Quadruple split

Chapter 435 Enemy Contact Area Zero

Game time AM11:54

Accompanied by deafening roars, a large number of mutants were thrown high into the air every minute and every second by the unparalleled impact, and then returned to the earth in several batches, gaining maturity ranging from three to six. taste and color.

A large number of [exploding crystals] buried under a shallow layer of soil killed countless people in an instant. These unexpected products due to a certain alchemist's experimental error are very bad-tempered, and will explode directly with the slightest stimulation. The diffuse impact of huge amounts of heat is no less lethal than a trainee mage's explosive fire technique that he held back for two and a half minutes. They are the first basic line of defense in No. 0's enemy area, referred to as the first line, scientifically known as the minefield.

The dozens of thieves who were wandering around here before were the last batch of quality inspectors of the 'First Line'. They all have a certain level of attainment in creating and eliminating traps. Their main job is to check the correspondence of each group of [Explosive Crystals]. Buffer insurance and excitation fuses. After all, these extremely unstable things are too easy to cause chain explosions. If corresponding measures are taken in advance, as long as one group is detonated, the impact force spread will be enough to destroy the entire minefield. The crystallization is activated, thus wasting more than 90% of the equivalent.

So Mo Tan summoned all the engineering experts from the entire joint force not long ago, and after throwing out more than twenty goblin engineers who proposed to further reduce the stability of [Explosive Crystal] in an effort to obtain the ultimate explosive effect, he gave One issue is how to make the lethality of the 'first line' controllable.

That night, a lizardman engineer named 'Gejun' found Mo Tan and said that the impromptu seminar had reached a conclusion and planned to start manufacturing a device with buffering, shock absorption and lead functions. Apart from this obvious shortcoming, the manufacturing speed, cost and effect can meet expectations, and the layout is also very simple.

Then this problem is solved. After all, everyone knows that even if you pull two banners in front of those mutants that say "Explosion Trap Welcomes You", they will not pay attention to you, and naturally they will not notice those that are only relatively obvious. of the original trip rope.

The lizard engineer who provided the core idea, called Lemma, was also written into the book a long time later, often accompanied by the three words "One Line" and active in major historical records and military textbooks.

By the way, Dino actually didn't find any problems before. This young man who had been a physics class representative for six years in middle school just secretly connected more than ten sets of [Explosive Crystal] leads.

However, these mutants who had long lost the ability to think did not hesitate at all as one by one of their kind spiraled into the sky. They continued to move forward crazily as if they could not see the endless explosions around them, and it took less than ten seconds. In just a few minutes, he passed through this area filled with explosives!

With reasonable layout, each group of [Explosive Crystals] almost exerted its maximum effect, annihilating a large number of mutants in the deafening explosions and fireballs, but it did not have any 'shock' effect at all.

Although their intelligence has been reduced to infinitely close to zero, these technically dead monsters naturally do not feel fear, so while they have perfectly triggered all the traps, they will not flinch due to the casualties of their companions or themselves. Half step.

"Success is also a mental retardation, failure is also a retardation."

Mo Tan stood at the forefront of the first enemy contact area. He sighed after the thunderous roar in the distance that was like a thunderstorm a few minutes ago gradually stopped. He had received the report from the two scout teams ahead immediately. And learned the results of the battle in the enemy area of ​​No. 0.

According to rough statistics, approximately 1,300 mutants were buried in the minefield that had been under construction for four and a half days.

This was a number that was enough to excite most people, so he did not hesitate to make it public and quickly spread the results.

The uncontrollable cheers around him showed that this shot of cardiotonic was indeed effective.

But the most difficult moment is far from coming, and the news that one-tenth of the mutant colony has been almost wiped out cannot cheer up Mo Tan.

Luna has been working tirelessly during this period, and several construction teams have spent a lot of time completing the layout. It would be a rare thing if they could not achieve such results.

The focus is on the back, where the real crisis and sacrifice are also behind.

Mo Tan took a deep breath and tried to suppress the strong uneasiness in his heart. Accompanied by two low-level soldiers, he turned and left, heading towards the sand table located in the center of the first enemy area.

Game time AM12:07

The mutant swarm that had entered the mouth of the Hodir Pass suddenly slowed down. The nearly a thousand monsters at the front seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and became slow and clumsy. They had to move forward hard under the arrogant pushing of the same kind behind them. until their companions also slowed down visibly.

No. 0 is the second basic line of defense in the enemy area, referred to as the second line - the Earth-bound Totem Formation!

Just as they rushed through the minefield with a crazy and indomitable attitude, and emerged from the smoke with a strong smell of burnt and gunpowder, one hundred and three totem poles evenly distributed on both sides of the mountain road immediately lit up. When raised up, the surfaces of these pillars, which are covered with patterns and are mostly made of stone or wood, invariably glow with a dark yellow halo, forming a huge 'field', making the land under the feet of the mutants extremely attractive. Its original speed of at least thirty miles was reduced to less than three miles!

On both sides of the gorge, except for the forty-one 'players' who were struggling to maintain the [Bloodthirsty War Drum], the rest of the shamans of the joint force were all evenly distributed on both sides of the mountain wall. Under their feet, they stepped on the temporary structures of civilian craftsmen. The small platform that stood up exuded the same dim yellow light as the dense layer outside the totem pole. His eyes were fixed on the dark mutants in the distance. He was stuck at the extreme distance and desperately activated the earth binding he had arranged in advance. Totem, curbing the enemy's momentum.

"This is so fucking difficult!!"

Tirion Fengnuo looked at his magic value that was falling rapidly like a floodgate. He gritted his teeth with a pale face and muttered: "Why didn't I know this skill was so expensive before?"

The bearded orc on the next platform looked at him curiously: "What's blue?"

"Ahem, it's nothing. I just said that when I used the Earth-bound Totem, the consumption was quite low, but now."

Feng Nu shrugged and continued to stare at the mutants around his totem pole. His arms stretched out in front of his body were trembling a little: "I feel like I can only hold on for less than half a minute."

To be precise, at a consumption of 3% of mana and 1% of stamina per second, Tirion Windfury would have to take drugs for a maximum of thirty-two seconds, and even if the mana potion was full, Under the decreasing rule, you can only hold on for less than two minutes.

"Haha, praying for the spirit of the earth to restrain one enemy is of course different from praying for the spirit of the earth to restrain a hundred or a thousand enemies." The orc uncle in bearskin blinked at Feng Nu, and pulled out a tired Smile: "Resonate with the earth. This will make you feel more relaxed. I can see that your understanding of shamanic teachings does not seem to be deep."

[Of course it’s not profound, I believe in materialism! 】

Feng Nu curled his lips and didn't take the other party's words too seriously. He just turned his attention again to the monsters that were tightly confined in the mouth of the gorge, while trying to restrain himself from the overwhelming feeling of powerlessness. Cancel the totem pole and count down silently in my heart



A gust of breeze lifted Windfury's cloak.


A drop of clear rainwater hit the face of the shaman next to him.


A harmless electric light flashed through the air, making the entire gorge suddenly light up.

The sun hanging high in the sky had been blocked by the dark clouds that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Therefore, even though it was exactly noon, the Hodil Pass, which was originally shrouded in a layer of haze, seemed to be covered by a haze. It was as gloomy as a dark curtain.

next second

The rain fell without warning.

A curtain of rain that was tightly limited to a specific area, like water being poured down from mid-air, poured down with the roar of the wind. The water droplets were so dense that the gaps were almost invisible, and even Feng Nu thought that they were suddenly appearing in front of him. It passed seven or eight waterfalls and directly swallowed the thousands of mutants at the front.

He turned his head and looked behind him, and then as expected, he discovered that the three 'mage towers' that had been rushed out were emitting a hazy light.

Although it is not known how many mages are collectively casting spells there, it is obvious that such a large-scale [Heavy Rain Spell] is definitely not something that seven or eight spellcasters can handle together. Even the one who just appeared in Guilty The recent Feng Fury in the mainland all know that it is not easy to use the characteristics of magic itself to forcefully change the celestial phenomena. Just like [Earthquake Spell] is difficult to actually cause an earthquake, [Heavy Rain Spell] is also impossible to induce such a degree of wonder!

The endless dark clouds that never end as far as the eye can see, the lightning that never stops for a moment, and the 'rain' that is like a waterfall that continuously washes away thousands of mutants, no matter what it is, it is far beyond the norm. The realm of magic.

There is no low-level magic that is so powerful, and there is no high-level magic that is so wasteful.

It seems that it is meaningless just to have a heavy rain that can kill ordinary people, because there are too many mages who can use the same amount or even less magic power to display higher lethality, wider coverage, and general use. It is a more powerful spell, so this behavior is probably very funny in the eyes of those who don't know the truth, but Tirion Windfury and the other one hundred and two shamans know the purpose of this.

Twenty seconds, this heavy rain that could hardly be called a rainstorm only lasted for twenty seconds, and then it stopped abruptly as if someone had pressed the pause button. The immediate result was the death of two mutants deep inside their skulls. of Soul Fire is about zero.

The indirect result was that the entire second half of No. 0's enemy-contact zone became extremely soft and wet under the feet of these mutants.

The dark clouds in mid-air have not dispersed, and there is no longer a drop of rain falling, as if they are just floating there.

At the same time, two of the three magic towers in the distance suddenly changed color. In the blink of an eye, they changed from the crystal clear ice blue to a thick earthy yellow, which matched the hundreds of earth bonds that had been widely cracked. The totems are very similar.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

A young elf female mage clenched her hands tightly and muttered nervously. His left pupil, which was connected to the two mage eyes at the same time, was sore and astringent, but he still stared unblinkingly. Looking at the gorge in the distance and another 'Mage Tower'.

Her name is Belia Huofeng, a low-level mage resident in the Panshu City Magician Guild. A few days ago, she also added the title of "Chief of the Seventh Team of the United Spellcasting Group" and "Debugger of the No. 3 Resonance Tower". The two identities are currently monitoring the situation on the top of the No. 3 resonance tower at the end of the No. 0 enemy area.

The objects of monitoring are the synchronization rates of those mutants temporarily trapped in the gorge, as well as the other two resonance towers.

"Beria, how is the situation?"

The anxious voice of his companion came from under the tower.

"The attribute conversion is completed, but there is always a deviation in the synchronization rate with Tower 2. I am trying to figure out a way!"

Beria responded loudly, and then made a few gestures with the observer on the top of Resonance Tower No. 2 from a distance. After reaching an initial consensus with the other party, he quickly rushed to the edge of the tower, stretched his neck and shouted to his companions below. Said: "Increase the magic output and force synchronization! Start chanting the spell immediately after establishing the connection!"

A thin dwarf wearing a robe under the tower blinked and shouted loudly: "But didn't you just say that the magic energy regulator was broken during the joint casting just now? How can we force synchronization?"

"The regulator of Tower 2 is not broken. I can observe their exponential strength through the eyes of the mage. As for our side."

Beria scratched his hair and shrugged: "I will replace the magic energy regulator. You only need to continue to increase the magic power output. Leave the rest to me."

The thin dwarf mage was confused at that time: "What do you think you are? A magic measuring crystal? How can you do that?"

"The shamans can't hold on any longer."

Beria rudely interrupted his mentor, who had never reached the threshold of a high-level mage, and shook his head: "Although my sense of elements is very poor, even you can't compare to me in controlling magic power. Listen, Okay, increase the magic output immediately, and once the resonance is completed, lead everyone to start chanting the spell!"

"Okay, what about you?"

"If you're lucky, you won't die. That's it, let's get started!"

After Beria finished speaking, he ran to the two sets of magic arrays located in the center of the tower, dug out a large-area cracked translucent diamond-shaped magic crystal at the intersection, and then clasped his right hand in the groove. .

The next second, her body began to tremble as if struck by lightning.

"Beria, stop it!"

The instructor's anxious voice came from under the tower.

"Well, it seems that you still love me very much, old teacher."

Beria whispered tremblingly, but his slender right hand did not move from the groove. Instead, he tried his best to maintain his mage's eye and referred to the reading on the magic energy regulator on the top of the second tower. , trying to adjust the huge magic power of hundreds of people in the perception.

"Belia! Stop it!"

The dwarf mentor's voice sounded again.

"I'm sorry, come up, teacher, teacher, teacher."

Beria bit her lip, looked firmly and whispered: "But me"


A translucent diamond-shaped magic crystal was thrown up from the tower and slid accurately to Beria's feet.

"I just remembered I have a spare one here!"

The mentor's voice sounded for the third time.

"You, you, you, uncle!"

Chapter 432: End

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