Quadruple split

Chapter 470 Reward Distribution

Chapter 467: Reward Distribution

[Player Yuying, your contribution ranking in the regional world mission ‘Rescuing Misha’ is: fourth, with a total contribution value of: 18572, and the rewards you receive are as follows:

1. Optional experience is 80,000, assassin professional experience is 5,000

2. Epic quality equipment: [Night Walker Ring]

【Nightwalker Ring】

Quality: Unique Epic

Type: Right-hand tail ring

Attributes: Dexterity +15, Constitution +10, Strength +5, Wisdom +5, Maximum acuity value +25%

Trait 1: Your movements will not make any sound in dark environments

Feature 2: 15*15m storage space inside

Trait 3: Stealth level +1, Stealth level +3 in dark environment

Trait 4: Slightly reduces visibility of surrounding environment

Trait 5: Slightly less attractive to the opposite sex

Equipment requirements: Contribution value in the regional world mission "Rescue Misha" \u003e 15000

[Note: Adjutant Yuying, thank you for everything you have done for Misha County. 】

3. Clues to the hidden task chain - [Blood Resentment Filled Window] (Based on your current strength, the difficulty of this task is: extremely dangerous)

4. [Shadow Dancer] Professional Quest

5. New talent [Blessing of Dawn] (Although you are not a believer of the goddess, you still won her gift with your own will and hard work)

6. The reputation of the United Holy Church +3500, the reputation of the Principality of Scaran +1500

7. A small bag of gold coins

8. A small bag of silver coins

9. A small piece of copper ingot】

Yu Ying: "..."

[Player Cordoba, your contribution ranking in the regional world mission "Rescue Misha" is: third, the total contribution value: 23333, and the rewards are as follows:

1. Legendary quality equipment: [Spear that pierces death thorns]

[The spear that pierces the death thorns]

Quality: Unique Legend (Soul Binding)

Type: One-handed weapon

Attributes: Strength +180, Dexterity +150, Constitution +150

Trait 1: Consumes 1 point of physical energy to give the next attack the trait of 'penetrating the target's heart'. It cannot be exempted from any effect.

Trait 2: When this equipment exists in your luggage, your 'lucky' attribute is explicit and is always E

Set effect: [Piercing Death Thorn Spear] + [Piercing Death Flying Spear] - Damage +80%, normal attacks cannot be dodged

Trait 3: Acquire skills - [Spinning Rush]

Equipment requirements: Contribution value in the regional world mission "Rescue Misha" \u003e 20,000

[Note: Do you still remember that you have a talent called [Transcendence]? 】

2. A complete Apocalypse Crystal (broken under the influence of ‘Lucky E’)

3. World collapse degree -1%]

Cordoba: "..."

[Player Chen Wangyu, your contribution ranking in the regional world task ‘Saving Misha’ is: second, with a total contribution value of: 27603, and the rewards are as follows:

1. Dawn/Dark Saint professional experience is 100,000, optional experience is 80,000

2. Excellent quality equipment [Ming Mie Shen Fa]

【The Divine Grace of Mingmingming】

Quality: only excellent (can grow)

Type: belt

Attributes: Intelligence +9, Constitution +9, Dexterity +9

Trait 1: Upper limit of faith value +50, upper limit of physical fitness value +100

Trait 2: Can store one low-level dawn magic and one low-level dark magic

Equipment requirements: Have the profession Dawn Saint, have the profession Dark Saint

[Remarks: Pakosi and Delia, who are both members of the Moonlight Clan, each contributed half of the money to jointly purchase the women's belt. The holy light is 135 per week, the shadow is 246 per week, and there is intermittent smoke on Sundays]

3. New skill [divine descending technique]

[divine descending technique]

Special Skills

Mastery requirements: Beloved by God, the sect reputation of the corresponding god is \u003e50,000, and the gender is the same as the corresponding god.

Consumption/limitation: The current highest level profession -1 level

Effect: Use yourself as a support to bring specific gods to the world, lasting 1-30 minutes, with a cooling time of 480 hours.

Advent gods: Paksi, goddess of dawn, Delia, goddess of darkness

[Remarks: Dear VVVVVIP users, a traffic-free dedicated line has been opened for you and your god, please check it. 】

4. Obtain clues to the only legendary quest chain [Sisters]

5. The reputation of the United Holy Church +30000, the reputation of the Dawn Sect +99999 (MAX), the reputation of the Justice Sect +10000, the reputation of the Abundance Sect +5000, the reputation of the Sun Sect +5000, the reputation of the Principality of Skarlan +8000,

6. Obtain special props [Scape]


Quality: ordinary

Effect: Protect the wearer from one fatal damage

[Note: A white paper man with no gender, no emotions, no thoughts, contains strange power]

Yu Chen, who was in a coma, excitedly sent a message to Mo Tan: "Wow, so awesome!"

[Player Hei Fan, your contribution ranking in the regional world mission "Rescue Misha" is: first, the total contribution value: 30672, and the rewards are as follows:

1. Discipline Priest professional experience: 150,000

2. Obtain the talent [Kindness] (you can wear the saint’s limited equipment if you meet the basic conditions)

3. Obtain special props [Scripture Draft]

【Scripture Draft】

Quality: rundown

Effect:? ? ?

[Remarks: The first version of the holy book when Dawn Sect was founded was written by Angel, the original saint who was ‘the person closest to God’ and mysteriously disappeared thousands of years ago]

4. Civilization attributes: Leadership +10, Charisma +1

5. Obtain the skill [Blank Law Order]*1

6. Key tips for the discipline priest profession: read more

7. The reputation of the United Holy Church +10,000, the reputation of Dawn Sect +10,000, the reputation of the Principality of Scaran +10,000

8. Unlock one of the core gameplay features of the next major update in advance: the title system. The title will be awarded based on the player's performance in the game after being determined by the system, and will change based on the player's subsequent performance.

※After obtaining the legendary quality title, the title cannot be changed※

※The only title in the world cannot be changed※

※Except for the first title, players can refuse subsequent title changes※

Obtained the title——[Commander Hei Fan]

【Commander Hei Fan】

Category: title

Quality: Excellent

Attributes: The casting distance is extended by 3 meters.

Passive trait [Authority]: Civilization attribute: Leadership +20

Active trait [Loud]: After activation, it comes with low-level amplification magic effect

Active trait [Inspire]: Select an area of ​​10*10 meters, dispel up to 1 abnormal state of up to 3 friendly targets within the range every minute, and increase all damage caused by them by 5% for 10 seconds.

Active trait [Tactical Map]: You can create a magic sand table, revealing the terrain within a diameter of 100 meters centered on you, and marking the positions of all units within the range. The duration is 30 minutes and the cooling time is 15 minutes.

[Note: Lead us to victory, Commander! 】

Mo Tan blinked and subconsciously exclaimed: "This amount of information is really large."

At this point, the four players present and the top four players in the entire regional world mission have received rewards, and their gold content is indeed worthy of the words ‘world mission’.

Not to mention a certain unlucky one, Yuying's epic ring, high-level career unlocking missions, and hidden mission clues that are visually related to her [Blinking Traces] are all very important; Yuchen's The growth belt, the divine descending technique that is destined to have extraordinary effects, and the quest chain clues that are not simple at first glance are naturally very powerful; not to mention Motan, even though the [Draft of Holy Code], [Blank Law Order] and Duodu Read The hints are quite confusing, and the [Kai En] talent that can wear women's clothing is also very annoying, but just the title system that is unlocked in advance for the next update is very fierce, whether it is the basic ability to increase the casting distance without any difference The attributes, as well as the few traits that are indistinguishable from the talent, are all very fierce, and they are very consistent with Mo Tan's own characteristics (limited to absolute neutrality), as if... no, they are simply tailor-made.

Perhaps the title [Commander Hei Fan] does not play a big role on a battlefield like Misha County, but if it is a small-scale battle under normal circumstances, the characteristics of the [Tactical Map] alone are terrifying enough. .

So what should I say? It really deserves to be a world mission...

Including Yuchen, who was in a coma and couldn't do anything, everyone sighed secretly in their hearts, leaving Paula next to her a little confused.


The orc female captain with a hot figure looked curiously at the three people in front of her who were lost in thought at the same time, and couldn't help but curiously asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Mo Tan came back to his senses immediately, waved his hand and said with a smile: "Nothing, just a little emotion."

Yu Ying nodded and said matter-of-factly: "I can't bear to leave this place."

Cordoba looked up to the sky and roared: "I am not unlucky!!!"

Mo Tan, Yu Ying, Paula:? ? ?

"Uh, it's okay."

Corvo grinned and clenched his fists, frowned and looked around for a long time, and muttered in a low voice: "I always feel like someone is complaining about me..."

Mo Tan gave a dry laugh, thinking that this buddy's paranoia of being ridiculed had come back again.

After a while, after Paula returned to the cabin to take care of Xia Lian, a few people quietly discussed their world mission rewards. Mo Tan, Yu Chen (who sent a message to Mo Tan asking him to help talk) and Yu Ying They are all quite satisfied, Cordoba... It’s okay not to mention Cordoba.

ten minutes later

Game time AM03:31

Yuying and the two paladins left the 'Black Eel-class' warship and landed at the northernmost point of Misha County. Yuying, who was not very interested in the City of Light, decided to take a stroll to the east to go to that famous place. Strolling around the free zone in the City of Freedom, in her words, 'For an assassin who has no emotions, that kind of mixed-race place is definitely more suitable for me than a religious holy place. ’

So after shaking hands with Cordoba, giving Mo Tan a symbolic hug, and hugging Yuchen for several minutes, she left gracefully. She didn't wave her sleeves, but took away half a kilogram of decorative lighting. crystal.

As for the two paladins, they are both messengers. The first one to do is official business. He will go south along the northern blockade and tell everyone the news of the victory in the battle. By the way, he will distribute the news about the Holy Land to various blockades. The line of support was gathered together, striving to join the main force before tomorrow night, and then rush back to the Capital of Light through normal channels.

The second paladin was doing a private matter, the content of which was relayed by Mo Tan on behalf of Yuchen, that is, he rushed back to Panshu City to find Gaheres and told him that Yuchen had to rush early due to physical reasons. Return to the Capital of Light. If Gaheres is willing, he can return to the Capital of Light with the Paladins, who have less than a hundred people left.

This was what Yuchen had promised him before. Before the Requiem Project began, when the large army was still near Panshu City, Yuchen met Gaheres when he was treating the infected for the last time. Although the support from the Holy Domain was in place at that time, there were still too many infected people gathered in Panshu City. Even with the help of a few great priests with deep knowledge, they could not handle it. Therefore, [Dark Absorption] can be used to disperse them on a large scale. Plague's Yuchen helped until the last moment, and then during the break he saw Gaheres, whose physical condition had deteriorated to the extreme.

At that time, she thought that the other person had been reinfected while helping, and she immediately started to treat him, but was firmly rejected by the thin young man who had difficulty walking. Under Yuchen's questioning, Jia He Reis told the truth. In short, it was to stabilize those who were becoming increasingly negative. He was mistaken for the saint's cronies. He hoped to use this misunderstanding to set an example and reassure everyone. This would also be conducive to the stability of the entire rear area, otherwise those It's okay to say ugly rumors. Once a riot breaks out in the rear, tens of thousands of civilians will definitely cause turmoil and even lead to irreparable consequences.

It was only then that Yuchen knew what Mo Tan meant by "making trouble" that she had mentioned to her before. It was difficult for her to agree with Gaheres's views, and she couldn't shake the latter's statement that he would never accept it until everyone was cured. The treatment's persistence was extremely touching.

Until she was about to leave, Gaheres, who knew that Her Majesty the Saint was about to rush to the final battlefield, bravely made a request, that is, if he persisted until the end and survived, could he return to the light with Yu Chen? capital, and will serve as an attendant to help spread the goddess's grace.

Naturally, Yuchen had no reason to refuse. The cathedral she lived in before had many devout believers volunteering to help. With Herres's character, it would be easy for her to stabilize there, so she agreed without thinking.

It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the change. Although Yuchen survived despite violating Mo Tan's arrangements, she fell into a coma due to excessive accumulation of negative energy in her body and did not join the Paladins as planned. Returning to the City of Light, instead, at Xia Lian's unquestionable strong request, he took a free ship from the Principality of Scaran and headed north as fast as possible.

The only companions were Paula, the minimum crew, a few paladins, Xialian, Mo Tan, Cordoba, the religious bugbear Barsaka, and Luna. They boarded the boat directly on the banks of the Twin Cities river and headed north without stopping. Rushing there, there was no time to go back to Panshu City and bring Gaheres with him.

But Yuchen has not forgotten him. This kind-hearted girl may not know what she represents to the rustic young man, but she has never forgotten her promise, so after learning about the ship's After the temporary stop, I immediately asked Mo Tan to find a paladin to help report to Gaheres. Anyway, the task has been completed. Misha County is now completely safe, and there is no danger on the road.

but it is not the truth……

[If the knight really didn’t encounter any danger along the way and successfully arrived at Panshu City...

If Wenqiu hadn't wanted to help Brother Hei Fan's efforts to have a perfect ending...

If Gahres had visited the player space, or had the habit of playing game forums...

Then the Dawn Sect may have one more devout believer, and the Grand Alliance Army will have one more kind and strong man in the future...

And that [data deleted] [data deleted] [data deleted] [data deleted] [data deleted] [data deleted] [data deleted] [data deleted] [data deleted] [data deleted].

——"The End of the Years I Wandered" Jun Wu]

Chapter 467: End

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