Quadruple split

Chapter 404 What you don’t know

The ‘surprise’ that dead tablet left for me was really nice.

Although Mo Tan could feel that the two ladies in front of him were obviously relieved when he appeared, but after the sigh of relief, their eyes became very, very, very subtle.

Fortunately, the little priest who follows him wholeheartedly, although his shining eyes contain shame, panic, entanglement, helplessness, frustration and other emotions, still retains the same reverence as before, as well as a certain hatred of unknown origin. steel.

But Leisha, who was sitting next to Xiao Ai, was different. The surprise and relief she felt when she first saw Mo Tan were fleeting like an illusion. Her pale and pretty face sank quickly, and her silver teeth were light. Bite, his blood-red eyes contained murderous intent, staring straight into Mo Tan's eyes, and then asked the previous words word for word: "Is it true?"

Ignoring the former's devouring eyes and cold little tiger fangs, Mo Tan spent about 0.7 seconds thinking about it, and spent nearly two seconds covertly observing the two people in front of him. After looking at the details of the woman's expression, she smiled and sighed deeply: "This is a sad story."

He did not directly deny it, nor did he immediately accuse Futaba of lying or try to clarify himself. Instead, he raised his head with a complicated expression, and then without saying anything else, he just walked heavily to sit on the sofa opposite Leisha and Xiao Ai. Next, he magically took out a goblet, and magically took out a small jar of [Gong Huo Lie] that could make many people drunk just by its taste, and poured half of it for himself. After taking half a sip of the cup, he coughed twice with a strange flush on his face.

"Do you think you're not hurt enough?"

Lesa frowned slightly due to the smell of alcohol. Looking at the man in front of her who was suddenly no longer calm and playful as before, most of the anger in her eyes disappeared inexplicably. She turned her head and snorted angrily: " This stuff smells terrible, don’t drink it!”

After saying that, he waved his hand vigorously, summoning a thick ball of blood out of thin air, and directly swallowed the wine jar and glass in front of Mo Tan, using some extremely corrosive negative energy to make it dissolve on its own until there was no residue left. Leftover.

"Sir, um, I'll go make you a cup of coffee."

Xiao Ai stood up in a panic, ran to the corner of the main hall, took out a small pot with the Liulicing LOGO printed on it from the cabinet, and took out a handful from the small wallet he carried with him. Coffee Bean started to work clumsily.

This is the first time that the young priest saw such an expression on the person he swore to follow. The calmness that seemed to be unchanging has faded, the cynical detachment has faded, and the expression that makes it difficult for him to see through has faded but he can inexplicably feel it. An Xin's temperament seemed to have transformed into another person.

The pupils of the green eyes became deep and dim, and the thin figure looked a little bleak under the warm light of the main hall. Her hands were trembling a little after Lesa melted the jar of strong wine, and the smile at the corner of her mouth did not know when it would return. He raised his head, but in the past, the curve that seemed to be mocking the world was now more like mocking himself, making people unable to help but want to hug him from behind and murmur comfort.

Neither Xiao Ai nor Leisha have ever seen such a 'Tan Mo'.

【He is just an ordinary person】

For some reason, Xiao Ai, who quietly looked back with his peripheral vision, and Lesa, who was sitting in front of Mo Tan but deliberately not looking at him, couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, but they didn't know why they felt this way. Where does the uncomfortable slump come from.

What is particularly coincidental is that at this moment, Mo Tan is also thinking about the same problem as the two women.

[Well, I took the bait, so what kind of complicated story is this~]

Mo Tan stared longingly at the empty low table in front of him. While sighing for his cow, he felt sad for the [Gong Huo Lie] that he had not finished drinking just a short time ago. , the third person smiled sadly at Lesa and said, "This is my last one."

"Don't you like drinking coffee?"

The charming Blood Seeker lady wrinkled her nose slightly and hummed coldly, "What's so good about drinking this stuff? It makes you feel uncomfortable."

There is nothing wrong with this. After all, [Gong Huo Lie] is one of the most powerful spirits in the Sinless Continent. It can be burned with just a little fire. For a 'former noble lady' like Lesa who has only drank red wine at most. Naturally, he was not very friendly, not to mention Xiao Ai, who had never touched alcohol before. The little priest still felt a little dizzy.

"Although I like drinking coffee, there are always times when I want to get drunk."

Mo Tan smiled casually. Except for the uncontrollable pain in his eyes, he seemed to have returned to normal. He lightly shrugged: "I just don't know when, my drinking ability has gotten better and better, and I can't drink it with ordinary wine." drunk."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Lesa flattened her mouth and tried her best to make her softening expression cold: "What's going on with Futaba?"

"I don't want to know what she said to you."

Mo Tan did not shy away from this topic that seemed to poke at his heartache, nor did he lower his voice to prevent Xiao Ai, who was pricking his ears, from hearing it. He just leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes gently: "What that girl said, don't tell me. Nothing is too much.”

Of course, even though he showed an expression of lovelessness that made people feel heartbroken, in fact, Mo Tan only did this because he really didn’t know what Futaba had done, and Leisha and Xiao Ai also It's impossible to convey it to yourself intact, so you can't find any loopholes to exploit.

The other party is a four-eyed flathead who is no worse than me in all aspects as long as he calms down. Not only is he extremely sinister, but he also knows how to deceive. This despicable, dangerous, and neurotic guy is almost as good as himself. She had already given Lesa and Xiao Ai several hours of 'talk therapy' before. This time was enough for her to weave a piece of nonsense into a seamless piece, and it was very possible that she had gained countless profits for herself. Damn it, denying or arguing directly in front of the two women will only have the opposite effect. Ninety-nine times, it will make a bad thing worse.

So he simply changed his style and instead of denying the other party's nonsense, he made another nonsense himself.

Although it wouldn't hurt even if Leisha and Xiao Ai misunderstood something, Mo Tan started playing it happily.

Sure enough, after hearing what he just said, Lesa, whose expression had become softer, suddenly became angry again and said coldly: "So you admitted it?"

Mo Tan did not open his eyes, but asked tiredly: "What are you referring to?"

"Because Futaba gave you a child with congenital defects, so you abandoned her!"

Ms. Bloodseeker raised her eyebrows and asked with a complex expression: "Is it true?"

Xiao Ai was almost boiling the water now, and this girl listened very carefully.

"I have no obligation to answer you on this matter, dear."

Mo Tan opened his eyes with a tired look on his face, and then leaned forward slightly before Lesa got angry, sighing softly: "But this is not a secret that must be kept, so if you want to hear it, I can't tell you a little bit. explain."

For some reason, looking at the other person's increasingly gloomy and gray eyes, Lesa suddenly had the urge to stand up and hug the other person, telling him not to mention the sad things again, and then...

"Say it."

She crossed her legs, held her smooth chin, stared at Mo Tan with burning eyes, and expressed without hesitation that she really wanted to hear it.

Human beings (generally speaking) are such contradictory creatures.

Mo Tan was not surprised. He just nodded slightly and turned back to smile at Xiao Ai by the window: "Come here too, the water has almost been boiled by you."


The little priest immediately turned off the fire in a hurry, then hurriedly poured the boiling water from the bottom of the pot into the cup, threw a handful of coffee beans into it, and quickly brought it to Mo Tan: "Ten I'm very sorry, sir."

Mo Tan shook his head, then motioned for her to sit down next to Lesa, took a sip of the really unpleasant coffee, and after being silent for a while, he whispered: "Sure enough, until now, that girl is still worried about me. I am so worried about leaving her a child."

Lesa and Xiao Ai were shocked at that time and said "Ah (twice)" in unison.

The former even said with doubts on his face: "But Futaba told me."

"If you want to hear it, if you have any questions, just wait until I finish speaking before asking."

Mo Tan interrupted Leisha lightly, and said as if gibbering: "After all, it's not something that makes people happy when thinking about it. It's just that I can't forget it even if I want to."

Lesa pursed her lips, lowered her head rather 'obediently' and stopped talking.

After a while, Mo Tan spoke again: "Seven years ago, a relatively popular poem appeared in my hometown."

He paused, then sang softly under the gaze of the two ladies in front of him——

"You don't know why I left you~

I insist not to say it and let you cry~

Your tears are like a downpour, breaking all over the ground~

It's clear in my heart.

You don’t know why I’m so cruel~

Hovering in the sky where you can't see~

A lot of things you do not know"

Even though he only sang one section, and even though Mo Tan showed no emotion at all, Leisha and Xiao Ai still heard an indescribable feeling in his low and magnetic voice that even Mo Tan himself didn't know. Know what emotions are and be moved by them.

Compared with the previous time when he attacked Futaba with distorted magic sound in a public space, Mo Tan sang quite seriously this time, so although the level of curiosity dropped to infinitely close to zero, the lethality was still not low.

And this old song from decades ago is really nice.

Anyway, Xiao Ai couldn't help but clenched her little hands: "Listen well."

"What's wrong with this song?"

Lesa, who was also fascinated by what she heard just now, was relatively calm, and just asked Mo Tan expressionlessly: "What does this have to do with what you are going to say? What does this have to do with Futaba and her child?"

"This song was written by me. It can be said to be my first work after becoming a bard."

Mo Tantian shamelessly made nonsense.

The two women's eyes suddenly widened: "Ah!"

"To be precise, I wrote it to that girl Futaba."

he added shamelessly.


The two ladies' eyes widened even more. A blood seeker and a sun priest subconsciously held each other's hands and asked Mo Tan in unison: "Why?"

If anyone with common sense sees such closeness between the Sun God clergy who are most keen on killing 'heresies' and the blood seekers who fit the 'heresy' template, it will definitely make people's jaws drop, although both of them are quite good. It’s just non-mainstream.


Mo Tan repeated with a wry smile, shook his head and said, "I just wrote out what I wanted to say, although I just emphasized 'can't say'."

Leisha and Xiao Ai did not continue to ask questions, but just sat there obediently waiting for Mo Tan's next words.

And Mo Tan didn't let them wait too long. In just a few seconds, he improvised the following based on the previous song "Excerpts of Things You Don't Know".

"The first time I met Futaba was ten years ago."

Mo Tan tilted his head and looked at the boundless starry sky outside the window, with a nostalgic smile on his lips: "That year, she was sixteen and I was one hundred and sixty. She ran away from home and I, who had just started wandering, met in a certain place. In a valley, because I accidentally provoked two bugbear tribes, they were being chased in an extremely embarrassed manner."

[Two bugbear tribes? 】

Xiao Ai didn't react at all, but Lesa, who had seen Futaba take action, was stunned for a moment.

Mo Tan guessed her thoughts, shook his head slightly and said: "She was not as powerful as she is now. She was just an ordinary girl. I was not as good at making girls happy as I am now. I was just an ordinary girl as pure as a white lotus. Elf.”

Leisha rolled her eyes and sneered at Mo Tan's words. She didn't expect that she was a girl who was very happy to be coaxed.

Xiao Ai wanted to laugh but was too embarrassed to do so. It was very hard to hold it in.

However, both of them were a little relieved. At least the 'Tan Mo' and 'Mr.' in their eyes could still say one or two nonsensical words and were not completely immersed in the sad past.

Unknowingly, the two of them had subconsciously figured out the setting of 'Sad Past'.

"After that, we finally escaped each other's pursuit and escaped into an ordinary town."

Mo Tan continued to talk, without mentioning at all where they were hunted or the small town in the ravine they fled to. He just said with special nostalgia: "After the danger passed, I fell seriously ill and became ill. I had a high fever for several days, and the town that didn't even have a church naturally didn't have a priest. If it weren't for the kindness of the locals, and Futaba's careful care every day, he would often risk going into the forest to get some unknown poisonous herbs. When I come back, I might be dead already."

After a moment of silence, Xiao Ai couldn't help but ask: "Then, what happens next?"


Mo Tan, who seemed to be stunned on the spot, trembled slightly as if waking up from a dream, and it took him a long time to react before revealing a sad smile.

"Then we locked eyes."

Chapter 401: End

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