Quadruple split

Chapter 387 Ye Weiyang (VI)

at the same time

Salamoon, beside the canal in the old town, outside the [Eight Claws] pub

Cassie nimbly stepped out from behind an oak barrel, as if he had blended into the shadows. With all the magic crystal lamps on the roadside extinguished, this master assassin's stealth skills had been put into full play. At the extreme, he took a breath and turned into a looming blurry outline slowly approaching the [Eight Claws] Tavern, which was the only light source within a hundred meters.

Cassie secretly tore open the scroll in his hand and established contact with a mage's eye that exuded a light blue light. Without the need for magic activation, his mental strength alone was no less than that of Futaba. It's easy to master this low-level arcana.

He cleverly blocked the Mage's Eye with his left shoulder, pressed against the wall and maneuvered the latter to quickly go around to the magic crystal lamp behind the [Eight Claws] Tavern, and adjusted his perspective to face the back door. The series of operations combined took less than fifteen seconds.

The magic crystal lamp that is purely used for lighting will not be completely extinguished immediately after the supply of magic power is interrupted. Because the elements in the crystal have not dissipated completely, there will be a period of dying in the middle, and there will still be a hazy feeling during this period. The light oozes out, and the duration varies depending on the quality of the crystal, ranging from a few minutes to a few hours.

Therefore, hiding the originally dim mage's eye in the lampshade will hardly arouse suspicion. The only side effect is that the 'sight' will be blurred, but this will hardly cause any problem in monitoring whether someone sneaks out of the back door of the tavern. Influence.

After adjusting the angle of the mage's eye, Cassie took out an eyepatch from the belt compartment while staring at the door of the tavern, and put it over his left eye, so that the pupil connected to magic would not be affected by the real scene. Affected by the influence, he raised his hand and wiped it on his hair, turning it into a straw-like yellow color through some means. Finally, he took out a small jar of ointment and carefully applied it on his face...

two minutes later

After finishing her disguise, Cassie no longer concealed her presence, but walked into the tavern naturally.

His skin color has darkened slightly, and there are a few hideous scars on his face. The light black leather jacket on his body has turned dark brown at some point, and the dagger originally hidden in a dark sheath hangs openly on his waist. , no matter how you look at it, he looks like a powerful thief or a professional of the same type.

A waitress with dark circles under her eyes came up to her and said with a wry smile: "Sir, most of the people here are ordinary people. Maybe the [Decapitated Bear] tavern to the east will be more to your liking."

The implication is very simple, that is, their tavern is not the kind of place where good and bad people are mixed, and nine out of ten guests are professionals. Whether Cassie wants to chat with the same kind, find the same kind of blowjob, find the same kind of fight, or find This is not a suitable place for similar businesses.

"A glass of ginger beer."

Cassie shook her head, flicked a silver coin into the waitress's collar, and walked to a table in the corner: "I like silence. Those places can easily make people feel irritated."

Although it didn't suit his character, the role Cassie was playing now required him to put money into other people's career lines, so he did it without feeling the slightest discomfort.

This taciturn beast elf is a person who is easily underestimated. Whether he is with Grand Duke Xiluo of the Fire Claw Territory or when he is following Futaba here, he is easily ignored and despised. , most of the time, Levine did not even have a presence as an auxiliary diplomat, but in fact, the person who can command the top shadow guard of the Fire Claw is much stronger than he looks.

In serious head-to-head combat, Futaba, who had suffered losses for Cassie many times, was no match at all, and the old man beside Grand Duke Crystal Wolf who looked like a master was not even as good as him.

He will be looked down upon by others just because the nature of his job requires him to be looked down upon and ignored.

It is precisely because Cassie is so powerful that Futaba, who is very aware of this, sends him out to monitor the collaborators or henchmen of the Marshall family.

This time, Cassie, who was well prepared, successfully followed the opponent, and in the process was not discovered by the mysterious orc woman at all.

The target is just two tables away...

[Observe her movements first, then capture her alive if you can, and kill her if you can’t. 】

Cassie played with the dagger casually, looking around the tavern with a stern face, where only ordinary civilians came to have fun, and looked at everyone without concealment.

The fundamental purpose of disguise is to prevent others from recognizing oneself, so under this premise, the greater the contrast, the better. A servant pretending to be a noble, a scholar pretending to be a villager, or a man pretending to be a woman are not good choices, except for those with extraordinary talents. For those who are talented, well-educated, or naturally beautiful, the greater the difference between the type of role they play and themselves, the easier it is to be seen. In most stories, those who put on a beard and wrap their breasts are men, and those who wear a wig and put on foundation are women. This magical scene would be beaten 99% of the time in reality! The kind of beating that involves yelling at MDZZ and kicking her in the face!

Cassie's disguise is relatively safe. He is good at assassination, guarding, and covert combat. It is not easy for him to cosplay as a thief. He also conceals his identity as a beast elf and slightly modifies his appearance. He is calculated mentally and unintentionally. It is naturally difficult to be recognized under the circumstances.

The orc woman sitting not far from the counter didn't notice him at all. She just drank the drink in front of her silently, her head lowered and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Cassie is very patient. At this distance, he is absolutely sure to kill or control the opponent, so rather than taking action directly, he is more inclined to observe for a while, and maybe...


At this moment, the orc woman suddenly stood up, and her movements were so large that she overturned the chair.

Cassie pulled out the dagger from his waist almost without thinking, stepped on the shadow step and appeared behind the other party in an instant. Although he didn't know whether the other party had discovered him, he couldn't afford to gamble after having lost him once...



The orc woman who stood up suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood. She fell to the ground softly before Cassie could control her. There were small red and black blood pillars in her eyes, mouth, nose, and ears. Overflowing, his eyes were full of pain and confusion, and he stopped breathing in the blink of an eye.

【what happened? ! 】

Even the experienced Cassie was stunned for a moment, but he did not hesitate for too long. After confirming the death of the other party, he stood up suddenly, took out a badge from his pocket and slapped it on the counter, with a gloomy expression. He said to the frightened boss behind the counter: "I am the Viscount of the Empire. Someone will handle this matter soon. No one is allowed to leave before that!"

The last words were addressed to everyone present.

"Don't leave here, don't touch that body."

Cassie emphasized again, consciously releasing a ray of murderous intent: "I have memorized your appearance, and someone will come here soon. After checking, you will be released, but if someone ignores what I just said, warn……"

He didn't finish his words, he just snorted, and then rushed out of the tavern, speeding towards the direction of the Crimson Garden!

Until then, the waitress's scream filled with fear was delayed across the night sky.

at the same time

Salamoon, Trade District, Iron Gate Court Main Hall

Archduke Fernandez sat uneasily on the soft cushions in the center of the hall, his shiny and sparse head covered with beads of sweat. He looked at the uninvited guest in front of him with some evasive eyes, and his voice trembled: "So, you... Well, you are Grand Duke Buffy’s…”

"Yes, I am the loyal servant of Duke Buffy Marshall."

The man with a stern face nodded slightly and saluted Archduke Fernando in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Sorry for the intrusion."

Archduke Fernando waved his hand in an impassioned manner and said in a low voice: "No, it's nothing, I'm just a little surprised that you... you will come here so late, don't disturb me, don't disturb me."

The other party chuckled lightly, stared at the somewhat pale Archduke Fernand, and said in a deep voice: "Marshall and Fernand have been friends for generations. This time, Master Buffy is deeply involved in the villain's conspiracy, and is about to face a... This is a trial that is completely unfair. I wonder how Archduke Fernand plans to stand and which side he wants to vote for?"


Archduke Fernando's face froze. He did not expect that the other party would go straight to the topic as soon as he came up. Without any psychological preparation, he could only stutter and said: "Well, I... our two families do have frequent contacts. I I have a good relationship with Buffy, but this time... everyone said that Buffy was guilty at the time, and the lizard man said so much, even if you want me to express my position... I will..."

The man smiled casually, shook his head and said, "Dear Lord Duke, with all due respect, what you just said is not the point, neither for you nor for Lord Buffy."

"So what's the point?"

Archduke Fernand frowned his thin eyebrows and said with sweat profusely: "Isn't the trial in a few days..."

The man lowered his voice and listened, and after realizing that the former was gone, he said leisurely: "Your Majesty, this matter is actually not complicated at all. After excluding those complicated and confusing things, there are only two simple points left to consider. , first, if the Fernand family sided with the Marshall family and voted for observation, what would you get and what price would you have to pay; second, if the Fernand family voted for sanctions and chose to side with the Marshall family, Opposites, you get what you pay for, that’s it, so why do we complicate something that’s very simple?”

Archduke Fernand seemed to be trying hard to calm down his face, but with little success: "You...what do you want to say?"

"I'm just helping you analyze the situation for Master Buffy."

The man's tone was very warm, completely opposite to his cold and stiff face, as if there was a kind of magic that could make people calm down quickly: "Now let us assume that if you vote for 'observation', not only will you get a It is a great gift. Grand Duke Buffy will definitely remember your favor and help each other in all aspects in the future. Whether it is human, financial or combat power, the Marshall family can be a solid backing for Fernand. Compared with these, those who may The disadvantages that will arise are simply minimal~”

Fernan shook unconsciously when he heard the word 'disadvantage' and said calmly, "Tell me about it."

"First of all, the Fire Claws will be unhappy about this, but it doesn't matter. After all, their territory is separated from Fernand by an entire Marshall Territory. Their economy and combat power are average, so even for you, the Fernand family Being dissatisfied is just 'dissatisfaction' and has almost no real effect." The man shook his finger and continued talking: "Besides, if the Crystal Wolf family and the Baroka family also vote If there is a sanction vote, you may also have some opinions, but you should also know about the unwritten rules of 'trial'. The Fernand family only plays a role within the rules, and it will not attract hatred at all. As for Duke Simon, who is also a good friend of Buffy, hehe, maybe I will thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Archduke Fernand nodded slightly, and then asked hesitantly: "Then if I...well, just assuming, assuming that the Fernand family votes for 'sanctions', what will happen next..."

"Of course, I know this is just a hypothesis, so you don't need to be nervous."

The man nodded lightly and said with a smile: "If the final result is still 'observation', then the only loss for the Fernan family is the loss of a gift. Other than that, there is no loss. They may even win fire claws or crystals." The friendship of the wolf family, but..."

His expression turned cold, which startled Archduke Fernando, and he almost shouted to the guards to come in and get him.

"But if the 'sanction' votes account for the majority, then maybe nothing will happen to the Crystal Wolf Territory and the Baroka Territory. After all, they are far away from the Marshall Territory." The man narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: " Of course it’s not really far, but at least it’s farther than Fernando. So if there’s no room for maneuver, we can only let it go and fight to the death. The first people to be implicated will be our neighbors, Huo. Claw and Fernand families.”

Archduke Fernand slipped right off the mat.

"Oh, right."

The man tilted his head slightly and added: "The Hussein family may also get involved in the matter. Lord Buffy heard that Archduke Scorpius has coveted the two mines in your hands for a long time. "

Archduke Fernando trembled, opened his mouth and was about to say something...

"Your Majesty the Duke!"

A deep and deep voice suddenly sounded from outside: "A man named Anthony Dabbs came to ask for an audience."

Fernan was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned to look at the man beside him: "I didn't..."

"I know, you don't have to think too much."

The man raised his eyebrows and suddenly laughed playfully...

"Why don't you let him come in and have a chat? Of course, I'll avoid it as if I've never been here."

Chapter 384: End

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