Quadruple split

Chapter 2296 Scenic Spots


In many cases, these two words are very intimidating. After all, "I only used 50% of my strength in that move just now"← This kind of words will make people feel very fashionable.

But in fact, at least in the high-level category, the doubling of strength is not really an exaggeration.

To give a simple example, Xinglong is a representative figure among high-level strongmen, and not only among players, even if the NPCs of the Innocence Realm are counted, he is definitely an absolute strongman who ranks among the top in the current echelon, so that even among high-level professionals, there are countless people whose strength gap with Xinglong is so big that they will be killed by one punch.

In this case, most of the people who will be killed by Xinglong with one punch, even if their strength is literally doubled, such as basic attributes such as strength, physique, and dexterity are changed from 100 to 200, most of them will not escape the fate of being killed by Xinglong, and it is very likely that only one punch is needed.

There is no way. Although for ordinary people outside the game, the physical fitness gap of a full double is like a natural moat, in the [Realm of Innocence], whether it is high-level, epic or legendary, the top strong ones can easily crush the lower level.

Fortunately, because the most potential high-level undead creatures have already chosen to be buried or leave, these undead creatures that remain in the [Ice Star Tower] are destined to have no top existence. Although the years and the nurturing of the psychic tower have made them much stronger, they still cannot have a leap-forward breakthrough that can rival intelligent life, and it is difficult to take a crucial step in the "quality".

In other words, even if the four people of [Card Master] encounter a large number of undead creatures with excellent appearance, strength and quality on the third floor of the psychic tower called [Ice Star Tower], they will not be drowned by those monsters at the first sight.

But the problem is that the purpose of the four people of Card Master has never been to avoid being drowned by the enemy, but to rush to the top of the tower as soon as possible and seize control of the psychic tower with the emblems that Lao Wang has collected through his racial advantages!

This is not a very deep game, so even if the absolute core of the team, Guo Shi Wushuang, does not speak, the other three can make the best solution in the first time. Just as the consensus reached by both parties in the preparation stage, the rhythm of this game will never be slow!

And the first match point of this game is the moment when the Holy Light King was just abducted by Christina!

On the surface, it is natural that the [Sailor Moon] team has taken the absolute initiative. After all, they have abducted the opponent's healer. Not only can they steadily take a head, but more importantly, they directly end the crucial treatment position of [Pai Lao]. After all, no matter who it is at this moment, they will not think that the Holy Light King has any chance to survive.

Just as Mr. Lu Xun did not say, but he was regarded as the protagonist by Mr. Zang Kejia-some people are alive, but he is already dead.

Admittedly, the people referred to by Mr. Zang in this sentence are actually the "walking dead" in the hearts of the common people, but considering that the Holy Light King does not even have meat, it seems that this sentence is not unreasonable to describe him.

In short, at this moment, even the most brainless fans of the Holy Light Old King would not think that their idol had any chance of survival, so in this regard, the four groups of professional players, ordinary audiences, fans of players and on-site commentators actually reached a rare consensus and unanimously believed that the Holy Light Old King was dead.


Although the Holy Light Old King was in a situation where he had no chance of survival, [Pai Lao] was not without a chance. On the contrary, because of the activeness of the Holy Light Old King, they had almost completed half of the main task of this game!

Given that the seven [Ice Star Emblems] had been collected and were just below the terrace on the top floor of the Spirit Tower, as long as the four people of [Pai Lao] could rush up there, let alone Christina, even if the four people of the [Sailor Moon] team came together, they might not be able to interrupt the process of Guo Shi Wushuang and others controlling the tower. Once the [Ice Star Tower] fell into their hands, Lao Wang’s sacrifice would not only become extremely worthwhile, but even maximize the cost-effectiveness!

After all, exchanging one life for the control of the psychic tower under him, which must be related to the other party's mission, plus eliminating the buff that will lose blood every minute, as long as it is not exchanged with the life of Guo Shi Wushuang, the absolute core, it is a huge profit, and even... even if it is exchanged with Guo Shi Wushuang's life, it will not be too bad.

So whether from the perspective of [card man] or the God's perspective of the audience, their fate is still in their own hands, and Guo Shi Wushuang and others also believe that the mysterious [Sailor Moon] will never be careless and think that they have already won.

But because of this, they will definitely make killing the Holy Light King the top priority, and the fact that the latter can survive until now has proved the first of many speculations before, that is, although the thick earth dragon Christina Yuke has unparalleled defensive capabilities, it has a huge shortcoming in terms of lethality!

Then the situation is simple——

"There is only one thing that Card Master needs to do now."

In the meeting room of the Wind-Breaking Bird Club, the Taoist priest narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "That is to rush to the top floor as soon as possible before [Sailor Moon] completes the execution of the Holy Light King. We must not give the other party the opportunity to establish a position on the top of the tower."

Lusel nodded slightly and agreed: "That's true. Although those beautiful girls only dared to send Christina who was strong enough to investigate before, but after solving the old Queen of Holy Light, they may not be satisfied with using conventional methods. Attack, in this case, the airborne force is the most logical."

"Ah, I want to ask!"

Shiyin, who particularly supports the [Sailor Moon] team, raised her little hand and asked curiously: "Why do they have to airborne to force the team? I think the strength of the undead on the top of the tower is not weak. Rather, they should be among the strongest. Approved, if [Pai Lao]’s people don’t show up and just let the other party consume it at the top of the tower..."

You Ming, who did not participate in battle discussions in most cases, but could always understand the intentions of Lusail and the Alchemist immediately, shook his head and said lightly: "It's useless, after all, [Pai Lao] only has the top of the tower, the inside of the tower, and You can stay in these three places outside the tower, and in addition to the 'outside the tower' option that has been eliminated by Lucie through the detection skill, if you don't accept [Sailor Moon]'s forced group, [Taiwan] can only Stay in the tower."

"oh oh!"

Shiyin suddenly understood and whispered: "Although the enemies in the tower are not necessarily stronger than those at the top of the tower, [Sailor Moon] has Christina, the strongest tank, and Mika, the healer, and lost The [Pai Lao] of Lord Shengguang... can’t be used at all.”

The alchemist nodded with satisfaction after Shiyin reacted, and added: "In this way, if [Pai Lao] doesn't want to be consumed to death, he can only choose to go to the top of the tower or go down to the relatively safe bottom of the tower, and we They have seen what is going on in the tower through God's perspective. Even if they can overcome all difficulties and climb up, as long as the opponent takes the advantage... Just imagine, Christina, who has epic anti-strike ability, and Lucy, who is good at setting up positions. Ai, not only can he heal his teammates, but he can also use his seeds to cast natural spells and create a large number of plant companions. If they are allowed to reach the strategic point first, the [Pai Lao] who loses the treatment will be sentenced to death. "

Shiyin nodded first, and then asked: "What if [Pai Lao] rushes down to the outside of the tower?"

"First of all, it's not logical for them to rush down."

The alchemist pinched his eyebrows with a headache, and answered patiently: "Secondly, even if they really have a collective convulsion and are ready to hand over this tower that is not simple at first glance to the other party, then the people of [Sailor Moon] only need to Just chase them directly. At that time, [Player] will either go back to the tower and be killed by the undead monsters, or he can focus on playing 4V4 with the opponent outside the tower without treatment. Which one do you think will have a greater chance of winning? "


Shiyin thought about it very seriously, and then said honestly and seriously based on her quality as a professional player: "I don't think there is much chance of winning no matter what."

"I think you're right."

The alchemist shrugged and said calmly: "So as long as they are not crazy, it is absolutely impossible for them to make a stupid decision to leave the tower right now."

Realizing that she had indeed asked a stupid question, Shiyin shrank her neck and said sarcastically: "...Oh."

At this moment, along with a white light, Xizhao suddenly appeared in the conference room, and at the same time said seriously: "Good news or bad news, which one should I hear first?"

"The bad news is that Ling Jie won't be able to play in this round, right?"

Lusail waved his hand to signal Xizhao to sit down and talk, and smiled: "Just tell me the good news."

"The good news is that Ling Jie's condition is fine."

Xizhao pulled up the chair and sat down, happily saying: "The feedback from the infirmary is that after inspection, although his actions in the last round of the game directly triggered the disconnection protection, it did not worsen his condition. , even on the contrary, after venting his anger, Ling Jie's 'illness' seemed to have improved a lot. Although... when I went to visit him in person, he seemed to be indifferent to everything as usual, but I think this You still have to listen to the two ladies in the infirmary.”

Lusail finally breathed a sigh of relief and murmured like a young father whose child is sick: "That's good, that's good."


Alchemist, who was also relieved, turned to the 'substitute' in the team and said seriously: "I'm sure you will be in the next game, come on."

"I...I try my best..."

In the end, the girl who was still a little frightened nodded nervously, and then turned her attention to the big screen again, trying to offset her nervousness with chatting: "So, most of the [Sailor Moon] team will directly kill the Holy Light King." Choose to airborne to the top of the tower, and what [Pai Lao] needs to do here is..."

"Charge before the opponent gets a foothold."

You Ming made a keen judgment and said in a deep voice: "Before Lao Wang is killed, try your best to break through the tower and occupy the top of the tower so as not to artificially create a 'home field advantage' for the beautiful girl, but judging from their current progress... "

"It's too late."

In the conference room of the haunted church, Mo Tan looked at the [Player] who had brazenly broken through the third floor of the [Ice Star Tower] and had even conquered half of the fourth floor. He made a judgment with a solemn expression: "Christina is too much." Soon, and Lao Wang couldn't hold on for too long after the beautiful girls reunited. Although he must have thought so, Lucie's extremely violent magic and Mika's power of the sun were too strong to overcome him. , it’s simply too late.”

Ji Xiaoge turned to look at Mo Tan and asked curiously: "So you mean, Pai Lao and the others are going to lose?"

"That's not the case. After all, the premise of what I said just now is 'according to their current progress'."

Mo Tan stared at the four Guo Shi Wushuang on the screen, and said without looking back: "They must do something."


At the same time

[Guilt Discussion Battle·Group Battle]

Mirror Space S4977-9313, Eskeni Mass Grave, Ice Star Tower Fourth Floor


Summoning two big hands from the ground, overlapping them to catch the fourth flying back Flowing Slam, the three colors were engraved with a slightly condensed look and said seriously: "We must do something! Otherwise, if we continue to push forward like this, Lao Wang will not be able to hold on until we rush to the top of the tower."

"I can still Hold on..."

Liuju Manguan struggled to get rid of the two big hands and said seriously: "I can continue! I can directly blow out a..."

"Put all the tricks in the bottom of the box first."

Guoshi Wushuang shook his head and interrupted Liuju Manguan's lightness. He took a deep breath after holding back the words of Fenghuaxueyue, and calmly looked at the countless powerful undead guards not far away, and smiled: "Let me do it."

It happened in a flash. Obviously, Guoshi Wushuang did not make any moves, but just after he finished speaking, at least twenty skeleton berserkers with a height of more than three meters and dual-wielding long-handled halberds burst on the spot, and without any warning, they were evenly shattered into more than four-digit debris, raising bones and dust all over the sky.


Feng Huaxueyue suddenly opened her eyes, looked at the captain next to her in surprise, and said in astonishment: "You are now..."

"We have no choice."

But Guo Shi Wushuang raised his hand to interrupt Feng Huaxueyue's doubts, while canceling the [Pulling Silk Play] state, he slowly walked forward, and said without looking back: "Lao Wang should be unable to hold on. If we continue to delay here, this game will not be played."

"But you..."

"I am just one of the puzzle pieces of [Card Man], and now is the time for me to exert my strength. It's that simple."

"Well, I know."

"It's good to know, then everyone——"

"Yes, Captain!"*3

"Follow me closely."

[Inherent Barrier·Ukiyo-e: Famous Places-Three Parallel Rivers]

Chapter 2287: The End

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