Quadruple split

Chapter 45 Pato’s dust falls

The setting sun in the evening was gathering its last ray of light, and stars gradually appeared on the dim sky. Everything seemed so peaceful, as if the farce not long ago had never happened.

Of course this is not true, but Mo Tan, who was standing not far outside Pato City at this time, could not hear the noise and bustle in the city. The impact of this cult incident on this small town was no different than There is no possibility of an earthquake calming down in a short period of time. Even as time goes by, a large number of relevant people may come here to collect intelligence or fish in troubled waters in the coming days.

So there is no reason to stay here anymore...

"Besides, I should have been noticed by those magicians now." Mo Tan chuckled: "Although they may not necessarily pay too much attention to a certain little person for too long, or they may not care from the beginning. But I’ve been keeping a low profile to a certain extent recently..."

To be honest, he didn't even believe it himself.

Although Mo Tan had previously asked the Thieves Guild to send countless exaggerated news about the arrival of the evil god to Pato City to the Sanctuary, Mo Tan would have gotten into a lot of trouble, but he had just obtained a lot of interesting information. I don't intend to just sit back and relax, at least not at all when I am in this current personality.

Mo Tan stretched out happily and continued walking southward in the forest far away from the road. The fresh earthy smell always refreshed his spirit, and the dry air also made him feel comfortable. There seemed to be no legendary monsters like 'Mosquito' in Sin Continent, so he felt very comfortable walking in the forest like this.

A few minutes later……

Four figures suddenly emerged from behind the tree not far in front of Mo Tan. Two of them gave him a friendly smile, and the other two, who were older, had a rather complicated expression, but they were still friendly.

Cole, Xiao Ai, Bayes and Ledo have been waiting here for a long time...

"Sorry, I'm late~" Mo Tan was not surprised at all. He just raised his eyebrows and apologized without sincerity. Then he glanced at Bayes and Ledo and said with a smile: "I still I thought that after you sent people here, you would be eager to go back and make firewood."

Bayes turned away with a slightly red face, while Lei Duo, a woman, completely lost the elegant image she had maintained for many years. She rolled her eyes and said: "Don't worry about that, we just don't worry about these two children." .

"Two?" Mo Tan glanced at Xiao Ai and found that the little priest's expression was firm and persistent, so he raised the corners of his mouth with a smile but not a smile: "I hope you will think about it carefully, little girl."

The little priest who was once so innocent that he was almost a blank slate shook his head: "I have thought it through very clearly, sir, this place is not suitable for me, and there is nothing worthy of nostalgia."

Mo Tan looked at Cole again and narrowed his eyes slightly: "I should have only agreed to take you away alone."

"I tried hard." Cole said with a wry smile: "But the effect... is almost nonexistent."

"You saved my life." Ai Fanye showed the most serious expression in his life and whispered to Mo Tan: "You also avenged my companions. In the name of the Sun God Tisu, I am willing to follow him forever. Your steps will serve you right and left."

She said these words that were almost an oath almost without thinking. You must know that in this world, a declaration in the name of God is extremely solemn and sacred, let alone coming from the mouth of a priest. It violates The end of such an oath would never be much better than Dave's.

Mo Tan shrugged: "I thought none of the believers of the gods would have any good impressions of me."

Xiao Ai smiled: "Then you agreed?"

"No." Unexpectedly, Mo Tan immediately shook his head, then raised an index finger and shook it: "I'm not very interested in what you just said, unless..."

He paused for a moment: "Unless you swear to follow me in your own name."

"Okay!" Xiao Ai was immediately overjoyed: "I..."

"Wait a minute!" Bayes suddenly interrupted her at this time, crossed his arms and looked at Mo Tan and said solemnly: "Before that, I want to know who you are...otherwise I don't plan to let Ke You and the girl will leave with you."

Colton was shocked: "Uncle!"

Xiao Ai also looked at him with some confusion: "Uncle Bayes?"

"You are too dangerous..." Bayes ignored the two of them, just walked up to Mo Tan, looked directly into his eyes and whispered: "To be honest, I have never seen someone like you, you Like a wise man, a gambler, a madman, a devil, and even a bit of a hero.”

Mo Tan tilted his head: "Then what?"

"I don't know which one is the real you." The uncle with quite a story sighed: "So I really don't worry about my only nephew and another little girl who is not very involved in the world leaving with you, so I want you to tell me personally. Me, who are you?"

"Don't you already have the answer yourself?" Mo Tan smiled at the confused Bayes: "I can be a wise man, a gambler, a madman, a devil, a hero... I can be any of them, and of course I can be neither. Depends on the surroundings and my mood.”

Bayes was stunned for a while after hearing this, but finally showed a wry smile and looked at Cole: "Are you serious?"

"Yes." Cole nodded: "I have never been so serious."

Xiao Ai on the side also immediately said: "Me too!"

But at this moment, Mo Tan showed his hands to Bayes: "If you want to take them back by force, I don't have any objection. Of course, even if you have objections, it's useless. My strength is very weak~"

"Yeah, it's quite weak, I can see that." Bayes rolled his eyes: "But that doesn't stop you from casually tricking two Langs and one who I can't even defeat together. A lot of nagging cultists, ugh..."

He took a deep look at Cole, and then turned towards the direction of Pato City: "If you don't regret it, let you go."

After saying that, he walked away without looking back, while Lei Duo smiled at the three of them and quickly followed him.

"If you don't want to cause trouble." Mo Tan smiled behind the two of them: "If anyone asks, just tell me everything about me. Believe me, it won't hurt."

Bayes paused for a moment, but still did not look back: "We will weigh this kind of thing ourselves."

"He's being cool~" Lei Duo turned around and smiled sweetly: "Thank you this time, don't worry about us."

Then the two of them quickly disappeared into the approaching night.

Maybe they had too much to say to each other...

"This night~" Mo Tan looked at the direction the two were leaving and chuckled: "Maybe for many people, it will be very, very long..."

Cole and Xiao Ai couldn't help but smile knowingly, and more importantly, they felt relieved.

The difference was that Cole's relief contained a hint of expectation for the future, while Xiao Ai's smile seemed somewhat lonely.

But Mo Tan didn't plan to give them too much time to remember...

"Take these." Mo Tan threw two money bags to them: "You go directly to Kalan City now. Don't be too anxious. You can find some villages, towns, groves and other places to rest on the way. I will go over and join you within the next day, and we will talk about it later.”

Xiao Ai was slightly startled: "Then you..."

"I have other things to do." Mo Tan said with a smile, "Stop asking stupid questions."

Soon, Mo Tan became alone again. He casually found a place to sit down and began to count his trophies.

There was a reason why he casually gave Cole and the others two bags of money. You must know that the loot he collected from the Whispering Sect stronghold in Pato City was extremely rich.

First of all, there are a lot of personal belongings, which add up to about two thousand gold coins. Thanks to the off-standard game system, these heavy metals can be directly turned into a series of numbers after being put into the bag, and can be used in the form of a small purse at any time. Take out and use.

You must know that this can definitely be regarded as a huge sum of money, but Mo Tan still remembers that the compensation for Yaya demolishing half of his house was less than one hundred gold coins.

Then there are various potions, which I won’t list one by one here. They are generally some of the more commonly used recovery potions and strengthening potions, and there are also a small number of high-quality chronic poisons.

There are also some gains in terms of equipment. Mo Tan found a lot of weapons and armors inside, but there are not many that he can use. There are only a few that can be replaced immediately. Let us wait until he comes online next time to talk about it. …

Then the most important thing is...

Information about the Whispering Sect!

The content inside made Mo Tan very happy, because this is not a weak cult organization based only on the city. In fact, a character like Lang En is at best a low-level manager in the Whispering Sect, and Mo Tan is not a weak cult organization. The Pato City branch that was destroyed this time is just the tip of the iceberg...

And based on his current character, if any unlucky iceberg shows up in front of him, it is very likely to be completely dug out, and he will not give up until he has fun. This was the case with a black car gang many years ago. In the end, they even took the initiative to surrender themselves to the traffic police brigade and urban management compound in order to seek refuge...

Ahem, that’s too far off topic.

In short, he was particularly interested in this cult group whose branches and leaves spread all over the innocent continent.

Also interested in the Whispering God they worship!

However, the information he has at this stage is still too little, and the power controlled by the other party is far beyond imagination, so Mo Tan has no immediate plans to go to war. This game world full of strange charm seems to hide a lot of interesting things. Things, and the so-called 'fun' can only be experienced to the fullest when enjoyed slowly.

After sorting out the information for a while, Mo Tan suddenly had a thought in his mind and immediately chose to quit the game...

After coming out of the game cabin, he casually glanced at the time, then nodded with satisfaction, walked to the kitchen and cooked himself a bowl of noodles with almost zero nutritional value, and then quickly ate them up on the spot.


He did not choose to log in to the game, nor did he take the initiative to change his personality. Instead, he sat at the table, turned on the computer, and began to browse the forum quickly.

After half an hour...

"There is no relevant information." Mo Tan rubbed his forehead and whispered: "But it is expected. After all, [Innocent Realm] is not popular yet, the player base is not too large, and everyone is now Generally speaking, the level is relatively low, and the information that can be mastered is also very limited... Phew... Am I too worried..."

He was dazed for a while, then shook his head and said: "No, if it's really what I thought, then no matter how vigilant you are, you won't be too vigilant. I won't log in to the game today to see if this happens again." The lack of time..."

Having made up his mind, Mo Tan closed the computer, walked into the bedroom that had not been visited for several days, threw himself on the bed, and prepared to have a serious sleep.

As a result, he was so happy that he suffered from insomnia...

"It's boring!!" He scratched his hair and curled his lips depressedly: "I really want to play, this game is poisonous..."

"Oh, think about yourself and spend your time..."

Mo Tan closed his eyes.

[I was a little too hasty when I tested Dave's retarded mind. At that time, I didn't have much idea about the MAX concealment level. If an unexpected situation occurs, I may even die on the spot. I need to pay attention next time...]

[The talent of the Faithless seems to have little impact on Xiao Ai. The specific reason needs to be verified again. In fact, I had time to learn more about various gods through her before. It seems that I was a little careless in this regard...]

[The Chinese-faced paladin arrived much later than expected. It is necessary to further understand the operating procedures of the major organizational forces in the game...]

[I was a little too hasty when I killed the guy dressed as a civilian...]

[Today’s noodles have too much salt...]

[I haven’t talked to Futaba these few times online. It would be bad if that girl loses interest in the ‘game’. I need to have a little communication with her next time I go online...]


【A little sleepy……】

[Will that side of me...really appear in the game...]

【There is no feeling of expectation at all...】

See dawn

As soon as seven o'clock arrived, Ji Xiaodao immediately stood up from the game cabin, his eyes were a little straight, and he once again ignored his sister who said good morning to him...

"You don't look pretty." Ji Xiaoge did not play pranks this time, but looked at his twin sister with some worry: "What happened?"

The girl who noticed the difference in her demeanor immediately shook her head and reluctantly smiled at the former: "It's nothing..."

"It's nothing strange!" Ji Xiaoge snorted: "I have never seen you so distracted!"

"I'm going to help mom prepare breakfast." My sister left the room as if running away, and murmured in a low voice the moment she closed the door behind her back: "He... didn't show up..."

"I couldn't bear to let him be alone, so I felt lonely first..."

Chapter 43: End

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