Quadruple split

Chapter 389 A narrow escape from death

The raging flames rose up and engulfed Mo Tan's figure in an instant, burning him up without even letting him leave a last word...

But Gawen did not put down the unattractive revolver in his hand. Instead, he calmly moved the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger again: "It's useless."

Bang, a blood flower that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye suddenly appeared in the flames, but Mo Tan was nowhere to be seen.


School of Cunning active skills

Mastery requirements: Level 5 of the School of Cunning

Consumption/limit: 50% of current health limit

Effect: Cover all your aura, increase the stealth level to the maximum, last for 10 seconds, during which your speed will increase by 150%, releasing skills or making any attack will make this effect disappear. After the escape time is over, your physical value will be , acuity value and movement speed will all become 10% of normal conditions, and will recover at a rate of 5%/minute, with a cooling time of 12 hours.

[Note: Since you are going to run away, please concentrate more. Thinking about what will happen after you are caught will only increase your worries]

Mo Tan, who finally used his strongest life-saving skill, was less than five meters away from Jia Wen at this moment. He failed to escape the flames immediately and was shot again. At this moment, he only had 24% of his health left, and he was also attached. With the two negative effects of [Burning] and [Bleeding*3], even if you do nothing, your health will drop by nearly 3% every second!

Of course, if he fails to escape from here before the [Escape] effect expires, he will be dead regardless of whether he is on fire or bleeding.

There were two more gunshots, and a shallow crater exploded in front of the exit of the alley and half a meter away from Jiawen's side. The bullet did not hit Mo Tan, but carefully blocked all angles that could allow him to escape, locking him in. Locked firmly in the surging flames.

The stealth level up to MAX will not cause the fire to flicker, and even the smell and sound can be blocked by 99%. However, he still exists physically and will bleed if he is hit. Therefore, Mo Tan was beaten blindly by Gawen based on intuition before. When the shot hit, he did not choose to flee immediately, but moved to a relatively dangerous and most difficult position to escape, in order to avoid the latter's highly targeted blockade shot, and planned to observe the flaws in it in the shortest possible time. With the rules, escape based on this.

From the moment of the sneak attack until now, Mo Tan has always maintained extreme calmness and rationality, not panicking at all because of the current near-desperate crisis.

However, Gawen didn't give him a chance...

Bullet marks cut through the hot and twisted air, sealing off the invisible enemy without leakage. The [Quick Reload] interspersed in the middle maintains the shooting rhythm to the greatest extent. The revolver with high attack power every time Each shot will block at least two angles for Mo Tan to escape, and Gawen's left hand, which constantly takes out cheap guns from his bag, shoots all the bullets quickly and then throws them away over and over again, maintains a very high rate of fire, perfectly filling the gap. The gap left by the right pistol.

Although most of them are simple ordinary attacks without any dazzling light effects or various effects, the harsh sounds of the strikes have a unique rhythm, intertwined into a page of music in this alley, and the page is like an invitation from the god of death. A letter-like movement.

Nine seconds after [Escape] was activated, the highly destructive revolver in Gawen's right hand was fired nine times in total, with two bullets left. The flintlock gun in his left hand, which had been taken out again at some unknown time, was steadily fired. Holding it in front of him, the muzzle of the gun was firmly locked on one of the last two possible hiding places of Mo Tan.

Boom! !

A stone slab that was burnt black was broken into pieces, but no traces of blood were left behind.


Gawen praised sincerely, and then pointed the muzzle at the center of the flame that was gradually extinguishing: "You are indeed as outstanding as I imagined."

The next second, Mo Tan, who was in ragged clothes and covered with scorch marks, appeared in front of the gun, grinning an unusually pleasant smile: "But you are much better than I thought."

[Escape] The effect has ended. Mo Tan's physical and acuity limits have been reduced to 10%. His moving speed is no faster than Nikaqiu, who has one of his legs broken. His health is barely hanging down after drinking a bottle of healing potion. At 30%, the bullet holes on his body had been burned to the point of no longer bleeding, but there was still one layer of burning effect left, causing his little remaining blood to continue to slide away at a steady speed.

Until the last second, he could not find any loopholes in Gawen's blockade.


The latter smiled and pulled the trigger with both hands at the same time, aiming directly at Mo Tan's eyebrows.

Outside of the 'communication time' set by herself, Gawen never procrastinates, nor is she in the habit of showing off her power in front of losers, so she shoots very decisively.

[Haha, although I have made several arrangements based on my death, this is really an unexpected ending~]

Mo Tan laughed, no longer forcing his legs, and sat down on the ground to avoid the lead bullet from the flintlock gun. However, another bullet with added skills penetrated his lungs, and his whole body was thrown high. Once in the air, his health instantly dropped to 8%.

Mo Tan, who was 'bombed' into the sky by the flying bomb, smacked his lips, stretched his body as if stretching, and started to think with great interest which posture would be more appropriate to attack the street.

The next moment, Jiawen fired the last shot...

Immediately afterwards, it was swallowed up by a sudden hurricane!

"damn it!"

The petite girl who did not know when she appeared in the air cursed angrily, and clenched her cold white hands suddenly. The sharp cyan hurricane actually burst out dozens of thunderbolts from the inside out, and turned into a lightning bolt in the blink of an eye. A tornado filled with lightning rose from the ground.

At the same time, a dazzling red light streaked across the night sky, piercing the thunderstorm that seemed to be roaring and blasting through the figure trapped in the center of the spell.

[Control method: Thunder Cage]

[Fake blood flash]

"Oh, finally here."

Mo Tan stared at the thunderous hurricane not far away that was like a natural disaster, curled his lips with some regret, and then found that he was wrapped in a ball of cold blood mist in mid-air, slowing down his fall to a speed where he would at least not be thrown. degree of death.

Two seconds later, Mo Tan, who was completely weak, returned to the ground, and then his legs went weak and he collapsed there.

Lesa's delicate and charming face appeared in front of him, with a little fear in her brows filled with murderous intent.

Seeing that Mo Tan was still alive, the baron-level blood seeker lady immediately dispersed the blood on her fingertips, squatted next to him and asked anxiously: "What happened? What are you doing, I... At first, I thought you were teasing me by activating the crest. Who was that person? Why did he want to kill you?"

She gritted her teeth and looked back angrily at the figure floating in the middle of the tornado like a rag doll. She dropped a golden bullet on the ground and then carefully put her hand away without letting Mo Tan see it. To the wound in his palm that was still flowing with blood.

Mo Tan was too lazy to answer her, so he tilted his head and fainted.

Due to his extremely weak body, he can now easily maintain his heartbeat and breathing at a very stable frequency. Even a blood seeker like Remy, who has extraordinary talent in perception, cannot tell that this guy is Not faking it.

On the other side, Futaba, who used the levitating technique beyond the level, was still guiding the spell. The cage composed of thunder and storm rotated at high speed, and attracted the similar elements floating around without restraint. In the blink of an eye, it was already It expanded for more than two circles, firmly imprisoning the figure who still did not give up the struggle in the center, enduring endless lightning strikes and cuts.

Until half a minute later, a polite voice sounded not far behind her...

"First meeting, dear Ms. Futaba."

The leopard man stood on the roof of a private house with his hands behind a smile, and performed a chest-stroking salute with a calm expression: "My appearance time is over. I sincerely wish you a pleasant night."

Futaba didn't even look back, and several criss-crossing ice picks suddenly shot up from the ground, carrying the cold air, and fiercely inserted into the opponent's body.

But the latter just nodded with a normal expression, and then slowly disappeared like a phantom, leaving no trace of blood on the ice picks.


Futaba snorted lightly and dispersed the 'imprisonment magic' not far away that was gradually expanding to the scale of the natural disaster. He also dispersed the invisible mage's eyes behind him and slowly fell to the ground.

In the place where the thunder storm had raged, a charred shadow puppet fell feebly from mid-air and burned into a wisp of ashes the moment it hit the ground.

In addition, due to the girl's terrifying ability to control demons, the surrounding environment was not affected at all, and there was only a slight imbalance of elements.

"Who are you?"

Leisha looked warily at the mage girl in robes in front of her, and subconsciously hugged Mo Tan, who was unconscious in her arms, with a flash of blood in her bright red eyes: "What do you want to do?"

【I am your second aunt! 】

Futaba rolled her eyes, but after all she didn't say anything to ridicule this seemingly insignificant blood seeker. It wasn't that she had investigated Lesa, but the latter's process of rescuing Mo Tan just now was clearly seen by a certain mage's eye. It was clear, and combined with some detailed clues, such as the bright red eyes, the enchanting temperament, and the blood mist that was constantly changing around it, Futaba, who had read a lot during this period, could easily see through it.

"My name is Futaba. I am the most awesome junior mage in Salamun and a senior advisor to Archduke Fire Claw. I have a little friendship with Anthony Dabus."

Futaba walked up to Lessa, raised her little leather boots and kicked the unconscious Mo Tan, and hummed: "As for what I want to do, why don't you let him tell you himself?"

Lesa was stunned for a moment, then looked down at Mo Tan's bloodless cheeks and said blankly: "But he..."

"He just lacked some motivation to get out of bed."

Futaba pushed up her glasses, summoned a crackling electric ball, and sneered: "I'll count to three."

Mo Tan tilted his head, showing no signs of waking up: "..."



Mo Tan opened his eyes suddenly and made a face to Futaba that was funny, twisted, curious, vulgar, and destructive, and had an extremely bad impact.

The corner of the girl's mouth twitched slightly, and she casually crushed the thunder ball that was purely used to scare people. She looked at Mo Tan sideways and said, "Do you really want to make yourself cute?"

"I just think the look just now suits you better."

Mo Tan winked at Futaba, then turned to smile at Lesa who was half supporting and half hugging him: "I'm much better."

The latter nodded slightly, but did not mean to let go of him. He just pointed at Futaba and said softly: "She called you Anthony Dabbs."

"A stage name, it's just a stage name."

Mo Tan pretended to be a little weak, adjusted his posture covertly, and then shook his fingers: "Only a man who gives a different name to every person of the opposite sex with whom he has a special relationship is considered a gentleman, and becoming a gentleman It’s always been my dream to be a gentleman.”

Futaba sneered: "You already are."

Clearly, the kind of ‘gentleman’ she was referring to does not fall within the scope of the current worldview.

Lesa frowned and asked seemingly casually: "So which stage name is Tanmo?"

"Tanmo is my real name."

Mo Tan shook his head seriously, then glanced at Futaba with a contemptuous look: "Some people are only suitable to be with Anthony Dabbs."

Futaba, who also remembered that there used to be an ogre with the same name on her personal combat power rankings, gave Mo Tan a cold look. She didn't say anything, but quickly sent the other party two pages of very extreme but convoluted words. Friend messages that have exceeded all illegal words.

"Is it……"

Lesa nodded slightly, but the corner of her mouth still showed a smile involuntarily. Her sickly white hands were covered with a red light, and she gently stroked the several bullet holes on Mo Tan's shoulder: "In the end What happened?"

"Yeah, I'm also very curious about this, and..."

Futaba pushed up her glasses and looked at Mo Tan, who was leaning in Lesa's arms, with disdain: "Is the brain pad wave quite comfortable?"

Mo Tan nodded without changing his expression and said without thinking: "Well, at least it's much better than a tablet pad..."

Futaba suddenly began to seriously consider whether he should kill the bitch in front of him now.

However, she finally restrained her anger towards Class A, gathered up her powerful aura that exploded to a height of 1.6 meters, and said in a deep voice: "Why do you want to go to Fei... that place without authorization? You can also see How dangerous was it just now?"

"It pleases me."

Mo Tan had recovered some strength with Lesa's help, so he crossed his legs nonchalantly: "I don't want to explain so much now. Well, let me introduce you a little first. This is my dear Ms. Lesa Keyworth." , one of the most charming blood seekers I have ever seen, living together."

Lesa nodded gracefully to Futaba: "Hello."

"This is the lovely Ms. Futaba. She has gained extremely high magical talent at the expense of her height. Her breasts are a little bigger than mine. She has inexplicable and complicated relationships with many orcs. She has worked with me to get through this. Years of burning passion, now in the midst of separation.”

Shuangye smiled sweetly at Mo Tan: "You@#."

Chapter 386: End

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