Quadruple split

Chapter 406 Clearing the Mist

At the end of this love story of more than 63,000 words, Tan Mo, who had been with the other party for three full years, and planned to do it again three years later, and three years later, was completely shocked by this desperate fact. Leisha and Xiao Ai who listened in rapt attention were also shocked, but Futaba, who was watching the text live broadcast across from their friend's message, was not shocked, because the girl knew very well that after someone's broken mouth started to fly, let alone the ivory, the chess player I can even spit it out for you to see.

Although the direction of the story is somewhat different from Futaba's imagination, the result is still similar. The prototype of the heroine who has become a Buddha is lying softly on the chair. Not only is she not furious, but she is even a little happy.

Anyway, the trouble that should be added has been added to the other party. As for the story that Mo Tan is telling now, he has nothing to do with the sun priest and the blood seeker. Even if he is really misunderstood and went to Mars, it doesn't matter, so after all, he still has to do it. Earned——

Well, although I don’t make much money

Well, at least I didn’t lose anything.

The petite orange-haired girl couldn't help but cursed, then pushed up her glasses and left the main hall towards the study.

It's all nonsense. These days are not the time to focus on causing trouble for that bastard. I still have a lot of things to do.

Although Futaba has been willing to be in a supporting position after Mo Tan turned against him, and has hardly asked the former for anything other than the most basic questioning and monitoring, and even used a large amount of his own and the Fire Claw leader's resources to protect and assist the former. But that doesn't mean she really trusts him.

In fact, Futaba has always been extremely wary of this guy who goes by the alias 'Tanmo' in the Innocence Realm, and is as wary as Buffy Marshall and his minions.

After all, the purpose of the latter is very clear, and no matter how many methods there are, they will only focus on the core of making the trial untenable. It may be a headache, but it will never be a pain in the ass.

But it's different for a certain guy. Not only will he be a headache, but he's also very likely to be a pain in the ass for everyone except himself.

【Well, even though I don’t have one.】

Futaba walked into the study, picked up a pile of information that Lewen had neatly arranged at some time, and added in his mind.

This 'game' is different from the various overt and covert fights between the two in reality in the past. It is difficult for a girl with a clear goal to restrain Mo Tan. From this perspective, she who is committed to killing the Marshall family has nothing to do with the Marshall family. Different, under this premise, Futaba, who had to cooperate with the other party, was naturally constrained and could not use many methods.

Even her most proficient method, which is to stir up trouble for her temporary partner, can't be done.

It was almost impossible for Tan Mo to throw himself into a trap and let Tan Mo do whatever he wanted. This kind of thing was almost impossible to happen in the past, but it happened today, and he still couldn't lose his temper.

That guy can do what he wants to do without restraint, because he knows very well that he can't make any trouble before the overall situation is decided, so whether it's to trick Marshall, himself, Fire Claw, or any unlucky guy, he can't do anything wrong. It all depends on your mood.

Even if you have the intelligence and ability to be as good as the opponent, you can only be passive when your position is at an absolute disadvantage, and you can only be passive.

Although the two seem to have the same goal now, and the other party has promised to cooperate sincerely with Futaba before Marshall is destroyed, work together, and work hand in hand to create a better future for the Marshall family and the whole family, Futaba himself has no idea about these things. You can't believe a word of bullshit.

Even if that guy did have some purpose that didn't conflict with her or even required cooperation, she wouldn't believe a word of it!

There is no other reason, because that guy is just a lunatic. Of course, Futaba feels that she is not much better, because if the two people's positions were reversed, she would definitely have a great time.

It doesn’t matter whether I need to trick you or not, and it doesn’t matter whether there are any benefits after tricking you. As long as I can trick you, I will be very happy!

This is the conclusion Futaba came to after judging the belly of a villain with a villain's heart. It is well-founded and convincing.

So she had to make preparations. Even if she couldn't create obstacles for the other party, she should at least minimize the chances and possibilities of the other party causing obstacles for her.

Facts have proven that this seemingly laborious and useless precaution is quite necessary. Both Futaba and Motan have taken advantage of this loophole to disgust each other. You must know that it is much more difficult to prevent a thief for a thousand days than to be a thief for a thousand days. , neither of them accidentally exposed their flaws. As long as they catch up with each other and want to 'become a thief', there will always be a lot of chaos. The most dangerous two times were when Futaba almost directly controlled Mo Tan's computer remotely. When he and Mo Tan were alone in the aftermath of NAVI, they used the matrix to analyze 28% of the core code of this artificial intelligence. If the two of them had discovered the problem just a few minutes later, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Futaba flipped through the thick parchment quickly, and his round lenses were reflected white in the sunlight. His attention was focused as never before, 20% on the information in his hand, 70% on the integration of ideas, and 10% on the integration of ideas. Cheng should go to the supermarket to buy something after getting up.

This autistic girl who almost never leaves home has recently encountered another existential crisis. Although there are still more than half a box of instant noodles, instant lunch boxes, portable hot pots and other things, Dr. Pepper's reserves are already running low. It may be Due to some overuse of the brain during this period, the recent consumption of beverages has increased by 30% out of thin air. It can be seen that if it were not for the long-term use of low-calorie junk food to maintain life and the enviable physique (except for the height), Futaba would It is very likely that it will turn into a really high (tonnage) fat house that even has trouble squeezing out of the door.

By the way, the main reason why she does not use online shopping to replenish daily necessities is because she does not want to leave too many traces on the Internet, especially the kind that will reveal her real address. Mo Tan also holds the same view. view.

Therefore, the two people who had to go out by themselves had their own difficulties. Futaba's fear of life, which far exceeded that of Yuchen and could be called a human phobia level, made her extremely afraid of shopping malls and other places; while Mo Tan was not afraid of life. , and got a good price, which became a scourge that made everyone in the merchants feel in danger, but

His sense of direction, which is no different from that of a decoration, is so cool~

Back to business.

The reason why Futaba had not started on this aspect before was not that she had not thought of it, but that Mo Tan, who had just appeared in Salamun at that time, was simply a mystery, a mystery that she knew nothing about, and had nothing to offer her. It's something to guess or speculate about, so the girl who doesn't have the slightest clue can't do anything even if she wants to.

But after getting along for a period of time, through his own observations, the other party's revelations, and the clues revealed from all aspects, Futaba was able to do some simple thinking.

Although there is still not much content available for reference, there are only three days left before Judgment Day. If we do not systematically organize and make inferences, it may be too late later.

[He said that he is not a chess player, and his value as a 'chess piece' is dispensable. In other words, in this incident, in addition to the Fire Claw leader that I represent, there are other beings who want the Marshall family to Eternal disaster]

[And that existence is Tan Mo’s true collaborator! 】

[The four families that can be preliminarily excluded are the Crystal Wolf, Hussein, Fernand and Dantès families. What he said to Baroka and Simon did not seem to be false. If it were me, I would say the same thing. But this person may be hiding something crucial]

[Assuming that if he didn't tell me half a lie and just said less content, the only starting point would be Baroka and Simon]

[Not to mention Vernon Baroka, although that guy is very rich, it is true that he dislikes the Marshall family. There may be an element of performance in hating evil, but he can be regarded as a relatively upright bear. Although he should have the same attitude, I don't think so. Knowing the reason, the possibility of Tan Mo convincing him does exist. 】

[The key is that Simon Ximu, the dead young lady who has aged prematurely, is not that easy to deal with. 】

Futaba glanced at the page of parchment in his hand that recorded the past of Simon's family and filled with the Grand Duke's reputation. He pursed his lips slightly and quickly assumed various possibilities in his mind. Mo Tan didn't tell him, but it was enough to convince Simon. the reasons of the Archduke, and overturned them with greater speed.

None of the things Lewin collected were high-end goods. Most of them were official materials or anecdotal copies that could be found in the Salamoon Library. Grand Duke Emmeline of the Crystal Wolf did provide Futaba with a lot of information about it. The first-hand information of each major family is limited to the shallow part that can be shared with the 'allies'. After all, in addition to being a close friend, Futaba also represents the Fire Claw Leader, so even if Emmeline is very fond of the former, If she has a good impression, it is impossible to show her something too sensitive.

However, sensitive and precious things are not necessarily useful, and Futaba really doesn't care much about this.

[The family part is almost useless. These elves who live according to the century are too obsessed with operations, so now the cub archduke still looks like a human being.]

[Whether it is to maintain the stability of the empire or to save the life of his old friend, it stands to reason that he should not be persuaded by Tan Mo. Based on his experience in the past few decades, the only breakthrough can only be the authority of the imperial code. Sex, but if authority is to be guaranteed, the Marshall family cannot keep it. This is a dead end, unless...】

[Unless there is a strong enough person who can give some kind of guarantee! 】

A flash of surprise flashed in Futaba's eyes, and then he began to think about the results of Mo Tan's previous series of 'negotiations'.

[Barroca persuaded directly, Simon persuaded directly, Dantès refused, and almost got shit beaten by Fernand. 】

[Why would Dantès turn it away? What did the Marshallese envoy say to Old Deng? What would it be if it weren't a benefit that was too expensive for the latter to refuse? 】

Simon's inexplicable support and Dantès's firm rejection. Is there something in common behind these two seemingly unrelated things?

If the Marshall family is sanctioned, who will be the biggest beneficiary?

If the Marshall family gets away with it, who will be the biggest beneficiary?

The Marshalls themselves? Fire Claw Collar and this girl?

No, that’s not right. The focus needs to be broader and the level higher.

Futaba took a deep breath, threw the half-turned pile of parchment aside, squatted on the chair with her knees in her arms, closed her eyes gently, and raised the corners of her mouth with interest.

[Someone who can reassure Simon Ximu or give him a certain promise is happy to see the Marshall family overturned. He is the unknown chess player and Tan Mo is his lackey. Maybe the two of them have something to do with each other. common interests, perhaps some PY deal has been reached, in short, we are now in the most intensive stage of cooperation. The starting point of cooperation should be before Sack Frees was caught. Therefore, the locking scope should be among those who know the existence of Sack Frees. Barlow Ka may have known his/her/its identity after communicating with Tan Mo, but the possibility of revealing it to me is almost zero.】

[On the other hand, the beneficiaries of the Marshall family's deception are related to the Dantès family. Or they are the Dantès family themselves. Phew, there are a little few clues in this regard]

Futaba knocked on her forehead and pouted in slight annoyance. She kept splitting and reorganizing these clues in her mind, recalling every detail she could grasp, and vaguely grasped a clue.

After a while, the girl who always felt that she was missing several important pieces of the puzzle shook her hair, driving away those complicated thoughts from her mind, trying to find a breakthrough from another angle.

She chose the simplest and dumbest elimination method that least relied on intelligence and inspiration.

If the current situation is compared to a chessboard, then it is far smaller than the entire Violet Empire, even smaller than Salamun, and is probably only as big as the Purple Jiu Hall.

To put it simply, only those who can hold a seat there are qualified to place stones on this chessboard and are qualified to benefit or suffer from this incident.

If we use the elimination method to calculate the chess player behind Tan Mo under this premise,

[Not Fire Claw, not Marshall, not Crystal Wolf, not Baroka, not Fernand, not Hussein, not Simon, not Dantès.]

Futaba pinched her forehead in confusion and was about to screen it again, but her eyes suddenly widened.


No solution?


She stood up suddenly, and then fell to the ground in embarrassment due to her unstable center of gravity, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise.

Although she excluded all the grand dukes and came to a seemingly unsolvable conclusion, she just ignored an extremely obvious fact, that is, there were always nine seats in the Purple Jiu Hall!



Futaba slammed the table and shouted to the frightened figure outside the door: "Go and do something for me!"


"Check two people!"

Chapter 403: End

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