Quadruple split

Chapter 315 Close your eyes

"It sounds like I was careless."

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Lun's mouth, and he said softly: "At that time, I didn't know much about people from other worlds. I had high hopes for A Sang, and tried to help him improve his strength through some kind of uncontrollable force. As a result, something happened in the process. Unexpectedly, after a certain practice, he did not come out of the safe environment that I had reinforced in advance, but disappeared directly. After that, I monitored that space day and night, but Ah Sang never came back. When I found out again When he was there, he had already lived twelve thousand years ago..."

"I'm not sure if there's something wrong with my understanding." Mo Tan scratched his forehead in confusion and paused for a while before asking Long: "You mean, Lu Jiang's brother has gone back to the past?"

"I'm not sure if it's the 'past' in the real sense, but you can understand it this way." Long nodded slightly and explained after careful consideration: "The inner mountain of Tianzhu Mountain is a very magical place. It comes from something very special. Special power, whether it is space rules, magic rules or other conventional laws are very... ambiguous, or not rigorous enough. In this environment, some conclusions that were originally impossible may also be established, and some originally seriously violated Common sense phenomena will also occur, but I can't go back to the 'real past', even if the nature of power is somewhat related to 'time'. History cannot be modified, and what we can always interfere with is The present and the future, but the concept of the past will never belong to this category. Although I once made a speculation about the time convergence theory, the speculation is just a speculation, and no one can do it... This is what I once thought …”

Even Mo Tan, who has dabbled in various fields, can only be dumbfounded. Not to mention his personal knowledge reserve, even the leading figures in various fields in the real world cannot explain the topic of 'traveling through time'. To give a clear conclusion on the problem, although the concept of parallel worlds and various hypotheses, guesses and mathematical models about space and time are endless, they are just conjectures that are not even theories. Even the seemingly difficult The simplest form of 'super-light speed' is an insurmountable barrier for humans. In addition, the common sense of the realm of innocence and the common sense of the real world are completely different concepts, so Mo Tan is completely unable to offer any opinions or suggestions. , it’s pretty good to be able to fully understand the slightly vague explanation above.

So after countless difficult and difficult thoughts flashed through his mind, he just asked in a very non-technical manner: "Can Lujiang's brother come back?"

"It's not hopeless." Hao nodded and said slowly: "After all, this is an inner mountain where common sense and rules will become very ambiguous, and looking back can also maximize my power, so even if it is a bit reluctant, But I can still vaguely pay attention to Ah Sang here. Although it is not easy to establish a dialogue, there may not be a turning point. To be precise, I have found three ways to return Ah Sang to normal time."

Although this matter has nothing to do with Mo Tan, because the other person is Lu Jiang's brother, and Lu Jiang's guiding task is to find his brother (which means that meeting him every day is useless in reality), so Mo Tan is still more concerned about it Regarding this matter, he asked Long eagerly: "What can I do?"

"Ah Sang's state is not stable. He often passively jumps between several timelines, and in the process, his spatial position will also shift significantly. Occasionally, he will be affected by some kind of The inertia pulls us back to the normal timeline, but the stay is very short.”

Hao raised his hand and waved it gently in the air. Countless golden threads with extremely fine intervals were reflected on the square table between the two of them. There was a flashing red dot on it that was moving rapidly and irregularly. Like a crazy loach, Hazy paused for a few seconds for Mo Tan to observe, and then froze the scene at the moment when the extremely ghostly dot in front of him suddenly appeared on the top golden thread. He said calmly: "If A Sang happens to appear within Tianzhu Mountain when he returns to the current time, then no matter how short it is, I will be able to appear next to him immediately and force his time back completely. On the right track, this is the first way, but because it is only within the scope of Tianzhu Mountain, the chance can be said to be quite small..."

"Well, that's it..."

Mo Tan nodded, and then continued to ask: "What about the remaining two methods?"

"The second way is to let Lu Jiang find A Sang. I found that although the two brothers and sisters are completely different in race and blood, they both have some kind of 'resonance', so I plan to wait until Lu Jiang becomes stronger. She left a mark with part of my power, so that when the two of them meet, A Sang can stay in normal time for a while. As long as he can return to Tianzhu Mountain before the next time drift, there will be no problem. "Long filled himself with tea and took a deep breath: "This method is more likely. After all, Lu Jiang can leave Tianzhu Mountain at will. The chance of encountering A Sang is much greater than staying here. , although it’s relative.”

Only then did Mo Tan understand why Hao had been letting Femiguel train Lujiang instead of taking him directly to find the brother. He nodded slightly: "Then the last solution is..."

"The last method has the highest success rate." He smiled, and then the image above the table continued to move. The red light spot appeared on the top layer and suddenly burst out with a flash of light, covering the surrounding area. The golden threads that bound him were scattered, and then they just stayed there quietly.

"This is……"

"When Ah Sang's strength reaches a certain level, he will be able to break out of that unreasonable cycle without any external force." He smiled elegantly and explained to the surprised Mo Tan, "But at least he You have to be stronger than me now... So even though it is possible to come back with certainty, the possibility is so low that it can be ignored..."

Mo Tan felt that there was nothing wrong with this at all. Although he didn't know how strong the high-level observer in front of him was, he had to know that the token that Redsa, who was also a high-level observer, casually gave to him was the [Legend] Quality, another high-level observer Noyce is also unfathomable. It is simply a fantasy for a player to become that strong in a short period of time. It is not that it is completely impossible, but just like Yu said If so, it can be completely ignored.

"So if you want to leave, Xiaolu probably won't be able to follow you~"

Hao shrugged and leaned lazily on the back of the chair: "But when she grows up to be able to bear a small part of my strength, she can leave here to find A Sang. If she can be with you by then, it will be great." good."

"It seems that you do not object to my leaving." Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the dark elf man in front of him who had been the most elusive to him since he came to Tianzhu Mountain: "I thought you would try to let me leave. I'll stay and continue to increase my strength and so on..."

"Freedom is a treasure more precious than life." He smiled and shook his head: "We will not lock you here for an ambiguous revelation, and call it 'for you' or 'for the world'. ', 'For the sake of responsibility', and then interfere with your life and choices, not to mention if an outsider wants to leave here from the bottom of his heart, who can stop him? The worst he can do is die."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then nodded helplessly: "It seems that you even know that 'we' have more than one life."

"Yeah, that's why I'm getting more and more confused."

Hao lightly tapped the armrest and whispered: "If the remaining light of the apocalypse and the two shadows of the apocalypse are also 'outsiders' like you, then what's the point of protecting and destroying them? But what's the point of protecting and destroying them? Let's skip this topic for now. All in all, I think leaving here may not be a bad thing for you. Besides, now that you can successfully break through the vegetable-level arena, you also have the most basic self-protection ability. Of course, there is no need to be beaten all the time. Tethered to this place.”

"Thank you very much." Mo Tan stood up and bowed slightly to Long: "I have received a lot of care from everyone during this period. If there is anything I can do to help in the future, I will do my best."

Hazy shook his head: "That will happen in the future, and I suggest you come back a few more times if you have time. If nothing else, the arena in the First Outer Mountain is very useful to you 'outsiders'." Benefit, every time your strength improves to a level, you might as well come back to verify your gains."

"I think so too. I'll probably come back often in the future."

"When to set off?"


"Yes." Hao nodded slightly, and then said to Mo Tan with a half-smile: "It seems that this pleasant chat is almost over. To be honest, I thought you would have more questions."

Mo Tan shook his head: "It would be too impolite to inquire just to satisfy my curiosity. Besides, you have already told me a lot, so that's fine... But I do have one thing that I care about. .”

"Just ask."

He stood up with a smile: "I hope it doesn't involve things that I think it's not appropriate to tell you now."

"I can see that you are indeed somewhat curious about us 'foreigners'." Mo Tan looked at the other person's soft and elegant face and narrowed his eyes slightly: "But it's just curiosity and a little surprised. This makes me feel a little concerned..."

He didn't finish what he said because Mo Tan believed that Long should have understood what he meant.

The other party was silent for a while before giving an answer...

"Although I can excuse you by saying that my curiosity is not strong enough." Hao sighed and turned his back to Mo Tan: "But that would seem a bit too ungraceful, so I can only say... we have met some More unbelievable stuff, that’s all.”


"Nothing, do you want me to give you a ride?"

five minutes later

The seventh outer mountain of Tianzhu Mountain

Mo Tan walked out of the hazy haze and immediately saw the girl dancing in the night not far away. Although Ji Xiaoge was just doing ordinary post-meal digestion exercises in the evening breeze, her Her temperament, which can be summed up in one word with just the word 'beautiful', eclipses the countless beautiful and colorful stars in the surrounding night sky. The same slightly clumsy movements, if it were another person, don't say 'pianlian', Even describing it as a giant moth is not an exaggeration.

"Ah, Mo, you're here!"

A few seconds later, the girl also noticed that there was someone else on the ground. She quickly flapped her wings and floated down in front of Mo Tan. She smiled and stretched her little hand forward: "It's true!"

"Ah?" Mo Tan was relieved at that time, and asked in a daze, "What's there?"

Ji Xiaoge blinked her sparkling eyes, which seemed to always reflect the stars in the sky: "Noyce said you will definitely come over and give me a gift."

"He must have misunderstood something."

Mo Tan let out a long sigh, then took out the steam pot that he had spent an extra five gold coins on for Noyce to buy from his bag and handed it over: "Weren't you interested in this before? And it's easy to operate." It's very simple. I just bought you one for the purpose of benefiting everyone. It's not impossible to call it a gift, but it's definitely not what Noyce meant."

"Wow!" Ji Xiaoge's little mouth suddenly turned into a cute O shape, and then he took the mouthful of the engineering creation that required almost zero cooking skills. His whole person almost glowed with excitement: "Thank you! I really I really like this, it’s very expensive!”

Mo Tan shook his head: "Fortunately, I recently sold a lot of rewards from previous arena missions at the No. 1 Waishan stall, and I still have a lot of savings. Besides, I also like to eat fish, but I have to I’m working part-time...as you know, so the time to go online is compressed quite a bit, so I can make the best use of it for you."

"I love it so much!" Ji Xiaoge held the steam pot and spun around in circles, with a happy smile on his face: "I'll make it for everyone tomorrow!"

The long hair that flew up as the girl spun almost brushed against the tip of Mo Tan's nose. The faint fragrance lingering in the surrounding air made the latter feel a little dazed. He opened his mouth several times before holding back a sentence: "Try not to add any accessories. …”

"Don't pour cold water on people when they are just beginning to be moved!"

The girl with her back to Mo Tan raised her head and rolled her eyes at him, raising her eyebrows dissatisfied: "And wasn't your explanation just too much?!"

"What explanation?"

"It's a misunderstanding~ I didn't mean it like that~ I feel so disgusted!"

"Uh, I really don't."

Mo Tan quickly waved his hand: "Cooking skills can be practiced!"

Ji Xiaoge: "...for the first time, I feel that you deserve a beating."

Mo Tan: "..."

"Well, forget it." Ji Xiaoge turned around lightly, tilted his head and smiled at Mo Tan: "Close your eyes~"

"don't want!"


"Because I saw the tea eggs you secretly took out just now."


Chapter 312: End

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