Quadruple split

Chapter 244 Exposed

"Are you crazy!"

This was the first sentence Xia Lian roared out after meeting the low-level Paladin Kulin. She glanced angrily at the two dozen Paladins and a dozen low-level professionals who were mixed with players. There were seven or eight strong men who could be identified as civilians at a glance. They pointed at the unlucky man in front of them and said loudly: "You are all tired of living, aren't you? Only with more than a hundred knights can I be sure that I can cover the dozens of people behind me. Commoners, you are quite promising. With less than fifty people in total, you dare to escort more than a hundred refugees and walk back in a big way, still walking on the main road! There are ordinary people in the escort team! How about your chivalry @ #%?! Have # ¥% gone into your head?”

Knight Kulin was trained so hard that he did not dare to show off his dignity. He kept his head hanging down like an aggrieved quail. He was also unlucky. Although he was not the leader of the team, he was the only paladin of the Dawn Sect in this team. As a saint of the Shuguang Sect, Lian was still embarrassed to scold the believers of other sects, but now she really wanted to curse, so she could only drag her own knight to vent her anger...

But she can't blame Her Majesty for being so angry. After all, the configuration of the team in front of her is too unreasonable. Not only are there too few paladins and low-level professionals who can be used as combat power, but there are even a few holding pitchforks. , hoes and big iron rods, those who didn't know better thought it was the brothers who came out to farm and brought a bunch of people as bodyguards.

In Xia Lian's concept, if a refugee team of more than a hundred people is to be escorted, then the escorts must have at least the same number of paladins, leaving aside the knights who are not popular with mutants because of their meager divine power. Let's not talk about it, low-level professionals and ordinary people are extremely attracted to those monsters, so the number of people and the risk factor are directly proportional. In this case, actions will inevitably attract a large number of mutants, even if they are all zero Scattered small groups of monsters will snowball like snowballs. If you are not careful, there is a danger of the whole army being annihilated. Even if you are lucky enough to break out of the siege...how many civilians will survive?

Xia Lian, who has been dealing with mutants for the past half month, knows this better than anyone else.

So she grabbed the honest man in front of her by his collar (Knight Kulin's race is a dwarf) and sprayed him for five minutes before she was done venting. Then she threw the dizzy old man to the ground and turned around to rush at the man next to her. The lizard knight of the Justice Sect showed a gentle and generous smile: "Now tell me what is going on~"

The latter took a small step back with a pale face, and said in a low voice: "Uh, Your Highness the Saint, what Lord Taylor means is... the area is relatively safe now, and we have dealt with a few things on the way here. Ten mutants, so..."

"Wait a minute!" Xia Lian blinked and subconsciously tugged at her ears: "You said you dealt with dozens of mutants on the way here?"

The other party nodded: "Yes."

Xia Lian was a little stunned: "Just you people?"

The Lizard Paladin shook his head: "There are still two treatment teams composed purely of low-level professionals, but they have returned early..."

"How are the casualties?"

"Anton's foot is sprained..."

"I didn't ask you that!"

"Uh, no more then."

"What do you mean the neighborhood is already relatively safe?"

"What Lord Taylor means is that we were actually three teams at the beginning, with different routes, and the civilians didn't come from the same place..."

"Then you just walked together in a daze?"

"No, it's Lord Taylor's arrangement."

"Then has the boy planned your course of action in advance?"

"No, it's Lord Taylor's temporary arrangement."

"Huh? Where is Taylor?"

"in the city."

"Wait a minute...I'm a little confused."


Xia Lian couldn't figure it out for a while, and finally looked at the lizard man paladin in front of her with a confused expression: "Let me tell you straight, are you sure you are not kidding me?"

The latter immediately shook his head: "Don't dare!"

"Okay, you're not kidding me. You... these three chaotic teams got together because of Taylor's temporary arrangement, and Taylor is in Mida City at the moment." Xia Lian Two blue veins popped up on her forehead. She glared, slammed the staff on the ground with a 'dong' sound, and asked with a smile: "So he has actually burped and is now buried in the city." Then the soul has not returned to the embrace of the goddess, but is floating around outside the city like a lonely ghost and guiding you on how to fight, right?"

The lizard man was relieved at that time. He trembled for a moment, and then suddenly turned back and pointed at a few people who were trying to reduce their presence: "It's these...these people who communicated with us on behalf of Lord Taylor. They said they have people who can communicate with us." Lord Taylor’s secret channel of communication..."

"Oh?" Xia Lian raised her eyebrows and immediately turned to look at a few people: "Let's have a chat~"

A certain half-orc shaman, Tirion Fengwu, who has hidden his power and fame: "..."

A certain human ranger Robin Weld, who has hidden his merits and fame: "..."

A certain dwarf priest Shi Lezhi who hides his fame and power: "..."

A certain female elf warrior Putao looked into the eyes of the idol: "Your Highness the Saint! Your Highness the Saint is looking at me! Ah! Your Highness the Saint!!"

Shi Lezhi glanced at Tirion with a twitching look on his face: "Your wife's brain needs to be cured."

The latter smiled bitterly: "I'm used to it. If she didn't have a brain, she wouldn't have looked down on me."

The young (in every sense of the word) girl Robin Weld looked left and right, then stepped back in small steps, preparing to find an opportunity to send a message to Sister Yuying...

Then she ran into a soft embrace.


The little girl turned around suddenly and saw the saintly lady standing behind her with a smile in her eyes: "Let's talk?"

"Uh, okay, yes, of course it's no problem." Robin nodded dryly with a smile, and a trace of relief appeared inexplicably in his heart.

[Judging from the touch just now, she should be smaller than me...hehehe...]

Game time PM17:19

Mida North Gate

Mo Tan, Yu Chen and a confused Tai Luo were waiting at the city gate.

"His Royal Highness Xia Lian is really coming back soon?" Taylor glanced at Mo Tan in confusion and asked, "But why didn't I receive the news?"

Mo Tan looked at his nose with his eyes, his mouth and his heart: "Wang Yu said it."

Yuchen was a bit confused, and he was stunned for a while before hesitatingly said: "...Uh, yes, it was the goddess who said it!"

"That's it." Taylor nodded immediately, then stood there with a serious face and said nothing.

The two players next to him secretly communicated using friend messages...

'what should I do! What to do, Mo Tan! Things are getting serious! Σ(っ°Д°;)っ’

‘Yeah, it’s a big deal…’

‘I originally wanted to explain the matter to Mr. Taylor in the past two days, but now it’s too late. I can no longer lie in the name of the goddess when the saint sister is around! OTZ! ’

'Yeah, it's too late...'

‘Ugh, will we be hung up and beaten by the saintly sister! ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3’

‘Fuck! Does she still have this hobby? ! ’

‘Well, I guess not, but I’m so helpful! I really want to hide like Yuying! But we two can’t seem to hide! ’

'Forget about that shameless female assassin, even if you are afraid of being held accountable, you won't go offline directly...'

‘I really want to go offline as is! ! ! o(TヘTo)’

'The boat will naturally be straight when it reaches the bridge, and we didn't do anything bad. I'll think of a way to make peace with the mud in a while. If everything goes well, I won't be hoisted and beaten. ’

‘Ah, the saint sister is here, ah ah ah ヽ(°Д°)o゜’

A vague figure appeared at the end of the field of vision, and a large team was slowly marching this way. However, Taylor, who had not welcomed the knights back to the city for several days, was very calm. This was not because he was against Mo Tan. The others' operations during this period were well known, but this simple paladin thought that most of the people were brought back by Xia Lian.

[Her Royal Highness the Saint is truly amazing! 】

The mid-level paladin with strong faith thought so, completely unaware that the other holy lady next to him had begun to tremble.

Within a moment, Xia Lian and several knights left the team and walked into the city gate first.

"Hey! You're all in good spirits~" The Elf Saint said hello to several people with a smile. She still looked as carefree as she did half a month ago, but both Mo Tan and Yu Chen noticed a hint of fatigue in her eyes. , the two strangers among the knights behind him also looked very haggard.

Yuchen tugged on Xia Lian's sleeves with some worry: "Sister Saint, would you like to take a rest first..."

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay." Xia Lian patted Yuchen's little head out of habit and said with a smile, "I'll take a good bath at night and feel better. Let's go together?"

The latter was confused at the time: "Huh? Once... together or something, there's no need for it!"

"Tsk, tsk, that's such a pity." Xia Lian curled her lips, and then turned to Taylor with a serious face: "You have really worked hard during this period."

Taylor immediately stood up straight and performed a common etiquette of the Dawn Sect: "It's my duty."

Yuchen, who had a relatively average psychological quality, started to break into a cold sweat at that time.

"Well, you are so humble. You are so humble." Xia Lian patted Taylor's shoulder hard and said with a smile, "All your friends told me."

Taylor was stunned: "Those friends of mine?"

Xia Lian raised her eyebrows: "The knights are also full of praise for your adaptability and command level."

Taylor was stunned again: "Response? Command?"

Xia Lian continued to praise: "Yes, I was shocked when I first heard that you even started sending civilians to follow the rescue team. Unexpectedly, not only did there not be any casualties, but the search and rescue efficiency was much faster."

Taylor immediately froze: "Ping... civilian?"

"Yes." Xia Lian nodded, then glanced at the dwarf paladin next to her: "Isn't that right, Kulin?"

"Yes, yes, Her Royal Highness the Saint is right." Kulin looked at the senior Taylor with great admiration, his tone full of admiration: "Sir Taylor's secret method is really too powerful. Last time When we encountered those dozens of monsters in Coldridge Village, we thought we were going to be martyred. Thanks to your arrangement, we successfully merged with the other two teams. Not only was no one, including civilians, in danger, but we also wiped out so many monsters. Too sudden..."

"Wait a minute!" Taylor interrupted him in a daze. The words 'confused', 'bewildered', 'confused', 'puzzled', 'shocked', etc. flashed across his golden-proportioned face. After a while, he finally asked: "When did you go to Coldridge Village?"

Ku Lin was stunned: "The day before yesterday."

Taylor thought for a while: "Shouldn't your team go to Yingniao Town the day before yesterday?"

"Uh, sir..." Kulin was even more stunned. He paused, and after repeatedly confirming that he was not drunk, he whispered: "I have been to Yingniao Town before. The surviving civilians there have long been He was rescued. At that time, you asked Fan Di and Luo Ya to lead the team to change the route on the way back to the city. Oh, by the way, there are still two people from Yingniao Town who are traveling with us today. …”

Now Taylor suddenly began to wonder if he was crazy. He turned around 180 degrees and knelt on the ground with a click. Then he muttered the name of the goddess of dawn and prayed for more than two minutes before starting again. He stood up, shook his head and said: "No, no, it's all wrong... And how can you let civilians follow suit! What should you do if you encounter danger!? Where has your chivalry gone!"

Kulin froze on the spot as if he had been struck by lightning, then tugged on his beard and whispered in an extremely aggrieved voice: "Didn't you ask Her Majesty the Saint to tell everyone to act like this..."

Taylor: "Huh?!"

Yuchen quickly hid behind Mo Tan and buried her head deeply... I mean she lowered her head deeply.

Kulin nodded like a fool: "Yes, yes."

Taylor looked pale: "Then the order for you to go to Coldridge Village the day before yesterday was..."

Kulin scratched his bald head: "It's the old prime minister... Pastor Hei Fan conveyed it on your behalf. Didn't you have something to do in the city hall that day and couldn't leave?"

Taylor: "..."

"Haha~" Xia Lian looked meaningfully at the two young people in front of her: "Is that so?"

Yu Chen: "..."

Mo Tan: "..."

"Okay, let's arrange the civilians first, and then let everyone disperse." Xia Lian waved away several paladins behind her, including the confused dwarf paladin Ku Lin, and then looked at Taylor with a smile: "So, the secret channels and on-the-spot arrangements those little guys mentioned really have nothing to do with you?"

Taro's face gradually turned from pale to livid. He glared at Mo Tan rather fiercely, and then glanced at the Saint of Forgotten Words who he had followed since leaving the Capital of Light with some complexity, and slowly nodded. Nodding: "It probably has nothing to do with me, but Your Highness Wangyu..."

"It has nothing to do with you, so keep your mouth shut~" Xia Lian glanced at him, then looked at Yu Chen and Mo Tan kindly, and showed a smile without any murderous intent...

"You two...can you explain?"

Chapter 241: End

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