Quadruple split

Chapter 303 Possibility

Yuchen is the second light of apocalypse...

From the perspective of Cordoba and most people, this conclusion is indeed reasonable.

First of all, referring to Cordoba’s previous irresponsible speculation, Yuchen is the same player as the first person whose identity was confirmed as the Light of Apocalypse. Not only that, she is also the saint of the Dawn Sect, the Goddess of Dawn. Although Paksi's favored ones may seem far-fetched at first glance, finding four "destined people" in the vast innocent continent is quite nonsense. In comparison, this is just far-fetched. It’s nothing.

Secondly, the Apocalypse Crystal did react when Cordoba approached the station, and when he walked outside the command tent, a beam of light burst out. This phenomenon was exactly the distance between the crystal and the Light of Apocalypse. The reaction caused by the extreme closeness happened to be that at this moment, Yuchen was the first to come out of the tent!

Reliable facts combined with unreliable conjectures, coupled with some accidental factors, the facts seem to be unshakable.

What's more, there are some issues with inertia of thinking...

For example, although Yuchen just happened to be the first to run out when the light beam erupted, this scene would not be a coincidence in Cordoba's eyes. Instead, it would become a honeyed judgment of "Sure enough," because he This trip was originally for Yuchen, so even though it was just a coincidence that the latter got out of the tent first, it only gave Cordoba the illusion that everything was natural.

For example, a thoughtful mother suddenly realizes that her son has reached adolescence, and then suddenly and inexplicably wonders whether the child will secretly browse out of curiosity and desire for an unknown field like other peers. Some bad websites, collected some bad publications, and then, driven by a sense of responsibility, raided his son's room one weekend on the grounds of condolences, cleaning, etc., and then...

Just in time, the child accidentally clicked on a deceptive pop-up window while ordering the 53, real questions, and exercises online. The result was that the mother, who was already skeptical, suddenly saw those 'sexy XX online' at a glance. XX', 'XX and fifty flight attendants stranded on a desert island', 'SUN your mother told you to go home for dinner', 'Asian adult XX free XX', 'Annual AX seed TOP10 magnet link collection', 'BLACK you@# ',' ’, ‘Crowdfund human flesh! Those gangsters in the pornographic bar have lost their humanity, and there is no sex in giving birth to a child! ', very good, congratulations to that child, he can't be clean after jumping into the Yellow River. Even if you explain that you just accidentally clicked on the fishing pop-up window and called up the web page for ordering exercises, your mother will only think that you are pretending and covering up. , nonsense, and from the perspective of a person who has experienced it, he said, "I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice, little X boy, don't fool me" to use the loving mother's theory!

Because the mother originally came with the mentality of ‘Is her son receiving bad information?’, so once this happens, she will justify herself even if the evidence is insufficient.

Well, although this example is a bit off, the principle is still the same...

Of course, there were many other loopholes, not to mention that there were quite a few people active in the central area of ​​the station at that time. Even if you just looked at the command account, Yuchen was not the only one in there. Mo Tan and Yu Ying were both in there. But Cordoba didn't associate it with them. In fact, this matter is easy to explain.

Let’s take another example…

For example, there are two men standing in front of you. The one on the left is a hunk who is 1.92 meters tall, has a scar on his face, a bullet hole on his chest, a face full of flesh, and a shoulder dragon tattooed on his back; the one on the right is a A literary lover (self-proclaimed) who is 1.29 meters tall, wears round glasses on his face, carries [Heart to Heart] Kleenex on his chest, and has Hatsune Miku printed on the back of his shirt. At this moment, someone suddenly tells you that these two people are in front of you. One of these guys is the uncrowned king of the underground boxing world, nicknamed the Blood Juicer, and he asks you to guess which one it is. If you guess wrong, you'll get beaten...

what would you do?

Most people have no intention of joking in this situation (here we are not talking about the British people who jumped on the bandwagon and blindly voted for Brexit), so they will definitely choose the 192-inch macho guy!

In the eyes of Cordoba, Yu Ying and even Yu Chen himself, Mo Tan and Yu Ying are the weaklings with a score of 129, while Yu Chen, who is both a saint and a favored one by the gods, is the macho man with a score of 192.

It feels like the metaphor is becoming more and more curious... Just appreciate the spirit...

In short, it is still the same sentence. From the perspective of most people, there is not a big problem in the matter of "Yuchen is the light of the apocalypse".

But that's just the 'perspective of most people'. If there is a very objective perspective, or a God's perspective or a sub-God's perspective, this matter is obviously not that simple.

Although Mo Tan has nothing to do with such lofty things as God's perspective, with four roles and four identities in this world, he can obviously look at this matter more objectively. Of course, the main reason is...

He himself is the light of apocalypse that Cordoba discovered before!

If this is taken into account, then in addition to Yu Chen who is very qualified in many aspects, Mo Tan himself should also have great possibilities!

To explain it in conjunction with the above example, it means that he knows a little more information than others. For example, he knows that the man with glasses who is 129cm tall and a literature lover, in addition to being a dead house, also used to fight bloody battles with a long knife when he was in elementary school. An anecdote like the Thirteen Streets, in this case, the previous question is open to question~

For example, the character Mo, who also belongs to Mo Tan, is the first Light of Apocalypse. For example, he is suspected of having four characters (Mo Tan feels that he may have logged in to the fourth character without memory during the fragmented period in the game every day. '), and the total number of lights and shadows in the Tianzhu Mountain revelation is exactly four. For example, he and Yuchen are both within the perception range of the crystal. It is difficult not to make him suspicious when all this information is added together. I suspect that the current self is the second light of apocalypse!

[If analyzed along this line of thinking, the two Lights of Apocalypse are ‘Mo’ and ‘Black Brahma’. One of the two Shadows of Apocalypse is in the Chauvin Empire in the Southwest Continent, and the other is unknown...]

[When I played the character ‘Tan Mo’, I had never been to the Southwest Continent, so if it were all me, could that unknown person be ‘Tan Mo’ who is currently in the Violet Empire? And the shadow of the apocalypse in the southwest continent is...]

[Wait a minute, if that's the case, who is that monster that Yuchen said looks similar to me and is currently being imprisoned in the City of Light? Is it really just a misunderstanding and has nothing to do with me? 】

[Ah, what’s all this nonsense? I obviously just want to play a game...]

[Do I need to find a separate reason for Cordoba to ‘test’ me now? But it's not easy to explain, and when he was chatting with 'Mo', he also mentioned that the Apocalypse Crystal 2.0 was particularly precious. It would be inappropriate to mention it to him rashly without a good reason. The most important thing is, If it were really me...what would happen here in Misha County? Will Tianzhu Mountain directly send someone like Fimi to pick me up... I always find it very troublesome...]

Mo Tan scratched his hair with thoughts, thinking quickly with an expression as if he was constipated. It took a while before he made up his mind...

[Let nature take its course for the time being. When we go online using 'Mo', we will see if we can learn more about the details of the apocalypse. Well, if there is a chance here, let's see if we can get Cordoba to come with us. When traveling to the City of Light, we have to wait until the results come out in Misha County anyway. It’s already chaotic enough...]

Mo Tan rubbed his forehead, raised his head and smiled at the three people who had noticed that he was in a daze: "I'm sorry, I was chatting with my friends just now, and I got distracted~"

Cordoba looked curious: "Male or female?!"

Although it didn't matter what he said, Mo Tan still replied without hesitation: "Men, I have a total of three female friends... two are here, and the other one I met in the Violet Empire before coming here. I don't usually have any friends." Will make small talk.”

This is not a lie. First of all, his character really only has three friends of the opposite sex: Yu Chen, Yu Ying and Futaba. Secondly, although Futaba has contacted Black Fan a lot during this period, the topics are all about the former. The details of the attack on the Marshalls on the Violet Empire side were never 'small talk', so it made sense logically...well, barely made sense.

"Tch, it's boring." Cordoba curled his lips, and just as he was about to say something, he saw a slim figure rushing into the tent like a whirlwind. He was so frightened that he almost bit his tongue (the rune body has a tongue) of, but no sense of taste).

The person who was able to barge in like this was naturally the first saint of the Shuguang Sect, Her Highness Xia Lian. She rushed towards Yu Chen with messy hair, grabbed the latter's thin shoulders, and asked loudly: " What happened! Why did a ray of light rise from here just now?! Is it the new moth you created? Why don't I feel any magical aura at all!"


Yuchen was startled, and after he saw that the other party was Xia Lian, he breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "That has nothing to do with us... Well, it may have something to do with it. Anyway, that one just wasn't a magical skill. Yes..."

The girl glanced in the direction of Cordoba, who was confused.

"Huh? It's not like the magic is so bright..."

Xia Lian was stunned for a moment, then looked around in confusion with her pretty face that looked like Luna's, who had not yet woken up, and suddenly... her delicate body trembled: "I'm going! This What the hell!?”

Mo Tan coughed dryly, pointed at Cordoba and introduced: "This person is from Tianzhu Mountain."

"Are you from Tianzhu Mountain?"

Cordoba, who had already guessed Xia Lian's identity, nodded and gave a slight salute to the former: "Nice to meet you, Your Highness the Saint. My name is Cordoba, and I am the representative of Tianzhu Mountain."


Xia Lian was stunned for a moment, then showed a peaceful smile that Mo Tan (including Yu Chen and Yu Ying) had never seen before, nodded and said: "Nice to meet you, I am Xia Lianzhu, the saint of Shuguang Sect. Ye, I wonder why your Excellency, the agent, came here this time?"

'Why do I feel that her whole style of painting has changed...'

Mo Tan quietly sent a message to Yu Chen.

‘Yes, yes, it’s like turning on some hidden switch (ω)!’

Yuchen replied instantly.

"Well, I came here this time to confirm something." Cordoba looked at Xia Lian seriously and said with some restraint: "Although I'm not sure yet, I already have some clues. Saint Yuchen is very It could be the person I was ordered to find.”

Xia Lian nodded first, and then her face suddenly became suspicious. She grabbed her ears and whispered softly: "Saint Yuchen? Wait, isn't he the same kind of person as you?!"

Her last words were directed at Mo Tan.

"Well, that's true." Mo Tan didn't expect the always carefree Xia Lian to be so perceptive, so she could only nod and admit: "Cordoba and we are the same kind of people."

Xia Lian's eyes widened: "You guys are also from Tianzhu Mountain?!"

Mo Tan immediately waved his hand and said: "No, no, it's just that Cordoba happened to be the representative of Tianzhu Mountain. Well, it shouldn't be the kind of representative you understand. Let's talk about the details later..."

"Okay." Xia Lian, who had already received Mo Tan's promise, was not entangled. She just scratched her hair and glanced at Cordoba: "Does that mean you are different from those mysterious guys? Or... you are sinister. How long has it been since you accidentally became the agent?"

Cordoba nodded generously: "Yes."

Mo Tan was secretly shocked. Based on the amount of information in Xia Lian's words just now, he was able to conclude that the other party now has a lot of information about the concept of 'player'!

"Hey! We talked earlier, so it doesn't matter if I'm casual, right?" Xia Lian's style of painting suddenly came back, and facing Cordoba, who was a little dumbfounded in front of him, he shrugged and said, "Hey, you guys are from the top of the mountain. People are not simple. I met someone who claimed to be the agent four hundred years ago, and there was a little misunderstanding..."

"Four hundred years ago!?"

Cordoba was startled and asked in astonishment: "What kind of misunderstanding is this?"

Xia Lian sighed melancholy: "It's okay not to say anything, it's the first time I was beaten so badly..."

Cordoba/Mo Tan/Yu Ying/Yu Chen: "..."

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now." Xia Lian looked at Cordoba with an expression that she couldn't bear to look back on, "So what happened to you just now?"

"Oh, that's what happened. I was given a mission by the big boss in the mountains~"

Cordoba roughly told Xia Lian what he had just said to Mo Tan and others, and then...

"Okay, I get it now."

Xia Lian nodded lightly, and then she pushed Yuchen into her arms and glared at Cordoba: "I don't care about anything else. Anyway, don't try to drag us Wangyu to Tianzhu Mountain." go!"

Cordoba laughed dryly: "Don't worry, Yuchentong...well, Wangyu has a special status, Tianzhu Mountain should not force others to do anything."

"Well, that's good. By the way, young man, you seem to be quite capable~"

Xia Lian, who was relieved, suddenly smiled maliciously at Cordoba.

The latter looked confused: "Huh?"

"Stop it."

Mo Tan also laughed and raised his eyebrows at Cordoba...

"Stay and work for free for a while."

Chapter 300: End

In the blink of an eye, it’s already been three hundred chapters. It’s really hard for everyone to endure me till now.

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