Quadruple split

Chapter 2290 Assessing the Situation

It has to be said that, regardless of character and morality, Xiaomian is definitely an excellent all-rounder. For example, although he has never been a commentator, host or politician in the past few decades, he can still be able to do whatever he wants. When inciting people's emotions, countless spectators got their blood pumping, raising the pre-game atmosphere to an unprecedented peak since the start of the game!


“It’s too exaggerated!!!”

In the preparation space, the live broadcast can also be seen. Mika Yuk, known as the most beloved son of the Sun God, the philosopher who composed the song of life, the controller of Yang Yan, and the benevolent martyr, covered his head with a collapsed face. , roared: "I'm not that awesome! These words can be used to praise Chen Chen, a real double-material god's favored person! It sounds weird when you put it on me!"

"Same...feel the same..."

Although not as shy as Yu Chen, Christina, who is equally introverted, shrank her neck and muttered in a low voice: "It's really exaggerated."

Lucie turned her head and glanced at her dragon lady, and asked curiously: "That smiling little brother introduced you very succinctly, and there was no exaggeration at all, right?"

Christina rolled her eyes at Lucie who knew what she was asking, and said angrily: "Succinctness does not mean that it is not exaggerated! His tone was simply introducing the final villain! I felt a little scared when I first heard it, Until I realized that he seemed to be talking about myself..."

Kasena chuckled and said, "Are you relieved?"

"More scared!"

Christina looked like she was about to cry, squatting on the ground and yelling: "Who likes to be attacked by a bunch of heroes united as one?"

Kasena's eyes lit up, and she banged her breastplate loudly: "Me, me, me!"


Christina sat on the ground holding her knees, with a very autistic expression.

"In short, in order for Nana to reach the level of an epic dragon that matches her advanced age as soon as possible and become a genuine wild BOSS, we cannot afford to lose anything in this game."

While doing the sixth set of gymnastics for middle school students, Lucie said casually: "Don't forget, unlike the individual competition, there is no third-place battle in the team competition. The system will directly determine the overall performance of the two semi-final losers." Score, the third runner-up with a high score will directly receive the reward, and the one with a low score will sit at the same table as the top 16. "

Mika frowned slightly and said in confusion: "So why is there no third place match? Logically speaking, in normal competitions, the third place will be sorted out before the finals. Isn't that how the individual competitions are done?"

"Probably because it's coming to an end."

Kasena said without thinking, and then turned to look at Lucie, who was recognized as the smartest one: "What do you think, Akane?"

"That's probably what happened."

As a result, Lucie nodded and directly agreed with Kasena's statement. While doing kicking exercises, she said: "There is a third-place battle in the individual competition because there is a team competition later, and these two semi-finals After the match, everyone’s attention will basically be drawn to the final between us and [Haunted Church]. If we really have to play a third place match, neither the winner nor the loser will be happy, because most people will keep hope. The mentality of "rookies pecking each other" will end early, impatiently looking forward to the finals, in this process, the two teams competing for third place will be angry. "

Although he rarely watches regular sports events, Mika, who is definitely regarded as one who values ​​the audience in the gaming industry, nodded vigorously and said sternly: "Based on my many years of experience in watching games, although what Xiaoqian said is unpleasant, it really doesn't matter. What’s wrong!”

"I always believe that the true meaning of Wu Wu Er is that in any hard-core competitive field, apart from the first, even the second's presence will be thin to nothing."

While doing radio gymnastics, Lucie said calmly: "So since everyone knows that the third place match is thankless in most cases, let's just not do it."

Christina scratched her cheek in confusion and asked: "Then what if it's like Xiaoqian and Mimi said, most competitions still have a third-place match?"

"Because of 'fairness' and 'rules'."

Lucie, who knew everything about Christina during the [Inquisition Controversy], immediately gave an explanation and said sternly: "Because aside from the fact that many people are not welcome, the solution given in [Inquisition Controversy] The method, that is, the 'system rating' is very unfair and has a lot of room for manipulation in the eyes of many people. In this way, no matter how convincing the results are, there is still a high probability of being criticized. This will have a huge impact on reputation.”

Christina was even more puzzled and asked again: "Then why are they still..."

"Needless to say, of course it's because the Innocence Company is not afraid of word-of-mouth explosions at all. Don't you think about it, this game has been offending all kinds of people since the day it was launched. If nothing else, it's just that at night The fact that I log into the game between seven o'clock and seven o'clock in the morning is already very annoying."

This time it was Mika who answered her. She saw this girl who wandered around in major forums when she had nothing to do and knew all the voices in the gaming industry. She smacked her lips and shrugged: "But they don't care at all. In fact. , as long as it is something they think is 'right', no matter how inconsistent it is, it will be resolutely implemented. In the case of quality faults, unless the innocent company really stands opposite to normal people, there will be no What a problem."

Kasena, who likes to play games but never hangs out, frowned and said frankly: "I don't understand. Didn't you just say that this company likes to offend people? Why are you siding with most people now? "

"Here... let me give you an example."

Mika scratched his head and said carefully: "Suppose there are two game companies in a competitive relationship, and Company A spends a large amount of budget on off-market offensives, crazily belittling Company B and promoting itself, which will lead to what you see Nine out of ten messages say that Company B is stupid and sing praises for Company A. Which side do you think normal people will take?”

Kasena answered without hesitation: "Company B."

Mika nodded without surprise and asked again: "Then what if you don't know that Company A spends a lot of money to engage in these grandiose things, and you have never played the games of either company?"

Kasena was stunned for a moment and hesitated for a while before saying: "...Company A?"

"That's true, but whether it's big brother when you're working for Company B or when you're working for Company A, you're not considered a 'normal person' in the two scenarios just now."

Mika laughed, wagging his finger and said: "Normal people are those players who don't make a sound before playing two games, and after playing both games, they will stand on the side of 'good quality'."

Kasena rolled her eyes and said angrily: "You didn't give me a chance to be a normal person."

"That's not the point."

Mika imitated Lucie's usual way of discussing topics and said unhurriedly: "On this issue, my personal conclusion is that if the quality of Company A's games is good, then normal people will support Company A. On the contrary, Company B is correct, and when the quality is similar, Company B is also correct.”

Kasena nodded and asked, "So?"

"So [Innocent Company] is already in an invincible position. Mimi's example just now has a logical flaw, although the conclusion is indeed not problematic."

Lucie gave her own opinion before Mika could give the answer, and smiled under the latter's resentful gaze: "On a perceptual level, you want to prove that Company A's despicable behavior is worthy of death, and it is also based on rationality. Adhering to the position of quality first, this led to a huge loophole in this example. "

Mika puffed up his cheeks and said angrily: "Then what should I say!"

"It's very simple. You only need to say that the product quality of the innocent company is extremely high, so as long as it does not engage in despicable behavior similar to Company A, it is enough to directly determine the third runner-up through system judgment without causing a reputation crisis."

Lucie briefly corrected Mika's example and said nonchalantly: "You must learn to simplify things, otherwise you will fall into a self-evidence trap."

Mika, who was a little frustrated because even the online scoldings were not as good as Lucie's, nodded and said listlessly: "Okay——"

The latter glanced at the system time after completing the last section (jumping exercise) of the sixth middle school student broadcast gymnastics, and said with some displeasure: "It's so slow."

"Speaking of which..."

Kasena cracked her knuckles while asking Lucie: "Xiao Qian, you just said that we will play against Chen Chen and the others in the finals. Are you serious?"


Lucie nodded slightly, her expression very serious——

"We will win."

"What about Chen Chen and the others?"

"Basically, [Broken Wind Bird] has been deceived."

"Really? Although you did tell us just now that Mo Tan was doing some tricks..."

"Definitely, when Hei Fan fully understood the weakness of Hiran's abilities, if he hadn't manipulated the intelligence, the game would have been over long ago."


"If you want to hear that 'Huo Yanyang was killed first because of his great strength', I can tell you responsibly that this is indeed the case."

"Who asked you this?"

At the same time, in another preparation space, Guo Shi Wushuang, who had presided over the last round of discussions, took a deep breath and said seriously: "All in all, the [Sailor Moon] team is far stronger than the expectations they have received. Although the strength of Kasena, Lucie and Mika is still within the coping range even if they have some reservations, Ms. Christina is completely a super problem for us, and based on their previous experience Performance, I have no doubt that Lucie and Mika are a master tactician with great ingenuity and calculation, whose level is not inferior to any of us.”

"In short, I just put myself in the position of the weak and imitate the [Wind-breaking Bird] in the last round, right?"

Lao Wang chuckled, nodded and said, "We know what's going on."

"Okay, then I won't talk nonsense."

Guoshi Wushuang nodded happily, and then coughed lightly at the fifth second after the scene fell into complete silence, walked slowly to the distance of the white space here, and said without looking back: "Xue Yue Come here, I have two alternatives to tell you."


Sure enough, Fenghuaxueyue, who returned to the conference room before the game and entered the preparation state with everyone, nodded slightly, and then walked with Guo Shi Wushuang to a place slightly away from the other three people, and asked: "What is the plan?"

The national scholar Wushuang touched the tip of his nose and was about to say something when Fenghuaxueyue spoke first——

"There's really no backup plan."

Feng Hua Xue Yue, who had regained her composure and was close to the taciturn girl she was when she first joined the club, looked up at Guo Shi Wu Shuang and asked, "You just wanted to confirm my condition, but you didn't want me to lose face in front of the three of them, right?"

Guo Shi Wu Shuang's face became serious, and his tone was a little cold: "I didn't say I'm not angry with you anymore."

"I just think that if you really think so, you wouldn't have deliberately lost your temper with me in public before."

Feng Hua Xue Yue's mouth corners slightly raised, and her eyes stared at Guo Shi Wu Shuang's eyes without blinking: "So, Lao Wang really didn't lie to me, you were just acting before, and you didn't really lose your temper?"


Guo Shi Wushuang's pupils shrank slightly. Although he had regained his composure in the shortest possible time, he still shook his head helplessly after a brief silence and said, "You lied to me..."


The girl's smile became more intense, and she asked, "Since you have guessed it, why don't you deny it directly? Isn't it exposed yet?"

"It's already exposed."

Knowing that his subtle surprise just now could never escape the other party's capture, Guo Shi Wushuang smiled bitterly and sighed, "So? Are you going to use verbal violence, hot violence or cold violence against me?"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong."


"You should know it better than anyone else. , whether it's deceiving you or catching your flaw at that moment, it's all because I've calmed down again."

"I see~"

"So now that I've calmed down, I'm naturally aware of how stupid I was before. If I put myself in your shoes, I'll just say it more harshly and simply, so..."


"So you really have a good temper."

"Haha, if I had a bad temper, how could I be kicked around like a ball by you all day long."

"Then you should curb your bad habits a little bit!"

"Well, it's good that you know you're wrong."

"You...Okay, okay, I get it. Anyway, I do know I'm wrong, so I don't need to Worried."

"I will stay calm, whether it is the game, the situation, myself... or you."

"To me?!"

"...Why, can't I?"

"No, I just find it hard to accept for a while, you actually..."

"You, don't get me wrong, I, I, I... I just..."

"So even if I play handheld games during meetings, read comics during review, and leave the work to Sanse and Lao Wang to bask in the sun, you can still talk to me calmly and rationally, instead of getting hurt at the slightest disagreement... Ouch!!"

"Go to hell!"


Game time PM22:49

[Card Man] belongs to Fenghuaxueyue, calm failure.

Game time PM22:50

[Guilt Debate·Team Battle] Semi-finals, officially started!

Game map - Mirror Space S4977-9313 [Ancient Battlefield: Eskeni Mass Grave]

Chapter 2281: End

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