Quadruple split

Chapter 359 Leave it to me

The rest... all gave up...

As soon as he finished speaking, Taylor suddenly stood up and looked at Mo Tan with disbelief: "You... Priest Black Van, do you know what you just said!?"

Although the reactions of others were not as big as that, they still looked at Mo Tan with surprise and uncertainty. There was a hint of horror in the eyes of Fuhrman and Yu Ying.

"I know exactly what I'm saying, and I can say it again."

Mo Tan met Taylor's eyes expressionlessly, and said in a deep voice: "Another way is to keep the original plan unchanged and let the uninfected people in Shawa and Abby go through the blockade to the Principality of Skarlan. Take refuge, and the rest...give up."


The upright paladin gritted his teeth, his brown eyes flashing with anger: "Do you know how many there are in those two cities..."

"I don't know." Mo Tan interrupted him calmly, and then added: "But there are at least tens of thousands, well, and after excluding those who are not infected, I think it is about this number."

Taylor stared at him with eyes wide open: "Then you actually come up with such a ridiculous 'method' to let tens of thousands of people die like this? Let the tragedy in Fair City happen again!?"

Mo Tan's eyes flickered for a moment, as if he wanted to look away, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth half a second later, and he said leisurely: "This is not a repeat. You must know that there are many uninfected people in Fair City. People exist, but they are all dead, but using the method I just used can ensure the survival of healthy people in the two cities of Shawa and Ebina. There is an essential difference between the two."

"Goddess! How dare you do this..."

"Mr. Taylor!"

Yu Chen, who had been silent behind Xia Lian since just now, suddenly took a step forward and gently but firmly interrupted the angry paladin: "I think you should at least listen to Mo... After Hei Fan said his reasons, you should also know He saved so many innocent lives during this time, so please don’t be impulsive.”

The square-faced man with wide eyes opened his mouth, and finally slowly lowered his shoulders. With a pale face, he bowed slightly to the girl in front of him: "Please forgive me, Your Highness, I was impulsive..."

"I understand how you feel."

Yuchen smiled weakly, and then tilted his head slightly towards another person with a very complicated expression: "I hope you can understand him."

Taylor nodded stiffly, then took a deep breath, lowered his head and said solemnly to Mo Tan: "I'm sorry, Priest Black Van, I should have listened to what you have to say...but I hope..."

"You don't have to hope for anything."

A drop of cold sweat slid down Mo Tan's forehead, but his smile became more comfortable: "I just provided two options. As for the specific choice, it still depends on everyone's wishes."

Taylor nodded silently and sat back down.

"You should be grateful to Wangyu."

Xia Lian tilted her head and glanced at him, weighed the cross in her hand, and showed a somewhat reluctant smile: "Otherwise you will have to lie down for the next ten minutes, of course..."

She looked back at Mo Tan: "I hope you can explain the rather unacceptable proposal just now and tell us the reasons and difficulties."

"Reason? Difficulties?"

Mo Tan, who was already wet with sweat behind his priest's robe, shook his head briskly and said calmly: "No, this is just a simple arithmetic problem. Of course, I can explain it to you in relatively concise language, and then you can Feel free to start brainstorming or collision of ideas~"

Priest Furman reluctantly twitched the corner of his mouth: "Then...please do it as soon as possible, Pastor Hei Fan."

Mo Tan, whose face became increasingly pale, smiled, put the chess pieces on the table on the ground one by one, then lifted the entire table so that the map of Misha County faced the five people in front of him, and finally picked up the quill and wrote in the southern area. He drew a huge red circle and said softly: "First of all, after taking down the Hind Hill, our next target is undoubtedly the southern border, and that is the place with the most Zombies in the entire Misha County and the concentration of mutants. The level is several times higher than that of the northern and central regions combined, and everyone should be aware of this, right?"

Although three people didn't understand what Zombie meant, everyone nodded silently.

"very good."

Mo Tan nodded and smiled: "Then let's talk about the last method now..."

When he said this, he paused for about a second and a half.

Sure enough, Yu Ying, who was frowning, leaned forward and asked before Mo Tan spoke again: "Wait a minute, don't you want to explain the method you just mentioned?"

"Just the right question."

Mo Tan wiped his forehead casually and shrugged: "But you will know the answer in a moment. Now please listen to me patiently. First of all, in the last method, we need to overthrow the previous steady and steady strategy and force ourselves to stand in Panshu City. Keep a firm foothold, and the number of mutants we need to face in this process is at least four to seven times that of the Battle of Hind Hill. You don’t have to doubt this number. Cordoba personally killed it there, so there may be errors. I’ve already taken it all into account.”

The mutants were four to seven times more powerful than the one at Hind Hill...

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat, and their expressions gradually changed from solemn to liver-ache.

"As for our side, we can probably get a batch of support from the north in the past two days, but civilians without combat effectiveness must account for at least half of them. The remaining people cannot guarantee the strength. However, the pressure on the northern blockade has dropped sharply. Maybe there will be a group of mid-level professionals coming over, but this is just a hypothesis."

Mo Tan didn't pay attention to everyone's expressions, and just continued to analyze calmly: "Then, when passing through White Tower City, if we are lucky enough, we should be able to expand our combat power. Although it is only a short stay, I will still give Wangyu left enough time to drive away the evil epidemic for the ordinary people, win the trust of the locals, and then let those with lofty ideals join us just like what we did in Xinya and Glen before. But as far as I know, those' More than 70% of the "people with lofty ideals" have been killed in the battle, you can make up your mind how many more people will be able to join."

In fact, there is no need to think about this question at all, because the answer must be - not much.

The combined active combat strength of the combined forces now totals about a thousand people, plus the hundreds of paladins. The remaining people are roughly composed of the cities of Hofer and Mida in the northern part of the county, as well as Sprout and Sprout in the central part of the county. The professionals in the two cities of Glen, plus the people who came out to support after the pressure on the northern blockade dropped suddenly. Although they have grown much stronger than at the beginning, they are still far from being able to match the sudden change in the southern border in terms of numbers. Everyone knows the news that came back from Cordoba, and everyone understands that this is an unshakable fact.

Mo Tan noticed that Priest Furman's expression had slowly changed from liver pain to egg pain...

"The situation in Panshu City is generally the same. However, it is said that the architectural style of the elves is more advantageous in terms of defense. So if we just garrison there normally, no matter what, we will not be worse than they did before. In terms of security, it is still It’s guaranteed.”

Mo Tan drew a circle on the location of Panshu City, and then heavily poked Shawa and Ebi City in the southwest corner, leaving two groups of ink stains as red as blood on them, and said in a deep voice: " But the problem is that we can't stay there honestly. As I said before, if we want to rescue the people in those two cities, a steady approach will not work. Even if we can temporarily help them solve their food problem, we will not have enough time. It only lasts for half a month at most. As long as the matter is not resolved within this period, the two cities will definitely be breached by mutants. I don’t need to explain the consequences, right?"

Everyone, including Taylor, remained silent.

As Mo Tan said, even if the food problem of those two cities can be solved and the people inside will not starve to death, they can only persist for another half month, or even shorter time, and during this period of time The existing combat power to deal with the mutants in the Southern Territory, which is conservatively estimated to be more than 20,000, is simply a dream. Even if those monsters have no tactics, no brains, no discipline, they will only become Each of these pigeons who had no need for emotion... ahem, killers, tore into pieces the joint forces that were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers.

"Let me explain in advance, if you choose this plan, if you don't do it with considerable consciousness, the chance of failure is absolutely 100%. In other words, there is no need to even try." Mo Tan held down his hand with an extremely serious expression. The area circled by red ink, that is, the entire southern border of Misha County, his tone became more cruel than ever: "And if we do it with absolute faith, there is also a great possibility of failure, and the price will be ours." These Misha County's only combat forces were completely wiped out. Well, maybe with the strength of His Highness Xia Lian, he could survive and save Wang Yu's life, but the other people basically had only one option to die in battle, so the question Here, Mr. Taylor, are you afraid of death?"

Taylor shook his head without thinking, "It is the honor of a knight to die fighting for honor and belief."

"well said."

Mo Tan, who was sweating profusely, pursed his lips and patted them, and continued to ask: "Then when you die in battle, I die in battle, Priest Furman dies in battle, all the Paladins die in battle, and there are more than 800 in the combined force, From the old elf mage who was 18 years old to the little centaur knight who was eighteen or nineteen years old, all died in battle. Who will protect those innocent people? Who will protect the cities and the people in them that have been safe behind us? Your soul What?"

Taylor opened his mouth blankly, but was speechless, unable to say another word.

"How many people are there in Shawa City and Ebi City? How many people are left after excluding those healthy people who have not contracted the plague?" Mo Tan narrowed his eyes expressionlessly and moved his fingers gently on the map. , asked softly: "And how many people are there in Mida City, Hofer City, Sprout City, Glen City, Baita City, and Panshu City combined? I think everyone should be able to calculate this account clearly. I just said The second method is made after weighing the above content. Do you understand?"

Yu Ying laughed miserably and nodded with a pale face: "I guess I understand. To be honest, I kind of want to curse right now..."

The others did not say anything, but their expressions had already answered for me. Including the somewhat pedantic and stubborn Taylor, everyone here was not a fool, so it was impossible for Mo Tan to explain it to this extent. I don't understand this account.


"Huh, that's probably it."

Mo Tan, who was half-kneeling and holding the low table, suddenly sat down on the ground. He looked extremely tired and let out a sigh of relief. After a while, he raised his head with a wry smile and shrugged to everyone: "I said It’s over, let’s share your opinions...Sorry, I can only do this to this extent..."

"You don't need to apologize, Pastor Black Van."

Priest Furman looked at him seriously, with helplessness written all over his face that seemed to have aged more than ten years in just a few minutes: "No one can do better than you."

Taylor shook his head dejectedly: "Goddess above..."

"The goddess doesn't have time to point out this confused lamb like you right now." Xia Lian, whose face was not clear, snorted softly, then raised her voice and asked: "So, what do you think we should do?"

The expected silence…

"Okay, actually I'm in a mess now too."

Xia Lian tugged her ears sadly, then turned her gaze back to Mo Tan, and said with a wry smile: "In that case, I'll leave it to you to judge. If it's you, I think no matter what you ask everyone to do, , no one will complain no matter what the final result is.”

Mo Tan was not surprised by this. In fact, he had expected this result, so he just lowered his shoulders and asked softly: "Me? What do you think?"

"I can accept it." Priest Furman was the first to make a statement and said solemnly: "I will support your choice and I will not regret it."

Yu Ying followed closely: "Second the proposal."

Taylor clenched his fists tightly, then nodded slowly: "I will respect your thoughts, Hei Fan."

"Is it……"

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then stood up with some difficulty holding on to the table. His shoulders were shaking slightly, and he seemed to be using all his strength to speak: "In that case, then we will..."

"Wait a moment."

An unexpected person interrupted him unexpectedly. It was Yu Chen who had not expressed her stance just now. However, because she was on Mo Tan's side most of the time, everyone seemed to subconsciously ignore her. .

As a result, she stood up at this moment...

"I suggest to save the people in Shawar City and Ebi City."

Yuchen walked to the center of the tent, plucked up the courage and said loudly with an unprecedented firmness: "Change the original plan and use the first method proposed by Hei Fan to save them!"

Mo Tan was stunned at that time. He looked at Yu Chen intently. It took a long time before he managed to squeeze out one word from his mouth: "You..."

"I hope so."

It was extremely rare for the girl to say decisively: "Use the first plan."


Xia Lian suddenly stood up and said with a smile: "I agree with Wangyu's idea."

Immediately afterwards, Taylor, Yu Ying, and Fuhrman also expressed their opinions...

"I support His Highness Wangyu's opinion."

"Just do it."

"I don't have any objection either."

Then, the matter seemed to be settled so inexplicably.

Only Mo Tan still looked at Yu Chen blankly, his eyes full of confusion and doubt: "Why?"

'You have said so many cruel words, shouldered so much pressure that does not belong to you, and even forced yourself to be less like Mo Tan for everyone, so you should not bear more, but I can (ω) ! ’

A friend message flashed before Mo Tan's eyes.

"Furthermore, I believe that your previous plan still has many unsaid, more complete steps~"

Yuchen, who was standing in front of her, blinked and smiled like a flower: "Because you have always been the hardest working and most dedicated person among us, and the one who most wants to welcome the Happy End with everyone, so... I invite you this time Take your opinions with a grain of salt, trust me, trust my choices, trust what I choose.”

In an instant, the fatigue caused by [Reflection] miraculously disappeared...

Mo Tan looked at the girl's pure and bright eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a smile that was completely different from before, one that even he himself could not understand, and filled with a different kind of warmth.

"Okay, then leave the rest to me."

Chapter 356: End

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