Quadruple split

Chapter 396 Chess Players and Chess Players

Game time AM09:11

【Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized.】

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

In the southern part of Misha County, outside Panshu City, command the large account

Mo Tan, who was exhausted both physically and mentally, slowly opened his eyes, stood up with difficulty holding on to the table, and moved his joints that were already stiff.

The reason for his physical exhaustion was that during the time he was offline, Black Brahma had been praying in front of the goddess statue for more than ten hours. This was two different things from lying on the bed and sleeping, so that Mo Tan As soon as I got online, my whole body ached, and I felt extremely sore.

The mental fatigue was caused by him actively changing his personality outside the game, three times. The first time was before logging into the game at night. Because he had already discussed the tracking plan with Ji Xiaoge, his personality was in chaos at that time. The neutral Mo Tan had to take the initiative to convert to 'absolute neutral' (no matter how many times he tried, chaotic neutrality and lawful good could never be converted to each other), and then switched to lawful good online.

And when 'Mo' randomly picked up a mount at the Anka Market, he just had to wait for news from Ji Xiaoge, so he quit the game, and then transformed into an absolutely neutral state as quickly as possible with all his strength and energy. Go to Misha County where the situation is extremely pessimistic.

So Mo Tan's mental state was quite worrying for a while.

"You look terrible."

An ethereal voice sounded behind Mo Tan, and Luna, whose expression was not much better, walked in slowly, holding her huge alchemy notebook in her arms, and said softly: "Do you need some help mixing it up?" Potion?”

Mo Tanqian laughed, waved his hand quickly and said, "Thanks, I don't think I have a big problem."

After saying that, he used several magical healing spells on himself, and his condition immediately improved a lot, and his physical fitness level, which was slowly declining, became stable again.

"I suggest you not to rely too much on magic, at least not until your physical fitness reaches the level of His Highness Xia Lian."

Luna reminded him lightly, but there was still no sparkle in her misty eyes: "The detailed map around Panshu City has been printed soon. You can pick it up from the alchemy workshop later, as well as the matching chess pieces. .”

"Thank you, it was really a big job."

Mo Tan nodded lightly, subconsciously looked at the map on the table, and quickly fell into deep thought.

Luna smiled silently, then turned back to the outside of the tent and whispered softly: "If you want to chat with him, you'd better do it as soon as possible, because Hei Fan will soon become rude to others."


Mo Tan, who had accidentally fallen into deep thought but had not completely ignored the outside world, immediately woke up and subconsciously turned around and asked: "Who are you talking to?"

Then he saw a strange face he had never seen before slowly walking in.

This is an elf woman who looks about thirty years old. She has soft eyes and a tall figure. Well, she is about half a head taller than Mo Tan. She is wearing a light green dress with long golden hair. Her hair is tied casually behind her back, and her temperament is quiet and mature.

"Nice to meet you, Lord of Morrowind City, may the goddess bless you."

Mo Tan bowed slightly, made a blessing gesture commonly used by Dawn Sect, and said apologetically: "Please forgive me for not visiting at the first time."

Qingzhi Chenfeng, the city lord of Panshu City, smiled and gracefully responded to Mo Tan with a courtesy unique to flower elves: "Please don't mind, Master Hei Fan, I know how precious your time is, but Miss Luna He told me that today’s operation has not started yet, so I wanted to come over and say hello.”

"Well, she's been hanging around for a long time."

Luna said lightly, then turned around and walked out, saying without looking back: "If there's nothing else, I'll go back to the workshop first. I already have some clues about the things you asked me to study."

Then he left quickly.

"Ahem, that's just her. You'll get used to it."

Mo Tan shrugged at the somewhat embarrassed city lord lady, then glanced at the system time and smiled gently: "Although I can't chat with you for too long, I still have time for a drink, so come. Would you like some black tea?”

Qingzhi Chenfeng shook his head: "No, I just want to see you, the genius commander who resolved the crisis in Panshu City in an instant. By the way, I want to ask if there is anything that us locals can be of use to." place."

"Genius is too exaggerated. It's just opportunistic."

Mo Tan smiled self-deprecatingly, with no trace of pride on his face. Then he looked down at the map on the table and murmured: "Panshu City has helped us a lot, but I did think of something just now. I may need to trouble you."

Qing Zhi immediately nodded without hesitation and said: "I would like to hear the details."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, tapped the location of Panshu City marked on the map of the Southern Territory, and said softly: "If I remember correctly, Panshu City should be the only city in Misha County with an airship tower besides Hofer City. Bar?"

"That's right."

Qingzhi Chenfeng, who has been the city lord here for more than two hundred years, gave an affirmative answer without hesitation, and then frowned slightly and said: "But since the outbreak of the plague, all air routes passing through Misha County have been blocked. , whether it is the Skalan Principality Channel in the west, the Violet Empire Channel in the south, the Sanctuary Channel in the north, or the Free Capital Channel in the east, they have temporarily cut off the route in Misha County, and it is almost impossible to reopen it in a short time. Enable."

Because engineering and magic are extremely common, the Innocence Continent has an aviation industry. Although it is relatively backward in all aspects, the pan-dwarf business circle and the goblin bomber aviation are still covered with airship lines. The entire continent contributes to the world's transportation industry.

In view of many unavoidable reasons, such as the expensive and cumbersome standard airships in the commercial circle, and the ultimate speed is not even as fast as an ordinary war horse; such as the low-cost and top speed of 110 kilometers per hour in the explosion aviation, but the crash rate is constant. 49.85% of travelers who exploded. As a result, aviation technology in this world is not very satisfactory in commercial terms, and its competitiveness is firmly lower than that of land transportation and sea transportation.

There is nothing that can be done about it. After all, compared with the other two modes of transportation that are relatively safe, cheap, and fast, whether it is a dwarf airship that charges by the kilometer and may not be as fast as some people, it is still satisfactory in all aspects. It is only natural that goblin airships, which are half as likely to arrive safely as they are to suffer misfortune and are not protected, have serious flaws and cannot become mainstream.

But the difficulty of becoming mainstream does not mean that there is no market and prospects. Therefore, the aviation industry, which has not made any big breakthroughs until today, still exists tenaciously, and there are airship towers in many big cities that can supply and dock.

Panshu City is one of the cities with an airship tower.

"Please rest assured, I have no idea of ​​using the airship to move everyone to a safe area, or let the outside world support us through the airship." Mo Tan smiled, and then said sternly to the lady city lord in front of him: "I just want to know, now Are there any intact airships in Panshu City?"

Qing Zhi shook her head: "No, the last two airships set off three days before Misha County was blocked. One airship arrived at the Principality of Scaran according to the established route and never came back, and the other one just left the city. It crashed within two hours.”

Mo Tan: "."

Qing Zhi smiled helplessly: "Those explosive aviation things are like this. Two ships took off together, and one crashed when they arrived. However, their escape measures were pretty good. As long as they followed the procedures, they would basically not be alive. It’s dangerous, and the airship is not expensive to build. As long as it doesn’t disintegrate directly, it can be dragged back and repaired by the engineers afterwards. In their words, it’s ‘just like new, with a half-and-half crash rate’.”

Although he didn't know why the young commander in front of him was interested in such a thing, he still tried his best to explain.

Then Mo Tan's eyes suddenly lit up: "So are all the engineers stationed in the airship tower still there?"

Qing Zhi was stunned for a moment, and replied subconsciously: "Basically, they are all here. A few people died some time ago due to participating in the defense of the city or contracting the plague, but there are still many engineers with little combat effectiveness who are still alive and healthy in the airship. Tower, those infected with the plague are placed in a camp outside the city, not far from here."

"Where's the operator of the crashed airship? Captain or something."

"Well, most of them are still alive. They came back the night the airship crashed."

"Well, I understand, come on, take a look at this map."


twenty minutes later

After sending the city lord lady away, Mo Tan just breathed a sigh of relief and was about to start making plans for today when he saw the pale Yu Chen tiptoeing in and huddled in the corner of the tent without moving.

"Finally I meet you."

Mo Tan put down the list in his hand, turned to Yu Chen who was startled by him and smiled bitterly: "Is the overdraft serious?"

The latter shrank his neck, shook his head timidly and said: "Well, it's not bad, but the physical fitness value is completely gone."

"I told you not to work too hard."

Mo Tan opened the friend bar and gave orders to the teams in several key areas to stay on alert and be ready to dispatch at any time. Then he walked up to Yu Chen and handed her a cup of black tea that he had just brewed. He pretended to be angry and said, "It turns out yesterday I haven’t seen you all day long. There are so many civilians infected with the plague here. Even you can’t cure them all in a short time. You are not afraid of overdrafting yourself too much and being kicked offline by the system. "?"

Yuchen flattened his mouth and muttered a little aggrievedly: "I'm fine."

Mo Tan's mind was shaken, and he finally forced himself not to soften his expression, and said viciously: "Then why don't you rest?!"

"Well, actually I took a rest."

Yuchen hung his head obediently, held the corner of his clothes and whispered: "I came back to rest several times, but you didn't see it."

Then Mo Tan was confused.

Yuchen looked at the former's suddenly dull expression, burst out laughing, nodded cheerfully and said, "It's true, I came back twice yesterday, but you just stood in front of the map and didn't react at all. You weren't muttering. I just move the chess pieces to see which team's position is, or else I just stay there and send messages, not paying attention to me at all~"


Mo Tan shook his head vigorously and said firmly: "Absolutely impossible!"

Yuchen stuck out his tongue, pursed his lips and said with a smile: "It's true. If you don't believe me, just look through the messages. There was one from me yesterday, and the content was 'I'm so tired, what are you doing?', but it turned out that you were separated for a long time. Then he replied, let me combine work and rest."

"No need to turn it over." Mo Tan curled his lips and hummed softly: "I remember that message, is there any problem?"

Yuchen smiled playfully, shook his head and said, "No problem, but I was standing behind you at that time, and I gave you bunny ears. If you don't believe me, ask the knight sister who was guarding outside the tent. She was I kept looking back."

Mo Tan: "."

Yuchen stood up with a "hey" sound, raised his chest, put his hands on his hips and raised his chin: "Uh-huh, don't you have anything to say?"

Then Mo Tan took two steps back like an electric shock, fell to the ground with an unstable balance, shook his head with a red face and said: "You won, I was wrong."

If he had a 'chaotic neutral' personality, he would have turned around and shouted into the air next to him: "Coach! She hit someone with the ball!"

[Suspected of actively having close contact with player Hei Fan (absolutely neutral), should he be included in the whitelist?]

The system prompt sounded just right.

At this moment, Yuchen reacted belatedly. He opened his mouth for a long time but no words came out.

The scene was very embarrassing!

Two seconds later, just when Yuchen got up in a hurry and was about to apologize.

A white light suddenly lit up, and Mo Tan, who was so big in front of the girl, suddenly disappeared.

[I, I, I scared him offline! ? 】

Yuchen panicked at that time, and then glanced at the star-studded map on the table blankly and cutely, and murmured blankly: "Then what should we do with today's plan?"

at the same time

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]


【Reconnection starts.】

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic and evil Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

The Chauvin Empire, the royal capital of Trone, the residence of the guilty lord

The eyes under the mask slowly opened, but the bright sunshine in the study could not reflect any light on the dark pupils, but was irresistibly assimilated and integrated into the pure ink color, leaving no trace. .

Mo, who was bathed in the light, stood up slowly and casually glanced at the bright and bright sun outside the window. The corners of his mouth slowly formed a sarcastic arc, and then he picked up the coat of arms with the 'Sin Lord' on the table. gloves and walked out of the room.

"The Lady of Silent Prayer is waiting for you, my lord."

Outside the study, a thin middle-aged man dressed as a servant leaned down to salute and said respectfully: "The car is ready and ready to go at any time."

“Since when can women change clothes faster than men?”

The young newly promoted noble shook his head in distress, glanced at the cold and graceful figure not far away, and then made a face at the servant beside him, thinking he was hiding it.

"Let's go."

Chapter 393: End

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