Quadruple split

Chapter 408 Judgment Day (I)

game time:

Sacred Calendar Year 9571, Month of Song, Melody 5th, AM07:30

【Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized.】

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

Southeast of the Innocence Continent

Violet Empire, Royal Capital Salamun

Mo Tan opened his eyes in high spirits, tilted his head to face the cold beauty who was looking down at him and smiled slyly. He raised his hand and patted his side twice: "Do you want to lie with me for a while? ?”

"I told you before, blood seekers require very little sleep."

Lesa casually sat on the head of the bed, slightly moving her long legs wrapped in black stockings. She stretched her body lazily, and the amazing curves under her nightgown were fully displayed without any hesitation. Appearing in front of Mo Tan, the whole person looked extremely charming under the slightly dim red magic crystal lamp in the bedroom, and the slightly hoarse voice was even more confusing: "Did you forget on purpose?"

Without warning, Mo Tante put his head on the latter's almost flawless thigh, rubbed it hard, and shook his head: "Of course not, but the purpose of a bed is not limited to sleeping, especially with such an area. Extremely big.”


The beautiful blood seeker casually glanced at the closed black velvet curtains in the room, then leaned down slightly, stretched out his slender index finger and gently scratched Mo Tan's cheek, which was full of provocative blood. There was a hint of nervousness in his eyes that he didn't know was true or false, and he smiled playfully: "For example?"

Mo Tan blinked, quickly took out something from his pocket, and unfolded it in a fan shape in front of Lesa with a "swish" sound, with a very excited expression: "Play cards!"

"Go to hell!"

Lesa raised her fair and smooth arm and gave Mo Tan a heavy, top-to-bottom elbow in one smooth motion. She hummed in a charming tone and said, "Don't you still have something to do today? Shuangye half Someone came to find you hours ago, if you want to go out, get out of here."

For some reason, when the word "Futaba" was mentioned, her expression was a little complicated, the kind that she couldn't even hide.

"Oh, that dead tablet is making too much fuss."

Mo Tan held his stomach with a look on his face, and after a while he calmed down and said, "There are indeed some small things that need to be done, but it's still early, enough for us to warm up for a while."

Lesa sneered: "Like playing cards?"

Mertant nodded solemnly: "Ang, otherwise, what else can we do?"

"If you want to play with Xiao Ai, she will be happy to accompany you."

Lesa glared at him angrily.

"Tch, what's the fun with that girl who hasn't grown up yet?"

"What does playing cards have to do with the lack of development of the dealer?!"

"Hey? Don't you take off your clothes when you lose at cards?"


"You really don't want to take off your clothes? That's really boring. Let me tell you, I remember when I was here."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

Lesa, who had only four pieces of clothing on her body that could be called 'clothes', blushed slightly and rubbed Motan's hair. She looked away and asked softly: "You and Futaba weren't together before. Why did you say that about her just now?"

Mo Tan smiled casually, waved his hand casually and said, "Hey, it's her problem that she hasn't come out. I've come out a long time ago. Even if I'm depressed every now and then, I'll be fine if I drink a few glasses of something refreshing. Otherwise, I'll be fine." What can I do? Worry about it for the rest of my life?"

Lesa gave a noncommittal 'hmm', and then sighed softly: "If you tell her the truth, she won't think you are a heartless person."


Mo Tan shook his head and interrupted her, closed his eyes and said decisively: "This is the only thing that cannot be done. Compared with being incompetently furious at fate, it is easier to have a clear object of hatred. After all, That girl may still be able to kill me if she works hard, but she can’t overturn the goddess of fate, right?”

This is of course 100% nonsense. In fact, he had already kept the words he had said to Lesa and Xiaoai intact and even added fuel and jealousy to Futaba and broadcast the text live to Futaba. The effect is unknown, but visual inspection shows that it is correct. group.

Leisha pushed a strand of hair from Mo Tan's forehead and whispered: "So, you actually still care about her."

"As the saying goes, a couple's kindness lasts a hundred days. In the past three years, I don't know how much kindness I have received. Plus, she is still my sister, so of course I have to care."

The latter hummed twice indifferently, then reluctantly left Lesa's lap, put on his boots and jumped off the bed, raised his fingers and scratched the tip of the other person's nose, and said with a smile: "But this doesn't matter. Love, I figured it out two years after I left her. My love is "

Lesa waved his paw away and asked indifferently: "What is it?"

"It's all over the world!"

Mo Tan opened his arms and said with a pious face: "A person as outstanding as me should not belong to a certain female, but to all the females in the world."


Leisha expressionlessly summoned a ball of dark red negative energy to open the door, then raised her long legs and kicked Mo Tan out of the bedroom, letting this bitch eat her with a dog@ He landed in a # position and rolled twice on the carpet.

"Then I'll go out first, dear."

As a result, Mo Tan actually rolled three times on the spot and rolled back to the opponent's feet. He stood up and kissed his index finger gently, then quickly stretched out his index finger to press a seal on the stunned Lesa's lips, and said with a smile: "Maybe You won’t be back too early, so don’t wait for me for lunch.”

Then he ran away as if the wind was blowing from his feet.

After a while, Lesa looked up with a red face and stared in the direction Mo Tan left, gritting her teeth angrily: "It seems like you often have lunch with me!"

thirty minutes later

Game time AM08:12

Salamoon, Red Court

"Annie 'Brother'."

Standing in the center of the courtyard, Shuang Yepi looked at Mo Tan with a smile, his reflective lenses exuding cold murderous intent: "I thought you had forgotten what day it is today."

Mo Tan chuckled, and walked calmly and slowly to Futaba under the awed eyes of the Fire Claw warriors: "Well, if you don't plan to kill me on the spot, we should go to the Purple Jiu Hall together today. Happy days.”

"Yes, I believe I will be very happy today~"

The girl who lowered the air pressure in the Red Garden by more than ten degrees suddenly burst into a bright smile. The indescribable anger in her eyes melted away like an illusion. Her delicate and sweet baby face was filled with joy, as if she had finally obtained her beloved toy. children.

"Hey hey hey~"


The two looked at each other and smiled. Everyone around them, including Lewen and Cassie, swallowed hard and subconsciously took a half step back. They looked at their nose, nose, mouth, and heart. They only felt that the pair The men and women bathing in the sun and laughing are so chilling.

"Follow me, follow me."

Futaba grabbed Mo Tan's wrist and dragged him towards the study with a smile: "There is still time anyway, how about drinking a cup of tea with me?"

"Is there any coffee?"

Mo Tan was not polite. He took two quick steps to walk side by side with the girl and said with a smile, "I tend to urinate frequently when I drink tea."

"Functional problems need to be treated as soon as possible."

Futaba replied with a smile on her face, and then ordered without looking back: "Fox, go prepare some coffee for my brother Annie, it's expensive."

Levin bowed slightly: "I obey your orders, my lady."

As a result, Mo Tan turned back to look at him, wagging his finger cheerfully and said, "No, she is my lady."


Futaba stood on tiptoes and poked the former's forehead, and said with a mixture of anger and joy: "You are not serious in public."

Then the two of them walked into the study talking and laughing, with jaws and eyeballs falling all over the place behind them.

After a while, a certain Blood Claw warrior who was usually unsmiling carefully approached Cassie and asked quietly: "Sir, is that Anthony Dabbs really the Miss Futaba?"


Cassie glanced at him with a strange expression: "Are you jealous?"

The latter immediately shook his head like a rattle and said repeatedly: "No, no, no, I just have never seen anyone so unafraid of death."

"Stop speculating."

Levine, who was about to go to the main hall to get coffee, passed by the two of them and said lightly: "Those are two monsters. Don't look at them from the perspective of ordinary creatures like us."

five minutes later

Red Garden, Study Room

“Sure enough, it’s still expensive~”

Mo Tan put down the coffee in his hand with a happy face, breathed a long sigh of relief, and winked at Futaba: "Do you still have a lot of stock here? If you have more, pack some for me."

The girl in front of her elegantly picked up the black tea, poured half a cup into her mouth in one breath, then gargled her mouth, raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay, as long as you answer a few questions from me. "

"That depends on what you want to ask."

Mo Tan shrugged, kicked off the other person's boots on his calves, and said with a playful smile: "As long as it's not a too low-level question."

With a sweet curve at the corner of her mouth, the girl nodded gently and said, "I will try my best not to disappoint you."

"Then please."

"In addition to you, my concubine, who has to occupy a seat, how many more chairs are needed in Zijiu Hall today?"

Shuangye stared at Mo Tan with burning eyes and asked without thinking.

The latter looked at the girl in surprise for several seconds, then chuckled, shook his head and asked: "Did you think about these things in the last few days? Are you so worried about me?"

"Yeah, I'm very, very worried about you."

Futaba nodded happily, holding a small and delicate spoon and gently stirring the valuable black tea in front of him: "I don't trust your promise, your intentions, your mental state, and your mouth." Every word in it, are you honored?"

"It's not just an honor, it's a fertilization. Don't get me wrong, I mean I'm flattered, right?"

Mo Tan whistled frivolously and said with a hurt look on his face: "But you can't blame me for what you said to Lesha Xiaoai and the others. After all, you were the first to speak. What I said before was purely self-defense."

Futaba shook his head indifferently: "Oh, that doesn't matter. If you are willing, I can even cooperate with you to continue the affair. So let's go back to the topic just now. What is your answer?"

"Is that the answer? Do you want to know?"

Mo Tan drank all the coffee in the cup, then smacked his lips and glanced at Futaba, signaling for a refill.

The latter smiled softly, took out the small bottle that was put in the luggage and gave him a refill.

"Good attitude."

Mo Tan nodded, and then lazily leaned back on the chair: "Let's put it this way, if Buffy Marshall and his helpers were too stupid, then not a single chair would be added. If they were not so stupid, today's There will be two extra guests in the Purple Jiu Hall. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Futaba casually took out a bag of coffee beans from Grand Duke Emmeline and threw it on the table. She gently pushed the round glasses that were obviously too big and asked without warning: "Since when?" of?"

"Not long after I arrived in Salamoon."



"How sure are you?"

"Ninety-nine percent."

"Where's Fernan?"

"It's true that he was attacked by surprise, but it doesn't really matter whether we can win him over or not."

"What was the reason Simon made up his mind to agree to sanction the Marshall Islands?"

"It's just what you think."

"Will your little friend protect Marshall's family?"

"He will, if nothing else happens."

"Will there be any accidents?"

"I didn't lie to you that day."


"One of our own."

"What else are you hiding?"

"Nothing to do with you."

"literal meaning?"

"literal meaning."

"How can I trust you?"

Futaba stared into Mo Tan's eyes, but couldn't read any emotion from them.

"Whether you want to believe me or not is up to you."

Mo Tan said casually, turned his gaze to a bird outside the window, and said with a smile: "But I still have to emphasize that I don't have time to talk to you now. Just like you don't want to cause trouble, I also don't want to do things by myself. At that time, I was held back by a certain dead plate.”

Futaba was not annoyed, she just lowered her eyes and continued to stir the black tea in front of her slowly: "Will that person get what he wants?"

"Who knows."

Mo Tan laughed and replied lightly: "Our relationship is not that good yet."

The girl didn't ask any more questions. She just turned to look at the clear blue sky outside the window like Mo Tan, and remained silent in a tacit agreement.

For a moment, the tense air in the study suddenly calmed down and gradually evolved into a comfortable and lazy atmosphere.

The man in a white robe smiled warmly, but there was a hint of amusement at the end of the warm arc at the corner of his mouth.

The petite girl pushed away the black tea at some point and was squatting on a chair with her knees in her arms, sucking a cup of sweet orange juice. If you ignore the row of mini element hands under the table with the same middle finger pointing up, she looks extremely well-behaved. .

One temporarily reserves the right to despise the other.

One bared his teeth and looked down upon the other, but retained other rights.

Chapter 405: End

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