Quadruple split

Chapter 294 Taking shape

Game time AM11:15

Central area of ​​Misha County, Gudami Plains

The joint force, that is, a team composed of knights from the United Holy Church and local low-level professionals and civilians from Misha County who voluntarily participated, has been stationed here for two full days. Through the negotiation of the two saints, the distance from here Recently, Xinya City and Glen City have expressed their support for this team with practical actions. In addition to the most scarce food at this stage, the two city lords and their internal affairs team transported several trucks of stone, There are several trucks of wood, several trucks of tents, one and a half trucks of basic equipment (simple weapons and armor), as well as several trucks of local civilians, clergy and low-level professionals who volunteered to participate in the joint force.

The achievement of such a result is certainly due to Xia Lian, who has been working hard here some time ago, and also because the locals are unwilling to move the city north before their hope is completely lost, but these are not the most important things.

Perhaps Xia Lian can persuade or persuade (physically) the city lords and officials of the two cities through her character, identity, status and influence, but those who are struggling in dire straits every day have no time to care about glory, faith and all kinds of great things. The common people of reason are also willing to go out of the city walls, holding weapons, hoes or kitchen utensils to fight for hope and survival, is the new saint of the Dawn Sect - Chen Wangyu.

Relying on the mutated version of the 'Light Condensing Technique' that is occasionally triggered by [Unstable Divine Familiar], the spirit of not being afraid of hard work, and the 'player benefit' of not needing to sleep even if the game time is late, Yu Chen was able to cure the disease in two days. Well, the vast majority of the plague-infected people who are entrenched outside the two cities of Xinya and Gulan, although there are not many people who can survive in such harsh circumstances, the light condensation technique that triggered the dark interference also has It has the characteristics of high efficiency, large range, and low consumption, but even so, this is definitely not an easy process...

Even if Yuchen can treat more than a dozen or even dozens of people in one breath, the population base of those two cities is really not low. Even if three out of ten infected people will mutate and two will die, the remaining survivors will definitely It's not a small number. The so-called 'not too much' is just an abstract description compared with the overall number of people, and abstract things are often very misleading.

Therefore, Yuchen had almost no rest in the past two days except when she was on the road. She did not waste even a second of the total 48 hours of game time, and this move naturally became a "holy" in the eyes of the NPCs. Her Highness did not eat, drink or sleep in order to save lives and heal the wounded, so it was natural that no one from the city lord to the common people did not admire the Saint of Forgotten Words and worship her for her blessings. In addition to the number of people who volunteered to join the joint force, In addition to the surge, the number of local Dawn Sect believers in both cities increased by 30 to 40% in just two days. As a result, Yuchen inexplicably completed a hidden mission called [Powerful MLM: Dawn Sect], and successfully Reached level 20.

However, in addition to the advantages of talent, skills and player status, Yuchen himself also put in a lot of effort and hard work in this process. You must know that in the world of innocence, a large amount of magic power and physical energy will also cause a burden to the players. Compared with the relatively intuitive pain when the health value is low, the physical value frequently drops below 50%, which will make the player feel tired, weak, and powerless. When the magic value falls below 30%, a slight headache will appear, as if staying up all night. , and these negative effects are completely irreversible. Although they are not as severe as muscle soreness, staying up all night for three days and three nights, etc., it is not a problem to have it occasionally, but few people can do it if they have a choice. suffer these negative effects for a long time.

But Yuchen endured it naturally. Although she had been looking pale and sluggish since she ran out of energy for the first time, this flower who was always protected in the greenhouse in reality did not complain from the beginning to the end. After half a word and half a minute of rest, she just shook her head and chuckled at others' dissuasion, saying that she just needed to take a rest, and what she called rest...

In fact, she just sits for a while to restore her physical strength to the minimum standard for normal casting, and she usually spends this time to comfort those around her who are suffering from illness.

Like most players, Yuchen has never turned on [Minor Sensory Protection] like Cordoba, but she can still hold the little girl with ulcers all over her body and tell stories without any problem, and she can also sit on the The infected people whose wounds were infected with pus and whose bodies exuded a strong stench were all smiles. With the realism of this game that is no different from reality, let alone a timid and introverted young girl, even a person who graduated from Stalingrad The veteran field doctors who survived the defense war were so shocked to see this scene that they could bear it.

But Yuchen suffered, or it could be said that she seemed not to see the disgusting, ferocious, and vomiting-inducing conditions of those infected at all. She just encouraged and treated them like any friend in need of treatment, comfort, and care.

A long time later, a white-haired orc scholar said to a young Dawn Cult believer: "No, I didn't feel that what I was in front of was a saint, an angel, a redeemer or anything else. I just saw it. A light, a clear and untainted light, may be invisible and qualityless, but it warms everything around her in every gesture. No matter good people, bad people, angels, or demons, they will not be excluded..."

So, let's go back to now.

At this moment, the girl who has saved thousands of lives in the past few days and will be crowned with countless haloes in the next thousands of years is sitting quietly outside a spacious tent and humming a song, her little head As the sweet melody in her mouth swayed gently, Yuchen's face was still a little pale, but her complexion was finally much better than when she first came back. She occasionally leaned her delicate body back slightly to listen to a few words in the tent. I would occasionally stare blankly at the stone road in front of me that was not there last night, and smile and say hello to every passing knight, commoner or adventurer. It seemed that I would never have anything to worry about~

She is located in the center of the entire joint force. Not long ago, this place was a place with nothing but weeds, gravel and the sound of wind. However, after everyone's unremitting efforts in the past two days, it has now become a place with nothing but weeds, gravel and wind. A decent-sized large-scale camp was established. Mages who specialized in the earth element cooperated with craftsmen among the civilians to pave several convenient paths. Outside, there were several squads of Paladins and a large number of melee professions. The fence was built by brute force, with metal fences stacked at many key locations. It was built by the blacksmiths in their spare time, and was said to make everyone feel safer.

The circle closest to the periphery is dotted with the Paladins' camps, which are the earliest standard barracks built by craftsmen and mages based on earth magic. Although they are full of traces of rushed work, at least they are much more comfortable to live in than tents. Because there is currently no extra space or manpower to build horse stalls, the knights' horses are tied to both sides of the barracks. Although it is a bit noisy, it seems to be very lively.

Further inside are the stations of low-level professionals. Their number is much larger than that of the Paladins. They come from Mida, Hofer, Sprout and Glen City. In addition to cooperating with Mo Tan and others, they have been fighting for the longest time. In addition to the people from Mida City, others have just joined in the past few days. Although they are not familiar with Mo Tan's combat routines, they are enthusiastic enough. People from Hofer City have witnessed Saint Xia Lian with their own eyes. The strength of Xin Ya and the newcomers in Glan City are mostly supported by Yu Chen, and even those who usually have a more unruly personality are very cooperative.

Most of the players are mixed in the above-mentioned team. Yuying has already said hello to the players who followed him at the beginning. They will observe carefully during this period of time and use "refrigerator" as long as they find a suspected target. Questions like 'like' and 'is salty tofu curd better or sweet tofu curd?' to test the opponent. In addition to occasionally causing some small-scale conflicts, more and more players have been confirmed by their identities, and Yuying will After the actual attack, quickly add the opponent's friends, and then guide these people to receive "player-specific tasks", and gradually absorb them as members of the "Special Rangers".

The residence specifications of low-level professionals are lower than that of paladins. This is still due to manpower reasons. Only relatively weak spellcasters and clergy can live in standard barracks. Most people can only sleep in tents for the time being ( Players, even spellcasters or clergy will be placed in tents), but everyone doesn't care about this aspect, saying that as long as they have a place to sleep, it is enough.

The civilians are stationed further inside. Their number is almost twice that of the Paladins and professionals combined. Everyone is assigned tasks as much as possible and is divided into three categories: logistics, construction, and auxiliary operations. Each unit plays a role in various aspects such as cooking and feeding, repairing equipment, camp construction, treating the wounded, and coordinating operations. The barracks built from the outside in have not yet been constructed here, so these people still live there until now. tent.

Both the Paladin of Tyro and the Druid Emang, who are familiar with Mo Tan, said that people like them do not care about the environment. Compared with the Paladins and professionals who have a strong foundation, those more comfortable barracks can be settled first. A civilian garrison was built.

But Mo Tan held a different opinion...

“Everyone’s division of labor is different.”

Mo Tan, who had just sent Luna back to the tent that night, smiled at the two of them: "Everyone is doing what they can, but in comparison, you are under greater pressure and taking more risks, no matter from From every angle, there are reasons to prioritize getting a better resting environment. Tired civilians can rest at any time, and there are enough clergy here to take care of them. Even if they are infected with the plague, they can still... Wangyu is here, but you are different. "

Both Taro and Emang showed expressions like "Although I understand the truth...".

Mo Tan paused for a moment, allowing the two people who came to the door to react for a while before continuing: "In the next long period of time, your tasks will be very arduous, and I will even make many very unkind arrangements. , fatigue, fatigue, and injuries are commonplace, and the risk of death is not low, but I will not let any civilian take such a risk, do you think this is appropriate?"

The upright Paladin and the upright Druid nodded at the same time and said in unison: "Of course it is appropriate."

"Then it's just that you have a better resting environment than everyone else." Mo Tan smiled and shrugged: "Don't forget, civilians will be able to get rid of tents and sleep on wooden beds in ten days and a half at most. But you have to work hard until this big trouble is over."

Then the two people, who were filled with guilt, were convinced.

In fact, if the two of them had not been convinced at that time, Mo Tan would have started to examine himself... This is what Yu Ying later told Yu Chen.

[The cheapskate drinks cold water, I also want to help~]

Yuchen wrinkled his nose, looked back at the tent behind him, pouted with some dissatisfaction, and muttered in a low voice: "Obviously Yuying can do so many things..."

Then a pretty, smiling face appeared in front of her.

"Hey, are you complimenting me?"

Yu Ying grinned happily and strolled out of the tent while stretching. She patted Yu Chen, who was startled by her: "Are you feeling comfortable under the sun?"

"Don't scare me!" Yu Chen stuck out his tongue, followed Yu Ying's example and stretched, pouted and complained: "It's so comfortable, it's almost moldy~"

Yuying laughed and said, "That's not comfortable enough. It will be almost ready when the sun germinates~"


Yuchen giggled and scratched his hair, then tilted his head and asked, "Hai Fan, is he finished?"

"Not yet." Yuying shrugged, yawned and shook his head: "There are still seven teams outside that have not returned. Although they will not encounter any problems for the time being, he is still giving instructions with a ghostly frequency. I made a 'contingency plan for disconnection', but it's really not reliable at all."

Yuchen blinked his eyes excitedly: "I think this is quite reliable~"

"The method is quite reliable, but it may not be reliable at any time because of the night shift. How poor is that guy? He works the night shift every day." Yuying laughed dryly and complained, then spread her hands. Said: "He just finished the offline plan and asked me to notify the teams to return at the same time, and then he started to be in a daze and hold back the water."

Now Mo Tan has never been a genius. In this situation where he is surrounded by enemies from all sides (Mutants: Brain Blossoms ~ Fat Sausage ~ Explosive Belly ~ Fried Liver ~), it is naturally impossible to rely on instant judgment and adaptability to deal with all situations every time. So whenever he has time in the past two days, he will scratch his hair to prepare for the next actions and arrangements, which is what Yuying calls "being in a daze and holding back the bad water". This means that hair will not fall out in the game, otherwise in Misha During this time, Mo Tan had to raise his hairline by at least half a centimeter.

"I wish I could help."

Yuchen lowered his head in frustration and whispered: "You all worked so hard..."

"You're the one who worked hard, okay?"

Yu Ying poked Yuchen's forehead and said angrily: "You don't want to think about why Mo Tan ordered you to rest. When you came back from Glen City, your face looked so miserable. You didn't know what to do. !”

"Uh...I didn't..."

"Don't tell me this. His Highness Xia Lian said that he is the boss now. If the boss says you have something to do, you will have something to do~"

Chapter 291: End

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