Quadruple split

Chapter 312 Steam Fish Pot

So, Good Chicken Noyce took Mo Tan and five others out of the Grand Arena and came to the very famous 'Steam Kitchen Branch No. 77' in First Outer Mountain. Yes, it is a branch, just like the one owned by the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce. Liuliting is well-known throughout the continent. Steam Kitchen, which can almost be said to be the leader in the catering industry in the Innocence Realm, also has branches across the continent. Its owner is also a steam consortium as famous as the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce. The founder is a man named Watt W, the condensed dwarf engineer, had countless inventions in his life, but the greatest influence on the world was steam... the fish pot, yes, the steam fish pot invented by Watt is very, very famous and very, very delicious. Even he My name has been used by future generations as "Is your head watted?" ’ This metaphor refers to the statement that ‘you can raise fish with water in your head’, which shows the great influence of the steam fish pot.

"Many records and stories describe Watt and the goblin businessman Gallywix Malti, who is more than 20 years older than him, as lifelong enemies. Hiss~ delicious!" Noyce took a sip of the steaming pearl wine. With a red face, he smiled at Mo Tan and others at the same table: "There are even people who wrote a long story called "Gold Coins and Fish Pots" just based on their imagination. It is regarded by many as extremely professional, realistic and enlightening. A business classic that makes people laugh out loud."

Jadeka blinked, stuffed a piece of fragrant fish steak into his mouth, and said while smacking his lips: "I know Gallywix Malti, he is the founder of the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce, and the author of "Gold Coins and Fish" I also read "Pot" when I was a kid, and I thought it was pretty well written."

Ya Ya, who was holding a pot of steamed meat next to him and devouring his food, muttered without raising his head: "I've heard of it, I've never seen it, I don't like Wang Shu..."

Even Yaya has heard of it. It seems that the book called "Gold Coins and Fish Pot" should indeed be quite famous in the Innocence Continent. However, the three players all looked at a loss. Although Mo Tan was I had scanned this book in Sala Moon's library when I was 'Tan Mo', but I had only glanced at it. As for Ji Xiaoge and Lu Jiang, they really hadn't even read it.

"The writing is good, that bard is quite talented." Noyce took a large piece of fish from the steaming pot, quickly picked out all the burrs inside, and handed the plate to Yaya. In front of him, he shrugged at Jadeka: "But the content inside is basically nonsense. Everyone knows that Watt invented the steam fish pot, and Gallywix, who is twenty years older than him, is indeed the inventor." The founder of the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce, but the conflicts and intrigues between the two are all nonsense."

The curiosity of several players was also aroused at this moment. Lujiang struggled to swallow the falcon eggs in his mouth and curiously asked Noyce: "Why do you say it's nonsense?"

"Hoho, because Watt and Gallywix are good friends, very, very good friends." Noyce made a face and called the lizard waiter who was standing in the distance to come over and add a basin of steamed meat. With two portions of falcon eggs, he turned around and blinked at Lujiang: "The first person to taste the steam fish pot back then was Gallywicks. At that time, he had already established the prototype of the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce. At first, he just wanted to find Watt to order one. Parts came in batches because they were cheap, so the day he visited in person happened to coincide with the completion of the steam cooker prototype, and then Watt stayed for a meal..."

Ji Xiaoge elegantly picked up a small piece of fish and put it into his mouth, sighing with endless aftertaste: "I am so happy!"

"Feel the same."

Mo Tan, who was carefully picking up the fish bones, nodded in agreement. He actually didn't like to eat fish, mainly because it was too troublesome, but he didn't expect that a fish dish in the game would be so delicious, no matter in terms of meat texture, texture or soup. The materials were all impeccable. Although it was just a sensory simulation in the game, it still gave him a real sense of happiness.

Of course, I have to mention here that Mo Tan, who rarely goes out to restaurants, and even if he does, rarely orders expensive dishes, actually easily feels happiness from food. As for the dishes he cooks, because of his own labor factors in it, so no matter how delicious it is, it will only be attributed to a 'sense of achievement'.

"Gallywix thought so too." Noyce nodded with emotion and shook his pair of brown wings gathered behind him: "So he directly gave Watt two hundred thousand gold coins in his own name. Let him promote the steam fish pot, and later secretly support Watt to establish a steam consortium that will be as famous as the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce in the future. Every year, he will take time to go to Watt's house to eat the original version of the fish pot for half a month. The two of them will live their lives until they die. We have all been good friends since then, so naturally the embellished thoughts of future generations are all nonsense~"

Jadeka's jaw almost dropped when he heard this: "No way! I always thought these two were incompatible rivals!"

"I can understand it. After all, history is always complicated and confusing." Mo Tan accepted it quickly. He divided most of the fish meat that had been picked out and put it into the teeth that were squealing before, and said with a smile: "Furthermore, goblins and dwarfs are two races that are not easy to deal with. The Steam Consortium and the Gold Coin Merchant Guild are equally famous, and the two founders happen to be from the same era. It's hard not to think too much."

Noyce laughed: "That makes sense, but few people think about why Watt, as an engineer, is able to run the consortium smoothly, while the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce, which likes to get involved in everything, 'happens' not to enter In the catering industry, tsk tsk, all in all, there are always a few people who can see the essence through the phenomenon."

"But how did you know?"

Ji Xiaoge asked Noyce with some curiosity: "There shouldn't be many people who know the truth."

"Don't use honorifics~" Noyce gave Ji Xiaoge an obviously joking wink, then shrugged and said, "Because I like to eat fish pot and I have no shortage of time, so I have investigated it thoroughly."

[You have unlocked the story illustration: "Real Gold Coins and Fish Pot", Knowledge +1]

[You have unlocked the character illustration: "Watt W Condensation\

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