Quadruple split

Chapter 2280: 34 Days of the Darkness

Chapter 2280 3/4·Sunlight Falls, Black Covers Soul

Game Time PM18:45

[Guilt Discussion·Team Battle] Competition Map, Mirror Space S5230-4573

Central of the Continent, Outskirts of Dark Forest

[Range is 30 meters in diameter. ]

[Cooling time is no more than five minutes. ]

[Duration is unknown, but definitely more than five minutes. ]

[Consumption is unknown, speed increase is 25 to 35 times. ]

[Seems like... I'm about to be killed. 】

Surrounded by a scarlet phantom flame, Xinglong sighed and looked helplessly at the shoulder pads, cloak, and gloves in front of him. The durability of the three pieces of equipment had all returned to zero. The left hem of the tattered windbreaker was burned off. The original weapon [Tombstone of the Undertaker] had been replaced by another wide battle blade. The old opponent looked as embarrassed as he could be. He smiled bitterly and asked, "Can you still hold on?"

"To be honest, I feel like I can't hold on any longer."

In the process of intercepting Xinglong, he was forcibly stacked with seventeen layers of [Burn], and was hit by [Blue Dragon· Lusail, who was wearing [Flowers], spat out a mouthful of blood foam and showed an ugly smile that was smoky and fiery: "But I'm not dead yet, so let's see how much residual heat I can use." Xinglong sighed, while adjusting his breath to calm the increasingly obvious "rejection reaction" after activating [Cangdi Qinglong Yi], [Lizhan Baihu Jie], [Xuanli Zhuque Yan] and [Mingyin Xuanwu Curse] for a long time, and said in a complicated tone: "Your residual heat is quite hot." "You are flattering." Lusail smiled, then raised his hand to pat away a cluster of flames bursting from his shoulder, and complained: "But If you really want to say it's hot, then the fire on your body is the real scorching fire. If it continues like this, I will be burned to death in no more than three rounds. "Xinglong, who continued to suppress the "rejection reaction", looked at Lusail expressionlessly and said coldly: "You said the same thing just now." "Just now was just now, now is now, now is different from just now, just now is not now." Lusail, who saw that Xinglong was not in good condition at a glance, did not take any action, but touched his nose and said embarrassedly: "Besides, you are the leader, it won't be a big deal if you let us go a little. Well, even if a gentleman died, we are still at a disadvantage..."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Xinglong shook his head and interrupted Lusail, saying lightly: "If you want to know, I'll tell you directly. Counting the news of the death of Xueran just now, only Pioneer and I are still alive on our side."

Lusail's eyes condensed slightly, and he paused for a while before chuckling: "So that's how it is. It seems that those guys are working hard."

[Tiger Evil·Pao Lao]

Xinglong swung his right fist without warning, and shot out a white light column with flames in the air, which went straight through Lusail's body.

"But it's almost the same here."

Lucer, who seemed to be standing still, coughed lightly and said seriously: "Ling Jie, Fang Shi and Xi Zhao are all dead. Now there are only me and You Ming left."

After confirming once again that Lucer had always maintained the domain and that he had no chance of hitting him when both parties were in the domain, Xinglong said concisely: "I don't believe it."

"Believe it or not."

Lucer, who didn't expect Xinglong to believe what he had just said, rolled his eyes. Just as he was about to say something, he found that Xinglong's face suddenly sank, and he immediately said happily: "What's wrong!?"

"Just received a system message that the pioneer was also killed."

Xinglong didn't hide it, but just said it straightforwardly "Congratulations, Captain Lusel. I am the only one left alive in the Red Constellation."

Although he had guessed the answer, Lusel still breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news. Then he sat down on the ground and asked with a smile: "So you told me this news to make me careless and then expose a huge flaw so that you can do your best to kill Youming after killing me?"

"That's right."

Xinglong frowned, then raised his hand and launched Lusel with his weakest, slowest, and most simple Dragon Roar since the start of this game, which could only kill ordinary high-level professionals in seconds. He said softly: "But I think I'm wasting my time."

No one answered him.

After all, there were only Lusel and Xinglong in this open space, and the former turned into white light and died on the spot the moment he was hit by the dragon-shaped energy.

At this moment, it is 18:49 PM in the game.

Lusel failed to fulfill his promise before the game that he could "at least buy 30 minutes for his teammates". He exhausted his physical energy in advance after holding Xinglong back for 23 minutes. After losing the speed advantage brought by [Domain·Prisoner Bird], he was directly killed by the opponent.


Xinglong, who completed the first kill of this game, has lost all his teammates at this moment. Under the crazy and desperate killing of [Wind-Breaking Bird], Gentleman, Hanmei, Xueran, and Pioneer were all killed. On the [Wind-Breaking Bird] side, except for Lingjie who squeezed his ability to the limit and died together with the opponent, the other three survived!


"To be honest, I think that even if the four players of [Red Constellation] are slightly inferior in hard power, it is definitely not so big that they can be beaten by the opponent with a result of one for four."

In the commentary box, the beautiful woman leaning back on the chair breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a somewhat regretful tone: "If the bloody player did not lose the will to fight at the last moment, but dragged the situation into a fight, she would never be It was so easy to kill; if the Hanmei player chooses to build a position steadily and steadily, the Alchemist player will not have the slightest advantage in terms of magic power and physical strength. "

"The pioneer player also failed to seize the opportunity. In fact, his fighting style is very restrained by the sunset player."

The good wife with the same top-notch eyes nodded slightly and said with a wry smile: "He actually completed the fire suppression with his extremely high casting speed, but he failed to turn the advantage into a victory, and finally let the opponent defend until the alchemist player arrived. "

Xue Yin also nodded and said sincerely: "But I feel that rather than feeling sorry for the three players of [Red Constellation], I admire the resilience shown by players Ling Jie, Alchemist, Netherworld, and Xizhao in this game. Even though they are separated from each other by the screen, I can still feel their will to win, ah...but that doesn’t mean I will give in! Sister Zhang Fei, don’t be too proud...Sister Zhang Fei?”


It wasn't until Xue Yin called her for the second time that Zhang Fei, who looked a little dazed, came back to her senses. She turned around in a rare panic and asked: "What?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the three of us were praising you [Powind Bird] so much that we got excited, but as a result, Sister Zhang Fei, the boss who is most supportive of her family, got distracted."

Xue Yin pursed her lips and smiled, and asked cheerfully: "You haven't won yet, are you so happy?"

"are you happy……"

Zhang Fei repeated something in a low voice, then shook her head slightly. She changed her previous strong painting style and looked softly at the Alchemist, Sunset and Netherworld who had completed the confluence on the screen: "I feel a little sad now."

Xue Yin blinked in confusion and asked curiously: "Sad? Why? Are the team members working too hard?"

"Yeah, there won't be any other reason."

Zhang Fei, on the other hand, nodded rather counter-intuitively, acknowledging Xueyin's guess simply and directly. After being silent for half a second, she quickly returned to her previous state and said with a generous smile: "To tell you the truth, I no longer care about winning or losing. I am very satisfied to be able to play to this level and be the boss of these kids.”

Xue Yin tilted her head and thought for a moment, then laughed: "Is Sister Fei so easy to be satisfied?"

"Of course, I'm always content."

Zhang Fei took Xue Yin's arm and showed a sweet and cunning smile like a girl: "But they will not be satisfied, they will never be satisfied, even if they have beaten to this level, even if they have proved themselves to everyone , they will not be satisfied until they truly have victory in their hands.”

Only then did she find the opportunity to interject, and brought the topic back to the competition. The beauty nodded vigorously and said seriously: "Yes, from God's perspective, we can see that the remaining three players of [Broken Wind Bird] have no ice at all." "Relax, at this moment, he is moving at high speed under the cover of the alchemist players, and the direction is very clear."

"Is there anything there?"

The good wife looked at the only long shot of the three [Wind-breaking Birds] on the screen with some confusion, and hesitated: "If I remember correctly, there was not any [Wind-breaking Bird] or [Red Constellation] after the game started. 】The players have been in that direction, so why...ah! There seems to be a grotto there!"

They also discovered the special terrain at the edge of the lens that was more like a 'stone crevice' than a 'grotto'. The shocked beauty whispered: "How do they know this kind of hiding place that can't be found unless you look carefully?" It’s not like you’ve been in the real [Innocence Realm], right?”

"It's impossible. It's useless to go there. I'm afraid this gap, which was formed due to landslides in the last rainy season, is very unstable and may close at any time."

The Good Wife shook her head and sighed: "It's unbelievable, the members of [Broken Wind Bird] have continued to provide us with surprises until now!"

"The alchemist has taken action. It's the barrier he's best at."

The beauty leaned forward excitedly and spoke quickly: "We can see that after the Netherworld player and the Sunset player entered the gap, the Alchemist player who stayed outside first used a few earth element magics to seal the place vividly. , and then began to generate magic carvings out of thin air. You can tell without looking at them that they are presiding over the barrier that masks the aura or disguises the ability. "

Xue Yin clenched her small fists nervously, and finally forgot her position, and said with an uneasy expression: "Although the player Awakening Dragon is not far from the position of the three players, his direction of travel... happens to be [Broken Wind Bird] 】The direction the three of you are in is dangerous! "

"Although the current Awakening Dragon players have eliminated the Xuanwu and Qinglong postures, they still retain the White Tiger, which has the most direct lethality, and the Suzaku, which has both displacement and recovery abilities."

The beauty took over and said in a somewhat anxious tone: "Those fire wings gave him the ability to fly at high speed, coupled with the wide range of breath perception unique to the monk profession system, if he continues to move in the current direction, I am afraid he will be in trouble at the most." Thirty seconds later, the alchemist players passed by nearly ten meters away from their current position..."

"The alchemist himself didn't go in."

Zhang Fei, who looked a little pale, took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said: "He must have wanted to provide cover for Xizhao and Netherworld before acting alone, but according to the current development, he is likely to hit the awakening dragon head-on."

"If that's the case..."

"Death is certain. None of the three people will survive."

In the Sailor Moon team's meeting room, Lucyie, who was wearing large-sized thick-soled sneakers, oversized ripped jeans and a tight waistcoat with a street hip-hop look, glanced up at the screen and said casually: "If the warlock is awakened by the dragon... If caught."

Mika, a die-hard fan of the Red Constellation with a nervous look on his face, suddenly raised his head and said with great joy: "Really?!"

"Really, although there is no domain, the consumption of the four core skills of Awakening Dragon is much more controllable than I thought. In this case, if the two sides encounter each other, even if it is three against one, the Breaking Wind Bird will not be able to win. "

Lucie said without raising her head while playing with the whack-a-mole handheld device in her hand: "I hope Awakening Dragon can find those three guys."


Mika was stunned for a moment, and then said with bright eyes: "Xiao Qian, are you finally wearing the red constellation like me?!"

"On the contrary, I give this team a very low rating. Except for Xinglong, the performance of others is not even as good as the captain of their club's second team."

Lucie shook her head, and while beating those poor rats until they were bruised and bruised, she said in a brisk tone: "I hope they win, just because [Red Constellation] can cause some trouble to [Haunted Church]."

Christina, who was huddled in the corner of the sofa holding a pillow, poked out half of her face and asked curiously: "You mean Chen Chen and Mo Tan?"

"It's Hei Fan."

Lucie corrected her casually like Yuchen, then casually threw aside the Whac-a-Mole handheld machine that had beaten the highest level of difficulty, and said in a lazy tone: "I don't want to play tricks with that guy in the finals, but if this The winner of this game is [Broken Wind Bird], and most likely, Chen Chen and the others will be put into the finals.”

Kasena, who had been paying attention to the game before and had not interrupted, suddenly turned her head when she heard this and wondered: "Why? [Wind-breaking Bird] and [Red Constellation] are both so strong that they explode, right?"

"The emphasis is different. The Wind-breaking Bird relies on hiding cards and taking advantage of opportunities to gamble, while the Red Constellation relies on snowballing and individual breakthroughs."

"So who is more powerful?"

"Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in front of [Haunted Church], [Windbreaker], which has no new cards, will be uncomfortable."

"Where is [Red Constellation]?"

"There is a chance, because the best tactics to deal with them have been used by [Broken Wind Bird] in this game. If we can survive, we have great hope."

"Why are you saying this as if the haunted church is the strong one?"

"This is true."


"But it's a pity...it seems that [Red Constellation] will stop here."

"The alchemist seems to have arranged a series of 'fireworks' on the road. Although Xinglong didn't fully believe it, he has already lost his position."

"so what?"

"So it's up to us to see who can play hide and seek better."

"Then why do you say [Red Constellation] is going to stop here?"

"Because at this point in the game, [Broken Wind Bird] has brought all the 'power' to its side."

"What does it have to do with hide and seek?"

“It also includes ‘luck’.”


Game time PM21:10

[Guilty Debate·Team Battle] In the third round of the semi-finals, [Broken Wind Bird] had the last laugh in the match with [Red Constellation]. Until the end of the three-hour match time, Awakening Dragon failed to successfully find the Alchemist, Netherworld or Anyone in the setting sun will eventually lead to [Broken Wind Bird] surpassing [Red Constellation] in terms of 'number of kills' and 'number of survivors' and advancing to the semi-finals. In the next round of competition, they will be paired with [Haunted Church] and [Heavy Metal]. The winners between the teams compete for a spot in the finals.

Chapter 2271: End

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