Quadruple split

Chapter 421 The first stage

The combined forces outnumbered the mutants one to ten...

At first glance, the difference of only ten times does not seem to be a big deal. After all, an ordinary low-level warrior can kill two or three mutants. If it is a Paladin, the number will be doubled. Among them, Tyro It would not be a problem for an intermediate Paladin of knight level to fight one against ten. As for fierce men like Cordoba and Xia Lian, if they rush into the monster pile and kill at least thirty or twenty mutants with one unparalleled one, it is even more difficult. An existence like a machine with a human head.

Moreover, the intelligence of mutants is still approximately zero. They are creatures that act entirely on instinct. They do not have any thinking ability except for their desire for flesh and blood. In most cases, they will be killed by [Glow Powder] and [Death Dust]. He waits for things to deceive and mislead, and he completely turns a blind eye to various traps. He is reckless without saying a word, and is definitely an ideal target for war.


"As long as we cannot have an absolute advantage in terms of quality, our advantages will be infinitely compressed under such a quantitative gap."

Mo Tan sighed deeply, stared at the large area painted red on the map and murmured in a low voice: "A low-level warrior can annihilate all enemies when facing three mutants, and he won't It is life-threatening; when facing five mutants, you can kill three of them, and the survival rate is 70%; if you fight ten mutants at the same time, you will kill two at most, and the survival rate is less than 10%..."

Yuchen stood quietly behind Mo Tan and did not interrupt, because she knew very well that the other party was not really explaining anything now, but just clarifying his thoughts.

"Whether it is Xia Lian, Cordoba, or the five high-level paladins who have just arrived here in the past two days, they do not have the power to make the final decision when facing tens of thousands of monsters who are not afraid of death. , personal power will become very small." Mo Tan raised his hand and brushed the only two chess pieces on the map, causing them to glow with a dark red light so rich that it was almost pure black, and whispered: "Although my intelligence is limited, But those mutants also have the two qualities of not being tired or fearful. To be honest, I have no idea how many enemies we can destroy with our strategies, and how many warriors they can drown under their madness."

Yu Chen pursed his lips, then gently tugged on the corner of Mo Tan's clothes, and smiled coquettishly at the latter, who had a slightly dazed look in his eyes: "We are not fighting for you."

Mo Tan blinked: "Huh?"

"The only thing you have to do is see this clearly."

The girl turned slightly sideways, looked at the bustling camp outside the tent, and said with a smile: "Sister Xia Lian, Mr. Taylor, Priest Furman, Yu Ying, Luna, I That’s fine, all the people who have worked hard on this land so far are not fighting for you, Mo Tan, do you understand?”

Mo Tan smiled bitterly and nodded without thinking: "Of course I understand this kind of thing..."

"Do you really understand?"

Yuchen interrupted him with a rare force, wrinkled his little nose and said: "From the time when Sister Xia Lian handed over the command to you in Mida City, you felt that you had to be responsible for everyone and risk everyone's lives. Isn’t it a little too arrogant to carry it on your own shoulders and take it for granted?”


"You sat in the position of commander. Although you were a little reluctant and very uncomfortable, you still complained and worked hard at the same time. You felt that you had an obligation to lead everyone to victory after victory."

Yu Chen looked gently into Mo Tan's eyes and asked softly, "Did I say something wrong?"

Mo Tan subconsciously wanted to open his mouth to refute, but he opened his mouth for a long time, but no word came out.

"No matter how good a doctor is, he cannot save all patients, even though a doctor's duty is to treat illnesses and save lives."

Yu Chen showed a rare serious expression and bumped Mo Tan's shoulder lightly: "And you, the commander who was forced into the fight, can't guarantee that we will continue to win and let everyone survive this incident safely. Disaster, although this example may be a little inaccurate, I think the truth should be similar..."

Seeing the other person's cute hesitant look as he tapped his lips, Mo Tan's tense shoulders gradually slumped. He smiled bitterly and scratched the tip of his nose: "So? What do you want to tell me?"

"Everyone came here voluntarily, no one was forced, and they knew what they were about to face." Yu Chen spread his hands and said seriously: "You already told everyone about the risks yesterday, so Since you are willing to stay, it means that everyone here has made a decision. We players, NPCs such as Miss Luna and Mr. Taylor are all the same, and your idea of ​​carrying everyone's lives seems obvious. Too arrogant... right?"

At the end of the sentence, this girl who never had any confidence finally lowered her head and hesitantly turned the affirmative sentence into a question.

But Mo Tan has already understood what she meant...

"To put it simply, everyone here doesn't need anyone to shoulder their own lives, because they have already made the awakening, right?"

Mo Tan sat back on the chair. The previous depressive and dignified aura had faded a lot. He chuckled and said, "You are right. I seem to be too arrogant to be responsible for everyone's lives." Thoughts...it’s a bit shameful to think about it carefully.”

Yu Chen waved his hands in panic: "I...I don't actually want to say that you are not good. Well, Mo Tan, I have seen everything you have done during this period. It's just that I just want you to be a little bit better." Just relax a little, I feel like you're a little too nervous... Um, I'm sorry..."

"So why do you want to apologize?"

Mo Tan looked away with a reddish complexion, coughed dryly and said softly, "It's me who should thank you."

Yuchen shook his head vigorously, pinched the corner of his clothes and whispered: "I just felt that I had to do something, so... combined with the animations I watched during this period... I made up those strange words just now, well, What a shame!”

It was only now that the girl suddenly realized that what she just said was very similar to the lines in hot-blooded comics and some love dramas, and her face suddenly turned red.

"Well, it's quite shameful."

Then Mo Tan actually nodded. He actually nodded. You can believe it! ?


Yuchen's body trembled slightly, and his head dropped lower and lower, like a frightened ostrich.

Mo Tan laughed, and then said in a very deliberately joking tone: "If the plot develops according to the king's way, the next step should be a kiss scene, right?"

"Hey!!! I, I, I, I..."

The girl swayed on the spot twice with unsteady steps, and almost fell to the ground. Her little face looked at Mo Tan with horror: "Then that one... you, you, you..."

"Hey, even if you are joking, this reaction is too hurtful, right?"

Mo Tan leaned back on the chair weakly, waved his hands and said: "No more trouble, no more trouble, let's continue talking about business."

Yuchen reacted for a while, then tilted his head stupidly: "What's the matter?"

"Tomorrow's first phase of the battle, I still think it's a bit too random."

"Have it?"

"Don't say it's none of your business, okay? It's still too late to change the plan..."

"A better solution?"

"That's not true, but..."

"It doesn't matter, just follow the original plan. You have to believe me~"

"I don't believe you, but..."

"Then it's settled!"


next day

Game time AM07:01

Southern border of Misha County, tributary of Jinhui River, Long Bridge

Xia Lian squatted gracelessly on a row of large wooden boxes, looking at the rising sun in the east, and whispered softly: "It's about to begin..."

As if sensing something, outside the weak barrier at the bridge head, the densely packed mutants seemed to become a little restless. The outermost ones had even begun to raise their claws to scratch the bright and hot light curtain, even if two Even his arms were burnt to ashes without even realizing it.

"Tch, the reaction is really sensitive."

Her Royal Highness the Saint curled her lips, jumped down from the wooden box lightly, turned to the young man dressed as a ranger behind her and asked: "Is there any news?"

The latter shook his head slightly: "Your Majesty the Commander has not given any instructions yet, but Mr. Cordoba on the other long bridge has already made preparations. He asked me to tell you that we can start at any time."

Xia Lian breathed out softly, leaned over and picked up the star-gold cross that was casually thrown at her feet. She paused hard on the ground and said anxiously: "Didn't I agree that when the sun rises..."

"A message from Your Majesty the Commander!!"

The Ranger player suddenly focused his eyes, interrupted Xia Lian with an exclamation, and said loudly: "The first phase of the Requiem will be launched immediately. The United Forces Headquarters wishes everyone in Shawa and Abby City good luck in martial arts!"

Boom! !

The cross in Xia Lian's hand fell heavily, directly smashing a huge wooden box into pieces. In an instant, a large amount of crystal green powder exploded, and quickly concentrated on the Holy Lady under a bright and soft light. Within a radius of three meters, there are like countless fireflies bound in mid-air.

The next second, the mutants entrenched outside the long bridge roared loudly as if they were exploding, and began to rush towards the bridge where Xia Lian was located like crazy. The originally not very bright barrier instantly dimmed. Going down, it becomes shaky and seems likely to collapse at any time.

"thirty minutes."

The Elf Saint turned her head to look at the more than a hundred figures with resolute faces behind her, and said solemnly to these last living forces in Abby City: "I will be back in thirty minutes. I will leave this time to you."

There was no answer, but four words reflected in everyone's eyes -

Fight to the death and never retreat!

"May the goddess bless you."

Xia Lian didn't talk nonsense. She just muttered something in a low voice before rushing out of the barrier without looking back, carrying a total of about a hundred portions of Luna's special [Powerful Concentrated Glowing Powder] and ran into it. In the wave of countless mutants, they waved the cross in their hands and killed all the way to the north. Wherever they passed, there were only deep pits dug out by the huge force, and countless broken limbs and broken arms!

At the same time, those who were standing behind Xia Lian all took a step forward. The melee professionals waved their weapons and quickly smashed the remaining dozen wooden boxes. The casters communicated with each other at the same time. The ubiquitous wind element summoned gusts of wind and spread the glowing powder flying in the sky evenly to every corner within dozens of meters, including everyone present.

As if a ladle of ice water was poured into boiling oil, the thousands of mutants around them suddenly became even more crazy. It only took them less than five seconds to forcefully break through the oil-dry knot. The world, one after another, rushed to the bridge.


A bearded man dressed as a mage raised two flames high and shouted with red eyes: "For your family and friends who are still alive or dead, and for the strangers who are about to bleed and fight for us, do it. Damn it!”

“Fuck you!!!”

On the other side, on the long bridge in front of Shawa City, Cordoba alternately activated the gravity, gust and anti-gravity runes in his body, forming a three-meter-square circle around it, wrapped in the same large amount of [Powerful Condensed Glow] Pink] rushed out of the bridge, turning into a turbulent green storm and sweeping towards the north.

Xiaolang knocked over the wooden box next to him with a sword and stared at the tall figure gradually disappearing into the distance. In a trance, he seemed to see the fair and righteous stickmen in Fair City who had bullied him for many years...

The irritating back figures are still visible!

Fortunately, now I also have things that I need to protect, such as every innocent person I don’t know in the city behind me, such as the companions around me who are subconsciously blocking my way, such as...

If you are lucky enough to survive, you will be qualified to consider it, the justice in your heart.

He roared, facing the terrifying number of monsters, he moved his slightly trembling legs and rushed forward first: "Everyone, come together!"

Game time AM07:19

Hodir Mountain Road, Misha County, joint forces station, command account

"The mutant clusters in areas Z4, Z8, Z13, and Z21 were successfully guided!"

Standing next to Mo Tan, Yu Ying quickly browsed the message board and relayed the latest information from each observation point loudly and simultaneously: "The mutants in areas Z5 and Z11 are too far away, and there is not enough time for Cordoba to continue to break in." , the induction failed, and about half of the mutants in the Z15 area were mistakenly guided to the Z16 area. The reason was visually determined that the divine power of Her Majesty the Saint had weakened significantly half a minute ago, causing some of the glow powder to lose control."

Mo Tan quickly adjusted several black chess pieces on the map and asked without raising his head: "How is the situation of the two long bridges now?"

"Wait a moment... There is a stalemate on the long bridge in front of Shawa City. The mutants have shown no sign of breaking through the defense line for the time being. The garrison has been reduced by a quarter. The consumption in all aspects is huge. Visually, it can last for up to ten minutes."

Yuying frowned tightly, stared at his message board and continued: "The observer of the Abby City Long Bridge, 'Fujino Research Wolf', was killed in action, and contact was temporarily lost!"

"Tell the people in Shawar City that they must hold on for at least five more minutes! No matter what method they use, they must hold on until they get back to Cordoba! Then let any player in Ebi City rush to the bridge immediately to report the situation!"

Mo Tan drew a diagonal line on the map expressionlessly, and after two seconds of silence, he clenched his fists...

"Ask the observers from Z17 to meet Xia Lian and tell her to ensure guidance in the next six areas, even if the speed is reduced a little, and then tell the people in Abby City to be ready... to put in civilian reserves. "

Chapter 418: End

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