Quadruple split

Chapter 472 Madness before dawn

it's a regrettable accident

Although Hei Fan did not ask the paladin to go see Wenqiu specifically, it was not because he didn't care or forgot about him. It was just because he knew that Wenqiu was a player, a player like himself, so he did not consider it. So many, after all, they are all playing games, and no one has any reason to ask the other person to accompany them as they please. If they want to communicate, there are also friend messages that can communicate information at any time. Therefore, under the premise that we are close to each other in the world, there is no need to interact with NPCs. The dealings are equally thorough.

If Wenqiu was not a player, but just an NPC girl, Mo Tan would most likely ask the knight to visit Hofer City and ask about the latter's situation and future plans, but Wenqiu was not an NPC after all, and She was a player friend who could message and chat at any time regardless of distance, or a little sister. Coupled with his misjudgment of Wenqiu's true character, he didn't think much about it.

Of course, Wenqiu is not a willful child. After all, she did send several friend messages to her brother Hei Fan after the war, and she has not received any reply. Regarding this, we can indeed understand that Mo Tan is wrong, but it’s not without reason.

Because after the Requiem battle was completely over, Mo Tan received too many messages from his friends. You must know that when the death squads were almost wiped out, most of the players had been killed, and those who desperately wanted to know For those who are eager to express their excitement about the follow-up development, anyone who has a friend with the character 'Hei Fan' will basically send him a few messages of greetings, feelings or confirmation. During this period, due to the need of the command, Mo Tan There are already hundreds of players in his friend list. You can imagine how messy his message list is after the news of victory broke out through various channels.

As for Xiao Wenqiu's few coquettish messages after the number of mutants dropped to zero, they were undoubtedly drowned in the ocean of messages in an instant. Mo Tan, who did not reply to most people, naturally did not reply to her, let alone reply. , he didn’t see it at all.

We can say that Hei Fanse is obsessed with his mind and has not pinned any player except 'Chen Wangyu', but this is actually reasonable. After all, although his relationship with Wenqiu is very good, for Mo Tan After all, the other party was just a lovable game friend, and she was also a very sensible little sister type. In addition, his friend list at that time was full of only Futaba and a bunch of new real friends. There were no friends at all. There are a few people, so it makes sense not to top it.

Wenqiu's definition of Brother Hei Fan is the first big brother who can have fun with him (including in reality) and who is trustworthy, so it will naturally be different when he sees him.

And we cannot expect a child to be rational, reasonable, or logical.

Therefore, this accident that made the whole world sigh inevitably happened.

Xiao Wenqiu suffered a certain degree of psychological shock and killed the knight who went to deliver a message to Gaheres for Yuchen on the spot.

Until now, neither Yuchen nor Mo Tan knew that Gaheres was not actually an NPC.

"A knight was attacked here. The murderer should be the evil spirit that you sensed before, my lord. Judging from the state of these skeleton weapons, that person shouldn't have been away for too long. If I chase him now, I might still be alive." Have the opportunity."

Taishang briefly reported his findings to Gu Xiaole. Strictly speaking, he reported it to the paper man who had established some kind of contact with Gu Xiaole. The latter was still comforting the deceased in Shawa City. The main body is very far away from here.

"Wait a mininute."

The paper man said seriously, then jumped up to the hundreds of bright red bone spears and circled twice, then reluctantly squeezed in and stopped near the corpse of the paladin in the center. After a while, he was silent for a while before shaking his head and saying: "Come back immediately and don't try to track the murderer's whereabouts."

Taishang was stunned for a moment, and his slightly soulless body slightly frowned: "But my lord."

"There is no but, the gap is too big, we are not at the same level as the other party at all."

Gu Xiaole interrupted her husband No. 19 without any doubt, and said solemnly: "If it were in my original world, it would be okay. Even if it is a monster of this level, I can find a way, and even if I can't defeat it, I can still get it. We can defeat the monster, but that’s not possible in this world. The opponent’s strength is already much higher than ours. With Cordoba and Captain Boba leaving, there is no one in the entire Misha County who can defeat the monster. The only result of chasing after you now is to be beaten directly to death, and don't forget that the other party may also use the power of 'spirit'. The worst consequence may be to forcibly 'annihilate' you, even as a Master I can’t be resurrected, do you understand?”

Taishang, who had a sense of justice, gritted his teeth, nodded to express his willingness to obey the order, and then whispered: "But Lord, should we just leave him alone? If this disaster happens again, it may happen here."

"Life is ruined."

Gu Xiaole sighed, shook his head and said: "I know, but if you can't beat me, you can't beat me, so I plan to stay here during this period, always pay attention to the movements, and if necessary, I will anonymously find the master of the Holy Religion Alliance to come over. If the formal way doesn't work, then go through Tan Jiang. He has a fierce fight with the super big wave saint. He will definitely find a way to find a master. And after you completely regain your strength, it may be possible to escape without attracting the attention of the monster. Keep an eye on him and investigate him carefully when the time comes, but that’s all we can do now.”

Tai Shang nodded slightly: "Yes, my lord."

"Clean up the scene before ordinary people notice it. It's better not to let others notice this kind of thing now." The paper man staggered back to Taishang's feet and sat down on the latter's shoes. On the tip, he said solemnly: "She is probably the real culprit who caused this disaster. If I have a choice, I really don't want to provoke him at all."

Taishang nodded, then lowered his head and asked while arranging a barrier that could clear away filth: "By the way, lord, I can't sense the spirit of the deceased. It stands to reason that only a quarter of an hour has passed. His spirit can't be felt." It should dissipate completely.”

"I also discovered that there are usually three possibilities for this kind of thing."

Gu Xiaole sat on Tai Shang's boots and played on the slide, and said lightly: "First, this paladin's spirit is too weak to last long in this world, which is the lowest possibility; second, the murderer has The ability to imprison the soul and take away his spirit is the highest possibility; thirdly"

She paused, looked at the half-piece of plate armor not far away with the emblem of the Dawn Sect on it, and said softly: "That means he has found a new destination."

"Is that so?"

"I hope so."


"That's what I hope it is."

Game time AM06:29

The swollen Gahres was galloping wildly under the night. He comically leaned on the back of Knight Robert's horse to minimize the possibility of being thrown off. Although his physical condition was already in terrible shape, he was already confused and shaky. But he still didn't want to let the horse beneath him slow down even a minute.

Three hours ago, when he was in the infected camp outside Panshu City, he heard the good news from the front line, and also learned that Her Royal Highness the Saint seemed to be safe and sound. He couldn't help but praise the goddess of dawn from the bottom of his heart, and then I looked for people everywhere to inquire about the situation in the front line, but because there were almost no players here, all the news was vague and there was almost no accurate intelligence.

Gahres spent a full hour inquiring before finally getting concrete information from a militiaman who had just retreated from the Hodir Pass to see his wife.

The mutants were wiped out and the combined forces won, a brutal victory.

The Princess Guards who were supposed to be abandoned survived and were protected by the Saint of Forgotten Words.

Most of the survivors have arrived in Abby City for treatment, but it is said that the two holy ladies have left Misha County and returned to the Holy Land by boat with the Skallan people who did not know where they came from.


"No more, that's it."

The bearded dwarf who was in charge of cooking at Hodir Pass impatiently pushed Gaheres away and ran back to Panshu City to reunite with his wife.

there is none left?

His Highness Wangyu left?

Went to the Sanctuary with the Scarrans?

what about me?

Gaheres was stunned. He had been tortured by the plague until now. He only felt cold all over, and even his thinking had stagnated.

But after all, he was still a player who suffered from being weakened by the system, and he was not a weak-willed person. He quickly thought of many possibilities.

For example, when the City of Light learned that the Saint was in danger, they immediately recalled her.

For example, His Highness Wangyu was seriously injured and needed immediate treatment.

For example, if there is any big discovery during the battle, the headquarters must be notified as soon as possible.

That’s why I left in such a hurry, that’s why I didn’t have time to take myself with me

[Yes, it must be like this. Your Highness Wangyu has promised me. There is no way she will break the promise, and there is no way she will forget. She said she would take me with her, and she will not leave me here.]

Gaheres convinced himself to regain his confidence, and then became even more uneasy. He was afraid that Her Highness the Saint was really seriously injured as he thought just now, and was being rushed to the City of Light for rescue.

[If that’s the case, it’s better that she just forgot about me.]

He thought so, and then began to wait restlessly.

Because if it were Your Highness Wangyu, even if she had no choice but to leave, people would still find her, right?

His confidence suddenly became less firm again.

An hour later, Robert Knight, who had a good relationship with Gajeres, returned.

Gaheres waited patiently until the meeting between Robert and Panshu City Lord was over, then hurriedly went up to him, grabbed the other person's hand and asked: "Is Your Highness Wangyu okay?"

Yes, this was what he blurted out subconsciously, not "Did His Highness Wangyu mention me?"

Robert's expression froze for a moment, but Gahres, whose vision was blurred due to the plague, did not see clearly and only heard the other party's straightforward and decisive answer.

"His Royal Highness Wangyu is very good, very good, so that's it. I have something else to do. If you have anything to say, I'll talk about it later."

"Where is Your Highness now?"

Gahres asked in hot pursuit: "It is said that she went"

"Yes, His Highness has returned to the Holy Land."

Robert nodded, stopped and looked at Gahres: "Because of some ordinary trivial matters."

"Something trivial?"

Gahres was stunned for a moment, then took a deep breath, raised his swollen face and asked Robert: "Can I borrow your horse for a while?"

Robert eventually lent his horse to Gaheres.

The latter waited in Panshu City for a while, but still did not receive any news related to him.

So he galloped northward on horseback.

He himself didn't know what he wanted to do, he only knew that the sanctuary was in the north of Misha County.

So Gaheres set out on the road in a daze.

Under the ravages of the plague, he was unconscious, physically weak, with eroded skin and blurred vision. Although these bad states were similar to ordinary drunkenness after being weakened by the system, it was still enough to make Gah, who was already on the verge of collapse, Reis became confused.

Until he fell off his horse and curled up on an unknown path.

Gahres felt that his body temperature was dropping rapidly, his limbs were becoming stiff, and he was gradually losing control of himself.

【Mutations? 】

These two words flashed through his mind.

"Ha ha."

He laughed dryly, knowing that he was about to become a mutant, so he closed his eyes and waited for the system's death prompt.

After only a few seconds, he heard

"Who are you?"

It was a clear child's voice that did not belong to the system. He opened his eyes with difficulty and found a little girl carved in jade and pink looking at him curiously.

"Xiao Wenqiu?"

Gahres asked hoarsely, but he only let out a monster-like roar. When he discovered something, he waved his hands vigorously in an attempt to keep the other person away from him, but he saw the girl showing a sweet smile.

"Brother Gaheres~"

Wenqiu squatted next to Gaheres, gently touched his forehead, and asked with a smile: "Why are you here?"

The pain that had spread throughout his body subsided.

Gahres, who had completely recovered his ability to think, sat up suddenly and murmured subconsciously: "His Royal Highness Wangyu, she"

"Your Highness Wangyu?"

Wenqiu rolled his eyes, spread his hands and said, "His Royal Highness Wangyu and Brother Hei Fan are happily going to the City of Light."

Gahres was stunned: "How do you know?"

"A paladin brother told me."

The girl shrugged and pouted: "I was abandoned."




Gahres looked at the girl's angry little face and his mind went blank.

His Royal Highness Wangyu left, completely forgetting himself, and went to the Capital of Light with the unparalleled commander Hei Fan, leaving himself and his previous commitment behind.

He suddenly recalled his previous thought - [If this is the case, it would be better if she just forgot about me. 】

No, not really.

Gaheres now feels from the bottom of his heart that instead of the other party forgetting him like this, it would be better to be seriously injured and endangered before being sent back to the sanctuary as a last resort. Or simply...

At least that way, Her Highness the Saint will still be the Her Highness the Saint in my mind.

That light broke through the despair and darkness and illuminated his own light.


"Haha, hahaha. Hahahahaha!!!"

Gaheres suddenly laughed. He was shaking with laughter, beating his chest, bursting into tears, hysterical, and bleeding from all his orifices. He laughed like crazy for a full five minutes before covering his forehead and falling to his knees.

"This kind of thinking. This kind of thinking is true. Both me and the world are already rotten."

"Brother Gaheres?"

Wen Qiu tilted her little head and looked at the man in front of her who had been completely destroyed by something other than a plague, and gently tugged on the man's clothes.

"Do you want to ask Qiu to coax you?"

Chapter 469: End

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