Quadruple split

Chapter 426 Second Phase (II)

Game time AM08:20

Hodir Mountain Road, joint forces station, command account

Mo Tan sat expressionlessly in front of the long table, while methodically processing the extremely large amount of information, while slowly unfolding a roll of exquisitely crafted maps, except that there were not a large number of dense footnotes and densely populated chess pieces. Other than that, it was exactly the same as the map of the southern border of Misha County in front of him.

This was a copy that Luna had printed out on the day the Requiem plan was finalized. With the ready-made template, this kind of work would not be difficult for the trainee alchemist who did not deserve the name, even though it was a 'perfect reproduction' Even an ordinary great alchemist cannot guarantee the success rate of this technique, but the girl who spends most of her time in a hazy state obviously has nothing to do with the word 'ordinary', so she shouted at Xia Lian that day While Xiao Xiao expressed his shock, Mo Tan was surprisingly calm.

He casually cleared a small area on the table. Mo Tan flattened the copy of the Southern Territory map in front of him and breathed a deep sigh. His pair of black eyes with no unique temperament gradually lost focus, as if they were captured by Lu. It's like Na is possessed.

Of course, Mo Tan was not distracted. On the contrary, he was in a state of high concentration at this moment, a state of high concentration that he had never shown under an absolutely neutral personality.

Information from a total of thirty-three teams, refreshed every thirty seconds, and covering more than forty areas, is gathered on him alone, and Mo Tan will process it in an average of no more than ten seconds. , this move may sound a bit unscientific, but if he did not have such a level of reaction ability, then Mo Tan, who had fought with Futaba countless times in reality, would have been in jail long ago, so even though he was absolutely the same when he appeared as BLACK, In most cases, it is in a state of chaotic neutrality, but Mo Tan's own information processing ability is by no means bad. This is the same as a person who can destroy stars with one blow when angry, even in a peaceful state, he can easily overturn a car. The same goes for cities.

As the most tolerant and absolutely neutral personality, even if Mo Tan can't perform the crazy operations in his 'chaotic neutral' state at this moment, he can definitely withstand this level of load if he is serious about it.

In the final analysis, although Mo Tan in the Innocence Realm is not a person, in the end he is still a person, although he is indeed a bit unlike a person.

In the next two minutes, he did not make any feedback or adjustments to any team, nor did he place chess pieces or mark them on the new map. He just silently absorbed the information that came one after another and kept sketching it in his mind. What are you wearing?


Game time AM08:23

‘Yuchen, from now on, there is no need to pass on information to me. From now on, everyone must unconditionally comply with all my arrangements, no matter how unreasonable they may seem. ’

Mo Tan knocked on the table unconsciously and sent a message to Yu Chen, who had just updated her latest location.

'good. ’

The girl's reply came out quickly, the content was concise and clear, without even adding the iconic emojis.

'Continue to travel in this direction for two minutes. When you see a collapsed fence, immediately turn to the left. If nothing goes wrong, you will soon see a mutant cluster with a total number of no more than two hundred, directly penetrating They will then report to me as soon as possible. ’

Mo Tan shook her head slightly, shielding her doubts about the emojis from the periphery of her thoughts, and gave the first instruction to Yu Chen and the Princess Guards who were following her simply and clearly.

'receive. ’

The girl replied even faster than before, almost as soon as the other party's message was sent.

Mo Tan smiled silently, tapped his index finger on the table and flicked across the map, then stopped steadily at a point that seemed ordinary and nothing outstanding, and something seemed to appear in front of him. A blurry picture——

On the outskirts of an abandoned farm, dozens of wandering mutants staggered to a halt, turned their heads to look in a certain direction in unison, and in the next second uniformly let out piercing and shrill howls, scrambling to rush forward. After leaving the farm, they stepped on the fence and rushed desperately towards the existence in the distance that had a fatal attraction for them. Behind them, countless mutants poured out from every corner of the farm, following the pace of the forerunners. , breaking out of the embankment like a turbid torrent of death, unconsciously assimilating any existence that dares to stand in front of it, that is, completely turning it into a pure dead thing

Although this was just Mo Tan's pure imagination, a moment later, a message from the S3 special observation area turned it into reality. The player named Dawan Wide Noodle said that just a few seconds after he edited this urgent message Before the bell, more than 600 mutants in the southwest corner of the observation area, who had been staying peacefully in the ruins of the farm, went crazy at the same time. They entered the "hunting" state without any life nearby, changing their previous aimless appearance. , all of them rushed out of the ruins of the farm like crazy and ran towards the northeast.

This conclusion is almost exactly the same as the scene Mo Tan saw.

This was no accident. Although Mo Tan had never personally been to the farm that had been completely abandoned in the early days of the plague since arriving in the southern border, he relied on the news fed back by the reconnaissance team during this period and a few veterans. The adventurer's ghostly 'sketch' briefly understood the area marked as the S3 special observation area, and finally made some brainstorming by analyzing the map of the entire territory obtained by Yu Ying from the Thieves Guild and the feedback from the corresponding monitoring team. Supplement, thus arriving at an answer that is infinitely close to reality.

Although he did not know how many houses and cowsheds there were in the farm, nor whether the fences that were said to have collapsed were made of wood or stone, or whether they were destroyed by natural disasters or man-made disasters, this did not prevent Mo Tan from understanding the conditions there. The specific area, relative position, specific number of mutants, and the area occupied by the monsters.

This improvised, amateur commander knows exactly what he is doing, so he does not need to be able to count the number of trees in the target area, how many forks in each tree, and which of them can be hidden like a professional ranger scout. people.

For Mo Tan, who is directly responsible for the second stage of the Requiem, the above information may be beneficial to the layout, but it is definitely not indispensable.

He knows very well how much he weighs, so naturally he will not be more serious in this regard based on the principle of perfection.

Where are the mutants in the S3 observation area concentrated? Where exactly are they located? Are there any highly identifiable objects nearby?

At this moment, I only need to master these most basic information.

For Mo Tan, who finally came to the conclusion after repeated experiments and investigations, "It seems that I am hopelessly crazy," it was a matter of using maps and other people's oral descriptions to figure out the general scene of an unknown area. Don't take it too easy.

"Nine hundred."

He murmured something like a dream, dispelling the scene of countless mutants rushing forward in front of him, and replied to the big bowl noodle without thinking: 'You can evacuate and go to the third supply team brigade to receive your head share. Death Dust, and then head southwest as fast as possible. If nothing else happens, another surveillance team will join you within ten minutes, and the person in charge will tell you the next arrangements. ’

'receive! ’

five minutes later

"In the name of the God of Justice!"

The high-level paladin Snowmane Qiangho gently protected Yuchen who was leaning on his chest with one hand. The other hand held a golden war hammer that was more than three meters tall, and he rushed to the front of the team. Ahead, a loud voice shouted: "Break through the enemy's formation!"

"Break through the enemy formation!"

The tongs and stone hammer with footprints all over his body and another slender tree elf paladin rode a goat and an elk respectively and galloped beside Snowmane. They picked up their weapons as soon as the latter finished shouting and suddenly accelerated and rushed. Going out, howling like ghosts, he plunged into the dozens of mutants that were rushing towards the Holy Lady in the arms of his squad leader.

The next second, the Divine Emblem of Justice, which was composed of several intertwined red lights, lit up behind them at the same time, flashing at exactly the same frequency.

[Synchrony of Justice—Fearless Justice]

Accompanied by a harsh sound of fighting, all the mutants who subconsciously waved their claws at the two high-level paladins were shocked into shattered fractures, while the dozen or so lucky ones who were directly greeted by the two high-level paladins' weapons. It was hammered into powdery fractures.

Counting the other members of the Princess Guards, the total number of Fire Tongs and the others does not exceed thirty; however, there are more than two hundred of these mutants who jumped out from nowhere. With this level of difference in numbers, the fearless justice It directly gave the two high-level paladins the maximum bonus, strengthening their defense and resistance that were already several orders of magnitude higher than the enemy. In the end, it even produced an effect similar to the 'halo of thorns'. To put it simply, It's said to have a backlash.

Fearless justice is the courage that bursts out when charging against an enemy that far outnumbers oneself. To put it further, even if a giant dragon that believes in the god of justice charges against three ants, it will still be defeated due to a 1:3 numerical disadvantage. It will be judged as very courageous, and thus it will receive a magical bonus. If the enemy is ten ants, then there will be a 1:10 numerical disadvantage, and it will be judged as very courageous by divine magic, and thus it will receive an ultimate bonus.

Although it may seem unfair at first glance, in fact

Well, back to the subject, the two knights who were originally much stronger than the mutants suddenly felt like no one was around due to the bonus of divine magic. Not only did they use a wave of coordinated charges to destroy more than twenty mutants who were rushing at the front. , and then rushed directly into the large army behind the enemy to kill them. While using cross swords and battle axes (occasionally mixing in a few detonators), they ravaged the low-level undead who were unable to fight back, while still getting very angry. Shouting 'Shameless! ’, ‘You have more people and bully less people! ’, ‘If you have the ability to fight in a duel! ’ These words refreshed the outlook of many temporary teammates.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting, don't stop, it's enough to break through them!"

Snowmane shouted at the top of her lungs, followed by her two colleagues and rushed into the mutant cluster. She did not kill everyone as enthusiastically as the two people with the tongs, but just waved the handle in her hand casually. Although she could not The giant hammer, which made those enemies who had lost their consciousness too afraid, but was able to intimidate teammates very well, protected Yuchen, and even had the time to lower his head in embarrassment and whisper to the latter: "I'm sorry, Your Highness the Saint, My two companions have slightly worse personalities.”

At this moment, a certain mutant with powdery fractures below the chest and comminuted fractures above the chest raised its paws with difficulty, and lightly touched the Goru beast that had just walked over it, which was the one with Snowmane's appearance. A mount that resembles an armored rhinoceros.

The conscience of heaven and earth is really just a slight touch!

This mutant, who was slapped by an elf knight and then hit by a detonator, was already dying. Although he could barely swing his claws with his unique undead physique, the lethality would never exceed the collision of an adult corgi. Bash.



Snowmane roared, strongly condemning the former's dirty behavior of sneaking up from behind, then swung his war hammer and smashed it into a mosaic, and spit at the same time: "Shameless!"

Yuchen blinked blankly, and suddenly understood why the tongs listened to Xue Zong's words so much. It might be a complicated feeling of admiration.

However, she did not continue to think divergently. Instead, after the Princess Guards broke through the mutant swarm and continued to gallop at full speed, she quickly sent a message to Mo Tan: 'Breakthrough has been achieved. ’

‘When you reach the ford ahead, turn right, stay at the fork for thirty seconds, and then turn around. ’

The news about Mo Tan followed closely.

at the same time

‘S1 surveillance team, immediately leave your current position and go straight south. When you meet the S3 surveillance team on the road, you will hide in place and wait for my order. ’

'Eagle Eye Team Three, drop the glow powder at the designated location as originally planned. I will give you two minutes to retreat. Remember, you only have two minutes. The access will be cut off soon. Be careful not to enter the battle. If If anyone has not run out by then, log off immediately and log in to the game again in five minutes to meet up with teammates. ’

‘Emergency Brake Team 5, move to ETC Passage 6, and be ready to conduct diversionary operations until the Princess Guards successfully attracts all the mutants over there. There is no need to hold anything back. This is your only mission today. ’

‘S15 monitoring team will resume normal reporting frequency from now on. ’

'Hawkeye Six.'

‘S19 Surveillance Team’

Clear and precise instructions down to every detail were issued at an extremely fast frequency. Mo Tan, who had stood up at some point, looked down at the new map and subconsciously clenched his fists.

The prelude has started and is quickly coming to an end.

Next, Yuchen and others will face at least two hours of desperate escape.

As the leader, he is their only hope.

Chapter 423: End

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