Quadruple split

Chapter 306 Gavin and Buffy

Game time PM13:23

Red Garden, Study Room

"Haha, hahahaha, as expected, I didn't come! As expected, I didn't come!"

Grand Duke Buffy Marshall laughed with joy and raised the wine glass filled with amber liquid in front of him to greet Gawen: "Since His Majesty the Emperor, who should have received the news long ago, has not summoned me and other lords to Zijiu until now. Hall, that proves that things are indeed as you said! Miss Jiawen, please accept my sincere gratitude~"

"No need to thank me, Your Excellency."

Gawen didn't even touch the expensive glass of wine in front of her. She just glanced at the other party lightly and said softly: "I have made it clear to you about the general situation before, and even to accompany you to prove that... Mr. Fudge is indeed not too stupid to keep him here until now, so you shouldn’t have any doubts anymore, right?”

"No more, my dear lady." Archduke Marshall put down his wine glass, and the calmness and grace before had returned to his face: "Whether our Majesty wants to add insult to injury or provide help in times of trouble, he wants to sell me Buffy Marshall is a huge favor and still wants to take the lead in carving up my land and wealth in the 'trial'. He will not remain indifferent after verifying the authenticity of the 'evidence'. If the things provided by that little girl are indeed obtained. Confirmed, then Old Clairvaux, who was the first to get the news, could only do 'call me to the Three Color Courtyard for tea', 'come to the Red Courtyard to have tea with me' or 'gather everyone to the Purple Jiu Hall' Drinking tea are these three behaviors, and I will never do nothing like this, so..."

"So, everything I just told you and the intelligence of Butler Fudge have been proven."

Jia Wen took out a cup of black tea that was still steaming from somewhere, and took a sip gracefully: "Have you thought about what to do next?"

The bright silver energy flashed across Marshall's body, not only making his wrinkled aristocratic robes clean and straight again, but also smoothing his slightly messy hair. This man regained his dignity and The lord, who had his destiny back in his hands, smiled gently: "Of course, otherwise it would be too disappointing for your help to the Marshall family."

"As long as you have an idea, Your Excellency the Duke." Gawen tapped the rim of the cup twice and reminded: "I just came here to get a result that 'the Marshall family is unharmed'. This has nothing to do with my personal attitude and stance. , so you don’t need to make any unnecessary tests or overtures to me, I’m just doing something similar to an employment assessment, and the Marshall family will end up with an answer sheet after this incident, that’s all.”

Perhaps the Grand Duke of Marshall did not fully understand the meaning of this passage, but this did not prevent him from smiling and saluting Gawen: "It doesn't matter, because it is my attitude and position to show kindness to Miss Gawen or someone behind you. , I must thank you. As for testing... we smart people can stop talking in circles, so I asked directly. I am very interested in how you know that I do send hunting groups to capture slaves all year round. interested."

"You know what, Your Excellency the Duke?"

While Gawen was concentrating on stirring the black tea in front of her, she said calmly: "You have inadvertently revealed to me the fact that 'Buffy Marshall has other reasons', whether it is because of the fact that he just escaped death. Are you excited, or are you glad that the situation has suddenly turned around? Please control your emotions and don't let yourself become full of loopholes. By the way... don't say that you are a smart person."

The Archduke of Marshall suddenly froze, and his expression became gloomy and uncertain.

"Let me explain, for the moment, I only know about the slave trade about the Marshall family, and I heard it from the boss." The corners of Gawen's mouth curled up slightly, but there was no smile in the disguised brown eyes. Meaning: "Really smart people can feel something from that sentence, so there is no need for you to doubt me."

The Duke of Marshall, who was both passive and embarrassed, could only smile and nodded: "Then..."

"I can't tell you who the person behind me is, and the reason why I helped you is still unknown."

Jia Wen interrupted him predictably and shrugged: "Of course, I personally believe in fair trade, so I won't rule out the possibility that the boss will ask you to return this favor in the future, but what I hope you do now is just Just get through this 'disaster' safely."

"The Marshall family will certainly remember this kindness." The well-hidden worry in Grand Duke Marshall's eyes finally disappeared. He solemnly nodded to Gawen and said word by word: "You can trust me. "

Although it was just a normal sentence, Jia Wen, who had always been calm and calm, suddenly showed a look of astonishment and gave Marshall a rather strange look: "You are lying."

The latter was also stunned: "What are you..."

"No, in this world, 90% of the nonsense like 'remember the kindness' is nonsense. I have told the same lie countless times myself." Gawen interrupted the Grand Duke Marshall casually. After half a sentence, he frowned slightly: "But the problem is... no, forget it, would you mind telling me your future plans?"

The Grand Duke of Marshall only felt that the person in front of him was a bit suspicious, and didn't think much about it... At least on the surface, he didn't think much about it. He just followed the other person's words and said: "Of course I don't mind, but before that I need to confirm a few things." Yes, you just said that you arrived in Mercury City yesterday morning, right?"

"That's right, and in order to save time, I went to the Mage Guild in Kasha City that afternoon and teleported here." Gawen nodded slightly, and then added: "It cost a lot of money."

The Grand Duke of Marshall nodded. He naturally guessed that Gawen must have used some unconventional means to get here from Marshall so quickly. One of the methods was the single-person teleportation service of the Mage Guild. The cost of building the Mente Composite Resonance Array is too high, and the production of the consumable [Keystone] as the core of the array is extremely low, so this function is usually not open to people other than the top leaders of the Mage Union. Of course, As one of the eight Dukes of the Violet Empire, Buffy Marshall has this qualification, but he has never used it once in his life. There is no other reason, mainly because it is expensive...

One person's one-way teleportation requires five archmages or a mage majoring in the space department, which consumes more than 80% of the magic power and a large amount of casting materials. In addition, there are also the consumption/maintenance fees of keystones and magic circles, which add up to at least It also costs 100,000 gold coins!

Two days ago, the Grand Duke of Marshall had the idea of ​​having his cronies secretly send messages back to his territory. Unfortunately, he and everyone around him had been put under house arrest in disguise. Until now, he has not been able to leave the Red Courtyard for even half a step. In addition, the dead girl's mentor turned out to be Tarasha, who was stationed in the Salamoon Masters Guild, which has fundamentally eliminated this possibility.

Although one hundred thousand gold coins is not a huge amount of money for the Grand Duke of Marshall, this 'Ms. Gavin' and the person behind her who he has never met are actually willing to do this for the Marshall family...

[If I really have to repay this favor in the future, it won’t be easy. 】

The Grand Duke of Marshall thought so.

Then Gawen quickly dismissed this concern for him.

"By the way, I originally wanted to leave it to the end, but now that we've reached this point..."

Jia Wen casually took out a piece of pale gold paper with several magic patterns flashing from his luggage and placed it on the table. He said calmly: "Please sign."

The Grand Duke of Marshall nodded and took the piece of paper. He was very familiar with this universal certificate from the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce, so...

"Two hundred thousand!?"

Even the Grand Duke, who was sitting on a large amount of wealth, could no longer remain calm after seeing the above number. The Grand Duke of Marshall, who had already taken out his quill and planned to sign, looked at Gawen blankly. After a while, Only then did he say: "...the transmission fee has increased?"

"This is my first time using it myself, so I don't know how much it originally cost." Gawen shook her head honestly, and took out a small iron pot from nowhere and filled the cup in front of her with black tea: " The teleportation fee is only 100,000, but in most cases the Mage Guild will not open teleportation services to unknown people like me, so I did a little bit of management. Of course, you can refuse to reimburse the fee if you think it is too much. Payment, after all, this is just my personal behavior in the end, but you have to return this voucher to me, my boss probably won’t mind reimbursing this small amount~"

Then Gawen extended her right hand to Grand Duke Chong Marshall.

Of course, the latter returned the voucher to Gavin, but when the 'check' returned to Gavin's hand, there was already an extra signature on it: Buffy Monterey Marshall, plus another although it is not necessary. But the identity brand that can increase its credibility is simply a magic seal that cannot be copied.

"Thank you for your generosity."

Gawen calmly received the gold coin chamber of commerce certificate that had been confirmed to be valid (system certification) into his bag, and then said seriously to the Grand Duke of Marshall: "But I still have to emphasize it again, even though this matter is related to my mission. , but using the expensive transmission method of the Mage Guild is not the boss’s instruction, it is just my personal behavior.”

"Of course I understand, Miss Gawen~" Marshall showed an elegant smile that didn't look like being taken advantage of at all, and then took out a voucher of the same specification and pushed it in front of Gawen: "This two hundred and fifty thousand... no, This fifty thousand gold coins is also my personal gratitude to you, and has nothing to do with the favor I owe to that boss."

Jia Wen raised his eyebrows, reached for the [Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce General Certificate (containing 50,000 gold coins)] in front of him, and showed a warm smile: "It's disrespectful."

"Well deserved."

The Grand Duke of Marshall shook his head and smiled: "Since you already know about my little side business, you should also know that this little money is nothing to me. Outsiders think that the Hussein family is The richest family in the entire empire, including the royal family, but few people know that the savings of the Marshall family are at least ten times that of the Hussein family, not to mention I think your friendship is far more than this price."

"No, my friendship is very cheap."

Gawen lowered her head and sipped the black tea, revealing a smile that was very inconsistent with her current appearance. If it were placed on a woman's face, it would definitely be very amazing: "Let's continue the topic just now. I did go to Mercury yesterday morning. The city reminded that Mr. Fudge, and then what?"

"If my estimate is correct, the joint investigation team of the other eight major families should have arrived last night." Archduke Marshall touched the stubble on his chin and narrowed his eyes: "In this case, Fudge will only have time at best. The most serious hidden dangers have been dealt with, but the little girl named Futaba from Fire Claw has given a lot of evidence. The Prince Ruibo you mentioned before is very good at making appearances. In other families, especially Ba In front of that bastard Luo Ka and the direct descendant of that little girl from the Crystal Wolf family, he will never do anything too perfunctory, that is to say..."

Jia Wen nodded: "In other words, the two Dukes who are more...sorry, more just and kind-hearted will definitely let their subordinates spare no effort to verify and investigate. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also knows this, so in order not to fall behind, he will do anything I should investigate more responsibly in Mercury City, and Mr. Fudge got the news too late, and I don’t know the content of the evidence provided by the little girl named Futaba, so I can’t cover up or eliminate everything in a short time. There are loopholes, so although the investigation team cannot find anything decisive, some relatively small evidence is likely to be found, right?"

"That's right, I really didn't expect that man named Ned to be able to investigate so many things before he died. There is a lot of evidence that he collected that even I can't remember clearly." Archduke Marshall sighed. , showed his hands to Jiawen and said: "If these things are announced in the second supreme meeting, the Fire Claw people will definitely not let this go, so I will make full preparations before the investigation team comes back, and then This thing leads in another direction..."

Gawen blinked: "For example?"

"A person who is most likely dead now, and..."

The Grand Duke of Marshall poured himself some more wine and raised his glass: "There are a large number of people who are still alive but can die at any time. They are all perfect scapegoats, and I will decide which people are based on the evidence found by the investigation team." You could die for the Marshall family.”

"sounds good."

Jia Wen nodded slightly, then put away the tea set and stood up: "Then, if everything goes well, you will never see me again for a long time... or maybe never."

"So, what if it doesn't go well?"

The Grand Duke of Marshall smiled elegantly and stood up to say goodbye: "How can I find you? Miss Gavin."

"Need not."

Gawen said without looking back: "I will come to you when the time comes."

"Haha, then I can't say 'goodbye' anymore?"

"It doesn't matter, I hope you won't see me again in a short time..."

Chapter 303: End

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