Quadruple split

Chapter 349 Guilty

Game time AM11:47

Royal Capital Salamun, Purple Nine Hall

The second-class deacon of the underground chamber of commerce ‘Viper’, the person in charge of the black mercury transfer station, and the matchmaker between the Marshall family and the slave trade in the northwest region, Sack Frees, bowed slightly to everyone, ended the narration and retreated behind Mo Tan.

For a moment, the entire Zijiu Hall was silent...

The patriarch of the Violet Family and the Emperor of the Empire, Clairvaux Bresne, leaned on his seat with his eyes closed, as if he was dozing off; the Dark Elf, Duke Ximu Simon, put down his quill when Sark fell silent, his sharp blood-colored eyes slightly squinting. Narrowing his eyes, he focused on the parchment with still wet ink in front of him; Archduke Fernan seemed to be trying to sink his whole body into the cushion, covering his mouth in shock; Archduke Hussein was not very The bloody face was pale, and his lips were pursed into a stiff straight line; the elderly Grand Duke Dantès seemed calm, but he kept fiddling with his cane; the most junior Grand Duke of the Crystal Wolf lowered his head, somewhat His red eyes were parallel to the table; Baroka's big brother folded his hands and covered most of his face. His burly body seemed to be trembling, and his shoulders were slightly flashing with extremely unstable light golden vigor; as for the Fire Claw The Grand Duke's agent, a petite girl with long orange hair and sharp words, covered her mouth in disbelief and looked at Buffy Marshall in shock with her big eyes, as if she couldn't believe that all this was true. …

And Grand Duke Buffy Marshall, who had not sat back down since he suddenly stood up and uttered an angry rebuke, and who frequently appeared in Sark's "confession", was stuck in place like a stone sculpture, hanging down like the Grand Duke of the Crystal Wolf. I don't know what I'm thinking about in my eyes.

Except for Sark, who had been talking before, only the young half-elf who called himself Anthony Dabbs remained calm throughout the whole process. He maintained an elegant and decent sitting posture from beginning to end, with a gentle and polite smile, and even thought about Futaba. Casting a rather admiring look...

Everyone here had observed him covertly.

This brought Sark, who should have been dead long ago, a half-elf with an imperial order that even Clairvaux seems to have no idea of, and a body full of mysteries. Although from the moment this guy appeared until now, he has only It only took less than an hour, but he easily disrupted everyone's rhythm and directly pushed Buffy Marshall, who was almost completely free of guilt, into the cliff.

He brought about an earthquake that could even change the structure of the entire empire if not handled properly, but he was as calm as a passing bystander.

He would smile at everyone who looked at him, being kind, decent and yet polite. He perfectly interpreted his demeanor, etiquette and dignity. Even the emperor's questioning could not make him lose his composure. He had a unique personality about him. The atmosphere seems to have countless different qualities, but it seems to be just an empty symbol. After clearing the fog, it is found that nothing exists inside.

It's indescribable and indescribable, but it has to be taken seriously.

But some people don't think so...

【Just pretending to be a fool, you # ¥% is nothing like that! ? 】

The girl who was trying her best to restrain herself curled her lips secretly, and cursed angrily in her heart and in her friend's message. Although she wanted to use the composite element array she had just mastered to smash the guy next to her into rubbish, Futaba still didn't. He was so demented that he acted at this time, and although he was very, very reluctant to admit it, maybe... maybe... it seemed... probably... he owed this guy a favor...

The girl, who was so unhappy that she was almost depressed, took a few deep breaths, forced herself to calm down, and then burst out into a faint smile in this strangely silent atmosphere. She raised the corner of her mouth and waved vigorously at Buffy Marshall: " Hey, Grand Duke, you must have fallen asleep standing up, right? Please give me a reaction~"

The latter's shoulders seemed to shake slightly, but he did not answer.

But without professional silencers, the silence that is broken is usually difficult to continue...

Boom! !

Vernon Baroka suddenly raised his head, punched the table in front of him, and stared at the Duke of Marshall with his eyes burning with anger: "Is there anything else you want to say? Is there anything else you want to say? Want to argue? Buffy Marshall!"

"Calm down, Vernon." Scorpius pressed his knees hard, turned to the former and said solemnly: "We can't be alarmist, this matter still needs to be discussed..."

"Fuck calm down! Fuck the alarmists!"

The Grand Duke of Baroka, whose spirit of chivalry is far higher than that of nobility, stood up abruptly, waved his thick arms and shouted loudly: "Sacfrith, who should have been assassinated and silenced, has just made everything clear. If you are not deaf, You should hear the words as clearly as I do. How many lives has this Buffy, who is enshrined at the pinnacle of power with us, killed over the years? How many families have been destroyed? How many tragedies have been caused? Although I am not as sophisticated as you. He is a clever mind who is very calculating, but at least one thing is beyond doubt..."


Archduke Simon stood up and scolded: "Don't forget where this is..."

"This is the place where crimes can be fully judged! Ximu!"

Grand Duke Baroka roared and interrupted the other party's words. Like an angry lion, his beard and hair were spread out. He pointed at Buffy Marshall and said in a loud voice: "With all the good things he has done, even if he dies ten times, he can't be reckoned with." all of these!"

"Watch your words, Vernon Baroka..."

The Archduke of Marshall finally stopped being silent and stared coldly at the Archduke of Baroka with his gloomy eyes that were almost dripping with water: "You are not qualified to judge me, nor do you have the strength to kill me in battle. Just Even your proud Rock Lion Heavy Rider is just a joke in front of my Buffy Sword Knights. If war is really declared, my army will be able to smash the gate of your Luojia City within a month, so give it to me Shut your mouth!"

The cold, bright silver energy swirled around his body, instantly overpowering the aura of Archduke Baroka, making this powerful knight's expression suffocate.

"What if we add the Crystal Wolf family?"

A clear voice sounded around Baroka, and the invisible magic wave spread slightly. Grand Duke Emmeline of the Crystal Wolf slowly stood up, and together with Grand Duke Baroka, resisted Marshall's cold murderous intent, with a pair of red eyes. It was full of contempt: "Can you also destroy the Wolf family within a month? Uncle Buffy?"


At this moment, Clairvaux, who was sitting in the middle of the long table, finally spoke. He sighed tiredly: "What Simon meant just now is that this is the territory of the Violet family..."

As soon as he finished speaking, countless Redbud Guards appeared silently from the shadows and fixed their sights firmly on the three people who were at war with each other.

"Please don't get me wrong, Your Majesty. I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to calm down that guy who was not calm enough. But I didn't expect that even little Emmeline would be so impulsive."

Marshall bowed slightly to Clairvaux, then used a relatively gentle way to dissipate his energy, and slowly sat back on the chair: "Let me emphasize, I have never done anything that would make me die ten times. "I don't approve of every word spoken by this so-called 'Sack Frith', and again, I have never met him."

Emmeline and Vernon also sat back with a sullen expression. The former bit his lips and said nothing, while the latter just sneered at Marshall's words just now, as if he wanted to say something...

"Then let's ask Mr. Sack."

Futaba interrupted the swear words that Grand Duke Baroka was about to blurt out, smiled sweetly at Grand Duke Marshall who had just sat down, and then turned to the lizard man behind Mo Tan and asked: "I'm sorry, fat lizard. Mr. Ren, can you prove your identity? It's better to be more powerful, otherwise you have to be called whatever the Duke wants you to be called."

Ignoring the girl's teasing, Sack just said lightly: "I heard that the workers in the processing plant were arrested by you. Every one of them can prove that I am Sack Frees. If this is not enough, I I can also provide you with the location of some storage points and transfer stations that you don’t know about. Let’s not talk about Mercury City for now. In order to conceal my identity, I will go to Simon Territory and Crystal Wolf Territory every two months. There are many small chambers of commerce there. Everyone knows me, and the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce should also store my identity information. If it is the information before I joined the Viper, you should be able to find me in the permanent staff list of the Nismont Adventurer Guild. By the way, I don’t want to If I run too far, my adventurer's manual is stored in the vault of a certain steam consortium in Simon's territory. If you don't plan to execute me as soon as possible, you can send someone to follow me to get it."

"Wow, that's wonderful!"

Futaba clapped her little hands vigorously and gave Sac a thumbs up: "You are great! I will try my best to advise His Majesty and give you a happy execution as a thief."

After Sack finished speaking, he continued to remain silent, but Mo Tan answered for him with a smile: "I personally prefer hanging. Look at Mr. Sack's belly. He will never suffer too much pain."

"Hey! Wouldn't it be better to just behead the head? Wouldn't it be more enjoyable?"

"Is it better to leave the whole body?"

"What about poison?"

"Miss Dema, you don't know something. Those powerful poisons that can make people die as quickly as possible have some sequelae, which will affect the appearance of the corpse."

"Wow, Annie, you know so much."

"A prize, a prize~"

Sark secretly rolled his eyes when he was being discussed so enthusiastically about how he should die. Although he knew that he would definitely die if he exposed his crime, and he had already given up the idea of ​​living, yet he was being discussed with such enthusiasm about how to die. , this feeling is indeed a bit subtle.

So Scorpius' interruption made him very relieved...

"So what if he is indeed Sakfrith?"

Grand Duke Hussein, who finally calmed down, coughed dryly and said to Futaba, "How can you guarantee that he didn't lie?"

This time, before Futaba could speak, Sak took the initiative and said: "Although I don't know how far the investigation has progressed, you can use the evidence you have already obtained to compare it with what I know. Ba and I Mr. Fei is a partner, and I know a lot about many confidential things. There will be correspondence twice a year. At the beginning, for safety reasons, I did not keep those things with me. They were blown up when the Marshall family assassinated me. The house destroyed most of the useful evidence, but that's not all...Also, if you can cut off Mr. Buffy's connection with his territory, I can provide a location for the slave catching team to station, and you should not take this matter seriously. I don’t know. In fact, even Mr. Buffy himself doesn’t know that I have been investigating secretly before as one of the trump cards prepared in advance.”

Buffy Marshall's pupils shrank violently, and then...

"Purple mirror."

Clairvaux straightened up and said in a deep voice: "Invite the two guards who came with Buffy to visit the Mage Tower with a better attitude. In addition, make sure that all the entourage who came with Buffy this time are here. Under the premise, send people to seal off the Mercury Court and do it now."


The ethereal answer echoed in the air, and the undisguised footsteps in the shadows gradually faded away.

Grand Duke Dantès smiled bitterly, shook his head at Grand Duke Marshall and said, "Don't mind, Buffy, you should know that this is necessary..."

"I know." The latter just nodded expressionlessly and said solemnly: "Although this is just a well-designed conspiracy, I am willing to follow His Majesty's arrangement."

Archduke Fernand, who had remained silent, was stunned for a moment, and then asked sharply: "Buffy, are you really innocent?"

The Grand Duke of Marshall nodded: "That's right."

"But no one seems to think so now~"

Mo Tan shrugged his shoulders with a smile, spread his hands and said: "In addition to insisting on the completely untenable position of 'innocent', you have also stopped defending yourself. If this is the case, shouldn't everyone stop wasting their time? It’s time…”


The clear voice echoed in the Zijiu Hall, and several people stood up before they even realized what was going on.


The one who stood up next was Grand Duke Emmeline of the Crystal Wolf.

"Not guilty, too hasty!"

Archduke Scorpius also stood up and said in a panic: "We should at least..."


The powerful and thick voice of Archduke Baroka interrupted him.


Archduke Fernand stepped on the cushions on his chair, his face pale.


Archduke Simon also stood up and let out an imperceptible sigh.


Grand Duke Dantès also stood up with his cane and shrugged a little tiredly: "At least that's the only way we can define it now."

"Uh... Then let me stand up first. Since I am not qualified to express my opinion, then... I am not guilty?"

Mo Tan stood up and smiled, then turned back... and then smiled down at Futaba.

"It seems that I no longer need to express my opinion."

Emperor Clerval was the last one to stand up, his expression more solemn than ever...

"I declare that this conviction outside the Imperial Code is effective. Duke Buffy Marshall and his family are guilty."

Everyone, including the Grand Duke of Marshall, bowed in unison: "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Then, after seven days, this crime will be tried in the Purple Jiu Hall... Everyone, go back and think about it."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Chapter 346: End

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