Quadruple split

Chapter 327 Little Wolf

The number of monsters far exceeds expectations...

Yes, although those mutants were once flesh-and-blood beings, and although their experiences deserved sympathy and mourning, these exorcists who stood up again as undead were undoubted monsters.

Of course they are monsters, they must be monsters!

Otherwise it would be too sad...

Cordoba ran on the streets of Fair City, surrounded by endless corpses and nearly the same number of mutants. The former fell on the cold stone slab, in a pool of turbid blood, and under a fragile bunker. The faces were pale and stiff, either in pain or confusion. A rain of tears fell from the corners of the eyes of a corpse. It was a young dwarf curled up on the street corner. His already stiff arms were stretched out straight, but he never touched them. Seeing the girl of the same race lying on her back not far away, the latter's short pink hair was messy on the ground. Her eyes that turned to look at her lover had lost their luster, but there was a slightly bitter smile from the corner of her mouth. From the looks of it, those eyes were undoubtedly gentle and full of nostalgia before the light faded away.

"Get away!!"

Cordoba casually threw an armored mutant seven or eight meters away, looking for survivors with dizzy eyes, but all he could see were endless corpses, static corpses and moving corpses. But there is not even a single living person.

Several more mutants staggered towards Cordoba. In this dead city, the latter's continuously overloaded rune body was too obvious. The violent energy torrent was like a torch in the eyes of the mutants. It is so eye-catching, even if there is no real life breath inside, it will still attract these creatures that follow the blasphemous instinct.

However, since it is a rune body that is continuously overloaded, it means that Cordoba is quite difficult to mess with at this moment!

"I said, get out of here..."

Angry red power runes and dark cyan acceleration runes intersect with each other. The punisher's staff held upside down in his hand tore apart the rain curtain, air, body and bones, turning into several afterimages and closing in on more than a dozen animals. The former mutant was dismembered into pieces.

After throwing out a casual blow, Cordoba's figure swept across the long street like a hurricane and disappeared in an instant. At the same time, the roars in the air stopped abruptly until a few seconds later. , dozens of heads slipped neatly from their necks, and fell heavily to the ground together with their desecrated bodies.

As the second-ranked being in the player combat power rankings, Cordoba was so angry that he began to overload himself in all directions. Cordoba was far from being able to be stopped by ordinary mutants. He only affected the red and green runes. , the ferocious-looking and bladed 'staff' easily chopped off all the heads on this street that were more than one meter high, without even staining its owner with any blood.

‘Fel City in the southern border has been destroyed. The city has been completely occupied by mutants. The number is conservatively estimated to be no less than 3,000. It is difficult to estimate the time it will take to destroy the city. I will stop here for a while and try to find survivors as much as possible. ’

After sending this message to Yuying, who was on standby at the coalition station, Cordoba, which was further overloaded with anti-gravity runes, had already jumped high into the air, and after a brief stagnation, it suddenly moved towards the place as far as the eye could see like an eagle. Fit and hit the place with the most readers...

ten minutes later

Cordoba, who was squatting on the top of a tall building, finally stopped overloading when his energy reserve dropped to 25%. The red light beating like a flame in his eyes gradually faded away. He stood up slowly, and the scorching water The mist escaped from all joints, washing away a large amount of dirt attached to the body surface, and also quickly dissipated the [overheating] effect in the status bar that had been getting higher and higher since a few minutes ago.

Although Yu Ying had previously euphemistically conveyed the meaning of 'give up the search, there are no survivors' in a friend's message, Cordoba still did not leave here and rush to the next location, although he represented rationality in his mind. His voice kept emphasizing the same conclusion, but he was still unwilling to leave just like that, perhaps because of some unreasonable self-blame, or perhaps because of some intuition that could not be expressed in words...

【Can't leave like this. 】

Cordoba blocked the message board, squinted his eyes and looked at the church square at his feet, and started blasting all the way from half a city away (given the way nearly a hundred mutants died on the road, it can indeed be said to be blasting) to get here. He is currently standing on the top of the Holy Union Chapel in Fair City. There are relatively few mutants here, and he was still overloaded and he barely calmed down after venting. After climbing up here with the help of floating runes, he Think about it seriously.

"There may be a large number of mutants gathered in a place with people, but if people with fighting ability rush all the way to a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, there may only be a few scattered monsters around... In short, the more even the density of these zombies, the less likely it will be. There may be survivors.”

Cordoba murmured to himself, then looked down at the small square where there were only a few mutants. After the [overheating] effects on his body completely disappeared, he jumped from the top of the chapel: "So Saint Let’s search for places like the United Church’s chapel, the Mage Guild, the Adventurer’s Guild, and the churches of the major sects…”

Little Wolf is an orphan who grew up in Fair City. Because he is an orphan, he does not have a name. Because he has the characteristics of a wolf or half-orc, people who know him well call him Little Wolf.

Although he is an orphan, Little Wolf does not have too many bitter memories or tragic childhood. Perhaps it is because Fair City is relatively wealthy, or perhaps because this child is handsome, has a pleasant personality, and does not like to cry. Therefore, he was always able to receive support from various uncles and aunts. As a baby, he was always taken home in turn to take care of and feed him. As a child, he would receive copper plates or black bread from nearby residents every day. When he was a teenager, he was also In recent years, the thriving little wolf has been able to survive on its own.

He will always find those few outsiders and make a lot or a handful of coppers from all kinds of people, and through legitimate win-win transactions, he will sell his carefully hand-drawn maps to adventurers. , which marks all locations in Fair City including the sewers, dark alleys and small black markets. In addition, there are also the cheapest hotels, the most affordable weapon shops, the best-reputed tailor shops, etc. Practical information, of course, this information will change at any time, depending on Xiaolang's mood when drawing the map and the advertising fees sponsored by the corresponding merchants, although at the beginning the so-called 'advertising fees' were just a few dollars that adults wanted to give him. It’s just a well-intentioned excuse to buy fruit with copper coins.

He would introduce the bards to the tavern owners in the city who could provide free sauce meat and ale for free. The condition was that he would not have to tip no matter how long he listened to the story. Although he would not have to pay half a penny even if he did not tell the story, Xiaolang But they always insist on 'dealing' with the other party in this way.

Foreign traders coming from afar, believers preparing to make pilgrimages to the City of Light, new students in church colleges, and messengers in a hurry, Xiaolang is willing to provide help to every traveler who passes through this place, and earn a small amount of remuneration to make a living. Although he only had a small amount of savings, it was already good enough for a sixteen-year-old boy.

Until not long ago, Xiaolang's biggest dream was to save enough five gold coins to buy a house of his own in the most dilapidated area of ​​Fair City. After all, for an orphan like him, there is nothing better than a house that belongs to him. Home is more important, but this is often easily overlooked by children who are born with a roof over their heads.

As for the further things, Xiaolang, who is more precocious compared to his peers, rarely thinks about it, or has no time to think about it.

[It seems good to be a paladin or a priest~]

Influenced by the major local churches, he occasionally had this idea, but Xiaolang, who was busy looking for 'business opportunities' or working for a boss he knew well, didn't have much time to think deeply. After all, his first goal was Home, a home of your own.

"But even if I become a paladin or a priest, I will never become a paladin or a priest of the Just Church." This is what Xiaolang said most often when asked about his 'future'. There is always a mischievous smile on his face, but this sentence is the real truth.

Xiao Lang likes the sects in the Holy Union very much, because they will always treat everyone's illnesses for free, provide some simple and delicious food to homeless people like himself, and those templars or trainee paladins will also communicate with each other. City guards work together to keep people safe.

But this upright and intelligent young man only hates the Justice Sect, and he hates it from the bottom of his heart...

As for the reason, as mentioned just now, Xiaolang is an upright young man. Even though he is an orphan, even though he has enough reasons to learn those tricks and deceptions, and even though he does not have parents who teach him to be a good person, but However, he has become a person who is a little smart and can play a little bad, but he is also honest enough.

And the Justice Sect... is very dishonest in terms of painting style...

Not to mention anything else, just looking at those very representative Paladins, there is nothing related to saving lives and healing the wounded in terms of divine skills. The so-called combat skills are basically group fights, and even group fights are special. It wasn't a serious group fight. At least Xiaolang had never imagined that there could be such a group of people before witnessing it with his own eyes. Even if they chased away a few beasts, more than a dozen people would surround them and kick them.

Compared with other sects, the people of the Justice Sect are just a bunch of stinky hooligans. To deal with a few fire crows that ruin crops, they have to form a group to bully the animals. In the past few years, when Fair City was harassed by bandit groups, other The sect and the city guards really rushed outside to fight with the evil bandits, but the little wolf who sneaked onto the city wall didn't see even a single knight of justice appear at the city gate. He thought about it after he went back. Stay, and finally came to the conclusion that there were too many bandits, so the gangsters did not dare to leave the city, let alone the city, they did not even dare to go to the streets...

Sure enough, on the day that bandit group ran away, those guys in small groups started wandering around happily again.

All in all, although he has some yearning for paladins, priests, and priests, Xiao Lang despises the people of the Justice Sect from the bottom of his heart, and does not say anything about the clergy who only go to the cathedral every Sunday to make soy sauce. Well, those guys who carry the word 'just' and call themselves knights are simply a disgrace to the Paladins!

But when the disaster struck, when the civilians infected with the disease turned into monsters and slaughtered wildly, Xiaolang immediately sneaked into the knights of the Justice Sect and said nothing.

"Kid, are you blind or something? Can you find a reliable church to protect you?"

The orc knight, who was tall, strong and often drank on credit, curled his lips with disgust on his face, and kept stroking the scabbard with his obviously trembling hand.

"The Dawn Sect's team is over there, go find them."

The elf priest with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks pointed angrily not far away, where there were at least two groups of templar warriors from the Dawn Sect escorting the civilians who were following them to the church.

"That's right, they can risk their lives to protect you, but we can't. Don't cause trouble here!"

The lizard man priest who was holding the Just Canon was assisting in a weird way. He was the one who dragged the little wolf off the city wall at that time. He said it was to protect the child's safety, but in fact he just didn't want to see that none of the 'just' people were there. Go down and help fight.

Screams, roars, and curses sounded from all directions. Those people who suddenly turned into monsters were desperately attacking every living person in sight, even the Templars wearing armor and capable of using some simple magic. They retreated steadily under their impact.

The bad news came too suddenly. You must know that just a few hours ago, this city was a safe fortress. Although the ubiquitous plague took away thousands of lives, under the leadership of the city owner and major neutral organizations and churches, the city unified The rationed food can still allow everyone to eat two meals a day. Those suffering from serious diseases are not only not cruelly deported from the city, but are even carefully cared for. Apart from being slightly restricted in their movements, they are not subjected to any restrictions at all. Discrimination and unfair treatment made Xiaolang very proud as a member of Fair City, and then...

Disaster breaks out.

Countless 'people' who had been staying peacefully in the isolation area rushed out like crazy, hysterically attacking all the living creatures in sight. Those terminally ill bodies could even tear open the chest of a strong man at will. They were unable to communicate. , without reason, even if he is cut off in the middle, he will drag a long trail of blood on the street with difficulty, constantly attacking other people.

The entire city fell into complete chaos. Although the city hall, the church, and the major guilds sent out as many people as possible to suppress, drive away, and even eliminate the monsters, it was still difficult to avoid the fate of Fair City's imminent destruction.

Especially after... the second group of people suddenly transformed into monsters!

Chapter 324: End

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