Quadruple split

Chapter 393 Semi-finished products and design drawings

next day

Game time AM07:31

East area of ​​Ankh Market, outside the Razzie Auction House

Mo Tan appeared in a secluded alley...in a trash can in the corner.

The reason is self-evident. Naturally, the area where he logged off before was filled with NPCs, and there were many powerful and sensitive beings there, so that even the system could not find anyone who could let him appear quietly. The other way around was to find a nearby trash can and throw him in it.

Fortunately, the level of environmental treatment here is relatively high, and there are not many residential houses nearby, which greatly reduces the proportion of kitchen waste. Otherwise, Mo Tan who jumped out of the trash can would have to carry at least some kind of charm - The 99' DBUFF lasts until he takes a shower next time, and it will take at least ten minutes to get back to the Blue Carp House from here, and he has to pass through most of the bustling East District...

"Well, this is already good."

Mo Tan muttered something in a low voice, and then while holding up the trash can that fell next to him, he smiled at a few stunned passers-by until he put away the waste paper, rotten boots, anti-counterfeiting stamps and other debris scattered on the ground. Then he left quickly, looking somewhat embarrassed.

The way those people looked at him just now was as if they were looking at a social animal who was used to tidying up his lawn before going out to work...

Although there are not many social animals these days whose home environment is similar to that of a trash can, we have rarely seen people who dare to live in a real trash can and tidy up before leaving.

[At least it's not a septic tank...at least it's not a septic tank...]

Mo Tan comforted himself silently, then walked into the municipal library with the slight peculiar smell, and quickly rushed into the public washroom on the first floor under the strange looks of several receptionists. After changing my gear and rinsing my head, tail and other parts, I returned to the lobby. Then I walked directly to the second floor and walked around for several minutes before I found the remote borrowing room with the door sign of 'Cuisine'.

There are four or five rows of white oak bookshelves inside, with all kinds of... messy books neatly listed on them. Mo Tan glanced at it and saw that most of the titles were related to cooking and cooking, but he doubted that "Granola Beets" One hundred ways to use the soft texture that cannot be understood by those heavy flavors" and "The true meaning of life: how to stimulate your taste buds with (excessive) salt and sauce". What on earth are people thinking when they put these two books together? The book "The Subtle Differences and Commonalities of Seventy-Three Types of Pepper Ingredients That Pure Men Should Eat Spicy" also seems very strange...

At this moment, a gust of fragrant wind blew by, and Ji Xiaoge, holding a book "How to Conquer Instead of Killing the Stomachs of Diners", appeared in front of Mo Tan with a smile like a flower: "It seems that no matter where you are, The conflict between the sweet party and the salty party is very intense."

Obviously, she also saw the books that Mo Tan was staring at just now, who knows whether they were recipes or papers.

"I generally avoid talking to others about these kinds of in-depth issues anyway."

Mo Tan shrugged and said apologetically: "Sorry, I'm a little late."

While speaking, he suddenly glanced at the book in the other person's arms, and his eyes suddenly became complicated.

"What's so surprising~"

Noticing the former's gaze, Ji Xiaoge wrinkled his nose and made a face: "It's not like I don't have self-awareness. I definitely don't want to spend my whole life cooking dishes that will make others roll down the stairs!"

Mo Tan coughed dryly and held it in for a while before he nodded sincerely and said, "Thank you for your hard work..."

"If you can't say something nice, don't say it."

The girl snorted softly, fluttered her wings and flew to the bookshelf behind her. She leisurely shook her flawless legs like works of art and said with a smile: "Many players on the forum said that this game It has an anti-blooming setting, will you not be able to see anything if you look up now?"

Because there is no one else here, Ji Xiaoge does not need to be taboo about words such as 'forum', 'player', and 'game'.

Mo Tan did not raise his head, but turned sideways helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble. If I look up now, I will probably be blinded by your newly developed flash bomb."

"Tch, it was discovered..."

Ji Xiaoge stuck out his tongue, put away the new trial product that was upside down in the palm of his right hand, and then said with a smile: "I have already secretly said hello to Sister Chris before you came, and prepare a backup plan. Those guys really weren’t stupid enough to bring a few slaves to the auction to put them up for sale.”

If those people from the Viper Chamber of Commerce were directly and blatantly selling slaves, they would go directly to the more influential bosses in the market to report them through Chris. This is the lowest possibility, and it is also the development that the two of them are most looking forward to, and the facts have proved that it is possible. This thing is quite reliable, and the other party is really not mentally retarded enough to perform a scene that can only appear in third-rate knight novels.

"It's normal. The slave in the car has probably been booked by a buyer from the beginning."

Because he had more information, Mo Tan, who had no expectations, did not show the slightest regret, but said thoughtfully: "But those Viper people did participate in the auction last night. You have been In the infield, did you see any clues about what they bought?"

The posts assigned to Motan and Jadeka last night were in the front office. Like Anthony Dabbs who was stationed outside the auction, they did not enter the inner court, so they only know that those people did appear as participants in the Golden Acid May, but I don’t know exactly what the other party bought.

Yaya and Ji Xiaoge, who are girls and have excellent images, were assigned to the infield. Unfortunately, the former only stayed in for less than ten minutes because he was too extravagant and was sent to guard the gate. So in the end The only person who witnessed the entire auction was actually Ji Xiaoge.

She saw those people from the Viper Chamber of Commerce taking a picture of an engineering creation that was shaped like a helmet and had an extremely precise structure, and immediately told Mo Tan through a friend's message. Unfortunately, the auction was coming to an end at that time. In order not to delay the interview with the Grand Duke Dantès, the reporter quickly went offline and changed his number in advance (he asked for early leave from the person in charge), so he did not have time to communicate much with Ji Xiaoge.

"It was a semi-finished helmet. The seller was a dwarf engineer who was on the verge of bankruptcy because of excessive waste of funds. The auctioneer said at the time that the helmet was handed down from his grandfather who had just died three and a half days ago. The specific purpose is unknown. He only knows that it is a semi-finished product. In addition, there are a few tattered drawings, and everything else is a mystery."

Ji Xiaoge first gave Mo Tan a relatively simple explanation, and then started to talk about the details with a frown: "Although it is a semi-finished product with unknown purpose, it contains many rare materials, such as half a catty of silver dragon scales and high The purity interference magic crystal is therefore qualified to be placed at a relatively low position in the auction, because even if the helmet is dismantled and the materials are sold separately, a lot of money can be made."

Compared with Mo Tan, who has no accumulation of knowledge in this area, Ji Xiaoge, who was taught a lot of material theory by Lu Wei, is very clear about the value of those materials, so he casually helped Mo Tan to popularize science, such as the purity is higher than 100%. Only fifteenths of the interference magic crystal is qualified to be called 'high purity'. It has extremely important value in many aspects, such as serving as the core component of some engineering creations, or the necessity of some high-end potions or magic scrolls. The higher the purity of the material, the higher the value.

And half a catty of silver dragon scales is a priceless thing. Dragon species do not shed their scales. It takes a lifetime for each scale on the body to grow. If you want to get it, there is almost no need to force it. The value of any other method can be imagined.

This also proves that the cheap, high-quality and low-priced 'Dragon Scale Armor', 'Dragon Scale Gauntlets' and 'Dragon Scale Belt' on the market are basically parallel imports. After all, in the eyes of those profiteers, dragons are also dragons. , giving a nickname to an ordinary monitor lizard is also a dragon, so the seller can feel at ease.

All in all, after Ji Xiaoge's brief explanation, Mo Tan had roughly understood the value of that helmet. Well, it was quite expensive anyway.

"Then the point..."

Ji Xiaoge floated down from the bookshelf lightly, landed in front of Mo Tan and said seriously: "Before the bidding officially started, the auctioneer showed everyone one of the drawings packaged with the semi-finished product, although it only showed less than five Seconds, but I still saw something."

Mo Tan had no doubts about the close disciple of Tianzhu Mountain's chief engineer in front of him, and asked without any time to think: "What is it?"

Ji Xiaoge clicked her lips with some distress and said hesitantly: "How should I say? It's not so much that I saw it, but it's that I remembered it..."


Mo Tan's curiosity was successfully aroused, and he stared at Ji Xiaoge's slightly tangled little face... Then he looked away stiffly, wondering: "What are you thinking of?"

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the other party's previous sneak attack effect was still affecting him.

"It's the incomplete drawing shown by the auctioneer."

The girl shrugged and said uncertainly: "I always feel like I have seen the complete version."

Mo Tan was stunned: "Huh?"

Ji Xiaoge nodded slightly and said with a sullen face: "I remember it was in the old warehouse in the Seventh Outer Mountain. At that time, the teacher asked me to help him find an optimization plan for the energy supply system of the Rune Body. But I remembered the wrong number. I accidentally opened the cabinet next to me, ugh, I still feel horrible when I think about it now."

【fear? 】

Mo Tan looked at the girl's frightened expression and subconsciously became a little nervous.

"Super scary!"

Ji Xiaoge shuddered, and the little pig nodded like he was pecking at rice: "That cabinet is a place where teachers store useless drawings, manuscripts, plans, and the history of the Second Black School. It's so scary!!"

Mo Tan couldn't help but laugh: "Is it scary because he saw the dark history or something, or is it scary because he was discovered by Master Lu Wei?"


Ji Xiaoge pursed his lips and said in shock: "There are too many things inside. Imagine a cabinet that has been expanded by more than thirty space runes but is just barely big enough to be locked up. It had to be closed with a crane, and there was a sudden 'bang' sound after it was opened. Alas, if I hadn't jumped back subconsciously, I would have died."

Mo Tan was shocked at that time: "Huh?"

"I don't know how many tons of information there are!"

Ji Xiaoge let out a clear and sweet cry, covered his head and groaned: "It hit me with a bang! Have you ever experienced an avalanche up close? Well, I don't think you are that unlucky ( Cordoba, who is far away in Abby City, sneezed inexplicably). Anyway, it is enough to appreciate the spirit. Woo hoo, that is more than a hundred times more terrifying than an avalanche! As soon as my eyesight went dark, I was overwhelmed by 'knowledge' I was buried alive. There was no part of my body that didn't hurt. I couldn't dig out. If the teacher hadn't rushed over impatiently, I really doubted that I would have been suffocated to death because I was bleeding all the time. I can’t even log off the line.”

Mo Tan couldn't laugh or cry as he watched Ji Xiaoge who subconsciously used his wings to fold himself up and turned into a trembling badminton player. Suddenly, he thought about the source of the latter turning himself into a 'badminton ball' when he was excited. It doesn't come like this.

"Ahem, don't think about this now, let's continue talking about the main point."

He replaced the meaningless comfort with changing the subject, and asked very bluntly: "Is that when you saw similar drawings?"

Ji Xiaoge nodded sadly: "Ang, I saw it when I was dragged out by the teacher. Because I thought the helmet on it looked very cool, I took a second look and took pictures with those slave traders last night. The things I downloaded are very similar, but the difference is that the one I saw was complete, not only complete but also upgraded several times.”

Her tone was quite confident, and she obviously didn't feel that she had remembered it wrong. The confusion between her brows was more like wondering why the slave traders sold that thing.

Mo Tan, who had become serious, nodded lightly and asked slowly: "Do you still remember the purpose of that thing? The complete version of the one in the Seventh Outer Mountain."

"I didn't think of it yesterday, otherwise I would have sent you a message long ago."

Ji Xiaoge wrinkled his little nose, and then said seriously: "But I remembered it during the day today, well, you know I am talking about the day in reality, except for those that I really don't remember, to put it simply - —It can amplify the controller's mental power to cause indiscriminate chaos in the surroundings, and interfere with thinking ability to a great extent. It is referred to as a wide-area thinking interference device."

Mo Tan frowned: "Yes, I understand. It feels very powerful."

"Haha, what's so great about it?"

Ji Xiaoge snickered, spread his hands and said: "The effect of that thing is completely the same as that of a rare high-level arcane magic called [Psychic Shock], and the cost is outrageous. Otherwise, how could the teacher do it?" Put that set of drawings into that broken cabinet."

Mo Tan choked for a moment, and then said in confusion: "No, if it is really useless, why would those people buy it? Cut it into materials and sell it for money?"

"No, if we only count materials, yesterday's transaction price itself was a lot higher."

Ji Xiaoge shook his head without thinking, then narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Actually, I already have some ideas."

Chapter 390: End

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