Quadruple split

Chapter 402 For own salvation

Although from an objective point of view, Gaheres cannot represent anyone. He is just an ordinary believer who converted to Dawn Church after being saved by Yuchen. His actual status is even that of ordinary priests and nuns who can be seen everywhere during this time. It's worse, but the people don't know this.

Everyone only knows that this thin, ordinary-looking young man quietly follows the Saint of Forgotten Words every time. When he appears alone, he will be vaguely protected by the surrounding paladins. The previous attack has proved this. The extraordinary strength of the Dawn Knight reacted immediately when the mutant pounced on the former, and killed him at an extremely fast speed. He had no intention of protecting the elf at all, which showed his status.

In fact, Gahres was vaguely protected every time he appeared just because he was too easy to become a target without being infected by the plague. According to Luna's theory, the attack pattern of mutants is actually easy to summarize, that is, the more People who are healthier and have more vitality will be more likely to be targeted, while people with poorer health and thinner vitality will most likely not be attacked first than the former. Of course, unless they have completely lost their vitality, theoretically it is It is absolutely impossible to let go. Apart from using [Death Dust] or some suspended animation techniques that are almost the same as regular death, methods such as lying on the ground and holding your breath are useless.

So when the vast majority of people here are infected with the plague, Gahres, who is healthy but has extremely poor skills, will naturally receive some extra care when he appears. This has nothing to do with status or anything, it is just because he is easier Just been attacked.

As for the elf whose face was bitten, it can only be said that he was too close to the old man who had just been transformed into a mutant, so close that Robert had no time to react at all.

All in all, people had a little misunderstanding about the identity of Gaheres. They felt that this young man who often accompanied Her Highness the Saint must have a high status. In addition, his words "I can guarantee it for Her Highness here", At least he had to be at the level of a personal assistant, so he was immediately shocked when the other party decisively mutilated himself and mixed a bottle full of dirty blood into his wound.

"Perhaps you won't be the first to receive treatment, but I will definitely be the last to receive treatment."

After saying this calmly, Gahres' figure shook slightly and walked slowly to the man who shouted the loudest before, but whose physical condition was not actually too bad. He looked at him and behind him. Everyone asked in a deep voice: "Is this okay?"

【Are you so tough? ! 】

For a time, the originally noisy scene that was almost out of control suddenly stabilized. Most people who had not lost their ability to judge could see that this young man had indeed been infected with the plague, not to mention the disgusting layer of blood on his wounds. Mold, just by looking at the face that had completely lost its blood color, and with a dark green complexion, it was clear that his condition was very bad, at least much worse than most of the people present.

After all, those who were really tortured by the plague had no energy to rush out to 'protest'.

[Oh, I didn’t expect that poor physical fitness also has the benefits of poor physical fitness. If I were a few levels higher, even if I was infected, the effect would not be as obvious as it is now. 】

Gazing at the complicated faces in front of him and enduring the uncontrollable severe pain in his body, Gaheres was in a good mood. He knew that he had finally helped the girl in a sense. own way.

It's very stupid and unintelligent, and it may not have any subversive effect, but it can somewhat lighten her burden.

"Next, I will eat the same food, live in the same place, and endure the same torture as you, and I will not receive cough treatment from Her Majesty the Saint before you do." Gaheres showed a little bit. He coughed up a trace of blood, then straightened up and said with a wry smile: "So please calm down."

Knight Robert glanced at Gahres with a complex expression, then raised his sword and bowed to the latter in full view of the public, without saying anything.

Although this middle-aged knight did not have the square face of Taylor, but his mind was delicate enough, he decided to help Gahres finish the scene, so he gave Gahres a common courtesy for superiors, and did not Talk and just let other people think about it.

After a few seconds, seeing that most of the people had lowered their heads and expressed no objections, only when a few escapees were about to say something with angrily expressions, Robert 'casually' lowered the long sword in his hand, and 'accidentally' A deep ravine appeared on the ground, and he asked everyone: "Who has any opinions on this method of handling it?"

Of course, no one had an opinion.

Robert sighed secretly. Although he could "reasonably" put some pressure on these restless people after Gahres made such a move, he did not feel any comfortable at all.

"Thank you, Lord Knight."

Gahres turned back and smiled at Robert. While wrapping himself in a bandage, he lowered his voice and said, "Please don't tell Her Majesty the Saint what happened just now."

The latter frowned: "But how long can you last like this?"

"Who knows?"

Gahres shrugged, bit the bandage and tied a simple knot, and walked towards the crowd: "This life was originally given by His Highness."

He blended into the infected people whose expressions were unclear whether they were in admiration or fear, and quietly left the center of the camp with these people, walking indifferently towards the shacks in the distance that had just become less shabby in the past two days. go.

He didn't get comfort from his own dedication, he didn't feel resentful for his sacrifice, he didn't think about getting the slightest reward, it was just for his own salvation.

[Not for my own salvation, but for my own salvation. 】

Gahres laughed, grateful for the breadth and depth of his native language.

He didn't want these people to understand the truth, and he didn't care whether the seriously injured patients who were treated first were dead or alive in the end. This had nothing to do with the position between the players and the NPCs. Even if this happened in reality, he would not care about it because of this. Even if a person died tragically and blinked a few more times, he would still make the same decision in order to lighten Yu Chen's burden a little more.

As long as you can follow that warm light.

As long as you can do something for the person who hasn't abandoned you.

Will suffice.

[You have unlocked the talent: Poisonous Blood]

[You have unlocked the talent: Fearless]

[You have unlocked the growth talent: Watcher/? ? ? /? ? ? 】

[You have unlocked the growth talent: Benign Mutation (Elementary Plague)]

Game time PM21:24

'Yu Ying, inform everyone to withdraw to the control area as planned, arrange for several supply teams to take turns to send people back to Panshu City to replenish supplies, and then push the position southward by two areas. In addition, before departure tomorrow, let all squadrons and above conduct reconnaissance. The team received an additional 20% glow powder and fire stone, and finally notified all night watchers to rush to the edge of the new safety line within fifteen minutes. I have already sent you the specific location. Be sure to ask all players responsible for contact to add the nearest Two friends from the vigil team. ’

‘Received, but why is there no place for me at the new security line? ’

‘Can you move freely and patrol the four areas from M3 to M7 without restrictions while ensuring your own safety? ’

‘I understand, Commander Blackheart, is there anything else? ’

‘No more, today’s operation is over. ’

Mo Tan, who was exhausted mentally and physically, sent out the last message, and then he fell weakly on the chair behind him that had not fulfilled his responsibilities for almost the whole day, and closed his eyes tiredly.

The high-intensity command that lasted for most of the day gave him a splitting headache and his physical fitness level was close to zero. If Luna hadn't sent him two stacks of potions of suspicious color, taste, and ingredients that had miraculous effects, he wouldn't have had a headache at all. He hasn't been offline either. Just the rapid decline in physical fitness cannot keep him going until now.

A few minutes later, as the order to end the operation spread, Mo Tan's message column expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, seven or eight pages had been written.

‘Thank you, Mr. Heifan! I had a great time playing today! ’

‘Gao Wan, are you a graduate of a military academy? This commander is so lucky! ’

‘Brother Hei Fan, is your current world mission contribution already in six or seven figures? ’

‘Command, command~ Actually, I am the regional moderator of the XX forum. Can I do a simple interview with you? ’

‘Boss, are you free? I want to confess my love to my girlfriend tonight. Can you help me transfer my shift to night shift 4? ’

‘Captain, my mother’s birthday is tomorrow. I may have to go online two hours later. Sister Yuying didn’t reply to me just now. Let me tell you. Don’t delay our progress in land reclamation. ’

‘Brother Heifan, where are you from? I live in G city and I am 17 years old. Can I make friends if I am close? The offline kind. ’

‘Apply for Vigil, I want to earn more contribution points! ’

'Well, Mr. Hei Fan, can you introduce me to Miss Luna? Well, I don't mean anything else, I just think she's pretty and she's my type.'

‘Brother, are you staying with Chen Wangyu tonight? Can you guys have a kiss? Can you do something shameful? Is there any system restriction if the NPC is willing? I particularly like the Paladin guy on our team and want to seduce him~’

[Aren’t you pretty serious during the day? How come you are so virtuous just after finishing your work?]

The corners of Hei Fan's mouth twitched and he scrolled through the message bar. He sent a message back to a few people who asked for leave or wanted to change classes, asking them to report to Yu Ying later. He also told the last person who had dangerous thoughts in a righteous manner. Xiao Guliang said, "You can't do shameful things with NPCs or kiss them." Then he closed the message bar and lazily slumped in his chair without moving.

At first glance, it looks like a young social worker who worked overtime died suddenly here.

A few minutes later, Yu Chen staggered back to the tent. With slumped shoulders, he dragged a chair from the corner to Mo Tan, and then fell limply on it, motionless, in the same posture as the half-dead former.

At first glance, it looks like a pair of young social animals who worked overtime died suddenly here.

After a few seconds of silence, Mo Tan took out a bottle of bubbling dark green liquid from his bag, tilted his head and shook it at Yu Chen: "You're going to get back into shape, do you want some?"

"No, she gave me half a bottle yesterday. Although it is very useful, but"

The girl was so tired that she even slowed down her neck by two beats. She looked at the bottle of [Lynch Stewed Lizard Liver Essence] in Mo Tan's hand with awe, shook her head timidly and said: "The taste is really unacceptable, Bibi. Patchouli perfume is also irritating."

"Is it?"

Mo Tan shrugged, raised his head and drank up the bottle of Huoxiang Zhengqi water mixed with mustard oil. He smiled and said, "I think it's okay."


Yuchen was silent for a while, then pursed his lips and said with a smile, "You must be easy to support."

[If classmate Ji Xiaoge feeds you something every now and then, you will be as easy to feed as me. 】

Mo Tanqian laughed and complained silently in his heart.

Yuchen lay down for a few more minutes before slowly turning his body and lying on the back of the chair, revealing half of his face and looking at Mo Tan: "How was the result of today's battle? Yu Ying just sent me a message telling me that the operation is over."

"We have bought all the time we can. The area around Panshu City should be temporarily safe now, but the total number of mutants in the southern border is not even less than 10%."

Mo Tan, whose physical strength had somewhat recovered, stretched and turned to the girl with a smile: "But the situation is still under control. If everything goes well, we will probably be able to push the safety zone further south tomorrow."

"thank you."

Yuchen shook his head with a smile, blinked and said, "Let me give you a mental squeeze on your shoulders."

Mo Tan closed his eyes and shook his arms twice, then nodded pretendingly: "Well, the technique is very skillful."

The girl chuckled, scratched the tip of her nose sheepishly, and shook her calf happily: "Yes, I often help my mother squeeze her shoulders at home."

"What is it? If you have the ability, would you really come and help me pinch it?"

Mo Tanxu vomited with his eyes, and then suddenly asked Yuchen in a confused manner: "How are those infected people doing now?"


Yuchen blinked and took half a second to react. He sighed softly: "It's okay. There have been a lot fewer people transformed into mutants today, but the situation is still not optimistic. Well, if you don't let everyone see me It would be nice to watch it so strictly, I was sent back four times today!"

"Sudden death is no joke." Mo Tan replied casually, and then continued to ask: "Other than that?"

Yuchen wrinkled his nose, clasped his fingers and said softly: "Well, two hundred people came to White Tower City just now, and the situation was particularly bad. Fortunately, I was there at the time, and I'm fine now. Yes, the place where everyone lives has been almost renovated.”

"Ahem, stop, stop."

Mo Tan interrupted her helplessly and said with a wry smile: "That's not what I asked."


"What I want to ask is, is there anyone causing trouble?"

"Making trouble?"

"Well, let's do something."

Chapter 399: End

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