Quadruple split

Chapter 2300: Interview with Saint Light Old King

Real time, 20413:30 AD

The official live broadcast room of Nitan News, the third issue of the special interview program "Love War" officially begins

The host of this program is ‘Wei Wei’, the editor-in-chief of the game section of Nitan News, which has been in the limelight during this period, and the special guest who accepted the exclusive interview is——

"Hello everyone, I am the Holy Light King of the [Pai Lao] Club."

A young man with glasses who looked quite gentle and introverted, with a round face, a flat nose, and thick lips, but with an elegant and friendly smile, first smiled and waved at the camera, and then turned to look at the young woman sitting on the sofa opposite him. He nodded and said: "Nice to meet you, Ms. Weiwei Ammonia."

Wearing a loose and comfortable sportswear and round-framed glasses, Wei Wei smiled, shrugged and said, "To be honest, even if it's so difficult to ask Brother Wang to meet you, I'm not sure whether you're serious or not. Nice to see me.”


Shengguang Laowang touched the tip of his nose with some embarrassment and said seriously: "Well... the main reason is that our unit has strict requirements, so it is not so much that 'asking me to meet' is more difficult, and it is not so much that our club has strict requirements for this time. There are more concerns about exclusive interviews.”

Weiwei Ammonia blinked curiously and asked, "What's there to worry about?"

"For example..."

King Shengguang pretended to think about it and said with a smile: "Are you going to rub salt into our wounds without any scruples? Are you trying to deepen everyone's impression of our defeat?"

Weiwei Ammonia immediately shook his head like a rattle and said seriously: "How could it be! The reason why we were interested in that game was actually because most of the audience felt that if it were played again, the result might be different. In other words In other words, even though we [players] didn’t make it to the finals, we are still very valuable!”

"I see!"

Old King Shengguang suddenly realized, and then asked: "What about the truth?"

"You can't even get a date with the Sailor Moon team members."

Weiwei Ammonia responded very cooperatively.



Afterwards, the two laughed together with the audience in front of the screen, and the live broadcast room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Then, the joke ends here."

Immediately afterwards, Dan Jian Weiwei cleared his throat and asked in a more serious tone than before: "Brother Wang, you always show yourself as a skeleton in the game. Is there something unspeakable about you?"

Old King Shengguang: "...Is the joke that was promised ended here first?"

"This is not a joke, it is a collection of questions solicited from the audience in advance."

With a serious look on her face, Weiwei Ammonia waved the small card in her hand and asked angrily: "So is there something unspeakable?"

Old King Shengguang's expression froze and he was silent for several seconds before he smiled bitterly and said, "I want to say it's because of interest. Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it."

The answer is slightly ammonia.

"Then it's because I think I'm too handsome, and if I'm active in human form for a long time, I'm likely to get into trouble and affect the quality of my work?"

"I don't really believe it either."

"Then what if I'm ashamed to see people because I'm too ugly?"

"I see!"


Shengguang Laowang, who had a fairly good personal relationship with Weiwei Ammonia, was offended on the spot, and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, the truth is, one identity is not enough in the game, and [The Realm of Innocence] cannot build two. character, so I simply used my 'living form' as a backup vest, but so far it has no use."

"I see."

Weiwei clapped her hands and asked again: "But Brother Wang, you came here to be interviewed in person. Aren't you afraid that others will see through your vest through the live broadcast?"

"It's not a big problem. After all, even if I don't come, my photo is still on the club's website."

Shengguang Laowang opened the mineral water in front of him with a nonchalant expression, took two sips and said with a smile: "Besides, my appearance in the game is not very similar to reality. Although there are many similarities, as long as I modify it a little, It’s still difficult to be recognized at a glance, after all, we are not big shots like Wushuang and Xinglong.”

Weiwei nodded with deep sympathy, then lowered his head to look at the small card in his hand: "Then the second question, if we have another fight with the four members of the [Sailor Moon] team, do you think [Taiwan] can win?" ”

Without any hesitation, Shengguang Laowang replied decisively: "We can win."

"Wow, it's so enjoyable!"

Weiwei Ammonia's eyes widened in surprise, and then she asked enthusiastically: "So which aspect is it? Let me explain in advance, you can't use God's perspective to interpret the information just because the game has been over for a month!"

Shengguang Laowang waved his hand gently and said seriously: "There is no need for that. In the final analysis, if a professional player does not even have the confidence to defeat his opponent, it is better to retire where he is."

Weiwei Ammonia scratched her hair and asked with a subtle expression: "So this is not out of an analysis of the strength and tactics of both sides, but... professional ethics?"


Old King Shengguang shook his head and said calmly: "It's professional quality."

Weiwei Ammonia: "...What if we put aside our literacy first?"

King Shengguang immediately touched the Fengji button on his collar: "Then I will be excused."

"Don't take it off!"

Weiwei Amin immediately interrupted and said seriously: "Putting aside quality and putting aside quality are two different things. Although I think there must be a lot of people who like to watch it, in order to pass the review, please be kind and speak nicely, Brother Wang-"

"Okay then."

Shengguang Lao Wang put down his hand and shrugged: "But I don't intend to explain the question just now. After all, the assumption of "if" is a false proposition. If I answer it seriously, it will be unfair to our and the other party's efforts at that time."

Weiwei Amin saw that Lao Wang's attitude was quite firm, so he didn't continue to ask, but nodded and quickly asked the next question: "Then, Brother Wang, can you give us a simple interpretation from the perspective of a person who witnessed the game? The kind that is worthy of the appearance fee."

"That's no problem. Although I was the first to be eliminated, my perspective is indeed more comprehensive than yours Some, plus the communication with everyone after the game, I should be able to get some useful information. "

After Weiwei Amin mentioned the appearance fee, he immediately straightened his attitude and said with a firm expression: "If you want to know anything, just ask!"

"First of all, it's about the background of the game."

Weiwei Amin was not polite and asked immediately: "We all know that the game map of [Guilt Debate] is excerpted from a certain period of [Innocence Realm] history, and the players of both sides are replaced into this mode. So in your opinion, which side is more advantageous to that map?"

"Very fair."

In the end, the Holy Light King gave a very moderate answer, and then added: "This is not perfunctory to you, mainly because Christina on the [Sailor Moon] side is exempted from the blood loss penalty, and they have the opportunity to get assistance from off-site forces; and on our side, in addition to In addition to the considerable gain for Wushuang, I also took advantage of the loophole in the tower, so from an objective point of view, the background of the game should be relatively fair.

Weiwei Ammonia lowered her head and wrote a few words on the tablet on her knees, and then asked: "So what do you think about being the first to be eliminated, Brother Wang?"

"My personal major mistake, the first turning point of the game."

The Holy Light Old Wang admitted his mistake without hesitation, and said very seriously: "The moment I saw Christina, I took a gamble, and the facts proved that I didn't have the strength and luck of Wushuang, and I was captured on the spot. Although leaving the key props behind was a barely compensated thing, I was indeed the worst performer in that game, no one else."

Weiwei Ammonia sighed and comforted: "I believe that you, Brother Wang, must have thought it through carefully, but Christina, as a giant dragon, is really hard to guess with common sense."

"Thank you, but mistakes are mistakes. As the only healer in the team, I gave myself too high a tolerance threshold, and the opponent did not let go of this point. After killing me, they directly chose to confront head-on, magnifying our disadvantage of losing the healer position to the limit."

Holy Light Old Wang started to review the game without waiting for Weiwei'an to ask questions, and analyzed: "Wushuang, Xueyue, Manguan and Sanse played impeccably. They almost passed the tower at the lowest cost and found a ray of hope from the desperate situation. It's a pity that the opponent did not make any mistakes, and even those of us who are very scheming and dirty-hearted brain flow players in everyone's eyes can hardly find any turning points when the opponent has no flaws. ”

Weiwei Amin frowned and said softly: "But having said that, [Card Master] did not lose a second member during the stalemate on the top of the tower. Not only that, Guo Shi Wushuang seems to have successfully obtained the high-level authority of the tower, making those undead guards your allies. To be honest, I really thought I was going to turn over at that time."

"It's not that easy to turn over. Although as you said, the four girls did not complete any kills, but when Wushuang controlled the [Ice Star Tower], the average health of the four of them was only about 30%, and the opponent, except for the Berserker Kasena, had an average remaining health of almost three times theirs."

Weiwei Amin was recording on the tablet and asked very professionally: "So Wushuang and the others retreated to the inside of the tower, right? Because they couldn't win the war of attrition, so they planned to use the power of the undead in the tower?"

"This is certainly one of the reasons. "

The Holy Light King smiled and shrugged what should be his shoulder blades in the game, and added: "But the more important reason is to avoid Christina, who is a super injury-taking position. After all, with her size in the game, she cannot pass through the trapdoor. Even if she has another way to invade the tower, the space inside will impose a considerable degree of restrictions on her. "

Vivian suddenly realized, and while writing on the tablet, she said in a shocked voice: "So that's it, so the reason why Christina stayed on the top of the tower was not to help her teammates block the pursuit of those undead sky guards?" "

"That's what I mean. After all, Christina's performance in the offensive between the two sides is obvious to all. She almost single-handedly completed the cover for Lucy and Mika, so that the latter only needs to pay attention to Kasena's blood volume. In this case, we naturally can't continue to stay on the top of the tower. "

The Holy Light King smiled and spread his hands, saying, "It's a pity that Wushuang has completely lost his combat effectiveness, and Xueyue has also consumed a lot of energy because of helping the three of them avoid fatal damage several times. Sanse's condition is okay, but he is good at siege and positional warfare, and is at a disadvantage in mobile warfare. As for Man Slam... He has to cover three people by himself, and he is exhausted. So even if the opponent loses Christina's cover, we still have a very difficult time."

"Not only that, Guoshi Wushuang also killed a large number of undead guards on the fourth to seventh floors before reaching the top, and the slightly stronger monsters among those monsters have not yet completed their resurrection. The power that [Card Man] can rely on is still relatively limited for the time being."

Weiwei, who has obviously studied the game seriously, Ammonia touched his chin and said hesitantly: "Also, several commentators and Xinglong players also said that the two players of the [Sailor Moon] team, Kasena and Lucy, had been hiding their true strength until the chase in the tower officially started, and they went all out, catching you off guard. Is that right?"

The Holy Light King thought about it, and then said very seriously: "Not entirely, in fact, the opponent had already gone all out when fighting on the top of the tower, but under the three-color totem formation, neither Kasena nor Lucy dared to give it a try. After all, the existence of Xueyue was enough to make them dare not reveal any flaws."

Weiwei Ammonia did not ask such stupid questions as "Why didn't you try to continue fighting on the top?", but only He chuckled and said, "But after entering the tower, the situation is different, right?"

"Yes, although they lost Christina, we are also in a difficult situation. The mobile battle of the three colors is relatively weak, and Xueyue has almost been drained of the last bit of physical and mental strength, while the combination of Kasena, Lucy and Mika is not only in good condition, but also has healing."

The Holy Light King said the plan he had prepared before coming here, and sighed, "We must drag it out until the undead guards in the tower can drown the three opponents, and the result... you all know it."

"When we went down to the second floor, Lucy killed herself, Kasena and Mika with some kind of self-destruction. At the same time, she also took away the players who were at the end of their strength, such as Liuju Manguan, Fenghuaxueyue, Sanse Tongke and Guoshi Wushuang. Until she was killed, the Sanse Tongke player with the most remaining health only had 12% of his health left, which was really tragic. "

"It does look tragic."

"It looks?"

"Or, although it is indeed tragic, all of this is actually in the opponent's plan."


"That Lucy, I'm afraid she thought of all the subsequent changes the moment I was caught."


"Believe it or not, even if her final self-explosion did not directly win the victory, the winner of this game would probably not be us."


Chapter 2291: The End

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