Quadruple split

Chapter 325 Acquaintances and Missing Persons

Twenty minutes later, the combined force received the second batch of support from the cities of Hofer and Mida, including several groups of low-level paladins who had stayed behind, a large number of civilians incited by small advertisements, and people due to pressure from the north of the county. The sudden decrease in the number of dozens of professionals who were transferred here, a small number of clergy from Hofer City (there are no more illnesses in the land of gods), and a large amount of supplies, in general, although it is not a decisive battle, It is powerful, but the weight is definitely not light, and it will be of great help to Mo Tan's next plan.

And there is an acquaintance in this team...


Yuchen, who was dressing the wounds of a low-level ranger by himself because he had run out of magic power, turned around and looked at the thin young man behind him in surprise, half of his body soaked in blood: "Why are you here? ? And he was so seriously injured?!"

"Actually, the wound is not deep, but his physical condition is too poor." Luna, who was holding a pile of bottles and cans, came over from a short distance away and thrust half a bottle of bright red potion into Gaheres' hand. He casually warned: "It's normal to feel a little dizzy after drinking. Don't move around casually. If the wound cracks after the medicine takes effect, there will be a massive bleeding..."

After saying that, he turned around and distributed potions to others.

This is the open space in the north of the joint force station. The second support team that arrived ten minutes ago, the last exploration team that just returned from the mission, and the more than two hundred civilians they rescued are gathered here. Everyone is not in good condition. Well, almost all the civilians who had just been rescued were injured. They were the largest group of survivors during this period, coming from three villages that had been reduced to ruins. The three people who were directly commanded by Mo Tan two hours ago A mixed team fought tooth and nail to save them. Although they managed to get here without anyone left behind, most of them had reached their limit. Some even fell to the ground with satisfaction after taking two mouthfuls of hot porridge. If they didn't wake up, if the treatment staff at the station hadn't treated these people immediately, it is estimated that a large number of them would have died in less than half an hour.

The situation of the support team was not good either. They encountered a big wave on the way... a lot of skeleton soldiers. Although the professionals and clergy wiped them out at the first time, there were still many civilians. He was injured in the encounter. In the current environment of Misha County, injuries in the wild and contracting the plague can be completely understood as synonyms. Therefore, two rounds of mutant transformation events unexpectedly broke out during the subsequent journey, creating another A large number of injured.

"Fortunately, everyone is still firm, uh..."

Gahres, who had just finished drinking the potion, swayed, and while covering his head with a pale face, he continued to say to Yu Chen: "Everyone came here voluntarily, and before setting off, they were prepared to never go back again. , so morale has not been affected at all, and the loss...well, the loss is not too big."

"You should take a rest first." Yuchen shook his head at him, stretched out his index finger and waved it to his lips, made a silent gesture, and said softly: "Miss Luna's potions are very effective, but The side effects are also very strong, so just lie down on the blanket for a while."

Gaheres's face became a little pale under the effect of [Hemoplenishing Element], but his gray eyes were bright and pious when he looked at Yu Chen: "I'm fine, but you should..."

"Don't let me rest. Someone has been nagging me for the past two days. Ah, this uncle...can't be so brave in the future. That is to say, you have a strong body. If it's someone else, you may be in trouble in the next life. We can't even leave!" Yuchen shook his head quickly, and then whispered while applying the cold towel in his hand to the calf of a middle-aged orc, who was killed by a mutant when he came back with the exploration team. His leg was broken. He knew he was not light during the second half of the journey, so he jumped back on one leg without asking for help. As a result, the other leg was almost useless.

Similar words came and went in this open space...

"It's okay, okay, although the wound is deep, your flesh is pretty thick~"

"Eat my big ice finger! Hey, brother knight, what are you doing? I'm not here to cause trouble. I was transferred here to help the injured with pain relief! Do you understand pain relief?"

"Brother, do you also want to relieve pain? Well, I'm not a water mage. How about I have a little yellow book for you to deal with?"

"You want a little yellow book too? Where's the injury? No injury? No injury. You want an egg? Just stay there!"

"This Gu Liang, do you still have any blood replenishing elements and rune bandages left in your group?"

"Yes, what else do you want? There is plenty of vitality potion and hemp stems."

"Do you have a pornographic book? The more exposed, the better."

"Hey! Come over here, that big paladin, there's someone sexually harassing you here!"

"Who goes to the logistics master Kang and asks for a bowl of porridge! This child is starving to death! Hey, Sister Mage, wait a minute. This child hasn't eaten for two and a half days. I think she hasn't reached the age of weaning yet. I don't know. It’s inconvenient... Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!”

"Is there anyone who knows how to set bones! Is there anyone who knows how to set bones! This old man's ribs are out of place!"

"I'll do it, I'll do it. I learned a few Sanshou moves from a monk before, no matter if they are good or not, I'll try them first..."

Such shouts have never stopped. All the available priests, mages (majoring in water or light systems), and a large number of support staff in the entire station have basically come here. There are also many temporary staff at Luna. The little civilian girl who helped in the alchemy workshop (Yu Ying declined all male applicants on behalf of Luna) also ran around to help distribute medicines, allowing the newcomers to feel the warmth of the big family of the United Forces for the first time.

It has to be said that in most cases, a leader's own temperament will affect or exaggerate the departments, teams or organizations under his command. This argument can be reflected in many business units, violent groups, and administrative organizations, and The same is true for the joint forces in the Gudami Plain. Although Mo Tan, as the de facto leader, has not been involved in many things outside the combat field, the style of painting here has gradually become more and more inclusive... To put it simply It is said to be close to the people...

A ray of light golden light swept over Gaheres' body, slightly alleviating his increasingly intense headache.

"Although Luna's potions are very effective, the side effects are also very strong." Motan, who hurried over just after processing the report, shrugged to Gaheres and dispersed the light between his fingers: "Long time no see. , I suggest you close your eyes and lie down for a while, otherwise you will start to have tinnitus soon."

The young man who was dizzy from [Hemotonin] smiled bitterly and fell back on the blanket: "Thank you very much, Mr. Hei Fan."

Yu Chen, who had already raised his little hand, pouted at Mo Tan: "Come and stare at me?"

"I'm just here to help. I don't have time to keep an eye on you." The latter turned away with some guilt, and whispered to Yu Chen while casting [Life Link] on the two injured people next to him who were also fed with hematin. : "After the magic power is used up, don't use it after recovering for a while. You should wait until at least 30% or above before casting the spell. Also, it is best to wait about five minutes each time you drink the magic potion, otherwise the effect will diminish very quickly. Now You have a limited budget, so use it sparingly.”

Yuchen nodded obediently: "Oh, but I remember that Luna just made a lot of ingredients from Sprout City yesterday..."

"If you can save it, save it." Mo Tan shook the cross on his wrist and summoned a [halo of calm] on the spot to soothe the emotions of the seriously injured people around him (the seriously injured people were basically around Yu Chen), and said seriously: "If we go head-to-head with those large-scale mutants in the future, it will definitely consume a lot of money."

What he said was true and false. To put it simply, although there is no problem in theory, the real purpose is to prevent Yu Chen from repeating the mental burden of casting, restoring mana, casting, and restoring mana so frequently. It's just an operation, as for saving medicine...

It makes sense, but how much magic potion can Yuchen consume by himself? After macro-control, one more person and one less person will not have much impact.

However, the girl who was still very innocent to a certain extent did not doubt that she had it. She just raised the bandage in her hand and said with a smile: "I know, then I will go and bandage everyone's wounds first!"

Mo Tan nodded slightly: "Well, many adventurers say that you, Your Highness the Saint, are more proficient in how to use bandages than those of them who crawl around in the wild every day. Sure enough, you still have a good foundation."

"Hey, thank you for the compliment~"

Yuchen scratched his hair in embarrassment, then ran to the middle of the team to bandage those with serious injuries, not caring at all that his white hands and the equally clean high-level priest robes had become dirty. Bloody.

[Should I help her wash her clothes later? Well, I will probably be regarded as a pervert. No, no, what the hell am I thinking! 】

Mo Tan rolled his eyes with unclear meaning, waved the cross lightly, and accurately cast a series of seamless healing spells on a dying orc old man, hanging his life.

"Lord Heifan..."

Gahres, whose headache had subsided a little, suddenly called Mo Tan, with a serious look on his face: "Lord Anton who is stationed in Hofer City asked me to tell you or His Highness Xia Lian that a week ago, a man named this Foster’s Paladin of the Cult of the Harvest disappeared during a vigil, suspected... of being killed.”


Mo Tan immediately looked back at him and asked in surprise: "Are there new mutants appearing around Hofer City?"

Gaheres shook his head slightly: "No, and no monster came to attack the night Ben disappeared. After the knights discovered this, they immediately went out of the city to search, but found nothing."

"I think so. After all, even if there were fish that slipped through the net in the previous annihilation, it would be impossible for them to take the initiative to approach Hofer City, which Xia Lian turned into a temporary place for gods." Mo Tan rubbed his forehead and thought with a frown. After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up: "By the way, when and where did you encounter the skeleton attack? How many were there?"

Gaheres thought for a while: "In fact, on the afternoon of the day of departure, the location should be on the road dozens of miles south of Hofer City. In terms of number... there were at least thirty or forty."

"Then what happened after they were killed? Did they turn into a pile of bones again or what?"

"No, after the flames in the skull soldiers' heads are extinguished, they will directly turn into dust and disappear into the air..."

"I see, thank you, Gaheres."

Mo Tan squinted his eyes and nodded, and then quickly sent a message to Yu Ying: 'Select a group of players with high stealth levels from those players who are unstable online and have no fixed team, and have them return to the northern part of Misha County immediately. Half of the people went to Hofer and Mida cities to look for 'suspicious persons', and the others searched indiscriminately within a fifty-mile radius around Hofer City, telling them that this matter involved the world mission of 'finding the source of the plague' , the rewards are greatly there. ’

‘Then you have to have a rough goal, right? What the hell is a ‘suspicious person’, and what does it mean to be considered suspicious? ! ’

Yuying replied instantly.

Mo Tan sighed and said helplessly: 'I only know that the other party is most likely a powerful necromancer, but I don't know anything more. ’

‘Okay, anyway, those whose time is unstable can’t get any rewards here. It’s better to let them try their luck. I’ll leave a message for them right now. ’

'Thanks for your hard work. ’

‘If you don’t plan to give a bonus, don’t talk about these useless things. ’

‘Oh, it’s okay, just hang up. ’

Mo Tan casually closed the message board, and then smiled at Gaheres, who looked a little curious: "Sorry, I was thinking about something just now. I will try my best to find out about this matter."

"Okay." Gahres, who had regained some strength, sat up and said to Mo Tan: "But Lord Anton also said that everything will be based on the overall situation. If the war here is tense, he will temporarily Give up the search and lead the last few paladins stationed in Hofer City to come for support."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then asked curiously: "By the way, I remember that you should be taking care of Wen Qiulai in the chapel. Is that girl okay?"

"Ask Qiu if everything is okay."

Gaheres gave a bitter smile, spread his hands and said, "She is just a little annoyed with me. She keeps telling me, 'Go to the south quickly.' This time, I asked Qiu to sign up for me without permission. Maybe she is disliked." Alright."

The corner of Mo Tan's mouth twitched a little, and it took a while before he could hold back a sentence: "I'm sorry, I will talk to her nicely when I get back."

The thin young man with a low sense of presence shook his head: "No, actually I am quite grateful to Wenqiu. It is an honor for me to be able to help on the front line and to fight side by side with Her Royal Highness, ha... Although I am quite useless, At best, it’s just doing some simple work in the rear.”

"Haha, our work nature and self-evaluation are quite similar~"

Mo Tan smiled, but before he could chat with Gahres, Xia Lianti, who had just woken up and rushed over, slipped aside to understand the situation.

at the same time

In the southern part of Misha County, a mournful howl resounded across the ground, startling two or three mutants.

"Go to hell, Captain of the Steel Rangers! I'm obviously a kamikaze, you bastard!"

Chapter 322: End

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