noticed that player Christina's health has actually dropped to about 95% at least twice, but the problem is that at that time, she The blood volume will jump up by 2% to 3%, and it has been like this until now. "

The handsome guy's eyes narrowed slightly and he said softly: "Now player Araraha has completely suppressed the [Sailor Moon] team by himself, although because Podouluo and the cheese cat demon are fighting with player Kasena, The reason is that he cannot support the two of them, but the three players Mika, Lucie and Christina have been restrained by him alone, but the problem is..."

"This is an ineffective containment."

After the handsome guy paused consciously, Greek Milk immediately answered in a very professional manner, frowning and said: "Contestant Christina has not lost her functions and effects, so from a superficial point of view, Yu Huo's side is using Soul Douluo and The cheese cat demon restrained Kasena, and used Araraha to restrain Lucie and Mika. Although Sarufang Weiwei and Christina were in similar environments, their cover range was very limited, while the Drunken Angel was in He has an absolute advantage in terms of treatment positioning, because Lucie can't contain him, but Mika is very restrained by Ara Yu."

The handsome guy nodded slightly and said sincerely: "The summary is very insightful."

"You flatter me."

Although she doesn't have a good look on the smiling face, Greek Milk still maintains a considerable degree of respect for the handsome guy. In addition to his official status, the more important thing is that the latter's understanding of the game is really good, and he is not inferior to himself at all. He is a professional and very humble.

On the other hand...

"That's it."

Smiley poked the nostrils of the mask and hummed: "The core question now is whether Yu Huo is willing to continue this situation. After all, with God's perspective, we know that player Christina has basically not lost any blood, but Yu Huo The five players don’t know if they will take it for granted to maintain this seemingly balanced situation and enter a chronic death if they feel that the dragon in front of them is at the end of its strength.”

Xueyin thought for a while and said hesitantly: "I think it's really possible! You see, from the perspective of bathing in fire, it stands to reason that player Christina must lose blood slowly, while player Kasena must lose blood at the same time. Facing two people, in this situation, it is difficult for player Mika to show up and increase her health. Even if player Christina is left aside, if the player can turn the fire and instantly kill a player Kasena who cannot get strong support, the scene will be It’s become five against three!”

"Teacher Xueyin has made great progress."

The smiling face sighed sincerely, then changed the topic, shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, it's still a bit shallow."

Xueyin: "Eh!?"

"The ideal is very fulfilling, but the reality is not that simple. First of all, it is impossible for player Araraha to cooperate with his two teammates to focus their fire to kill player Kasena. On the one hand, because the target is too small and in a state of struggle, it is easy to hurt him if he attacks rashly. On the other hand, if he focuses on Kasena, the liberated Lucie will definitely counterattack strongly, forcing Araha to redirect his firepower back. "

Xiaomian simply showed off his observation and deduction abilities, and said eloquently: "If you ask me, even if those people in the fire don't have our God's perspective, they don't know that Christina's health is still at At a very, very, very outrageous stage, they probably won’t turn the tables and kill them like Teacher Xueyin said. After all, they have another advantage~"


Xue Yin immediately widened her eyes and asked enthusiastically: "What is it?"

"It's a tank."

Greek Milk answered before Smiley Face spoke, and explained cheerfully under the latter's angry gaze: "There are five people in Yuhuo, and four people on Sailor Moon's side, including Lucy Ai and Huang Yu, Yuan Fang Weiwu and Christina, Ni Zui Tianshi and Mika, Po Douluo and Kasena, and then... Yuhuo has an extra cheese cat demon. Although her performance in the individual competition is not eye-catching, the role of the tank profession in the team battle is another matter."

Xue Yin nodded and asked again: "For example?"

"For example, if the goal is not to defeat the opponent, then the cheese cat demon can completely restrain Kasena for a long time."

This time, Smiley Face spoke before Greek Milk, and said quickly: "In this way If so, the strongest spearhead of the Yuhuo Guild, Po Douluo, who lost to Christina in the individual competition but also defeated higher-ranked players, will be released and work with Huang Yu to focus on killing the opponent's tactical axis Christina. "

"Hmm...wait a minute, I'll stroke it...ah! ! "

Xue Yin rubbed her forehead and was about to say something, but suddenly found that the cheese cat demon on the screen suddenly threw out a shield and forced Kasena to retreat several steps. Although she herself was hit head-on by the blade light swung by Kasena, with the timely treatment of the drunken angel, the cheese cat demon, whose health value had dropped from 75% to 64%, was directly increased back to 81%. On the other hand, Kasena, who was also barely raised by Mika's range skill, only went from 27% to 31%.

It's not that Mika's strength is much worse than that of the Drunken Angel, but the healing environment of both parties at this moment is completely different. The former must rely on the giant dragon's cover to occasionally peek out and throw a few range treatments during Huang Yu's large-scale bombardment, while the Drunken Angel, who cannot be effectively threatened by Lucy or Kasena, is very calm. It can easily use a large skill with a guide or chanting time of four or five seconds, and the healing amount is simply too high.

Then, while Kasena was forced to retreat by the cheese cat demon with the healing advantage, Po Douluo had already rushed straight towards the giant dragon under a burst of black light, and Mika, who wanted to restrict it, had just taken Po Douluo into his field of vision when he was blown back by a fire magic [Boom Dragon] that was more than five times larger than the normal size.

So, under the double cover of Huang Yu and the cheese cat demon, Po Douluo can be said to have rushed to Christina smoothly all the way and raised his sword to chop! The offensive was as violent as a storm, so that after Christina's health value touched 95% and rebounded to 97%, it dropped rapidly within two seconds, falling below 95% for the first time since the start of the game.

"Although I also want to explain slowly, it is obvious that the players on the field will not wait for us to finish explaining the tactics before slowly fighting each other."

Greek milk smiled at Xue Yin, who had a dazed expression, and said faster: "In short, the team competition is like this. Compared with the almost unlimited response and outbreak of the individual competition, the team competition is more scientific and easier to predict. In my opinion... it is also more exciting."

The handsome guy looked at the battlefield on the screen and echoed: "It is indeed exciting. Everyone can find that both the [Sailor Moon] team and the [Bath of Fire] team have basically exerted their advantages to the limit. , and in this case, the latter, who had one more player, still had the advantage in the end. The continuous outbreak of the double tank tactics and the alternative approach of the Huangyu player exacerbated the complexity of the battlefield, and the more complex the battlefield, the more advantages the side with more people has. "

"But this is just an appearance after all."

Greek Milk sighed, with a helpless expression: "After all..."

"After all, you said that Yuhuo has a greater chance of winning."

Smiling Face interrupted Greek Milk cheerfully and shrugged: "Then no matter how advantageous they seem, the ending is basically doomed to be a failure."

"Are you done yet!"

Greek Milk glared at Smiling Face fiercely and gritted his teeth and said: "I What I mean is that after all, Christina's tankiness... well, as a tank, her resistance to attacks is too strong, so even if Po Douluo and Huang Yu attack together, other partners cannot provide effective support, treatment or cover for her, and she can hold on for a long time. "

The handsome guy also nodded slightly, and further explained: "At least it will be no problem to hold on until Huang Yu's magic power is exhausted, and at that time..."

"The situation will be reversed instantly."

Smiling shrugged, spread his hands and said: "The numerical advantage of Yuhuo will disappear, and Christina's cover is enough for the beautiful girls to crush the opponent from the front . "

"What's worse is that Yuhuo doesn't know the exact amount of health of Christina."

Greek Milk pursed his lips with a sullen look, then raised his hand and slapped himself: "... Damn it!"


Game time PM17:34

Public space, Pai Lao Club meeting room

"It's over."

Guo Shi Wushuang watched Huang Yu's last [Meteor Technique] hit Christina Yuke's back directly, and exploded in a soft amber light, causing the greatest damage to the latter since the start of the game, causing her health to drop below 80%. He shook his head gently and sighed with a serious face.

"Well, there's no way to fight. "

The three colors next to him also nodded, shook their heads and said: "But in terms of destructive power, Araraha's combined output in the previous three minutes is probably more than Futaba in the individual competition, but it's still useless..."

Old King Shengguang touched his skull and said dryly: "Even the skill of bringing the potion with Yuanfang, Huang Yu used almost three mana points during this period, coupled with Po Douluo's death output in the second half, Only then did Miss Christina lose 20% of her health. And did you notice that Mika was adding blood to Lucie and Cassena from the beginning to the end, except for a little splash that was better than nothing? Outside of treatment, I almost never breastfeed Christina.”

"The third supermodel player."

Fenghuaxueyue stared at the thick earth dragon on the screen with its wings spread out (trying to expand the defensive area) with a very ugly expression. She bit her silver teeth and said, "I didn't expect that besides Cordoba and Xinglong, there would be a third party." A supermodel to such a monster.”

"Wrong, Xue Yue."

However, Guoshi Wushuang shook his head and dismissed Feng Huaxueyue's statement, and casually corrected: "It should be the second super model player. Cordoba is the first, and Awakening Dragon... doesn't count."

As a result, Feng Huaxue Yue didn't have any objections and subconsciously accepted Guo Shi Wushuang's statement.


On the other hand, Liuju Slam next to him was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Does Xinglong not count? Is he so perverted?"

"It is true that he is a pervert, but this does not conflict with the fact that he has never been a 'supermodel' player."

Guoshi Wushuang glanced at Liuju Slam and said leisurely: "You have all seen Cordoba's strength. It is no exaggeration to say that if the Yege player hadn't directly used the background to suppress him, he would definitely be undisputed. For the individual champion, luck may help Dahua Petunia defeat Yege, but except for Yege, unless the officials engage in favoritism, absolutely no one can defeat Cordoba in this competition.”

Liuju Slam scratched his chin and asked again: "Then Awakening Dragon..."

"Strong in all aspects, but outrageous is one thing, perverted is one, supermodel is another."

Guo Shi Wushuang shrugged, spread his hands and said: "Or to put it simply, Cordoba has epic level in all combat-related fields including but not limited to physical fitness, absolute speed, lethality, explosive power, etc. strength."

"Then what?"

"Then there is nothing about the Awakening Dragon, which we call perverted, that can reach the epic realm."

"Then Christina..."

"At least in terms of defense, physical fitness and resistance, she even surpasses Cordoba."

Game time PM17:39

[Guilty Debate·Team Battle] In the first round of the semi-finals, the [Sailor Moon] team wiped out [Battle of Fire] at the cost of just one person, Kasena Yuk, and successfully secured the first semi-final spot in the top half. .

Chapter 2263: End

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