Quadruple split

Chapter 463 I am strong

[Arc of Holy Light] is one of the new magical arts that Yuchen has mastered recently. She has already exceeded level 20. Unlike Mo Tan, who spends most of her time commanding fish, she has been passively doing it almost every day for the past two months. He honed his magical skills and relied on his own understanding and reading of skill books (classics) to learn a total of six new skills. His progress rate can be called a boss in the eyes of most players and a genius in the eyes of NPCs.

As for Mo Tan, who has also been in Misha County for two months, the only achievement in terms of personal strength during this period is that he has learned the [Truth Word Barrier]. This shows that Gelbin said before that he has no ability in divine arts. The remarks about what talent are indeed very pertinent.

However, the real [Arc of Holy Light] is definitely not this effect, because it is not an attack skill at all. In most cases, the so-called Arc of Holy Light should be an overflowing bright light band, which can It restores a small amount of health to the target that has been brushed, and improves the healing effect of other Dawn spells for a period of time. No matter how powerful the caster is, it can only emit a few more arcs...

But no matter what, this magical technique cannot produce two golden spears with strange patterns carved on them.

Those who were mercenaries and adventurers were okay, but several high-level justice paladins and Taylor who were familiar with multiple sects in the alliance felt a little confused, especially when the two spears penetrated straight through After killing seven or eight mutants and exploding into two groups of cold flames, Tyro, who had been in the Dawn Sect for most of his life, was almost shocked.

Although he couldn't see what it was, at least one thing was certain...

That is definitely not Dawn Magic!

In fact, that thing is indeed not the Dawn Magic.

[Spear of Midnight] (Brilliant Holy Glory is being activated)

Shadow active skills

Mastery requirements: Followers of Dark Goddess Delia, Wisdom 35

Consumption/limitation: 70 magic value, 50 faith value

Effect: Create two war spears shaped by shadow energy, causing moderate shadow damage to designated targets within fifteen meters, and reducing the shadow resistance of the unit damaged by the Midnight Spear by 15% within thirty seconds. Each time it penetrates one The damage of units and Midnight Spear will be reduced by 10%, and the cooldown time is 8 minutes.

[Remarks: Make a skewer of your heart and his heart, add two pounds of cooking wine, add pepper, and sprinkle some salt~]

That's right, under the interference of Yu Chen's [Unstable Divine Familiar] talent, [Arc of Holy Light], which was supposed to be a small-scale healing skill, has been completely transformed into a lethal dark magic, and because of its talent characteristics Because of this, its damage was directly doubled, and the cooling time was also reduced to four minutes!

The mutants who were attacking the defense line were strung on spears and flew several meters away. The filthy negative energy in their bodies was directly expelled by the power of shadow, and they died without saying a word.

But this does not mean that the situation is already safe...

There were thousands of mutants who passed through the sea of ​​fire alive, not to mention seven or eight dead, even seventy or eighty would not be a big deal. Those living dead who did not know what fear was still rushed over from all directions like crazy, quickly Pressing into the square outside the chapel, it took less than two minutes to force Snowmane and others up the steps.

"Your Highness the Saint! Please hide in the chapel!"

The densely packed monsters made Snowmane quickly forget about the abnormality just now. She clung to her mount and danced the giant hammer crazily with the cover of the Goru beast. The angry red flames surging above were so powerful that even if Just a small scratch is enough to 'purify' any mutant.

But there are too many enemies...

"Sorry, Sister Xuemane, it's useless for me to go back now."

Yuchen smiled sweetly. She had already entered a fighting state the moment she smashed out the two [Spears of Midnight]. Unless all the thousands of mutants crowded together in front of her died, she would It was no longer possible to go offline normally. Even if the spiritual connection was forcibly disconnected for some reason, Chen Wangyu's body would remain in the realm of innocence, so she did not retreat into the chapel, and even took two steps forward. Stopping not far behind the defense line of the Princess Guards, he smiled and said, "So let me help."

Another high-level justice knight who was covered in wounds smiled bitterly and shook his head, waving his hands and saying: "Your Highness, don't be like this, your life is much more valuable than ours."

“No one’s life is worth more than anyone else’s.”

Yuchen gently caressed the holy book that was spread out in his palm, and waved out a golden ribbon of light that looked like silk. It brushed over the knight and then bounced towards Taylor next to him. The brightness between the two bursts was not counted. After the too high light subsided, one-third of the minor wounds on the two men's bodies that were not too serious were healed directly.

Although no additional gain was triggered, this [Life Link] triggered a healing critical hit. If you just look at the data, this magical spell, which was not too powerful in the first place, actually directly restored 30% of Taylor's health. , even the high-level knight recovered nearly 20% of his health.

Taro, who was already getting angry, opened his mouth: "But Your Highness."

"Pay attention, Mr. Taylor."

Yuchen blinked his eyes, and then used a healing prayer that triggered multiple talents to forcefully stop the bleeding of Snowmane's Goru beast. He smiled and said, "I didn't stay here just to die with everyone." , so please protect me, and accordingly, I will work hard to protect everyone."


Taro wanted to say something more, but he was defeated under the girl's calm gaze. Finally, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, turned around and fought with the mutants again, and shouted with splitting eyes: "I obey my orders!"

"And sister Celine."

Yuchen suddenly turned sideways and gave the female mercenary who touched her side a recovery prayer with her backhand that could continuously restore blood: "I saw you before."

The mercenary knight who was tiptoeing around behind the saint to knock her unconscious laughed twice and obediently returned to Xuemane, who was taking care of the left defense line for him, to kill monsters.

Yuchen looked at each other and a certain mammoth female knight who secretly instigated her companions to knock her sap, and stuck out her tongue playfully: "I'm sorry~"

"There's really nothing I can do about you."

Snowmane sighed, raised his war hammer and smashed the two mutants into a burning house. He said helplessly: "Priest Black Van's good intentions are in vain. If you have something wrong with you, what should I do?" Talk to him and His Highness Xia Lian, but having said that, if you really had a problem, I would probably be done with it."

Yuchen trotted to the center of the defensive circle, spread out his little hands and released a bright new star of dawn, and said bitterly: "Hei Fan, I will apologize properly."

"Haha, then we have to work harder and at least give you a chance to apologize to Pastor Hei Fan."

Xue Zong laughed, and finally gave up the idea of ​​seizing the time to let Yu Chen hide in the chapel, and shouted loudly: "Ring formation! Protect Her Royal Highness the Saint!"


The others agreed in unison and quickly formed a semicircle to protect Yu Chen in the center. They changed their previous life-threatening fighting style and became more skillful. They also began to consciously save their own energy. .

Since Her Royal Highness the Saint wants to bring her group back alive, she can no longer play like she did before.

And Yuchen also immediately noticed the change in everyone's mentality, and finally breathed a small sigh of relief.

If these people still regard death as they did before, they probably won't be able to persist to the end no matter how hard they try, but if it is the current rhythm, it will be different.

【I should be able to do it】

Yuchen let out a long breath, looked at the bloody figures surrounding him, and gently clenched his fists.

She knew that although everyone's mentality had changed and they no longer fought for the purpose of sacrifice, no one including Taro and Snowmane still felt that they could survive. Everyone was doing this just to echo her. That sentence 'I didn't stay because I wanted to die with everyone'.

Only Yuchen knew that although hope was slim, it was not without chance.

Because she is here!

No one knows how powerful the Forgotten Saint of the Dawn Sect is. Whether they are the well-informed high-level paladins or the joint force soldiers who see Yu Chen almost every day, no one knows what she has. After all, Yuchen spends most of his time dispersing plagues for civilians. Even when he treats the wounded, he does it with a large number of clergy, so it is difficult for people to make an intuitive judgment about his strength.

Including her personal bodyguard Taylor, most people do not have high expectations for her in this regard. Even if she is a favored one by the gods, she is just a trainee saint. Even if Chen Wang in the future No matter how powerful her words are, in Xia Lian's words, she may even have a chance to surpass herself, but that is the future after all, a future that is completely incompatible with the present.

Whether she is favored by the gods or has extraordinary talents, how strong can a little girl who has only mastered less than twenty magical arts and has been a religious member for less than half a year be?

Being able to dispel a plague that even the archbishop has difficulty dispelling does not mean that she is better than the archbishop. After all, His Highness Yuchen is a favored person of God, and he is also a favored person of the most compassionate and healing goddess of dawn.

Including players, this is the view of the vast majority of people, a very objective view.

but it is not the truth.

Only Yuchen himself and Mo Tan and Yu Ying, who probably know her character profile, know the true strength of this trainee saint.

let's see

【Morning Forgot】

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Occupation: Priest level 22, Dawn Saint level 19, Dark Saint level 19

Alignment: Absolutely neutral

Belief: Paksi, goddess of dawn

HP: 580/580

Physical fitness value: 390/390

Magic value: 950/950

Faith value: 2000/2000

Talents: Unstable Divine Familiar, Gospel, Compassion, Benevolence, Purity, Piety, Incarnation of Holy Light (Activating)/Domination of Darkness, Blackening

Basic attributes: Strength 10, Dexterity 13, Wisdom 85, Constitution 29

Civilization attributes: Eloquence 1, Charisma 69, Knowledge 27, Leadership 1

Combat attributes: Holy Light Knowledge level 28, Shadow School level 1 (+15)

Skills: Enhanced Lay on Hands, Enhanced Prayer of Restoration, Enhanced Redemption, Enhanced Calming Aura, Enhanced Regeneration, Enhanced Condensing Arrow, Enhanced Dawn Nova, Enhanced Condensing Light, Life Link, Dawn Prayer, Arc of Holy Light, Holy Light Ripple, Light Directing, Dawn Hymn, Holy Word Heroism, Holy Word Blessing

Equipment: blue (refined) purple (epic) mix and match

This is Yuchen's current character panel. If this information alone about being outstanding among players is still not intuitive enough, we can also take a look at her talents.

Unstable Divine Familiar: Briefly

Incarnation of Holy Light/Domination of Darkness: Briefly

Darkening: Slightly

Gospel: All your healing skills have a certain chance of triggering a splash effect, replicating 25% of the effect of this skill for yourself and all friendly units within a five-meter radius of the target.

Mercy: Your healing amount for friendly units with a health value below 30% or stamina below 15% is increased by 30%. Your healing amount for units that meet the above two requirements is increased by 50%. The same target can only be killed within three minutes. This talent affects once.

Benevolent Heart: The critical hit rate of all your healing skills is increased by 8%, and the critical hit effect is increased by 25%. Within 15 seconds after the critical hit of the skill, the strength of all your skills is increased by 8%, and the casting speed is increased by 25%.

Purity: The cooldown of all your healing skills is reduced by 5%, the duration of all negative statuses received is reduced by 33%, and the effect is reduced by 10%.

Piety: You will not suffer backlash from divine spells, and the consumption of faith value is reduced by 50%, the consumption of magic value is reduced by 5%, and the consumption of physical energy value is reduced by 5%.

This set of talents that seemed to have been unlocked was a bit too much. After all, he was also a priest. When Mo Tan first learned about Yu Chen's set of talents, he almost dug in through a crack in the ground.

Angrily, Yuchen didn't speak to him for five whole minutes.

【I'm very strong, right? 】

Yuchen muttered in his heart, then shook his head, waved his fist forcefully, pursed his lips and said as if to cheer himself up: "I'm very strong!"

Even if she is not as powerful as Sister Xia Lian

Even if she's not as talented as Luna

Even if he is not as calm as Yuying

Even if I’m not as good at drinking as my elder brother

"I'm also very strong!"

The girl repeated with a reddish complexion, and accurately applied a holy healing spell to the leg of a certain war horse, allowing it to stabilize its body again the moment before it fell to the ground.

The surrounding members of the Princess Guards couldn't help laughing, shouting and cheering for the lovely princess behind them.

"Yes, Your Highness, of course you are very strong!"

"Your Highness is the most powerful!"

"Come on, Your Highness, it's up to you!"

"What a timely magic, it's so powerful, Your Highness!"

Yuchen blushed with embarrassment, and there was a relaxed and happy atmosphere surrounding him.

twenty minutes later

The lightness and happiness on everyone's faces disappeared, replaced by shock, overwhelming shock.

Because they discovered that Her Highness the Saint was not just cheering herself up, nor was she trying to be cute to everyone.

She is really strong!

Chapter 460: End

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