Quadruple split

Chapter 347 Villain II

"This Mr. Sackfrith seems to have something to say to everyone~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Grand Duke Crystal Wolf, Grand Duke Baroka and Buffy Marshall suddenly shook their bodies. The first two people immediately focused their attention on the bloated but ugly lizard man behind him, while Marshall Then he forced himself to look away, his hands under the table tightly clenched, and a flash of fear flashed in his lowered eyes.


Emmeline covered her mouth in shock and stared directly at the lizard man who was supposedly dead and said: "You are..."

"Wait a moment, Emmeline."

However, Archduke Simon interrupted her in a deep voice. This dark elf man, who was rigid enough in terms of clothing, temperament, and manners, frowned deeply and asked coldly to the smiling half-elf man at the door: "who are you?"

Not only him, but also several other lords and Emperor Clairvaux who didn't pay much attention to Sark never took their eyes away from that man. They cared more about why a young and unfamiliar face appeared than the words in the other person's mouth. In this place, only those at the top of the Purple Empire's power pyramid are qualified to enter the Purple Jiu Hall, where the highest meeting is taking place.

Not to mention the ordinary people who find it difficult to enter the royal area, even other nobles other than the royal family and the nine lords, those hereditary dukes and marquises cannot break into this place, let alone open the door openly. Say hello to everyone.

It's not that there will be any consequences if they break in, but the rest of the people have no chance to get here...

[Are all the Bauhinia Guards outside dead? ! 】

Even Emperor Clairvaux himself was a little confused. He subconsciously held down his ring engraved with the violet emblem and prepared for the worst.

Even if Clairvaux, who was born in the royal family and has been firmly seated on the throne for decades, dislikes being an emperor, he still has the sense of self-preservation for those in power, especially in the Violet Empire where the emperor is not as powerful as the other major emperors. Under the national conditions where the lords are more or less powerful, each generation of emperors strictly adheres to the creed of 'checks and balances', 'avoiding harm', and 'self-preservation', because God knows if any lord will suddenly have a whim and want to usurp power. It's not an unrealistic idea. You must know that the major lords are not without this strength.

Others here also felt a little panicked. Their concerns were exactly the opposite of Clerval's. They were mainly afraid that His Majesty the Emperor, whose power had always been restricted, would kill them all if he was unhappy or on a whim. This was not the case. What an unrealistic idea? You should know that it is almost impossible for others to break into a place like Zijiu Hall without the emperor's permission...

Therefore, in addition to the Grand Duke of Marshall who recognized Sac, the Grand Duke of Crystal Wolf and Grand Duke of Baroka who were not very aware of the crisis, the great lords Hussein, Simon, Dantes, and Fernand, as well as Emperor Clairvaux himself, The first reaction was not 'Holy shit! Where did Sakfrith come from who was already on the street? ’ but ‘Fuck! Is someone trying to take the opportunity to kill me? ’

As for Futaba…

But now she has a rare, rare, and unscientific short-circuit! Combining someone's convulsive harassment before, the vague impression in the public space, the current bizarre situation, and a (even if not developed) female-specific intuition, the girl almost immediately judged The identity of the visitor!

That’s right, it couldn’t be someone else!

This bitch is the one who can hardly catch the tail in real life, who calls himself BLACK on the Internet, and whose name is Tan in the game...

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself."

The man dressed like a poet smiled apologetically at Archduke Simon, then raised his right hand and pressed it gently on his chest, and once again made an impeccable salute to everyone: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Anthony Dabbs. , you can call me Adidas or Annie."

Everyone was confused...

【Fuck your @#’s Adidas! My @#¥ Annie! Isn’t it disgusting? Isn’t this name the person who was in the player’s personal combat rankings some time ago? Do you know how to speak human language? @¥%\u0026! ! 】

Well, Futaba wasn't confused, but she almost choked on the many holes and turned the table over.

Well, luckily she restrained herself after all.

"Well, Mr. Anthony."

Emperor Clairvaux stared into Mo Tan's eyes and said calmly: "You need to give me an explanation. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be happy with the way Zijiu Hall treats uninvited guests."

"I am terrified, my lord."

Mo Tan raised his head and said respectfully to Clairvaux: "Please don't worry too much. The person standing in front of you is just an upright and kind-hearted citizen of the empire, and he is definitely not an uninvited guest. Otherwise, I would have pushed away the door behind you." It was torn to pieces in front of the door by those dutiful and omnipresent adults.”

He smiled lightly and took out a token from his pocket that was made entirely of amethyst and dotted with a series of rare materials such as fine gold, mithril, and black steel.

【Violet Empire Imperial Order】

Quality: Epic

Effect: Allows you to travel unimpeded anywhere under the absolute rule of the Violet Family.

Traits: resonance, anti-counterfeiting, Violet family reputation acquisition speed +50%

[Remarks: Stop making trouble. This kind of thing that is obviously impossible for players to acquire requires a special note. Just mess around and fool around. Well, very good. The number of words is enough. Let’s pass it on. 】

As the note said, strictly speaking, this thing is not an item that players can get, but... it just happened to appear in this guy's hand!

"Your Majesty, do you need to verify the authenticity?"

Mo Tan gently shook the token in his hand and asked Clairvaux politely. He was really polite. Anyway, he had no intention of giving this thing away.

"Although I don't know how you got it, I can feel that it is not a fake..."

Clairvaux frowned deeply, picked up the identical imperial order from his waist and pressed it somewhere on it. The next moment, the two tokens less than ten meters apart trembled at the same time. And overflowed with little bits of purple light like stars.

Mo Tan nodded with satisfaction, then smiled at Clairvaux and said: "In that case, please forgive me, Your Majesty, can we put this not so important thing aside first, and then let the topic return to the main topic? How about going up? By the way, I want to sit next to the petite lady. As for Mr. Sack, since his position is more delicate, it is better to stand first. "

"Well, Mr. Anthony, I might talk to you later."

Clever, who knew exactly how many pieces of imperial order there were and where they were, raised his eyebrows, then tapped the table twice: "Purple mirror, add a seat next to Miss Futaba."

Grand Duke Simon seemed to want to say something more, but he finally fell silent after seeing a mirror-faced man appear from the shadows and add a chair to Futaba's right.

"Hello, dear lady, what is your name?"

Mo Tan walked slowly to Futaba, took the latter's slender little hand and kissed it gently, smiling in a gentlemanly manner: "My dear Anthony Dabus, your beauty makes me wise."

Petite figure, slightly roomy robe, long smooth orange hair, delicate and cute baby face, rather bookish round-framed glasses, a faintly unruly temperament, very inconspicuous curvature of the chest, and a jumping forehead Jumping veins, eyes filled with murderous intent, the clear and melodious sound of grinding teeth...

[From a certain point of view, it is really a pleasant second meeting~]

Mo Tan's face seemed to be slightly red, but the corners of his mouth curled up in a playful arc.

"Grandma, only you, I hope you can call me by your name..."

Futaba withdrew her hand in embarrassment, turned her head to the side slightly, lowered her eyes and smiled shyly: "It's... nice to meet you."

Disgusting tone of voice, careless virtue, wretched eyes, shameless behavior, malicious smile, messy temperament, unworthy appearance...

[Damn bastard, he is indeed a guy countless times worse than imagined! 】

Futaba twisted her fingers uneasily, but from a certain angle, she could only see two white and tender middle fingers.

"Well, Dema, what a good surname. I think you must love flowers and plants very much~"

Mo Tan nodded slightly, then moved his eyes away from Futaba's middle finger, and smiled at the other people at the long table thoughtfully: "Then, I want to know what you all just said, and are there any words now? Is there room for Mr. Sack and I to intervene in the conversation?”

[You have been talking about it since just now...]

All the lords unanimously made the same complaint in their hearts.

"In fact, the topic just now is over."

Futaba stuck out her tongue playfully, covered her mouth and chuckled: "We have just sorted out all the clues so far, but the death of Sakfrith has brought the investigation to a deadlock. Oops, what were you talking about when you came in just now? ?”

Her eyes widened dramatically.

"This Sackfrith has something to say to everyone~"

Mo Tan nodded with a smile and repeated: "Yes, it's Sakfrith."


The Archduke of Marshall slammed the table, interrupting the singing of the two, and said in a deep voice: "Sakfrith is dead!"

"Ah, sorry, that's not what I meant."

Mo Tan was startled and quickly waved his hand to explain to the other party: "Please don't misunderstand me. After all, there can't be only one person named Sakfrith in this world. Sir... ah no, Grand Duke, please don't be angry. .”

Grand Duke Marshall's expression was gloomy and he just stared at Mo Tan with burning eyes.


"The person I brought today is just the Sacfrith who helped to facilitate the slave trade."

Mo Tan tugged at the lizard man behind him in a panic, and said angrily: "Look at your shameful reputation, and quickly apologize to the Duke."

Sack sighed deeply, then saluted the Archduke Marshall, whose complexion had begun to turn from green to black, and said slowly: "Long time no see, Lord Buffy..."

The next second, the air became stagnant.

a moment later

"What are you talking about..."

Buffy Marshall stood up suddenly, his eyes full of murderous intent and warning: "Not to mention who you are, I don't know you at all!"

"Yes, Mr. Sack, please don't talk nonsense."

Futaba actually spoke slowly and helped. The girl leaned loosely on the backrest and said with a half-smile: "You said you know the Grand Duke of Marshall because you know him? You said you are Sakfris or Sakfris?" Where’s the evidence?”

The lizard man didn't even glance at Futaba. He just paused for a second and slowly said: "I can prove..."

"You'd better know what you're talking about."

Marshall interrupted him coldly and said in a deep voice: "Then think about the consequences of lying and whether you can afford it..."

"No trouble, my dear lord the prince."

Mo Tan chuckled, and those gentle and bright eyes that glanced at Futaba from time to time were filled with sarcasm and teasing at some point: "Although Mr. Sack can completely understand your hints, he also knows that under normal circumstances The consequences of lying under the circumstances are definitely much better than telling the truth, but from the moment I brought him in, you shouldn't expect that this matter will develop in a normal direction~"

A biting chill spread down his spine, and Buffy Marshall suddenly remembered that night not long ago, when the little girl named Futaba asked herself with a smile like a flower, 'Are you desperate? 'when……

No, it's more than that. The man in front of him who is smiling and looking here is different from Futaba. There is not the burning anger and hatred in his eyes, but something even more tingling!

The next second, the haunted Sakfrith spoke...

"I am Sack Frees, the second-class deacon of the underground chamber of commerce 'Viper'. I was sent to the Violet Empire eleven years ago to be responsible for connecting with the Marshall family. Since then, I have been supported by the chamber of commerce, the Marshall family and a certain religious order. He operates the 'Black Mercury Transfer Station', pretending to be the person in charge of the wood processing factory located to the east of the Dark Jungle. His main task is to count and temporarily contain the 'goods' provided by the slave-catching group, and communicate with many people in the northwest continent in advance through the special channels of the Chamber of Commerce. Communicate with buyers, arrange 'delivery', and after the transaction is completed, the money collected by the Chamber of Commerce will be handed over to the Marshall family through special channels; I am not responsible for the buyers on the Northeast Continent, I only know that the southern border of the Free City and Violet There is also a transfer point on the border of the empire. The specific situation is not clear. The most recent 'supply' of the Marshall family's two slave-catching groups was two months ago. What was sent to my side was a batch that was about to be sold. The orc slaves used as cannon fodder in Cassero Grassland were transported to the west three days later..."

Thacker's statement continues...

But Buffy Marshall, who was in high spirits just a few minutes ago, was frozen there.

twelve hours ago

Game time PM23:41

Sackfrith, who was tied to a chair in an extremely shameful position, woke up slowly, and the moment he saw the young man in front of him, he sneered and spat on the ground...

"Stop dreaming. You can kill me or torture me. I won't say anything!"

"One of your seniors said the same thing when he first entered the village, and he almost died~"


Chapter 344: End

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