Quadruple split

Chapter 331 A lot of pressure

Real time AM01:36

Mo Tan, who took the initiative to disconnect, returned to the living room at home from Misha County. He put on his slippers, walked to the door with the help of the faint light on the game cabin, and touched the light switch...

A warm orange-yellow light bloomed in the center of the ceiling, which was a bit dazzling, but the adaptation process was not as difficult as expected. Mo Tan blinked his eyes that had just been subconsciously narrowed, and slowly walked to the refrigerator and took it out. I bought a bottle of happy water, and after drinking most of the bottle, I didn't feel any happiness as expected. Instead, I shivered from the cold, and the urge to hug the heater arose spontaneously.

He walked into the bathroom silently, went to the toilet, washed his face, and then stared in the mirror in a daze...

His dull eyes, messy hair, slumped shoulders, and unnaturally pale face all looked like he was half-dead. It had obviously been a long time since he had slept through the night, and he was in good shape before logging into the game today. But at this moment, the young man standing stupidly in the mirror looked like a seafood that had been squeezed out of the water, standing in front of the sink in a daze like a dried salted fish.

It honestly sucks.

[Obviously I just want to play games leisurely, fight monsters, gain blood, look at the scenery, do tasks, etc. Why does it become like this...]

Mo Tan gave himself a limited smile that was better than crying. He tried his best to smooth out a strand of hair on the left side of his head, then shuffled back to the living room, which was less than one-third as old as Cordoba. His broad shoulders slumped even further.

"You keep talking with such a face, no wonder you are comforted in return."

Mo Tan fell on the sofa in a posture commonly known as 'B city paralysis', and laughed dryly: "It turns out that my endurance is not as good as that of two girls. This is no longer a matter of emotion." The excuse can be used to explain away the situation. He is obviously a loser with extremely poor psychological quality..."

There was still plenty of time before the appointment with another group of people, so he slowly closed his eyes and tried to calm down his emotions as much as possible, as if he wanted to prove that his psychological quality could still be saved, but with little success.

An unpleasant negative emotion lingers in my mind, which cannot be let go or suppressed.

Although Mo Tan has never thought of himself as a sentimental person, he still couldn't help but think of Cordoba's plain-spoken messages, and associated the corresponding scenes that he had not witnessed with his own eyes...

Thousands of living dead roamed the city, hunting and killing. The panicked crowds were praying, crying, and running away. Those who stood up died, those who were desperate and trembling died, and those who had strength died. Ordinary people died, martyrs died.

Men died, women died.

Old people died, children died.

The leader who was full of humanity and noble character died, and the conscientious old city lord may be nailed to the pillar of shame in the future, paying for a mistake that he was not responsible for.

Unknown fear surged toward Mo Tan like a tide, squeezing him until he couldn't breathe...

[So what am I afraid of? 】

Lying on the sofa tiredly, Mo Tan scratched his hair angrily. He was angry with himself.

Afraid of death?

Maybe in reality, but not to mention that he is not so cowardly that he dare not die in the game, not to mention that Mo Tan's current location can be said to be one of the safest places in Misha County, so it is absolutely not possible. Maybe this is a ridiculous reason.

Because it was too cruel a sacrifice?

Maybe a little, after all, this kind of tragedy that can be said to be close at hand is really enough to move people. The resentment that turned the whole city into a cursed place in the blink of an eye after the last living person left is simply unimaginable. , but at this moment, Mo Tan somehow felt that he could understand, 'If this kind of thing happened to me', just thinking about it would make him feel some unreal grievance and resentment echoing in his mind, but This is not a rare thing, just like the feeling when watching a live broadcast of an execution by a terrorist. Even though the people who were brutally killed were not themselves, many people will inevitably feel a sense of despair that does not belong to them out of thin air, but this still cannot be justified. …

The current Mo Tan is not a person with excessive sympathy, not even under the 'Lawful Good' personality. He will feel sad and unfair for those people, but this emotion will never evolve into being difficult to control. A sense of fear and oppression that almost suffocated him.

In this way, the answer seems to be ready.

"What scares me is responsibility..."

Mo Tan turned over and murmured with a wry smile, as if he was wondering why he didn't discover this until now. Afterwards, he realized that this was not something difficult to guess at all.

Yes, that's the responsibility he has now.

After Xia Lian sent Mo Tan to the seemingly prestigious position of 'Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Forces', the mountain-like pressure never subsided, especially when he found that every thought he had would be reflected in the first place. After time is put into practice, each of your arrangements will be implemented without reservation, and your requirements will be completed without compromise, this pressure will become more real.

Unknowingly, Motan has become an axis, whether it is a paladin, an adventurer, a mercenary, a player, a commoner, a respected saint, or an eccentric alchemist. Whether it's an assassin with no emotions or not, everything revolves around him.

And Mo Tan did not disappoint everyone, at least until now, so others began to believe in him and rely on him more and more.

After satisfying my vanity in a small way, the pressure that was several times the former also followed...

But now Mo Tan, the 'Black Fan' of Misha County, is definitely not a person with strong ability to withstand pressure. In fact, as he himself lamented, his psychological quality is so bad that he initially went by the name of BLACK When he was wanted on the Internet, he would always be so nervous when he switched to his current personality that he couldn't eat. Even if this concern was almost nothing compared to the means of self-protection, it still couldn't make him completely relieved.

Taking half a step wrong will lead to immeasurable bad consequences. One mistake will destroy the trust of others. Any failure may make the situation that was finally put together in vain, and the soldiers may die in vain because of their own mistakes. , civilians may be massacred due to their own mistakes, and if there is the slightest mistake in any link, the tragedy in Fair City may happen again. God knows how it got to this point, but there is already too much life, trust, and hope. How could Mo Tan, who had a bad mentality and was forced to put his trust on him, not be afraid.

But the situation in Misha County is not optimistic at the moment. Cordoba fed back the worst news that Mo Tan could think of. Based on the known intelligence, it was speculated that the number of monsters in the southern border has exceeded 10,000, and the United The total number of troops here is only a few thousand, and some of them are civilian volunteers who have never even touched a sword.

The source of the plague has not yet been revealed. The number of enemies far exceeds ours. Although some people have joined the joint force, the quantity and quality are difficult to predict. There is no solution to the problem of frequent disconnections...

Even if they are the same person, it is difficult for 'Mo' and 'Tan Mo' in the world of innocence to help in this regard, so when the most trustworthy 'self' cannot be relied on, the feeling of being unable to breathe The feeling of being angry becomes more obvious.

But this responsibility cannot be shied away. If you want to be as effective as possible, Mo Tan must continue to sit in this position. At least so far, his role is irreplaceable.

So, a bad vicious cycle…

Even though he could divert his attention intentionally or unintentionally before, the news of Fair City's destruction made Mo Tan seem to see what he would look like after his failure. He didn't even need to fail, as long as there was a slight oversight or a slower pace. , this situation will happen a second or third time, and they will all become Mo Tan's responsibility.

That's why he was afraid because he had already subconsciously deduced the outcome of this incident, and thus became one of the first people to know about the situation in the southern border. It's not that ugly.

Mo Tan smiled self-deprecatingly and sat up slowly. He had other things to do. No matter how uncomfortable he felt, he couldn't help but lie here with a dejected look on his face. Think about the good. , after changing his personality, his thoughts will definitely be completely different from now. Although there is some suspicion of cheating, relieving stress in this way is the only thing he can do now.

Then, just when Mo Tan was about to let himself go, his phone suddenly vibrated.

He opened his eyes in confusion and looked down subconsciously...

‘If you’re in a bad mood, don’t force yourself to work. Should you consider going to bed early today? And ah, and ah, Mo Tan, don’t think about letting yourself bear everything alone. I feel that you have pushed yourself too hard recently. It will be very hard if you push yourself too tight for a long time. This is true. It’s based on medicine (`)~~ Hey, although I don’t seem to have the qualifications to tell you, in short, it’s not right to take all the troubles on yourself (well, I said handsome words seriously, if I guess wrong It’s really embarrassing Σ(っ°Д°;)っ, so even if this is really the case, please pretend to be stupid!), let’s do our best together (ω)! ’

The sender is someone who has exchanged contact information during the Chinese New Year, and who has been separated for less than ten minutes strictly speaking.

"Huh...really, what's going on with this subtle sense of frustration?"

Game time PM20:25

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Tianzhu Mountain, the seventh outer mountain

Mo Tan appeared behind a cedar, or a cedar-like tree. He leaned out half of his body and took a look not far away. Sure enough, he found three NPCs, Jadeka, Yaya and Lu Wei, and two... one The half-female player was standing near where she had logged off before, chatting about something. Next to her was a very familiar thing that looked like a warhead. It was the same thing that everyone had ridden before. Although it was a vehicle, it was weird. The [Absolute Safety Express] with a value like 'Attack Power' is no different.

[Bad premonition, but it should be an illusion caused by the previous psychological shadows. 】

After making a very rational judgment, Mo Tan walked out from behind the tree, raised his hand and shook it at the four people who looked back at him, and said apologetically: "Sorry for being late~"

Then there was a scene that everyone loved to see. Accompanied by a long and drawn-out ‘moow~~~’, Ya Ya’s signature flying attack hit Mo Tan straight away.

"It's been a long time since you've been barking!"

The excited dog girl hung most of her body on Mo Tan's shoulders, and while sniffing his ears affectionately, she said with a smile: "But Wang is not Wang Wan, Wang Jiang has just arrived!!"

"Hey, I skipped class from Fimi and came here to see you off." Lujiang, who didn't plan to set off to Anka Market with everyone, smiled sheepishly, pinched the corner of his skirt and whispered: "Actually, I I really want to go with you, but there are still things about my brother..."

‘I think Lujiang is almost more feminine than me. ’

The news about Ji Xiaoge's friend flashed before Mo Tan's eyes.

Lu Wei glanced at Yaya in confusion and muttered in a low voice: "Why do I think this dog is atavistic?"

Jadeka nodded with deep sympathy: "What the master said is absolutely true."

"There will definitely be a chance in the future." Mo Tan smiled at Lu Jiang, and quickly replied to Ji Xiaoge with a sweaty expression, and then pulled the girl off of him by the back collar of Yaya, and finally He walked up to Lu Wei and bowed slightly: "It's so troublesome for you."

The latter rolled his eyes: "If you want to thank me, just thank Xiao Gezi. If she didn't have to go with you, I wouldn't bother to care about it."

Mo Tan turned around and leaned towards Ji Xiaoge to say hello: "Thank you very much."

"Flat body." The girl stuck out her tongue playfully, then flapped her wings and flew to the cannonball next to Lu Wei...the vehicle, and knocked on the metal shell on it: "Not just the teacher, but also me. Part of the credit is in it.”

Lu Wei nodded seriously: "Indeed, you have indeed improved your sticky bean buns, but you must guard against arrogance and impetuosity and continue to work hard."

Motan/Lujiang/Jadeka: "..."

Yaya: "Ouch!!"

When she just got next to Ji Xiaoge, she accidentally stuck her tail on a patch on the express and couldn't pull it off.

Ji Xiaoge's sticky bean buns have indeed improved a lot. Anyway, Mo Tan and Jadeka tried their best to save Ya Ya's tail. In the end, Master Lu used the epic quality [Super Super Super Super powerful instant solvent] allowed the dog girl who was on the verge of rage to successfully escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Then Mo Tan had time to take a good look at the thing in front of him that took Master Lu and Ji Xiaoge most of the day to save -

[Abridged version of Absolute Safety Express]

Chapter 328: End

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