Quadruple split

Chapter 252 Level 5 Arena

"I don't think Yaya is schizophrenic."

Mo Tan pondered for a moment, and then said seriously to the three of them: "Actually, it's not even a big change in temperament. Well, although it does seem like that, I mean, Ya Ya knows very well who he is and what he has done. What, she didn't show any incongruity, it was just, uh..."

He lowered his head and tried his best to exclude words related to intelligence from his words. After a while, he continued: "It just became a relatively normal state. Ah, I'm not saying that she was abnormal before, but why?" Speaking of which, you know, Yaya looks a little bit..." compared to most of us."

"Innocent?" Lujiang tilted his head.

"Cute." Ji Xiaoge nodded with certainty and said with a wry smile: "And the language function seems to have some small... obstacles."

Mo Tan glanced at the two of them gratefully, nodded and said: "Yes, the characteristics displayed by Yaya are not schizophrenia or split personality. She just has some kind of disorder in most cases, not just language function. aspects, including many others..."

"Like intelligence?" Jadeka answered subconsciously, and Ji Xiaoge glared at him angrily from the side.

Mo Tan also objected. He shook his head slightly: "It has nothing to do with intelligence. Yaya has never been stupid. Of course, she doesn't like to think much now, but I think that's just because we are by her side."

"To put it simply, it's silly Lotte." Lu Jiang fiddled with the corners of his clothes, his tone a little confused.

Ji Xiaoge flapped his wings uneasily and looked at the door of Yaya's house with worry in his eyes: "I'm still worried about whether that violent state will have any side effects."

"We have discussed it many times before, but to no avail." Jadeka tugged on the ill-fitting robe and said with a frown, "But Fimi has checked him many times. The conclusion every time is – a healthy one doesn’t look like a dog at all.”

Indeed, Femiguel has examined Yaya many times from some time ago to now, but he has not found out why the latter can learn dragon language magic, let alone why Yaya is violent. The only conclusion is that this girl Very healthy, very, very healthy. Other than that, there is nothing special about her. She is just an ordinary half-orc girl with canine blood.

"But we all know that Yaya is not ordinary at all." Ji Xiaoge was still flapping her wings, and her dazzling long black hair was gently swaying behind her: "We have to think of a way, if it is a benign abnormality It’s okay, but if there are any side effects that no one knows about…whether it’s her dog-whispering magic or her rage, we will definitely regret it.”

Mo Tan nodded and replied briefly but firmly: "I agree, I'll leave this matter to you."

"Huh?" The girl, who was more than ten centimeters above the ground, tilted in mid-air and almost fell to the ground. Her eyes widened: "Am I alone?!"

Mo Tan smiled and nodded: "Yes, yes."

Ji Xiaoge's eyes suddenly became sharp, and his little hand slowly reached into the bag on his waist: "Let me feed you!"

"Ahem, that's not what I meant." Mo Tan suddenly looked serious and explained seriously: "I don't mean to let you figure out what to do alone. Think about it, among the acquaintances we know, who is better than Femi still needs to be strong, reliable and experienced?”

Ji Xiaoge was stunned for a moment: "Is it more powerful and reliable than Femi?"

"Yes." Mo Tan nodded matter-of-factly, wagging his finger and said, "Fimi is a well-informed, powerful, and experienced dragon, but even he can't see what's wrong with Yaya. We can't count on it ourselves, so the best and fastest way is to find someone who is better than Femi to give Yaya a look."

Jadeka was confused at the time: "How can there be such a person?"

"Master Hao is definitely better than Fimi." Lujiang said thoughtfully, then shook his head and said, "But we are not familiar with him either, and Fimi rarely sees him."

At this moment, Ji Xiaoge suddenly folded his wings and landed on the ground, smiling at Mo Tan: "I know what you mean."

Mo Tan gave a thumbs up.

Lujiang/Jadeka: "What do you mean?"

"Master Lu Wei." Ji Xiaoge blinked at the two of them and said with a smile: "My mentor Lu Wei Fizilban, he meets all the conditions that Mo just mentioned."

Jadeka looked very shocked: "Master Luwei? But he is an engineer, and Femi is a dragon that has lived for thousands of years..."

"When Fimi came to Tianzhu Mountain, Master Lu Wei had been here for who knows how many years." Mo Tan shook his head and said softly: "I believe that Master Lu Wei is not a goblin in the conventional sense, and his status It is on par with the thirteen high-level observers. If there is anyone who is most likely to figure out what happened to Yaya, it is only him."

Jadka grimaced: "Well, I don't really know of any goblins who have lived for more than a thousand years. That's a good idea."

Ji Xiaoge took out his [Lu Wei's Teleport Beacon Good Apprentice Ye Ge Deluxe Limited Edition]: "Then I will go find the teacher to discuss it now."

"There's no rush." ​​Mo Tan smiled and pursed his lips at Yaya's door: "Yaya is still asleep. Even if she needs to be checked, she has to wait until she recovers."

Ji Xiaoge shrugged: "I'm just going to say hello to the teacher first. Would you like to go with me, Mo? You seem to be very popular with the teacher..."

"What's the favorability level?" Jadeka, the only NPC present, was a little confused when he heard this, and then looked at Mo Tan with a look that suddenly became horrifying.

Mo Tan suddenly felt embarrassed and immediately waved his hand and said: "It's okay, Ye Ge, you can go alone. I'll have something to do later. Hey, wait a minute..."

"Ah?" Ji Xiaoge, who was about to start reading and transmitting, hurriedly interrupted the beacon and looked back: "Is there anything else?"

"Didn't Yaya say something about weapons being kept out of hand? Please mention it to Master Lu later. I forgot to mention it just now." Mo Tan smiled apologetically, took out the two-handed heavy sword behind his back and waved: "This is already my heaviest weapon. She can use it as a one-handed weapon after using the Dog Whispering Magic. If she adds Fury... I guess there really isn't anything suitable for her here."

Ji Xiaoge nodded briskly: "I know~"

Then it disappeared in a burst of silver light.

The other three chatted in front of Yaya's room for a while, and then went to do what they were supposed to do. Jadeka planned to practice the Pyroblast Elemental Sequence another two hundred times. He felt that his instantaneous output ability was still good. Not enough (in fact, Mo Tan really wanted to suggest that he just practice uppercuts and the like); Lujiang was going to the big saltwater lake in the third outer mountain to swim with the salted fish. She hoped that she would be in an aquatic (that is, salted fish) state. The healing ability is higher, so he needs to deepen his proficiency in transformation in this area; Mo Tan returned to his room and began to summarize the gains from this battle, and then disconnected.

at the same time

Tianzhu Mountain Arena, Level 5 Arena

This is a space similar to a vegetable arena, but its area is at least ten times larger than the former. Tens of thousands of chairs are evenly distributed around the oval venue, and countless enthusiastic viewers are restlessly watching. Shouting, those warm, crazy, deafening cheers echoed in the venue like a series of thunders. People with less strength were in danger of being stunned just by walking in. Several people wearing silver cloaks Figures floated in the sky, always paying attention to the movements in the audience. They were all natives of Tianzhu Mountain and staff of the Grand Arena. Their only duty was to terminate the game before anyone died below and treat the injured as quickly as possible. For rescue, it’s not that the space replacement barrier used as a precaution has no effect, it’s just that the possibility of various strange events occurring in the fifth-level arena is too high. No one knows what trouble these monsters will cause~

Obviously, unlike the playful vegetable-level arena, this place only belongs to those who are truly strong.

"That's right! It's quite obvious that our King of Thunder can't hold on any longer!"

A loud voice that could overwhelm countless noises echoed in the venue. Its owner was a half-orc man with a cockscomb head. He wore a golden robe and had a pair of not-so-large brown wings behind his back, shouting loudly. Shouting through the air: "Gobaku is further compressing his range of activities. I think this is just the beginning... Oh! Here it comes! Explosion! Explosions all over the sky! I swear the tips of my wings have been scorched. , the figure of the King of Thunder has been completely submerged by the explosion. Dear viewers, do you know~ The concentration of fire elements surrounding the King of Thunder at this moment has exceeded the quasi-forbidden curse [Burning Sky], every time The instantaneous impact caused by this explosion is seven times that of the high-level magic [Exploding Meteor]! Seven times, friends! Well, let's take a look at the King of Thunder. I guess his life is not in danger, oh... really Pity……"

He appeared in the center of the field as if teleporting. He raised his hand and waved away the agitated dust and the fire element that was so rich that it was almost visible to the naked eye. He picked up a dwarf who was armed to the teeth and shook it vigorously: "Thunder King? King of Thunder?"

"Shut up, he's not dead, he was just knocked unconscious."

A young man with a beige hedgehog head said coldly next to him. He was a thin-looking human man. He wore a sleeveless black leather armor on his upper body, with two sleeves on the forearms of his arms. A huge red shield with billowing smoke, wildly rotating, and sparks flying. It doesn't look like it is used for defense. The bottom is a pair of baggy-looking leather pants and red long tubes. The boots have two metal plates embedded with red crystals at the knees, which are also sparking and emitting billowing smoke.

"I think you're right, Hao Bang!" The half-orc who seemed to be the host or commentator grinned, threw the dwarf known as the 'Thunder King' to the ground, and chuckled: "That's right, I Of course it can be seen that the King of Thunder is not dead~"

'Haobao' clenched his fist, and a chilling flame burst out from his palm. He looked at the orc in front of him coldly: "Then announce the result quickly!"

The latter shrank his neck, grinned coquettishly, and then stretched out his index finger to lightly tap his neck. The next second, his passionate voice resounded throughout the entire fifth-level arena again~

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, as well as monsters who have unclear or genderless genders, I declare that the winner of this battle is - the powerful monk, blacksmith, and high-level mage 'Gobaku' Gran Deziron!! So far, Mr. 'Baku''s record is four hundred and twenty wins! Eleven draws! Zero losses! Yes, extremely powerful, extremely shocking, and never defeated! I am very happy to explain this to everyone. For a game, I am your loyal Neushuashaw!"

The cheers almost overturned the dome of the arena. Terrifying sounds came from all directions. Every arrogant supporter roared heartily. Their idol was so powerful, so brave, so...

boom! ! ! ! !

A sudden explosion appeared above the field, interrupting the cheers and making hundreds of people temporarily deaf. Everyone looked intently and saw the young man named Grande raising his right hand high. , there is still a ray of fire that has not dissipated in the palm of his hand. It is obvious that the deafening explosion just now was caused by him.

"It's so noisy." He said coldly, and made a small roar to spread his voice to every corner, and then turned to the host Noi who had been shocked to the ground. Si said in a deep voice: "Two hundred consecutive wins, am I qualified now?"

Neushua Shao trembled: "Enough...what qualifications are you enough for?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid with me, you noisy chicken!" Grande clenched his fists angrily and shouted loudly: "The qualification to challenge the strongest person in the arena! And after that, what will be engraved in the arena hall Qualification! I saw those guys, everyone has a loss, right? Except for that Shimaw, hurry up, let your strongest one come out, I want to fight him!"

The panic on Noyce's face suddenly disappeared. He stood up slowly and opened his mouth as if he was a mentally retarded person: "You mean... you want to fight the top champion?"

"Of course, I'm here to fight with the strong!" Grande showed a fanatical smile, and the 'shield' on his arm rotated faster and faster, and then he glanced disdainfully at Lei Ting, who was unconscious on the ground. King: "Of course, not this kind of trash fish..."

The surrounding temperature gradually increased. Noyce wiped his sweat with his sleeves and took two steps back: "I'm afraid you need to wait a moment. The highest challenge requires a reservation. I will go back and ask who is the winner recently. Time comparison..."

"Which champion?" Grande's eyes flashed with hot sparks, and he grabbed the opponent's collar: "You have many champions?!"

Noyce nodded calmly: "Uh, yes, but they don't have time all the time, so you may have to wait. I didn't know you before... huh?"

He suddenly slapped Grande's arm away (the latter looked very surprised), covered his ears with his right hand, and whispered softly: "Huh? Can you do it now? Aren't you being... Oh, okay right now? Bar."

"What's wrong?" Grande said impatiently: "Who are you talking to?"

Noyce smiled: "Nothing, Mr. Gobaku, I want to tell you some good news..."

"What good news?"

"A champion just happens to have time, so he accepts your challenge. Then, from now on, you have thirty minutes to three hours of rest. If you are ready, you can call me at any time and start fighting~"

Chapter 249: End

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