Quadruple split

Chapter 289 Two ghosts knock on the door

The world instantly became pitch black, and an indescribable cold air gently brushed past Mo Tan's ears. After a few seconds, the surrounding environment gradually became clearer, but it was not the half-smashed building before. Instead of a hut with a door, it was a black wilderness filled with thick fog and extremely low visibility...

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows in surprise, then looked down at the black soil, black weeds, black phosphorus fire and black bones at his feet that looked like they were soaked in ink, and smiled happily: "The rice grown here It’s probably ripe every season~”

Yes, this is the conclusion he came to from the very cold environment around him and the black soil under his feet - rice grown here is expected to be ripe all year round.

A moment later, a winding 'road' appeared at the feet of Mo Tan. The originally ubiquitous thick fog seemed to have difficulty affecting this path paved with black stone slabs, and was slowly pressed onto the road by some invisible force. On both sides of the road, Mo Tan, who has good eyesight, can clearly see a door opening outwards at the end of the 'road' under his feet...

"Oh~ It seems that this is the so-called turning back. It is only half a step in, but when you turn back, you have to take many more detours. Does it have to be so realistic~"

Mo Tan stood on the spot and expressed his thoughts cheerfully. He had understood the principle of this space almost as soon as the path appeared under his feet. As long as he ignored the eerie and terrifying atmosphere around him, and combined with the status bar The difficulty of associating the unclear [Gate of Hell] state with the vague scene from the door in the distance and coming up with a standard answer was ridiculously low for him.


"Is it really that simple for the skill that he worked so hard to trick me into?"

Mo Tan looked at the 'return road' in front of him, which was about one and a half meters wide, and the total length from his current position to the ghost door was no more than five hundred meters, and he laughed with interest: "Even if this is No matter how twists and turns the road is, it wouldn't take a normal person five minutes to get back to 'there' from this location, right? Or are there any traps on the road? In that case, the fashion value will be reset to zero... "

Of course, complaints are complaints. After some BBQ, Mo Tan decisively embarked on the 'turn back' in front of him and walked towards the ghost door at the end very cooperatively. In the process, he was very careful not to Encountering the thick fog on both sides that made it impossible to see the nails, although he didn't know what the price would be if he deviated from the route, he felt that with his current blood volume and condition, it was best not to try to make too many mistakes.

Just as Yi Dong had guessed before, Mo Tan's condition at the moment was indeed not very good, even though he had been in a dominant position throughout the previous battles and had achieved the greatest results at the smallest cost every time. But after all, his foundation is much different than that of his opponent, so although he is 'making money' every time, his blood volume is still at a level where he absolutely cannot squander it blindly, otherwise he is very likely to die.

Of course, we can't expect him to settle down, so...

"It's so boring. Let's sing a song to cheer up~"

Mo Tan glared at him and complained indignantly. It had been less than ten seconds since this guy set foot on this road, but he had already begun to feel bored, so he coughed lightly and then hummed like a child. I sang loudly with the innocent joy of singing children's songs:

[The shadow of the dead branches shines on her face, as youthful as a girl~]

[Her resentful voice sings with the souls of the dead, my beloved~ Do you still remember my appearance~]

[But I don’t know that I opened the thirteenth pair of eyes in your dream~]

[Your dream is silent, I planted lotus seeds in your dream~]

[The red blood dyes the wall red~]

[Nima’s head, roll under the bed~]

【Then daddy recommended ax~】

【Bared my skin to make baby~】


[Is it so insignificant, sleeping in the deepest part of my soul? 】

[I present this lullaby to let you close your eyes and say goodbye forever~]

【You are the person I have been ignoring~】

【Good bye~ Good bye~ Good bye~】

【Survive~or die? 】

【Why are you asking me? 】

【Suicide is painless~】

【No~no~ no! ! 】

[There are no living souls there, there is nothing more to say~]

【Your sky is falling, your dreams will sink~】

【You will kill all signs, you will feed my religion, you will wash away your desires~】

【Oh~~~~~YEEEE! ! ! 】

That's right, he cheerfully sang a song that he modified on the spot in the tone of a kindergarten kid singing "Salute and shake hands, you are my good friend" and it was particularly suitable for the current environment. , a medley of well-known forbidden songs with almost no sense of dissonance. Of course, the forbidden songs are mostly made up by everyone to scare themselves, but when these things are sung from Mo Tan’s mouth, they really make people feel It feels like a magical sound filling the brain. It’s not that this guy’s singing is terrible, it’s mainly that the dissonance between the lyrics and the music is so special!

By the way, the line in the above lyrics [Oh my head, roll under the bed~] was sung by him in the exact same tune as "Little Rabbit, open the door"...

I don't know if it was because of this kid's children's song-like medley of forbidden songs that the ghostland couldn't bear it. The moment he finished singing the last high note, the space suddenly fell into an extremely strange silence.

To what extent was the silence? To put it simply, Mo Tan suddenly couldn't hear his own singing, footsteps, breathing and clapping. Yes, he was clapping while singing.

Mo Tan stopped immediately, then cursed seven or eight curse words on the spot, and judged from the trembling of his vocal cords that he had indeed made a sound, but he could not hear it.

[I’ve lost my hearing. I don’t know if it’s related to the song I just played or if it’s the inherent rules of this space. Now I should be exactly about one-fifth of the way along this path. If that’s the case, will that happen? meeting……】

He suddenly laughed happily, and then ran quickly along the path in absolute silence, at least twice as fast as before!

[If that's the case, five...four...three...two...one...huh? 】

Mo Tan stopped again, then blinked curiously, slapped himself, smelled his sweet, poison-soaked dagger, and finally took out a bottle of Dui from his bag. He drank the mana potion with wine and drank it down.

It needs to be explained here that because Mo Tan does not have the value of 'mana', drinking the blue bottle does not violate the rules previously set with Idong.


"I see, it's the taste this time."

He thought happily, and then chuckled: "So it is either uncontrollable or irregular, otherwise the vision should be deprived from the beginning, but fortunately it is like this..."

Mo Tan squinted his eyes and looked carefully at the increasingly winding and narrower black stone road in front of him, and soon started running again, faster than before!

Then, when he reached three-fifths of the way along the road... his vision suddenly went dark.

two minutes later

"According to this skill description, we should have to wait a while..."

While poking Mo Tan's forehead with his staff, Yi Dong muttered: "If nothing happens, he should have died on the spot as soon as he returned to normal. Well, it's worth all my efforts to find him." Led here..."

He and 'Mo Tan' were both in the ordinary-looking house before, which was actually ordinary. The wooden door not far away that was broken into several pieces was smashed out by Idong. .

However, unlike Zombie, who is no different from his usual classmates, Mo Tan is clearly not normal at this moment. His entire body is wrapped in a looming black mist, and his eyes are full of smiles most of the time. There was no energy at all. The two daggers that had dug Idong into the house not long ago were pointed forward, but they had no intention of stabbing the Zombie opposite who was constantly provoking. The whole person seemed to be in a state of petrification. Stand where you are.

Two small black tablets trembled slightly under his feet. If you look closely, you will find a twisted ghost shadow attached to them...

Bang bang!

At this moment, the two tablets bounced up at the same time, and then flew across the coffin board of Mr. Newton Niu and landed on Idong's free hand!

at the same time……

"Hi~ man."

Mo Tan, whose eyes had regained clarity, greeted Yi Dong briskly, then moved his neck and shoulders, and said with a smile: "It's a pretty good surprise, but judging from your current face, you don't seem to be too happy with the result. satisfy?"

"Quite dissatisfied." Yi Dong sighed. He noticed that when Mo Tan stretched his body just now, he had quietly adjusted his position to completely block the exit of the room, so he complained in an unusually bachelor manner: "It stands to reason that you should It’s better to stay in there several times longer, and then belch the moment you leave the ghost gate.”

Mo Tan took out his ears and didn't rush to do anything. He just continued to argue with Yi Dong: "This is very embarrassing. In fact, I also wanted to play in there for a while, but I accidentally came out. Why did you Do you think I will stay in there for a long time? Have you been in there too?"

"No." Yidong curled his lips and spread his hands and said: "This is my first time using this skill. I don't think you will come out so quickly. I just made a guess based on the skill description. The meaning above seems to be that you will be pushed back after being hit. It’s hard to get out.”

Mo Tan yawned, then leaned up slightly and picked up the two daggers held in his palms. He grinned and said, "It's okay. It means you're right. I was wrong."

"Are you wrong?" Yidong took a small step back warily and asked with empty eyes, "Where did you go wrong?"

"I'm so good."

"Can I throw up?"

"Don't rush to vomit~"

Mo Tan interrupted Yi Dong's complaints with a smile, and said softly: "If that move just now was your last trump card, then I have to put an end to this PK. After all, as far as I know, you have nothing left to do. The skill that made a strong comeback before being stabbed to death by me~"

"That move just now was indeed my last trump card." Yidong shook his head regretfully, and then suddenly laughed: "But is it really okay for you to falsify like this?"


Three cold lights intertwined in the air, and Mo Tan appeared in front of Yi Dong through [Swift Sting] in an instant, leaving a big 'X'-shaped wound on the latter's chest, laughing and saying: "It doesn't matter! If If you really have a backup plan, then I won’t have any room to make a comeback. If you can kill me, just hold on tight~!!”

The dagger in his right hand cut into Ito's left rib at an incredible angle, and Mo Tan followed this [Backhand Spin] with another one-handed move [Sinister Iai], directly swiping the opponent's ribs. The health value was reduced to 30%, and then...

[Kidney shot], [Ankle-shattering], [Throat-cutting]!

Before Idong could even react, he fell to the ground uncontrollably, and then his neck was stuck by two overlapping daggers.

And then……

Dong Dong~

Two black beads fell to the ground from Yi Dong's hand that was holding the two tablets tightly.


Mo Tan, who was squatting on the former's chest, blinked, then grinned: "Aha~ you win again~"

Half a second later, two poisonous ghost beasts emerged from the ghost thunder beads and exploded, directly clearing Mo Tan's remaining health points to zero.

"damn it……"

Yidong, whose health, magic power and physical energy were all less than 10%, lay helplessly on the ground. He stared at the two tablets in his hands and muttered with lingering fear: "If that guy comes out a little later... how could I possibly It’s really over.”

[Secret Technique of Spiritual Mediums - Two Ghosts Knocking on the Door]

Active skills: can grow

Mastery requirements:? ? ?

Consumption/limitation: There is [tablet]*2 in the bag or equipment slot, 20% of the upper limit of magic value (automatically restored after 24 hours)

Effect: Offer two [tablets] and attract ghosts for two seconds. The ghost gate will be opened within a radius of 0.5 meters centered on the two [tablets]. The first unit that steps into this range will be captured by the ghost gate. Their consciousness will be transported into the [Pseudo Ghost Realm] after a short delay, and they will obtain the negative effect [Ghost Gate] before leaving the ghost realm.

After the unit carrying [Ghost Gate] is trapped in the ghost realm for more than 3 minutes, it will obtain a layer of [Death] effect. After that, it will gain an additional layer of [Death] effect every 30 seconds. If the unit carrying [Ghost Gate] is trapped in the ghost realm, If you encounter [Fog of Yin Karma] in the environment, you will immediately gain a layer of [Death] effect. After that, every time you stay in the fog for 10 seconds, you will gain an additional layer of [Death] effect.

When the target leaves the [Ghost Gate] state, each layer of [Death] effect will cause it damage equal to 2% of the unit's maximum health.

When the [Death] effect on the target reaches 50 layers, it will be immediately judged as dead regardless of whether it is in the [Ghost Gate] state or not, and cannot be exempted in any way.

Any treatment method has an 80% probability of forcibly lifting the [Ghost Gate] state.

If the number of [Death] layers that the target erupts when leaving [Ghost Gate] exceeds 30, the caster will gain all attributes increased by '1%*[Death] layers in the next '2*[Death] layers' seconds. Count' of gain effects.

If the target has 0 layers of [Death] when leaving [Gate of Hell], the caster can choose to have any of his psychic secrets that does not require [Tablet] immediately end the cooldown, and reduce its effect by 30 the next time it is used. %, cooling time increased by 100%

Cooling time: 300 minutes, medium [tablet] cooling time 600 minutes.

[Remarks: None]

Chapter 286: End

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