Quadruple split

Chapter 292 I have a story

"Okay, just don't play it off."

Yi Dong shrugged helplessly, expressing that he was not interested in the fairy fight between Mo Tan and Sun, and then returned to the previous question that made him most curious: "Hurry up and explain how you walked that five-meter straight line just now. Come out, and how exactly did you come out of the hell gate without losing your four senses."

"Actually, this should be considered a problem."

Mo Tan smiled and did not continue to pretend. He raised his hand and pointed at his head: "To put it simply, it's because I have a good memory."

Yidong snorted, shook his head and said: "I know you can definitely memorize all the details of that road. To be honest, I can memorize a rough idea if I push myself too hard, but this has nothing to do with how you can memorize it. It’s two different things to go out without touch and sight!”

"You misunderstood." Mo Tan waved his hand and chuckled: "When I say good memory, I don't mean that I can only write down that path. For example, I was just like you a long time ago. , if you walk with your eyes closed, you will most likely go astray, and the moving distance cannot be grasped at all. If you don’t have the mood and time to practice hard, you can walk out of a standard straight line with your eyes closed like before, and the distance is still not much. A lot of five meters, this kind of thing is quite difficult even for me..."

Yidong rolled his eyes and continued: "So you later overcame the difficulties through hard practice and adjusting your mood?"

"Oh, not really."

Mo Tan decisively denied the speculation that he had lost Yi Dong, then slowly closed his eyes, walked around the latter to a chair in the corner of the preparation room, sat down, and said leisurely: "I just found a simple way. It’s just a useful shortcut~”

"How to say?"

Yidong asked half puzzled and half horrified: "I can see it's working. The steps you took just now were completely the same as when you opened your eyes. How can it be so simple?"

"Repeat." Mo Tan gave a particularly unclear answer, and then explained succinctly: "As a rich second generation from a rich family, you should have played basketball, right?"

Yidong's head was filled with black threads: "Is there any necessary connection between the two!?"

"Just tell me whether you have been beaten or not."

"Of course I did. Could you please stop asking questions knowingly..."

"Very good." Mo Tan nodded, and then continued to ask: "So have you ever made a three-pointer?"

Yidong curled his lips: "Nonsense, who hasn't scored a few three-pointers in his life~"

Mo Tan let out a long "Oh~" and smiled: "It turns out there are only a few. Well, they are worthy of your sports cells..."

"That's enough!" Yi Dong angrily interrupted Mo Tan's rant, gritted his teeth and said, "What on earth do you want to say?"

Mo Tan spread his hands: "I just want to ask you, can you score every time you shoot a three-pointer?"

"Looking for trouble, right? Why don't you let me use one of my hands to compete with you one day?"

"Of course you can't, everyone can't." Mo Tan completely ignored Yi Dong's shameless words just now, which had its own charm, and just said to himself: "But those who play professionally can try their best to make themselves It hit, do you know why?"

Yidong blinked: "Because he is professional?"

"This is the reason why it's hard for you to improve yourself by even half a point no matter how hard you attack before the exam." Mo Tan sighed, and explained in a serious tone like he was trying to trick a child into getting lucky money: "Because they are always practicing, whether it's touching The number of balls and pitches are far more than normal people, so over time, the brain and muscles..."

Yidong suddenly raised his hand and interrupted: "Wait a moment, did you include something strange in your explanation just now?"

"Maybe." Mo Tan just shook his head lightly, and then continued: "The brain and muscles are memorizing and getting used to those 'right' behaviors, successful passes, successful pitches, successful dives, successful To help defend, people will always subconsciously do the 'right', 'good', and 'correct' things in their memory, so if you throw based on feeling, subconsciously, or blindly, others will be more accurate than you, even if they throw you The same goes for improving his physical fitness to the level of a professional star."

Yi Dong curled his lips: "You just stated the common sense that everyone knows in more detail. The space is limited, so please get to the point as soon as possible."

"Did you have something strange mixed into that sentence just now?"

"Uh... I don't know, you're pretty stupid anyway."

"Okay, in short, this kind of 'memory' is a very useful thing, but there will be many unpredictable situations on the court, so even the most skilled pitcher has a high probability of missing, but..."

Mo Tan lightly snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "If you just remember your own behavior, and the person who did it happens to be as good as me, then things will be easier to handle."

Yi Dong was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"It's not difficult to walk in a straight line with your eyes open, and it's not difficult to walk five meters accurately with your eyes open." Mo Tan stood up and walked to Yi Dong, shrugged and said, "And I just need to remember this process and do it when I'm walking." Just restore it accurately with your eyes closed, and you’ll be fine.”

"Hey, hey, hey!" Yi Dong's eyes widened in disbelief, and he pointed at the tip of Mo Tan's nose and asked, "Don't tell me..."

“So I tried hard to remember the feeling of walking in a straight line, the feeling of walking one meter forward, the feeling of turning left from 5 to 90 degrees, the feeling of turning right from 5 to 90 degrees, and the feeling of turning 180 degrees. , the feeling of standing on the spot and jumping one and a half meters forward, etc.~" Mo Tan patted away Yi Dong's trembling hands and said leisurely: "Then just repeat these actions when needed, and that's it. Just like in your ghost gate before, even if I can't see or feel anything, I can at least mechanically repeat 'go forward one meter', 'turn left fifteen degrees', 'turn five degrees right' Ten degrees' actions, so it doesn't matter if I lose all five senses, as long as I remember the steps of 'turn left 45 degrees after 30 meters ahead', how about it, it's very simple, right?"

Yidong collapsed on the chair and twitched the corner of his mouth half-deadly: "Ha...haha...yeah, it's really simple."

"That's it~"

"So what is your purpose in coming to Earth..."

"Okay, okay, stop complaining." Mo Tan dismissed the topic lightly, then smiled and said seriously: "Are you sure you can get there before the investigation team arrives at Mercury City?"

Yidong thought for a moment, then nodded: "It's not a big problem. Although those people travel faster than me, they can't travel day and night like us players. I bought it as soon as I separated from you during the day. Although it is not as powerful as the royal mounts provided by the royal family to the investigation team, it still has four legs. It is still night in the game. I can surpass them soon after going online, and then I will be beaten again around noon tomorrow. Go ahead and overtake again in the middle of the night and come back. Calculating like this, I will probably be in place around the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, at least half a day ahead of them."

"That's good." Mo Tan nodded slightly and reminded: "You must not be discovered accidentally. When the investigation team set off, I took a look from a distance. The person leading the team seemed to be from the Violet Empire. Crown Prince Rebebraithen, it’s not surprising that no matter how powerful the bull is, you’re a sneaky undead creature and you might end up dead if you accidentally get in someone’s way.”

Yidong was immediately offended: "I still have to thank you for reminding me?"

"You're welcome, one of our own."

Mo Tan stretched, then raised his head and walked to the [Public Space Teleportation Point] outside the preparation room, and said without looking back: "Then I will withdraw first, and you can go on your way in peace of mind these two days, what's the matter? I will contact you if something happens."

"Hey, wait a minute~!"

Yidong yelled first, then looked at the time in the game and suggested, "How about we stop here today and I'll drive you to have a barbecue. Anyway, it won't take more than a few hours."

"No, you'd better rush to Mercury City as soon as possible, otherwise things will change." Mo Tan refused without hesitation this suggestion that would help him improve his food, and directly opened the door of the preparation room and came to a In front of a distorted white light, he turned around and waved to Yi Dong: "I still have some unfinished business, see you later."

Then he teleported directly back to the public space, and immediately disconnected here to log in to the [World of Innocence].

"Hey, I'm so exhausted~"

Yidong stood up with a frown on his face, and while complaining about why he didn't team up with the 'lawful good' Mo Tan, he walked out of the room and logged into the game again.

Game time AM06:11

Violet Empire, Royal Capital Salamun

As the central hub of the Violet Empire, the alternation of day and night cannot make Salamoon feel tired at all. This vibrant city never rests. Even the old city, where most of the poor people in the city are concentrated, has never been tired. Quiet, although there is no hustle and bustle in the trade area or the singing and dancing in the aristocratic area, this area filled with various religions and nine streams is not overly noisy, and even from a certain perspective, it is more lively than other places in the city.

People who work at sunrise and rest at sundown have already rested. Although most people don’t have soundproof barriers in their homes, the people living in this place obviously don’t mind such a small problem as noise pollution, so they can sleep well. Pretty solid~

Those who are awake occupy the streets, alleys, taverns and other places and go about their daily lives, including groups of adventurers looking for partners, thieves gathering together and whispering, foreign businessmen inquiring about gossip, and bards singing loudly. , a small mercenary group who lifted the table and rolled up their sleeves due to reservation issues, long-term couples or temporary couples who sneaked out to seek excitement, almost everyone is there~

As a gray area that even patrolling soldiers will not pass through after dark, this place is much freer than other places in the royal capital. Of course, this is not the freedom of a 'completely illegal area', but the rules here after dark are much better than those in other areas. It's a lot less, and at least you don't have to worry about accidentally stepping on the toes of a big shot in a business group or accidentally breaking into a very embarrassing open-air drinking party.

[Female Bee] is a pub opened on the edge of the old city. Although the daily customer flow is not small, it is not very famous. Except for the good-looking owner, it is not as good as other pubs here. What's special about it? Because it's right next to the Brave Trail outside the Royal District, the people who usually come here to kill time are the kind who are relatively low-key and don't like to cause trouble...

So it's a bit strange that Mo Tan would wander here. After all, even if he takes more than eight million steps back at this moment, it has nothing to do with the words "doesn't like to cause trouble".

"Thank you~"

He smiled at the dwarf waiter who leaned slightly in front of him and flicked a silver coin into the latter's pocket: "There should be room in it, right?"

"I think so, Mr. Poet~"

The dwarf girl with pink curly hair smiled sweetly, raised her neck and winked at Mo Tan, and then led him in. After looking around for a while, she pointed to the window seat not far away. Desk: "Is it okay there? Sir."

"There seems to be someone there already~"

Mo Tan frowned slightly and whispered: "If he has an appointment in advance or doesn't like to share the table with others, well, to tell you the truth, I am very thin-skinned."

"I'm sorry, but we always have a lot of guests here at this time of day." The dwarf girl stuck out her tongue playfully, then stretched out her little hand and patted Mo Tan's arm gently: "But don't worry, the one by the window My husband is a frequent visitor to our [Female Bee]. He comes to drink alone every time, and he has a very good personality. I think you can just treat him to a glass of sweet honey water and you can sit there and watch the sunrise with peace of mind. That’s good. What?"

Facing this girl who was trying her best to tip her, Mo Tan pursed her lips in confusion, but in the end she smiled under the other person's hopeful gaze, nodded shyly and said, "I'll bother you then. How much does that water cost?”

"One silver coin for a cup of sweet honey water~" The other party chuckled, took the two silver coins handed by Mo Tan, and took him to the square table by the window, facing the young man who had always turned his back to the door. Blinking his eyes: "Mr. Renn, I found a companion for you~"

The young elf known as 'Ren' has long pale golden hair, wearing a dusty cloak that may have been white a few months ago. His face is delicate and soft. He was staring at the window in a daze and immediately heard the words. He turned back and smiled at the waiter: "Thank you, Xiao Na, when did you realize that I was a little boring?"

The dwarf girl Xiao Na just grinned and ran towards the counter.

"She may have gone to get the cup of sweet honey water I invited you to drink." Mo Tan sat on the other side of the table and extended his right hand to the young elf who smiled kindly at him: "My name is Tan Mo, and I am a Bard~"

Renn was stunned for a moment, then awkwardly stretched out his hand to shake Mo Tan's hand, and smiled: "My name is Renn, and I am a person who loves to listen to stories~"

"So do you have any wine?"


Chapter 289: End

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