Quadruple split

Chapter 391 It doesn’t matter if you die

Game time AM03:35

【Your spiritual connection has been detected】

[About to enter [The Boundary of Innocence]——Public Space for Players]

[Tip: After the update on February 1, 2049, public areas 1-30 have been integrated into one]

[You are about to visit the public area. Since you have chosen to visit the public area directly, you cannot leave the designated area and enter the Dark Forest. All space teleportation spells/skills/talents/effects/items will be frozen]

[Welcome, Chaotic Neutral Futaba]

The expressionless girl slowly walked out of the light. First, she glared viciously at an innocent ogre warrior who was almost three meters tall next to her and was mumbling chemical formulas. Then she opened the friend bar to someone. Sent a message: 'I've arrived. ’

[Player: Tan Mo (chaotic neutral) invites you to teleport to room 149 of the public arena. Do you accept it? 】

The system beep sounded seamlessly.

That’s Futaba’s net height after removing the dull hair…

Although the option marked 'Reject' was very tempting, the girl finally chose to accept it. After all, she still had many problems to discuss with this scourge.

So, two seconds later, Futaba appeared on a spacious silver terrace. Outside the railing behind him was a sea of ​​rolling clouds and a fighting arena standing in mid-air. Behind the small round table in front of him, there was a smiling figure sitting. The non-smiling Mo Tan.

"I thought you would be more reserved."

He casually pointed to the armchair behind Futaba and chuckled: "I didn't expect it to be so enjoyable. She is indeed the first woman who asked me to take the initiative to book a room."

Futaba sat down on the armchair unceremoniously, put her two long legs (proportionally speaking) on ​​the table with a clang, raised her eyebrows and said: "Then tell me if you are interested, the first one Who is the man who asked you to take the initiative to book a room?"

"My last landlord."

Mo Tan answered without thinking, and took out a bottle of healing potion that exuded a faint aroma of wine and greeted Futaba slightly: "The old man had a bad temper. He just threw me and my luggage out that day, forcing an innocent The lovely shota was living on the street, so I had to find a bathing center with the lowest average employee appearance to stay for one night. I will omit 38,000 words below."

Futaba chuckled: "Why is it the lowest?"

"Because only in this way, when someone calls me on the intercom or knocks on the door, can I justifiably say: Get out of here."

Mo Tan smacked his lips and said sadly: "After all, it is not good for children to lie."

[So is it okay to curse people? 】

Futaba twitched the corners of his lips and asked casually: "So why did your landlord want to bombard you? What on earth have you done that is so outrageous?"

"I blew up the kitchen."

"What did you explode...forget it, stop talking, I'm not interested in hearing it either."

Futaba waved his hand as if to ward off mosquitoes, forcibly interrupted the topic about the fried kitchen, and asked in a deep voice: "Why did it suddenly go offline?"

She really didn't understand why Mo Tan chose to forcibly disconnect, and also went offline in the form of 'coma' in front of the NPC. No matter how she thought about it, she found it a bit difficult to understand.

"Avoid disaster." Mo Tan took a sip of the highly alcoholic healing potion in his hand and shrugged: "As a qualified gentleman, isn't it a basic operation to avoid the Shura Field in advance?"

Futaba sneered, and immediately wanted to turn the table over, but after thinking about it carefully, regardless of his own thoughts, the previous scene was really similar to Shura Field, especially the self-proclaimed 'servant and follower' After the little priest came out of the sky, the scene was really chaotic. In addition, the information known to the three people, including himself, was greatly skewed. Therefore, if someone did not faint strategically, the situation was really possible. It became more complicated, and eventually evolved into something that was not asura field, but was better than asura field.

"Okay, time is precious, the small talk session ends here."

Mo Tan waved his hand casually, folded his arms and leaned back in his chair: "Let's exchange information. I have to admit that the quality of the collaborators Buffy Marshall has found is very good, which is impressive."

Futaba sneered and shook his little leather boots on the table: "Haha, are you surprised? If I hadn't arrived at the scene in time and saved your life, that person would have killed you."

Mo Tan just raised his eyebrows and smiled noncommittally, his eyes playful.

"You are too self-righteous, Tan Mo."

Seeing him displaying such a virtuous attitude, Futaba's tone gradually turned cold, and she said in a deep voice: "Although I want to kill you more than anyone else, at least before the end of this cooperation, I hope you won't show off like you did today. Stupid, don’t make the same mistake I made before.”

The girl rarely admitted that she was "out of shape" some time ago, and stared at her "old enemy" with burning eyes: "I don't care what cards you have, but this opponent is obviously not simple. You and I can figure it out. Things that others may not be able to count.”

Mo Tan yawned, leaned lazily on the armrest and smiled: "Do you think I'm too confident?"

Futaba snorted lightly, moved his legs away from the table, and said lightly: "Isn't it? Let me guess. You first went to see Grand Duke Dantès as promised, but unexpectedly he was rejected directly or directly turned him away, so he judged that something was wrong, so he went to find Cathy first, intending to ask him if the Marshall's 'envoy' had an interview with Dantès first, but found that Cathy It is not anywhere, and we can judge that he has locked the target and did not lose it this time."

Mo Tan smiled and clapped his hands gently: "Not bad, keep talking~"

Futaba glared at him and continued his speculation: "Under this premise, based on the inertial thinking caused by the two previous incidents of Baroka and Simon, you subconsciously made the conclusion that Marshall's collaborators only sent One person, and also being stared at by Cassie's judgment, he made an impromptu decision to go to Duke Fernando's Iron Gate Court, hoping to break the previous tacit understanding and win the Mediterranean Sea first. Even if persuasion failed, he would at least use The method of coercion and inducement laid a good foundation, so that I could scare the coward the second and third time, but in the end, I was plotted against and almost rushed to the street. Did I say something wrong? "

Mo Tan smacked his lips and did not answer the girl's question. Instead, he asked with a smile: "So you ran to the Iron Gate Courtyard to save me after you realized what happened?"

"To be honest, I don't know if you will actually be in danger."

Futaba bent her legs and squatted on the chair subconsciously holding her knees: "But first you, who was supposed to meet Grand Duke Dantès, didn't send me a message to tell me the details of the exchange as usual, and then Cassie came to tell me that The orc woman who had been to Mi Yeting before suddenly died suddenly and mysteriously, and these two things together make it a bit strange..."

Mo Tan blinked and asked with interest: "How did you see something strange?"

"There is no basis, just pure intuition. I always trust my intuition."

Futaba lightly tapped his forehead and said expressionlessly: "Although there is no connection on the surface, looking at it from another perspective, after excluding the Violet Royal Family and Marshall, including our Fire Claw Territory With six families already preliminarily determining their positions, if there are any changes, there is a high probability that they will only appear on Fernan's side. And because there was no prior arrangement, I did not arrange manpower near the Iron Gate Court in advance. so……"

"So you asked Cassie to go back to a dead orc aunt to stabilize the scene, and sent Lewen to find Duke Crystal Wolf, who won't be angry even if you mess with her for nothing." Mo Tan said casually. After cutting off Futaba's explanation, he speculated on his own: "I went to the Iron Gate Courtyard, intending to confirm whether I was there in the 'lost contact' state, and if so, did something bad happen to me? ,Right?"

Futaba nodded slightly and said leisurely: "Precise hindsight."

Mo Tan smiled casually and cast his eyes playfully at the sea of ​​clouds outside the railing. After a while, he said softly: "Nothing."

【eventful? ! 】

Shuangyeliu raised his eyebrows, stood up, grabbed Mo Tan's collar, forcefully pulled his harmless-looking face in front of her, and said coldly: "If it weren't for me, you would be dead, don't Tell me that Leisa is your back-up. A baron-level blood seeker may not be able to save you from the other party! Especially in a place like Salamoen, it is difficult to place your hope on someone who has a legal identity. People are very unwise!”

What Futaba said was not wrong. Although Leisha's racial advantage made her no weaker than any regular mid-level professional, she still couldn't stand out in a place like Salamoen with only the strength of a baron. Just here. There are hundreds of people in the Mages Guild who can easily defeat her, and it is not uncommon for forces or individuals to have prejudices against blood seekers. Apart from anything else, what if Lesa accidentally bumps into the Archbishop of the Sun Sect who is out for a walk? …

Unless there are some important people who guarantee it, it is really easy to be tied to a pillar and roasted.

"How worried are you about me?"

Mo Tan had no intention of struggling at all, and just let Futaba grab his collar in annoyance. After a while, he shook his head with a half-smile: "But what if I am killed?"

Futaba was stunned: "What did you say..."

"I said, so what if I get killed."

As he spoke, Mo Tan suddenly moved his face forward, and pouted in the process. Futaba was so shocked that he subconsciously let go of his hand before he sat back slowly and said in a calm tone: "Don't touch me." I think like you did before, unlike you, the indispensable Fire Claw envoy at this stage, the life and death of a small person like Anthony Dabbs is insignificant in this game of chess. At least from the perspective of the chess pieces, it can be done at any time. The discarded kind.”

Futaba frowned and asked suspiciously: "So you plan to die?"

The tone of this sentence was more of a complaint than a question. Obviously, the girl did not think that Mo Tan, who had temporarily decided to go to the Iron Gate Courtyard, could plan the 'assassination'.

"Haha, there is a way to live and die, and there is a way to die."

Mo Tan shrugged. He knew very well that the other party didn't mean what he said just now, so he didn't explain it. He just smiled meaningfully and said: "Except for the time before bringing Sak to the Purple Jiu Hall. , I wouldn’t mind dying anywhere, anytime.”

Recalling what the former said just now, Futaba easily guessed the second half of what he had not finished, and hummed softly: "As a chess piece?"


Mo Tan smiled calmly, and the joy on his face became more obvious: "As a chess piece~"

Futaba lazily stretched his soft body, half-lying on the table with his chin in his hands, squinting at the 'netizen' with a mean face in front of him, and asked inaudibly: " So, not to mention Anthony Dabbs as a 'chess piece', as a chess player who considers himself to be a chess player, how many back-ups have you arranged?"

"Even if I die, I can make this three-acre area of ​​Violet completely chaotic."

Mo Tan replied casually, then stretched out his paw to pull the stupid hair on the other person's head, but was slapped back.

Shuangye carefully smoothed his hair, which was raised about two centimeters, and glared at Mo Tan with an unkind expression: "In short, no matter what you are planning, you are not allowed to block my way. "

Although it was impossible to make any effective guesses under the premise that the intelligence was seriously unequal, and it was not known what this guy wanted to do, Futaba could sense some clues, so it was inevitable that he would be a little wary of Mo Tan.

Although under the premise of equal conditions, Futaba, who has regained his form, is completely worthy of the bitch in front of him, but the "equal conditions" itself is a kind of nonsense, just like the various overt and covert fights in reality before. Similarly, Futaba's artificial intelligence NAVI brought countless troubles to the other party, and she herself also suffered a lot from Mo Tan's advanced hardware performance, so much so that she suspected that the other party had an independent matrix.

Because of this, the girl who is obviously at a disadvantage in this cooperation has a very positive attitude, that is, as long as the other party does not hinder her from achieving her goal, it is enough. Under this premise, it does not hurt even if she is a chess piece. To these two people, this thing is no different from shoe cushions.

"I think you can rest assured about this."

Mo Tan knew very well what the other party was worried about, and relying on the 'tacit understanding' that the two of them had developed over the years, he comforted him in a brisk tone: "Just like your main goal at the moment is not to kill me, I don't have to talk to you now either. The reason why I can’t get through is that I discovered a lot of interesting things some time ago, so I’m not in the mood to trouble you for the time being.”

However, even though she got the most satisfactory answer in theory, Futaba still felt an inexplicable feeling of dissatisfaction in her heart...

Although I don’t know why I feel unhappy, I feel very unhappy anyway.

Chapter 388: End

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