Quadruple split

Chapter 416 Xubresian

game time:

Sacred Calendar Year 9571, Month of Song, Melody 5th, AM 10:36

Violet Empire, Royal Capital Salamun, Royal District, Purple Nine Hall

"I just let the dust of this farce settle..."

The second prince, Xubresien, said something lightly, his tone as calm as if he was saying, "I'm full." He raised his head and looked around casually at everyone present, and the sloppy smile on his lips became more Obviously, he finally looked at the long table in front of him, which was covered with criss-cross mottled surfaces.

It carries the result of the trial that has been in suspense for so long and is finally no longer in suspense...

Five to four - sanctions!

The four votes of Fire Claw, Crystal Wolf, Simon, and Baroka, plus one vote from the royal family, created the first supreme trial in the history of this empire that ended with [sanctions].

The Violet Family's Sue Bresne completed the worst prank in the past twenty years, ruining the hard work of countless people, and the biggest victim among them was Buffy Marshall, who was the party involved. In addition to the Duke, there is Rebebraith, who is the Crown Prince.


Ruibo looked at his brother with splitting eyes, and shouted angrily: "What on earth are you doing!?"

Before the latter could speak, Mo Tan, who sat back down, added with a smile: "Didn't I say, let this farce settle down~"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince ignored this guy who came out of nowhere, and just continued to stare at Xiu. He tried to see something in the other person's eyes, whether it was hostility, panic, hints, guilt or anything else. , he now urgently wants to know what his younger brother is thinking.

As a result, he didn't see anything, because the other party's expression and demeanor were no different from usual. He still had the same weak virtue, and the faint smile was the same as in the past after completing a certain prank. The appearance is exactly the same.

If I have to say a difference, it is that compared to giving Ribo laxatives, raising mud kachu in the back garden of the Tricolor Courtyard, and secretly replacing Clairvaux's poetry collection with bad publications, the nature of the prank just now was more A little too big.

It's big enough to cause a huge earthquake in the Violet Empire and completely shatter the balance of this country for thousands of years to the point where no scum is left!

"Dear brother, Mr. Dabbs just emphasized what I did."

Xiu smiled gently, then shrugged helplessly: "If I have to explain it more clearly, it is that I, who also have the blood of the Violet family and also feel that the royal family should make changes, have nothing to do with you on this matter. We have made a different judgment and do not want certain cancers to continue to spread in this land that is already full of smog."

Before Ruibo could speak, Grand Duke Hussein had already said to Xiu with a livid face: "Please pay attention to your words, Your Highness, after all, Grand Duke Marshall is..."

"Buffy Marshall is just a sinner."

Xiu interrupted the other party's words unceremoniously and said calmly: "A person who was jointly convicted by everyone here has stood out in the history of the empire for more than three thousand years. He is the only one who has been judged as a sinner who needs punishment. Although he has created something unprecedented, 'Great achievements', but according to common sense, he has now been deprived of all rights as a grand duke and is just a simple sinner."

The Grand Duke Dantès, who had always been very graceful, slammed the table and stood up: "Absurd! With your dramatic behavior just now, how could it be possible..."

"The Grand Duke Dantès."

Grand Duke Simon interrupted him coldly, shook his head and said: "According to the rules, since it is a commission from His Majesty the Emperor, His Highness Xiu's vote is not a child's play. Just like Ms. Futaba who represents Grand Duke Xiluo, it is valid."

The old man with white beard and hair glared at the former: "Xi Mu! You..."


The expressionless Clerval shouted in a deep voice, and then pressed his right hand twice to Grand Duke Dantès, who was like his own brother. After the other man staggered to his seat again, he turned to look at his second son: " Ash, please give me and everyone present an explanation."

The latter smiled and asked slyly: "Is there an explanation that can convince most people present?"

Clairvaux shook his head and said a little tiredly: "An explanation that can convince me."


Futaba couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then waved to Hussein and Dantes, who were glaring at her, and said, "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help it."

Xiu turned his head and winked at Futaba playfully, and then nodded to Clairvaux: "Since my father said so, let me just talk a little bit."


Mo Tan started to clap his hands again.

No one paid attention to him, and everyone's eyes were now focused on Xiu.

"First, let's talk about more practical issues."

Xiu turned to face everyone, put his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "Everyone knows the ins and outs of everything. In fact, the subject of the matter has always been the Marshall family, or in other words, the slave-catching group under Buffy Marshall. We have committed numerous crimes in the past few years. Let us not talk about the moral and human evil of this behavior. After all, these things will never account for too much in your eyes, but the consequences this behavior has caused to everyone The actual losses will definitely not be too small, and the first one to bear the brunt is the Fire Claw. Perhaps because they are too close, or perhaps because the market value of orc slaves is very high, the number of missing people in the Fire Claw Territory in recent years has reached one It’s a terrifying number, and as the biggest sufferer, Grand Duke Xiluo is naturally not willing to let it go.”

"Of course~"

Futaba raised her eyebrows, crossed her arms and pouted, "Otherwise, why would I go to all the trouble to come here for a trip?"

Xiu smiled gracefully and said with a smile: "Actually, I have always been curious about why Grand Duke Xiluo didn't come in person. Of course, I am not questioning your ability, Miss Futaba, but after all, the matter is of great importance. As the Lord of Fire Claw, Xiluo The fact that Chief Luo himself did not come over had to make me puzzled, until I got a message from a certain channel, saying that if this trial did not get a fair result, the Fire Claws would directly declare war on the Marshall family. , and it’s the kind of person who greets people first and then greets them. I wonder if this news is true?”

Several Grand Dukes who didn't know Fire Claw's plan in advance were shocked at the time. Mercury Core Fernand almost fell off his chair and repeated stutteringly: "Declaration...declaration of war?"

"Haha, His Highness is really well informed."

Futaba glanced at Archduke Fernando first, and then nodded to Xiu with a smile: "Yes, the Fire Claw Territory has long been prepared for war, and the civilian transfer plan even started half a month ago. Well, Grand Duke Xiluo’s point of view is very clear. If Buffy Marshall can continue to be at large after today, then we will probably let the soldiers set off at breakfast tomorrow, declare war on the Marshall family in Dieyan City at lunch, and will The slave trade will be made public, so that the entire Violet Empire will know the good deeds Mr. Buffy has done."

A layer of sweat immediately appeared on Grand Duke Hussein's forehead. Although he had indeed imagined many situations, the direct declaration of war by the Fire Claws, which was far inferior to the Marshall family, had never been in his consideration. After all, Such behavior……

"It's tantamount to suicide."

Xiuchong shrugged at Futaba, nodded slightly and said, "I admire the decisiveness of Duke Rhino and the courage of all the soldiers of the Fire Claw Territory."

Futaba nodded in particular helpfulness and said with a smile, "I'll let Secretary Fox convey it to you."

"It seems that you are not planning to leave Salamoen in the short term. I hope we can have a cup of tea together if we have the opportunity."

Xiu sincerely bowed to the girl in front of him who had brought him many surprises, then raised his head and smiled at everyone: "It seems that the facts are as I know them, the Fire Claw Leader has long been We are ready to fight to the death. Although everyone knows how big the strength gap is between the Fire Claws and the Marshalls, even if we exclude those veterans who are willing to do dirty work for Mr. Buffy, the Fire Claws will never have more than a 10% chance of winning. But Grand Duke Xiluo and his warriors still have no intention of compromising, so this will lead to an inevitable result, well, is anyone here willing to tell me the answer?"

"Total destruction, the Fire Claws were removed from the Violet Empire. The Mercury Guards didn't even need to take action. The Buffy Sword Knights and the Ice Curtain Wizards alone were enough. In terms of standing troops, the Marshall family had at least five Fire Claws. times."

Grand Duke Baroka made a special effort to express his judgment and added at the end: "If the Baroka family does not participate in the war."

"I'm of the same opinion as Uncle Vernon."

Emmeline, who finally caught up with the rhythm, nodded in agreement, and then added the same sentence: "If the Crystal Wolf family does not join the war."

The two most honest and cunning princes on the side advocating [sanctions] expressed their opinions one after another, and the meaning behind their words was clear.

"Well, total annihilation, what you two said is absolutely right. If the two collide head-on, the Fire Claw side will be completely wiped out. That is to say, if we finally end this trial with [Observation] today, , one of the nine pillars of the Violet Empire will definitely be broken, and just as Grand Duke Baroka said, the word "Fire Claw" will be removed."

Xiu nodded to the two grand dukes respectively, glanced at his brother who was standing on the other side of Clairvaux with an increasingly ugly face, and continued: "Not only that, Ms. Futaba also said just now that they We will do a good job in publicity work for the entire empire. In other words, the moment the Fire Claws declare war on the Marshall family, the entire empire will know what we said in this discussion that lasted for more than half a month. The people will find themselves at any time. What will be the reaction after being packed up and sold? Will a public opinion storm break out? If so, who will come forward to suppress this storm? The royal family? It's a pity that thanks to you, we don't have that big a storm. The weight, haha, don’t mind, it’s just a discussion, not a complaint.”

The two Grand Dukes Fernand and Hussein, who were on the side of the Marshall family, exchanged glances. Neither of them dared to stand up and say that they could handle these 'little things'.

Grand Duke Dantès and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince looked at each other for a second, and both found deep fear in the other's eyes, fear of Xubresian.

The second prince did not give an impassioned speech like his elder brother, nor did he make any big claims. Instead, he directly brought out the reality and problems and smashed them in everyone's face.

Outstanding effect.

Just a speculation turned Ribo's previous words of 'for the stability of the empire' into a joke.

And he hasn't finished speaking yet...

"What I just mentioned is the first possibility. If Waquan's Fire Claw is not finished, everyone will know about the slave trade and the situation will be out of control." Xiu did not give everyone much time to think, but continued to speak slightly faster: "And through what Grand Duke Baroka and Grand Duke Crystal Wolf just said, it is not difficult for us to see that if a war... Please note that I am talking about war, not the kind of small friction that broke out over two or three acres of land in the past, The two families Baroka and Crystal Wolf may not stay out of the matter, and if they also get involved, haha, there are nine families in the Violet Empire including the royal family, and four of them ended up fighting. If any of them are added to the Family, it was a war that covered more than half of the empire, but at that time there was no need to worry about the problems of the people. God knows how many more people would have survived in the end if all the civilians had not fled."

His expression was calm, his tone was gentle and gentle, but the words he spoke were as chilling as the devil's murmurs.

"So the second possibility is a war of huge scale, involving several archdukes, and may even lead to the disintegration of the entire empire."

Xiu clapped his hands gently and said in a cheerful tone: "Of course, there is a third possibility, that is, the uproar caused by the slave trade spread outside the empire, and some people wanted to take advantage of us. Or someone who digs some meat may find out about it and intervene in the matter under various fair and aboveboard banners to rob people, food and territory. This possibility is not impossible.”

Having said this, Xiu paused for a moment, as if he wanted to give everyone present some time to digest, but he suddenly spoke again two seconds later: "But if it is the current result, [sanctions] will be used as the basis for this outcome." At the end of the trial, Buffy Marshall will certainly not be able to escape the blame. Not only will he die, but he will also die with many people involved in the matter, but the Marshall name may not be unable to be preserved, especially when Ms. Futaba has already represented Fire. If the claw leader 'believes' that other members of the Marshall family are not involved in this matter, then there is a lot of room for manipulation. After all, rules are dead and people are alive..."

【He didn’t lie to me...】

A flash of relief flashed in Grand Duke Simon's eyes, and he nodded to Mo Tan covertly.


Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly and leaned forward to look at Scorpius Hussein: "If the result of the trial against the Marshall family is [sanctions], someone will forcefully intervene like the Crystal Wolf or the Baroka family? Standing on the Marshall family The family side declares war on all the grand dukes who voted for [sanctions]?"

Grand Duke Hussein shuddered and subconsciously shrank into his chair.

Xiu smiled contemptuously and straightened up casually...

"So, you alone are worthy of asking me to pay attention to my words?"

Chapter 413: End

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