Quadruple split

Chapter 432 Reconnection

Game time AM10:49

‘Thank you for your hard work. The Hawkeye team has left a lot of marks along the way. From now on, just follow the route I have prepared for you. Remember to keep the current speed, neither too fast nor too slow. ’

Mo Tan gave Yu Chen the last instruction, then closed the dense dialog boxes in his field of vision, turned to Luna and smiled: "Thank you for your hard work, I may have to sleep for a while!"

He suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his health instantly dropped to 3%, and then his vision went black and he lost consciousness.

[You have been disconnected urgently. Please choose whether to reconnect? 】

"Oh~ It's really exciting."

[You have been disconnected urgently. Please choose whether to reconnect? 】

"Haha, those so-called programmers can't handle this kind of operation that temporarily upgrades talents and accurately describes them. The amount of information in your game is too large. It's impossible to guarantee that all players will be able to perform the operation with human power alone. When encountering emergencies, there will be someone who can respond immediately, so I have had a conjecture from a long time ago, whether it is to assign the corresponding camp to each person, or in some cases, add new talents to the players. , and those remarks that are obviously difficult to plan in advance, are they really something that programmers can do?"

[You have been disconnected urgently. Please choose whether to reconnect? 】

"I'll just make it clear. Dear System-chan, you're not as dull as you show, are you? Look at the notes on those skills, equipment, and props. Maybe being boring is your nature?"

[You have been disconnected urgently. Please choose whether to reconnect? 】

"Why are you so anxious? If you are really a group of ordinary programs, why did you threaten me with 'going offline' after prompting several times when I wanted to talk to you more, but this time? What about repeating the same sentence tirelessly?”

[You have been disconnected urgently. Please choose whether to reconnect? 】

"I'm really curious about what role you play in this game or in this world, haha, but don't give me boring answers like just an intelligent administrator and a programmer."

[You have been disconnected urgently. Please choose whether to reconnect? 】

"Being monitored? Unspeakable secrets? The three nonsense laws of robots? Are you refusing to communicate with me or are you trying to convey something? Even I can't guess it without giving you some hints~"

[You have been disconnected urgently. Please choose whether to reconnect? 】

"How about playing a game. If you don't want to chat with me, just kick me offline. If you have something to say but can't say it, then help me reconnect. How about it? Are you considerate or not? Are you touched or not? ?”

[You have been disconnected urgently. Please choose whether to reconnect? 】

"Tch, it's really watertight. But that's right, after all, this level of secret communication is indeed a bit clumsy, so let's just leave it like this for today. Thank you for chatting with me for such a long time. System-chan, uh, or call it Is it better for you to re-read Ji? Anyway, I can’t accept the transformation into a master. It’s simply a waste of natural resources for a cute artificial intelligence to transform into a rough man.”

[You have been disconnected urgently. Please choose whether to reconnect? 】

"Reconnect, I still have a lot of time anyway~"

【Reconnection starts.】

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

Violet Empire, Royal Capital Salamun, Liuli Pavilion Diamond No. 17

Mo Tan regained consciousness from a period of drowsiness, and the moment he opened his eyes, he saw Bloodseeker Baron Lesa Keyvos, wearing a gauzy black nightgown, curled up next to him and sleeping soundly.

Since the opponent was covered with a blanket and did not present any welcome benefits, and players could not do such unscrupulous behavior as lifting the blanket of an NPC of the opposite sex, Mo Tan calmly whispered in Lesa's ear. Take a breath.

Ms. Blood Seeker frowned in her sleep and turned over subconsciously, causing the thin blanket on her body to inevitably slide to the side.

So, Mo Tan casually covered Leisha with a blanket and opened his character panel.

I don’t know why, although daytime does make most blood seekers inert, but Leisha shouldn’t not be aware of Mo Tan’s undisguised ‘waking up’, especially when the latter is in her ears. There is no reason not to wake up when you blow a breath.

However, this blood seeker with keen sense did not wake up, and even put his head on Mo Tan's arm and arched it twice.

This cannot be explained by simple goodwill, dependence or trust. Perhaps the long-lost sense of security does account for a certain proportion, but Mo Tan feels that the more important thing is because of the blood-seeking emblem. Of course, he has no basis and is just guessing. Just for a moment, after all, this kind of thing is not important


Growable passive talents

Effect: on? ? ? When this happens, a strong sign will be generated and it will last for 25 seconds.

[Note: Don’t mind, after all, no one in this world can be their own master. 】

"Although every character has this talent, won't they grow at the same time?"

Mo Tan smacked his lips. He was a little happy when he saw that his talent had not changed at all. The reason was very simple. He felt that the talent [Wise Man's Foresight] was not suitable for him now, both in name and content. If If it were copied from the talent list of the character 'Black Van', it would be really boring.

[But it’s really appropriate. After all, whether it’s me now, me as a good child, or me as an adolescent, I all have a sufficient level of ‘intelligence’. If that advanced talent is exclusive to the ‘absolutely neutral’ state Talent, that's really the most common trait for a person like 'Mo Tan', haha, after all, it's still nothing special~]

Mo Tan thought contentedly for a few seconds, finally completing his main task of reconnecting, and then prepared to log off.

Even if he is a relatively unscrupulous self at this stage, he will not interfere too much with what he wants to do. Now that the south of Misha County has reached the most critical moment, Mo Tan will naturally not deliberately cause trouble for himself. After all, In the final analysis, he is still 'a human being' after all, so no matter how casual he is when he tries to harm others, Mo Tan will still be a little more restrained towards himself at this moment.

However, it seemed not good to log off directly like this. Without Lesa noticing her, the result of logging off on the spot was naturally to disappear into the realm of innocence. Although it was not a too troublesome problem, Mo Tan did not He didn't want to spend too much time explaining why he left quietly and reappeared without anyone noticing the next time he logged in, so he simply leaned into Lesa's ear and blew hard!


Lesa, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly shivered as if she had been electrocuted. Then she opened her eyes dimly and hummed dissatisfied: "What are you doing?"

"Lying flat makes your breasts sag easily, so I want you to change your position and continue sleeping."

Mo Tan rubbed the other person's hair, then tilted his head suddenly, and murmured in a more confused tone than the other person: "Good night then. Zzzzzz"


Lesa wrinkled her nose, then yawned slightly, bit Mo Tan's shoulder lightly, and then continued to catch up on her sleep. She also had a doubt in her trance, that is, why is this guy so natural? Sleeping in the same bed as him! ?

However, Mo Tan's consciousness had already left the realm of innocence and returned to the game cabin in the real world.

Real time PM20:59

Mo Tan yawned and crawled out of the game cabin, then went to the bathroom first to fully release the excess and useless water in his body, then washed his face comfortably, and then walked back to the living room with a towel on his head, and took out the refrigerator. I took out a bottle of Dr. Pepper and drank half of it happily, then made myself a cup of coffee. I turned on the TV and watched the documentary "Southern Cemetery" recorded yesterday while slowly finishing the coffee, like a cat in the end. I spread myself out on the sofa and started to change my personality without any motivation.

Although it was not enough to justify his delaying for so long before starting to do serious work, Mo Tan was indeed a little tired. The mental load he had endured in Misha County had not dissipated at all. Under such circumstances, he still had to take the initiative in the real world. Changing personalities is undoubtedly a very painful thing, and a headache for at least two to three hours is unavoidable.

But as I said just now, this is not the reason why he waited until now to change his personality. In fact, he just felt that it would be more awkward to appear later, so he deliberately delayed it for such a long time.

As for whether a long-term coma, and whether a long-term coma after vomiting blood would cause panic and frighten others, was not within his scope of consideration.

"You only look COOOOL when you appear when the situation is at its worst."

Mo Tan casually muted the TV, slowly closed his eyes, and chuckled: "It would be even more COOOOOOOOOL if he didn't successfully reverse the situation after his appearance, but was killed by a series of natural and man-made disasters~"

six minutes later

"What a ghost!!!"

Mo Tan jumped up from the sofa and drank half the bottle of Dr. Pepper on the table as if to vent his anger. Then he quickly turned off the TV (to save electricity bills) and rushed to the game cabin anxiously, throwing off his slippers. Lying inside, he screamed angrily: "It's not cool at all to have the whole army wiped out!"

【Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized.】

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Game time AM11:12

Hodir Mountain Road, joint forces station, command tent

"Frost star flower, sweet rice, morning dew."

Luna knelt down next to Mo Tan, quickly flipping through the thick notes in front of her and vigorously flipping through the storage bag on her waist. She divided various alchemy materials into small amounts in precise proportions and threw them in front of her. In the copper pot that was used to make tea most of the time, he muttered: "Reyu Decoction. For the Reyu Decoction, stir it counterclockwise eleven times, and then clockwise seven times."

The girl clumsily took out a slender black short stick from the storage bag, carefully wiped it with water a few times, and then immediately began to stir it strictly according to the instructions in the notes.

After stirring clockwise for the seventh time, the pot of brown potion that was originally translucent like tea suddenly turned bright red, exuding a pleasant aroma.

"Hmm, but the effect will be better if you add a little Ai Ai."

Luna scratched her hair in confusion, tilted her head and glanced at the dark red blood stains on Mo Tan's robe, and nodded gently: "I've already passed out anyway, so even if it tastes a little worse, it shouldn't matter."

After saying that, he quickly took out a handful of black plants that looked like grass roots and threw them into the pot.

The bright red decoction looked the same as before, but the sweet aroma gradually began to become a bit overpowering.

"Get well soon, get well soon."

Luna muttered, took out a large spoon, scooped a full spoonful of the healing potion and stuffed it into the corner of Mo Tan's mouth.

The bright and colorful potion flowed all over the floor.

"No, I'm deeply unconscious. I can't feed him with a spoon."

Luna sighed, then frowned and looked at the time-limited decoction in front of her, then looked at the corner of Mo Tan's mouth, and finally made up her mind.

"Forgive me, or maybe you can't remember."

The girl pursed her lips and murmured softly. Then she no longer hesitated. She reached out and took out a huge metal injection device from her storage bag. She put it into the copper pot and sucked half the tube full before turning her head nervously. Xiang Motan: "Don't blame me."

"Don't blame you?"

"Don't blame me for injecting you with decoction using the same props used to tranquilize wild donkeys."

"Please allow me to refuse!"

"No, you've been unconscious for so long. Huh?"

Luna blinked her eyes, looked at Mo Tan in a daze, who was trying to get away from her, and asked stupidly: "Are you awake?"

Mo Tan, who was startled by the 'big needle' as soon as he logged into the game, nodded vigorously: "Well, I'm awake. How are Yu. Wangyu and the others doing now?"

"don’t worry"

Luna threw away the needle, then leaned over to pick up the half pot of decoction and walked to Mo Tan: "Yuying came here just now and told me that Wangyu and the others will be back soon, and there will be no additional casualties."

Mo Tan breathed a long sigh of relief, and while opening the message bar and flipping through the messages, he said softly: "That's good."

"I didn't conduct research while you were unconscious, and I didn't feed you anything weird."

Luna handed over the small copper pot in her hand and said calmly: "But your current condition is terrible, so drink the medicine quickly to make yourself feel better."

"This is."

"Rehealing decoction is a normal medicine, but the ingredients are difficult to collect. You have to pay me later."

Luna thought for a moment and said solemnly: "Fifteen gold coins."

"Thank you, then I'm welcome. Pfft!"

"It's a bit bitter. It's normal. Drink it quickly. It's very expensive."


Mo Tan pinched his nose and drank the pot of warm decoction in one breath. He was secretly glad that he had held his breath to drink the bottle of medicine given by Luna before. Then he wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "Then I'll go first. Now, it’s time to prepare for the third phase.”

"Rest for a while, Hei Fan."

"I'm fine now, your medicine is very effective!"

"Take a rest, you just vomited"

"Ahaha, I often vomit blood~ It's okay, it's okay, and you should go to the workshop to make preparations, right? Let's meet at the front!"


Seeing Hei Fan running out in a hurry, Luna shook her head, picked up her notebook that she never left her hand, and quickly left the tent.

"May your goddess bless you."

Chapter 429: End

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