Quadruple split

Chapter 336 Exploiting Value

"Yes, I think there will be no pressure at least during this period of time, but unfortunately, it's not time to rest yet. There is still a little time before our spellcasters can show off their power. I will use thirty seconds to Zhong will make roll call and make some arrangements, please cooperate."

Mo Tan took a few steps forward and said loudly to the frontline soldiers whose pressure was suddenly reduced due to the burst of healers: "Gerald, Linna, Ledget, Connolly, Nape You, leave your current position and form a ring formation around me, in other words, form a circle, now."

Although they could hear Mo Tan's voice, the five melee professionals who were distributed at different locations along the defense line were stunned for a moment. Several of them had never even met the young commander, but this did not prevent them from temporarily distracted. After that, he quickly left his current position and ran to Mo Tan. Although they were not familiar with it, these people had indirectly received immediate command from the joint force headquarters one or several times before, and they also knew very well those who were precise, efficient and could not save lives. I don't know how many people's orders were given by the young priest in front of me. Although he looked like a very friendly-looking boy, neither calm nor imposing, he was undoubtedly trustworthy.

"Patrick, Dylan, and Dennis, form a triangle in front of the six of us, with Dylan in front."

The three people not far away came out. Mo Tan's simple and direct orders were very easy to understand. The process from leaving the battle line to becoming arrows in front of the circular formation was very fast and without any delay.

"Peter, Zach, and Dominic, come over and form a triangle on the left and back, with Dominic on the outside."

Unhandsome and unprofessional orders were carried out without hesitation. There was not a single strictly trained legionnaire here. For these low-level mercenaries and adventurers who had only experienced a team of five at most, this kind of straightforward statement On the contrary, it is easier to understand and implement.

"Travis, Piddock, Klaus, come over and form a triangle behind us on the right side, with Klaus on the outside."

After making the final arrangements, Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced at the system time cheatingly, and raised his right hand that was holding the cross tightly: "There are still seven seconds."

At this time, most of the spellcasters in the rear have stopped attacking, and energy that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye is gathering around them. Some people have raised their staffs or orbs, some are communicating with contract demons and the power of shadow, and some are listening to the elements. echo……

Finally, as Mo Tan's arm raised high in the air was swung down heavily, the area in front of him where the mutants were densest was instantly submerged, blasted by explosive fireballs, thunderstorms falling from the sky, and swept away from the ground. The surging sand spurs, the sweeping frost pulses, the self-destructing imps who screamed and screamed... In short, they were overwhelmed by a lot of messy special effects.

Although the highest level among these spell casters is only mid-level, the word "spell caster" itself does not make sense. Unlike warriors, knights, and thieves, which are professions that temper their bodies and practice in a continuous and progressive manner, wizards, It is more difficult to advance to professions such as warlocks, but correspondingly, the latter can often erupt with power far beyond their own limits. To explain briefly, usually a mid-level swordsman can erupt up to a hundred times when he is desperate. The combat power is 120% to 180%, and it can only be exploded at the cost of overdraft. And for a spell caster of the same level, a mid-level mage can explode at least 300% when desperate. combat effectiveness, if the method is right, you may not even need to overdraft, this is the difference...

To put it more intuitively, a level 15 warrior player who is good at using swords and specializes in one-handed weapons can only master skills such as [Fantasy Sword Dance] and [Flash] at most. Even if he is exhausted, he will never be able to learn two skills. [Blade Storm] can only be mastered by a tenth-level swordsman, but at level 15, a mage player with a high intelligence value and a high flame school specialization level is enough to meet the learning standards of [Explosive Fireball]. From the theory Technically speaking, [Blade Storm] and [Explosive Fireball] are both standard mid-level skills, but the former cannot be learned by low-level warriors (below level 20), while the latter can be mastered by a mage apprentice.

Is it fair?

It's fair to say that it's fair. After all, in competitions at the same level, both warriors and thieves can be kited by mages for a long time without dying, but mages are basically half as cold as if they are touched by the former.

It's unfair to say that it's unfair. In many cases, a high-level spellcaster can kill enemies of the same level several times or even dozens of times in a second, while physical professionals have almost no way to do this.

Anyway, all the mages’ guild halls in the Innocence Continent have this sentence——

[Mage, no matter how lame or stupid the mage is, as long as he is a mage, it will be fine]

Other spellcasting professions are more reserved, but there is indeed some truth to this statement...

Ten seconds later, when the raging magic storm finally stopped, the area that Mo Tan had previously marked was completely 'clean', cleaner than the plate licked by his teeth.

Especially in the last few seconds, several spell casters who had been chanting for a long time saw that the place was completely clean, so they casually threw their already formed attacks to the place where the mutants were densely populated, although they did not let the latter There are a lot of casualties, but the sound and light effects are pretty good.

At the same time, Mo Tan also completed the explanation to those around him. When the area in front of him was cleared, he immediately raised his hand and shot a condensed light arrow, saying loudly: "Let's go."

The next moment, the fifteen people who had been prepared, including Mo Tan himself, rushed out of the defense line and plunged into the tide of corpses ahead! !

"The first group sets fire!"

The three men in heavy armor agreed in unison, and at the same time they crushed a bottle of [Glow Powder] that everyone in the joint force had prepared and slapped it on their heads, and the green powder inside was poured down. , each of them has a little bit of green light flashing on their body, looking particularly vibrant, particularly springy, special...attracting hatred!

"Ouch! Ouch!!!!"

The large number of mutants immediately changed their targets and swooped towards this small square array like an army of flies upon seeing something. Not to mention that the casters and healers just now were excessively consumed at the same time and were taken away again. It had broken through the defense line of more than a dozen people, and even the mutants dozens of meters away heard the news and pushed towards it.

"Don't panic, Klaus, I'm with you." Mo Tan smiled at a pale-faced half-orc female warrior, shrugged and said, "Actually, I'm also very scared, if the two saintesses... If I had agreed, I would have run away long ago.”

The Khajiit female warrior holding a giant tower shield with both hands pressed against several mutants while hanging her head in embarrassment: "Lord Hei Fan, you actually know my name..."

"I know a lot of people's names. Also, I'm just an ordinary priest, so don't call me sir."

Hei Fan touched the holy scripture and blessed Klaus with a law shield, then narrowed his eyes and looked around, then waved the cross and threw out a condensed light arrow: "In that direction, use Dominic as the arrow, run over ! Next, the pressure on both sides will be greater. Pay attention to defense. You will not face more than three enemies at the same time."

"Got it, boss."

Dominic, the centaur knight from the Jinhui River Valley, stood up (correctly), waving the iron spear in his hand to slap the mutants in front of him to both sides, and turned back to Mo Tan and smiled: "Are you right? Could it be true? A little adventurer like me wouldn’t even think of running away!”

The number of centaurs is not very large, at least compared to the large populations of humans, elves, dwarves and other races. They are mainly concentrated in the Barbarian Fang Wilderness, Savage Highlands and the central area of ​​the southwest continent in the northwest continent. In the northeast continent The number of them is even rarer. Only a small number of tribes exist in the Jinhui River Valley. They are natural hunters, rangers and archery masters. There have been a large number of famous figures in history, such as the famous 'Six-fingered Arrow God' Bomibol. , 'Trainer of Fraternity' Beifeng, 'Thousand Strikes' Casio, 'Kobold Slayer' Annie, etc., are all big bosses in famous towns. Some have tamed beast companions who are famous, and some have amazing arrow skills. The magic is like magic. Some people can perfectly cast a blind eye anywhere there are flowers, grass and trees, but no one... no, strictly speaking, no centaur will choose to become a knight!

They feel that it is too stupid to slap their own butts and charge hard, let others ride on their backs, or ride on others' backs.

And Dominic left his hometown and came here precisely because he had the heart of a knight. However, he is different from a certain muscular old man who inspired to become a mage. This young man who is only 19 years old... Xiaoban... Xiaomazi is very good at knights. He is really talented. He was promoted from a trainee knight to a junior knight in less than two months, and then reached the peak of the junior knight within half a year.

[If he can survive this war, God knows whether it should be called a war, he will surely be able to complete his dream of becoming a guardian knight soon. 】

"Watch your rhythm, knight. A qualified guardian cannot leave his teammates too far unless you are confident that you can deal with all the enemies by yourself."

Mo Tan smiled and raised his hand to offer a healing prayer to Dominic: "Also, I was not joking just now. Many of you are braver than me. I am proud to fight alongside you. "

Mo Tan was telling the truth. He felt from the bottom of his heart that there were too many people in the joint forces who were more upright, kinder, and braver than him. Frankly speaking, if he was not a player who could change his waistcoat and become a hero again, Mo Tan would I'm really not sure if I will run away from the battle, if I will still stand here and fight with these people who respect him, but are more deserving of his respect.

Although now since he came to Misha County, whenever he has time, he has been racking his brains to think about how to reduce sacrifices, how to save innocent people, how to change the situation, how to achieve a 'Good End'...

Although he entrusted Yu Ying to find the information of all the personnel involved in the battle sequence, and memorized all those things, trying to understand each person's occupation, personality, resume, habits and combat methods, just to be able to act in the future. Increase the success rate even a little bit and nip any unnecessary battle losses in the cradle...

Although the suffocating responsibility made his legs tremble and his face pale, Mo Tan still stubbornly braved the pressure of countless lives and moved forward cautiously, trying his best to maintain sobriety, rationality, insight, and Analytical ability and overall perspective are very unfamiliar things to 'Black Brahman'...

But he still feels that he is inferior to too many people, both in terms of character and morality. Mo Tan firmly believes that he is an ordinary person now, an ordinary person who is worse than many people and worse than many people. , just because of some strange reasons, he has more strange qualities than others.

Fortunately, these qualities can be brought out by him in this situation...

To sum up, he has become an ordinary person who is theoretically more capable.

Although it is still ordinary, it can at least exert some excess value, so it is worth celebrating.

[Maybe Yuchen can still stand here with only one life, but I can't. 】

"Don't let the speed slow down, Gerald, change positions with Dominion! The first group spreads dust to both sides, and the second group prepares to draw fire. After becoming the target of those things, immediately retreat to my side. One minute Then change direction, Klaus, you make the arrow, I’ve already marked the position!”

The centaur knight who consumed a lot of energy was moved to the middle of the battle formation by the burly orc ax warrior. Although the latter was already a little tired, it didn't matter. He only needed to endure the next minute.

Perhaps this asymmetrical polygon that clashes left and right in the zombie tide can't be called a battle formation. Mo Tan doesn't understand what a serious battle formation means, but he at least knows how to achieve his goal and how to do it. Only in this way can consumption and losses be minimized.

[Maybe Cordoba can run until dark in that hellish city looking for a survivor, but I can’t. 】

"Dennis, have you seen that mutant wearing blue leather armor? Kill that guy as you pass by, and then Klaus will get a breakthrough for about three seconds. We tear it open and then change the formation. Don't Don’t worry about unnecessary things, the person those monsters want to find out and kill most right now is not you, but the three people next to me.”

[Law Barrier] forcibly separated a rampaging mutant. The orc thief hanging on the edge of the team directly split its head. The Khajiit female warrior accelerated and rushed over, knocking it away but found that she had no Not hindered in the slightest.

The mutants around ignored her who used [Death Dust] to cover her life breath, and rushed straight towards the three 'fire starters' who were glowing with green light in the center of the team, and were gently attacked by several people guarding them on both sides. Easily chopped into human sticks.

【Well, it doesn’t matter. 】

"Good, guys, they're messed up."

Mo Tan trotted along with everyone with some difficulty, panting and laughing: "The terminal is almost here. Have you seen those guys not far away who have been cast with acceleration magic? Kill them and tell them that it's time to change people and come out for a walk." Went for a walk, and..."

boom! ! !

A series of deafening roars exploded from the southeast, accompanied by raging flames.

[Now it seems that I still have a lot of residual value that can be squeezed~]

"You can prepare in advance to celebrate your victory."

[Your civilization attribute: Leadership +15]

Chapter 333: End

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