Quadruple split

Chapter 412 Judgment Day (V)

Although I don’t know how many people were pretending, at this moment, everyone looked at Simon Ximu with disbelief in their eyes, especially the two Grand Dukes Hussein and Fernan. The friendship between Twilight and Buffy would make this decision a no-brainer, but they didn't expect that the former would choose [Sanction] without any reason, directly pushing their long-time friends to the edge of the abyss.

That's right, three to two. As long as either of the two Grand Dukes, Dantès and Barocca, casts a [sanction] vote, the empire will probably be in chaos...

And this kind of thing is definitely not what Archduke Simon wants to see. Although the dark elf who rarely shows his expression acts like a meticulous judge most of the time, everyone here knows that he is more important than the law. Simon valued the stability of this country. Under this premise, Simon would not compromise on anything, even the Imperial Code, which held a huge weight in his heart.

After all, even Emmeline has gradually learned to look at problems from the perspective of a superior. Even if she has to do something she doesn't like or even violates her principles, she must give in to the 'right', and Simon will not be unable to do this.

And ‘right’ and ‘just’ are two different things.

Everyone here knows something about the character, or persistence, of the third-generation Grand Duke Simon. Although he is not the strongest supporter of the royal family, Simon Ximu is definitely a person who firmly puts the interests of the empire first. In other words, he could not sit idly by and watch any factors exist that would shake the foundation of the Violet Empire.

And if the Marshall family falls, no matter what the outcome is, the country is destined to set off a storm of great proportions, whether it is the reaction of ordinary people after their crimes are made public, or the Marshall name is removed from the top of the power pyramid, The results will not be what he is happy to see...

Therefore, Simon's choice of Yu Gong is completely inconsistent with his character.

Even ignoring the above point, this gloomy and indifferent Grand Duke will not be shaken to the point of losing his mind because of how many innocent people have suffered disasters. He can decisively make the conclusion that "Buffy did something wrong." This kind of judgment is just like when he said that the former was guilty seven days ago, but it is impossible for him to regard right and wrong as the most basic reference factors like Emmeline. For a top nobleman as qualified as Simon It is said that it is the last word to strive for the greatest vested interests for one's own family from this storm, and Buffy Marshall will never be stingy in this regard. As for the Fire Claws who want to overthrow the Marshall family, even if they are not stingy , this group of guys whose comprehensive strength is not as good as the Crystal Wolf family will definitely not be able to offer any good conditions.

So personally, Simon's decision did not bring any benefits to his family.

The last point is his friendship with Marshall. Compared with the latter's ability to mix things up, Simon is not the kind of person who likes to be sociable, although he is not shy about talking about art and current affairs with others. The number of banquets held is not unusual, but the dark elf shota, who has a reserved and low-spirited personality, has never intended to expand his core social circle, and he has never had any close friends or allies, except for Buffy Marshall. A close friend and school friend from my youth...

Simon West has always attached great importance to Buffy Marshall's friendship, because the time when the two became friends was their purest time. At that time, the two of them had not yet shouldered the responsibility of the entire family and had not experienced too much intrigue and intrigue. There is no need to face a reality that is very painful from all aspects, and there is no need to bear the unique pressure of a superior, consider the relationship with the family or the royal family, and make every day very troublesome.

In Simon's eyes, when he officially left the academy and inherited the position of Grand Duke, those who dealt with him had countless small calculations. When he was not the patriarch of the Simon family, most of the people gathered around him were They are people with impure motives who want to build a good relationship in advance so that they can talk more easily later.

Except for Buffy, who has the same identity, the same status, and the same worries as him.

That's why the friendship between the two has continued until now. Even though the territories are far apart and they may not see each other once in a year and a half, Simon still cherishes this simple and unusual friendship.

So for Ji, um... For himself and for himself, Simon also has no reason to make such a choice.

But he just did it!

At this moment, he chose [Sanction] without hesitation. There was no wavering in his eyes. He just looked at Buffy Marshall extraordinarily calmly. He watched as a sharp ravine like a crescent moon suddenly appeared on the table. Point to each other.

"It seems you have found the answer, my friend."

Although the situation was extremely bad, Buffy Marshall did not lose his calmness. He just looked at the bright red eyes of Archduke Simon with the same calmness and said softly: "Let's make a good start and let those things that exist in name only It’s worthy of awe, the last time we discussed this matter was more than twenty years ago, right?”

"Twenty-seven years ago, to be exact."

The corners of Archduke Simon's slightly pursed lips were a little stiff, and he answered in his usual rigid voice: "In the last year before we are bound by family and responsibility."

"Obviously you are the elf with the least sense of time, but your memory in this area always makes me envious." Archduke Marshall smiled and shrugged: "Obviously, you have never forgotten our long-cherished wish when we were young."

Archduke Simon clenched his fists and was silent for a while before shaking his head and saying, "But you forgot..."

"Yeah, I forgot about it a long time ago."

Buffy Marshall made a rare face, seeming to be decades younger in an instant, back to the time when the two were still classmates in the academy. She raised her eyebrows in a pretentious manner: "Twenty-seven years may not be able to change an elf." , but for short-lived species, it’s enough to change too many things.”

Because no one interrupted them, the conversation between the two continued like this.


Simon's already pale face seemed to have lost some color, and he glared at his friend: "They are all excuses. You are just swayed by those things that you dismissed in the past!"


Marshall shook his head and said with a dumb smile: "Your wording is still so gentle, man, I am not just shaken."

Simon took a deep breath, calmed himself down again, and said in a deep voice: "In any case, you gave up on your past ideals and embarked on a path that goes in the opposite direction."

"Well, actually that's not a bad thing."

Buffy Marshall's tone was still relaxed, as if this was not the Purple Hall on Judgment Day, but a classroom warmed by the setting sun after school, as if questioning his friend if he had not cast a bullet that almost killed him a few minutes ago. A vote of death, just a slight dispute over an insignificant issue: "Look, if there is any breakthrough progress in this matter, then you no longer have to worry about how to die before I realize my ambition." In the end, we both achieved our long-cherished wish, but in another sense, we took a crucial step by cooperating with me. If you think about it this way, the regret you were most worried about back then will not appear."

Archduke Simon lowered his eyes and said in a rare weak tone: "I don't want it to be in this form."

"What form it takes is not something you and I can decide."

Buffy Marshall sighed softly and smiled: "But if I am lucky enough to be safe this time, maybe I can try to pick up the childish ideal of the past again. Of course, it will be in a correct form that you can accept."

Archduke Simon was stunned for a moment, and after hesitating for a long time, he still didn't say anything.



Grand Duke Dantès chuckled, raised his hand and touched the white light in front of him, turning it into a notch across the table in front of Buffy Marshall, and the sharp crescent moon representing the Simon family. Yuanyuan confronted: "Although I can't keep up with the ideas of the two of you, I was slightly moved. Buffy has always been a very capable person. I think if he can use his abilities in the right way, Perhaps it is more conducive to repaying the sins of these years than giving up one's life. Of course, I do not deny that Buffy did offer me good conditions."

Three to three, the situation returned to the original point again.

The decision of Grand Duke Dantès is not surprising, at least it is not surprising compared to Simon. After all, this old man has always been a traditional nobleman, smooth enough, greedy enough, and proud enough, but there are also some My own principles are just like countless ordinary bosses in history who have a high sense of presence but whose names are difficult for people to remember.

Coupled with his smooth and frank words just now, Emmeline, Fernand and others felt that it was normal for him to choose Marshall.

To put it simply, the other party's price was very accurate, so they directly took sides within the rules of the game. There was no sense of violation at all. Compared with the previous five votes from Fire Claw to Simon, the style of painting was much more normal.

However, some people didn't think so, such as Futaba and Mo Tan. The two of them didn't send the much more convenient friend messages and just kept exchanging glances. They were very happy to do so and were very uncharacteristic.

Then, naturally, everyone's eyes focused on the Grand Duke Vernon Baroka.

It stands to reason that this cheerful and talkative Grand Duke of Knights would not be so silent even on such an occasion, especially since he has always been at odds with the Grand Duke of Marshall, so he seemed particularly awkward when everyone else had already voted. Eye.

At the same time, Grand Duke Hussein and Grand Duke Fernand, who suddenly realized the situation, both showed nervous expressions. It was only now that these two people suddenly remembered the possibility of this person siding with the Marshall Archduke. How low...

It's as low as Archduke Fernando's head of thick hair growing overnight!

"Well, it seems that I unknowingly became the one who influenced the situation~"

Noticing that everyone's eyes were turned towards him, the Grand Duke Baroka, who was as burly as a bear, did not continue to look deeper. He just showed a sly smile that was completely different from that of a bear, and then winked at Buffy Marshall, happily Hehehe asked: "If I were to raise the price now, would you be angry?"

"I trust you to be a man of your word, Vernon."

The Grand Duke of Marshall did not show any surprise or displeasure, but looked at Baroka who was winking at him very calmly, and said calmly: "And you said it yourself, that is an offer you cannot refuse. "

Grand Duke Baroka curled his lips: "That seems to be the case, so what, you won't regret it, right?"

"Although it's an offer you can't refuse, for me it's just a piece of cake."

Buffy Marshall raised his eyebrows and smiled: "So you can rest assured."

The next moment, the entire Zijiu Hall could hear a pin drop.

Unlike the two Grand Dukes Fernand and Hussein who were overjoyed, Grand Duke Emmeline of the Crystal Wolf was completely stunned and froze in her chair as if struck by lightning.

[The price starts from the floor? ! 】

[A condition that cannot be refused? ! 】

【What are they talking about? ! 】

[Uncle Baroka and that guy...]

Emmeline's eyes widened in disbelief, and she turned her head sharply to Vernon Baroka and said in a voiceless voice: "Impossible!"


Grand Duke Baroka scratched his stubble, and his big, honest-looking face made Emmeline feel horrified for a moment: "What are you referring to? Little Ellie?"

It was completely different from the loving look he had in the past when he called her by his pet name. Vernon Baroka's smile at this moment seemed particularly unfamiliar to Emmeline.

"It's obvious."

Grand Duke Hussein laughed and said in a sinister manner: "Our little Aili seems to feel that she has been deceived and betrayed, but I must say something fair. Grand Duke Baroka just made the wisest choice. This world has never There are no eternal enemies and friends, especially for people like us."

Emmeline's face turned red and she was so angry that she couldn't say a word.

Futaba, on the other hand, glanced at Grand Duke Hussein coldly and said calmly: "With all due respect, what you just said is too similar to those villains in the theater who were beaten by a group of big men just two minutes after they appeared."

"Well, forgive me for being presumptuous."

Mo Tan turned sideways with interest and asked Futaba sincerely: "Where can I watch such an exciting show?"

Grand Duke Hussein's face turned red and white when interrupted by the two men, and he stared at them with gritted teeth.

But Baroka still looked at Emmeline as if no one else was around, and asked cheerfully again: "So what did you mean when you just said it was impossible?"


Emmeline gritted her teeth, glared at Baroka and said angrily: "I thought you would stick to your position!"

Grand Duke Hussein let out a scoff.

"Scorpius is right, little Ellie, there are no eternal enemies and friends in this world." Archduke Baroka shrugged, and then added -

"Of course, you are right. I will indeed stick to my position."


"And what Buffy said is right. I am indeed a person who keeps his promises." Archduke Baroka smacked his lips and shrugged: "But, promises are made on a first come, first served basis."

Mo Tan happily added: "For example, Grand Duke Baroka agreed first this time and I pretended to be persuaded."


The young Grand Duke of Crystal Wolf was completely confused.

The next second, a straight ravine tore open the tabletop, pointing murderously at Buffy Marshall.


Chapter 409: End

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