Quadruple split

Chapter 400 Reconnection

Game time PM15:23

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Hurry up!"

【Reconnection starts.】

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

The southern border of Misha County, the temporary station of the joint forces outside Panshu City

With a distorted flash of light, Mo Tan returned to the command tent, and had the illusion that he had not been away for a long time. He only felt that the moment that made his blushing heart burst, it seemed that less than a few seconds had passed, but .The time displayed by the system does not lie.

[Damn it, why is it at this time! 】

Mo Tan held his head weakly and groaned. Mo Tan quickly stood up and walked to the door. He opened the roller blind that had been closed at some point and looked outside quietly. He happened to meet a woman outside who was also turning around quietly. The knights looked at each other in understanding.

"Ah! Lord Heiheifan!"

The newly promoted low-level paladin of the Church of the Sun panicked at that time, took half a step back with a red face, suddenly raised her arm and performed a hammer salute that was so nondescript that she didn’t even know what it was, and then He squatted there covering his head, with tears in his big green eyes: "You, have you finished praying? Do you have any instructions?"

Paladin's gauntlets are generally very hard

"Uh, yes, after praying, I just want to breathe a little."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and after he came to his senses, he secretly cursed himself for being an idiot who didn't know how to read his friends' messages first. He smiled dryly and shook his head: "There are no instructions."

He casually said a healing prayer to the female knight in front of him. Although he didn't know why the girl would be frightened by him and hurt herself, the big bump on her forehead really hurt just looking at it.

Then Mo Tan turned around and went back to the tent.


The female knight raised her hand and touched her forehead, which was rapidly reducing swelling. She froze on the spot for a while before she giggled twice and continued to stick to her post with a radiant face.

‘Why are you offline, Mo Tan! Where have you been? Yes, were you scared by me? (.﹏.*)’

‘I didn’t mean it! Mainly because there is no one in the game that can compress the size! I didn’t calculate the distance well, Orz! ’

‘Ahhh, no, no, no, no, what am I talking about! Why doesn’t this game have a message recall function? Forgot! Please, please forget it o(TヘTo)! ’

‘I told the knight outside that you were praying, and then lowered the roller blind, hoping to fool him ( ̄△ ̄;). ’

‘Oh, if you get online, remember to say hello to me as soon as possible (* ̄ω ̄)’

‘By the way, Knight Luni who is guarding outside seems to have a good impression of you! A girl's intuition is very accurate, eh, in this case, will she think I am a love rival╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭? ’

‘I digressed. I told Yu Ying about your disconnection. She should be arranging for everyone to search the safe area according to the original plan. ’

‘I forgot to post an expression just now, please add ()’

Mo Tan hurriedly read the messages Yu Chen sent to him during this period, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, showing a relieved giggle.

Well, it was indeed a giggle. The introverted girl who would become lively and talkative inexplicably when sending messages could always make him relax completely, effectively offsetting the burden and mental drain caused by the great pressure. Considering that Hei Fan's profession is a priest, We can call it magic replenishment.

Next, Mo Tan first sent a message to Yu Ying to ask about the current situation, and then he seemed to be safe and sound, but in fact he was panicking and replied to Yu Chen——

‘Well, actually, it was because my body in reality had a nosebleed for some reason, so I was kicked off the line by the system. ’

One second.

two seconds

'ha? ’

'Eh! ! ’

‘No, it can’t be! ! ’

‘Ah ah ah, don’t pay attention to me and let me shut up for a while〒▽〒! ’

In the third second, four messages popped up with almost no gaps, making Mo Tan bend over in joy.

‘Okay, okay, I’m just kidding. Actually, there was something extra that happened during my part-time job. It’s fine now. Please be careful not to overdraft. I have to seize the time to make up for the delayed progress. ’

Mo Tan stopped when he saw that, calming down Yu Chen who was trying to escape from reality by being autistic, and then temporarily ended the topic with the reason that he had to do business, giving both parties enough time to 'forget' the previous Surprisingly, it is very considerate.

After a while, Yu Ying had already sent over a list of all the teams performing tasks and the corresponding 'messengers', and then updated everyone's real-time location and current action route for Mo Tan, which was extremely efficient.

This usually very naughty female assassin may cheat in many insignificant places, but she will never disappoint people at critical moments. Now that the situation in the South has become extremely corrupt, she used to arrive late and leave early every day. During this period of time, she maintained 24-hour online time. During the day, she led a large team of elite personnel to carry out "land reclamation" work. At night, she patrolled the edge of the safe area, which had expanded to a large size. With the help of players Unique advantages always reside in the most difficult positions.

While Yu Chen and Mo Tan were seizing every second to overdraw themselves and work at full capacity, Yu Ying, who already held countless positions, was no more relaxed than the first two.

Mo Tan quickly read through the latest information on the joint forces twice, then walked slowly to the star-studded southern map in the center of the tent, moving the chess pieces on it while letting his thoughts go.

one minute later

Mo Tan's index finger gently brushed two rows of chess pieces at the edge of the safe area, dyeing them with a hazy red light. He breathed a long sigh of relief and reopened the message bar.

‘Thank you for your hard work, please help inform everyone that the current mission will be terminated from now on, and I will take over the next command. ’

at the same time

"I can't wait any longer."

Yu Ying floated down from a dead tree lightly, raised her hand to stop the dozen or so people behind her, then pulled out the dagger from her waist with a 'swish' sound, turned around and said with a smile: "Okay, buddy. Everyone, the pleasant walking time is over, the target is the N18 area in the southeast, follow me."


Five minutes later, as if being pulled by invisible hands, all the teams spread across the southern border quickly intertwined into two giant nets, covering the edge of the control area and a location southeast of Panshu City in distinct layers. One team after another without hesitation stepped out of the 'safety boundary' just drawn yesterday, rushing towards the mutants wandering in the fields, roads, woods, and streams, and in the process, they continued to separate and reunite. Sometimes they condense into several sharp spear points, crushing the already large swarm of mutants, and sometimes they turn into a swarming pack of wolves, with clear division of labor and tearing individual prey into pieces, completing a large number of tasks. Incredible cooperation, and in most cases they don't even know where most of their teammates are.

But it doesn't matter, because they know that there is a pair of omnipresent eyes watching them, their companions and their enemies, looking down at this chessboard named Misha.

Simple and clear instructions are conveyed to everyone in an orderly manner, with a frequency as dense as a never-ending shower, without making anyone whose IQ is not too low below the average lose their bearings.

To put it simply - these commands have a frightening affinity, flexibility and purpose.

It was as if a pot of hot oil had been poured into the water. The southern border, which had been quiet for less than half a day, began to boil again under Yu Motan's baton!

Beside a small road covered with black bloodstains

"Change the route to the east, head to area N21, and prepare to respond to Adjutant Yuying's First Elite Reconnaissance Squadron!"

Yamidie, who became even more wild because his sister was not around, summoned two bolts of thunder, fought back several mutants that were entangled with Sara, roared, and sprinkled a bottle of death dust exuding a rotten smell on his face. On Jimmy: "Time is limited, don't get involved with them, someone will chop these rotten meat into pieces later!"

In a forest that has long lost its vitality


Robin fired two iron arrows from his welding bow and pierced a leaping mutant. He gritted his teeth and ran wildly on Asakusa. He loudly conveyed the latest order from his friend's message to his companions: "Don't be obsessed with fighting. Record the terrain and enemy distribution." Move them immediately, and someone will come to eliminate them later, so hurry up!"

Beside a creek that has been dry for an unknown amount of time

Two fair knights holding giant swords were protecting a young girl, cursing and struggling in front of several mutants. Suddenly, they saw a dwarf riding on a black cheetah, two paladins on horses, and a knight. The knight on the black donkey galloped from a distance. He suddenly became energetic and his attacks became a little darker.

As a result, the four men and the leopard passed by the two of them without hesitation and ran away into the distance without looking back.


One of them, a skinny monkey-like half-orc justice knight, became anxious at that time, and turned around and shouted anxiously: "You guys are helping me!"

As a result, the hooded knight riding on the donkey turned around and blew a kiss to several people: "Sorry, I didn't receive the order."

Then it flew away quickly in the billowing smoke.


The half-orc knight was stunned at the time, and then turned back to the girl who was being protected behind him with a blank look on his face and asked: "Didn't you say there are reinforcements?"

As a result, before the timid-looking girl had time to speak, she heard a crisp and heroic roar from not far away——

"Reinforcements are coming!!"

The female elf warrior holding a giant hammer in each hand crashed into the center of four or five mutants like a meteor. Then she started laughing and spinning wildly. She turned into a heavy metal storm, and in an instant Then he broke the bones and tendons of the two mutant hammers, then suddenly brought the war hammers stretched out on both sides of the body together, and directly smashed the head of the third mutant!

Yes, it was smashed, as hard as hammering a walnut.

"Sorry, I'm half a minute late."

The beautiful and tall elf smiled at a few people, and then suddenly knelt down with his hands on the ground, and opened his mouth with a solemn expression: "Ugh."

The side effects of [Heavy Storm].


A ball of lava suddenly covered the face of a certain mutant, and a Khajiit shaman ran over from the direction where the female warrior jumped, followed by a bearded dwarf priest holding a mace.


The bearded priest ran over with short legs and grabbed the girl behind the two knights, and said in a deep voice: "Optimize the configuration."


The little thief girl who had just received the order a few seconds ago nodded, and then ran towards the shaman uncle who shouted "wife".

"Leave it to them here. The three of us will go west and prepare the glow powder for bait operations."

The bearded man nodded to the two justice knights and said without any delay: "I will treat you on the way."

"What about our girl?"



The two knights of justice nodded, and then they ran towards the west together with the new bearded man. Behind them, the "brutalist Beauty and the Beast" couple who seemed to be incompatible were mopping up quickly. Among the remaining mutants, the thief girl who had no room to play before also joined the battle group with the help of several buff totems, turning daggers.

Centered on Panshu City, there are countless similar scenes within a hundred miles to the south.

It was layer upon layer of endless cutting, breakthrough, rushing to rescue, luring the enemy, covering, and encircling and killing, like an endless piece of music, echoing in this land where all life was devastated.

And this movement, even at this moment, has not been taken seriously by anyone, but it has left a strong mark in history - the opening of "Black Requiem".

Game time PM18:35

In the southern border of Misha County, outside Panshu City, a temporary camp for those infected by the plague

"Your Highness the Saint."

Gaheres looked at Yuchen who was pale but still planning to get up and leave. After hesitating for a long time, he finally couldn't help but stopped in front of her. He lowered his head and said hesitantly: "You look very bad. I need to Rest, there are too many people infected with the plague, no matter how hard you work, it is impossible to save them all in a short time."

The two paladins from the Dawn Sect next to them also nodded in unison, obviously supporting Gaheres's point of view.

This is a simple resting place in the center of the temporary camp. It is also the place where Yuchen recovers his physical strength and magic power. There are seven or eight powerful paladins stationed around to guard it. There are also three female knights under Hei Fan's death order. He protects Yuchen every step of the way, and as for Gaheres, he is an added bonus as he is determined to become a follower.

"I'm fine. Didn't I rest just now?"

Yuchen shook his head gently and smiled at Gaheres: "It's precisely because there are so many people infected with the plague that I can't be too leisurely."


"Thank you, but it doesn't matter. Although I hold the title of Saint, it doesn't mean that I am nobler than others."


Facing the girl's flawless smile, He Lei finally nodded against his will and stepped aside to get out of the way.

"You're right."

Chapter 397: End

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