Quadruple split

Chapter 489 Blood and Tears

twenty minutes ago

woodland edge

"The bad guy is inside!"

Yaya jumped off the wooden cart lightly, wagging his tail and lying on the ground, sniffing gently, and said in a low voice with a sullen face: "Don't move anymore."

Mo Tan also turned over and jumped off the horse, frowning and looking at the lush woods in front of him: "Are they resting inside? Or is this their 'delivery' location?"

"Anyway, we must continue to chase, and it's best to put on the equipment and be armed before going in."

Ji Xiaoge shook his long hair, then flapped his wings and flew into the air seven or eight meters high. He circled lightly for half a circle and then fell back to the ground. He shrugged and said: "There is no one here anymore. If you are surrounded by those If this guy notices us, we will probably be suspected no matter how we dress up. Miss Chris also said that the Viper Chamber of Commerce is a group of desperadoes, so they will probably attack us with the mentality of preferring to kill the wrong one."

I have to say that although this girl is extremely silly and cheerful, has a very low point of laughter, and does not have a correct understanding of her own cooking skills, she has never lost her way at the critical moment, and her ideas and focus are particularly in place.

And the fact is just as she said, everyone's 'little caravan' disguise is meaningless now. With the cruelty of Viper and the others, whenever they find Mo Tan and his group in such an uninhabited place, their first reaction is It's definitely not whether these guys are following us, but how to kill them efficiently and quickly. Under this premise, continuing to maintain the disguise has no real meaning other than reducing one's combat effectiveness in the face of emergencies. .

Of course, Mo Tan also thought of this, but now he is not a very pushy person, so he didn't talk about it since he probably expected that Ji Xiaoge would remind everyone.

"Wang thinks it's good!"

Yaya was the first to raise his hands to support, and then started to pull the dress on his body, which shocked Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge and Dabus.

But this girl finally had enough foresight. She reacted the moment her white and smooth shoulders were exposed, then she scratched her hair sillyly, stuck out her tongue and said with a smile: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Change clothes in front of the dogs."

"Silly girl! I don't think you are so short-sighted!"

Ji Xiaoge fluttered her wings and flew in front of Yaya with a blushing face. She lifted up her index finger and scratched the tip of Yaya's nose, then dragged her towards the woods. As she walked, she turned around and called to Mo Tan and Dabus. Said: "You are not allowed to peek!"

Then the two girls quickly disappeared into the woods.

"Tell me the truth, brother."

Dabus suddenly turned to Mo Tan seriously and whispered: "How many times have you taken advantage of that bitch girl?"

Mo Tan's face froze, and he was about to deny it, but suddenly he thought of the countless times he was thrown to the ground, grabbed by Yaya, and knocked to the ground, as well as having his cheeks licked many times when he was caught off guard. After holding it in for a long time, he unexpectedly He was stunned and didn't say anything.


Dabbs was shocked at that time, and said with a horrified look on his face: "I was just kidding you, what do you mean by that expression!?"

Mo Tan coughed dryly and shrugged: "You should also know how strict this game is. Not to mention NPCs of different genders. Even players who are lovers here have to be treated with disrespect, so... right?"

Dabus shook his neck and said with empty eyes, "I don't know, I'm just an ogre, and a two-headed ogre at that."

Mo Tan: "..."

"Haha, let's stop making trouble. Of course I know this kind of thing."

Dabbs shook his finger and said with a sly smile: "At that time, the school board of directors specifically investigated whether this game would encourage students to develop puppy love."

"Your school is so strict."

Mo Tan sighed from the bottom of his heart. He knew that Dabus was a high school teacher, and this era has already been quite tolerant of campus love. As long as it doesn't go too far, or when the body and mind are not mature enough, In a certain line, basically no one cares about romance between boys and girls. On the one hand, in a society that despises exam-oriented education, there is no such thing as "XXX will affect grades"; on the other hand, …

If you really care about it, it will be in vain. People who don't want to talk (or can't find a partner) don't have to worry about it. People who really see their green beans or like bastards can't be controlled. The result of suppression is nothing more than turning both parties into underground workers. It’s like this: I lean against the window at the back door of the classroom, and you two flirt with each other; I lean against the window at the back door of the classroom, and you two act dumb; I continue to lean against the window at the back door of the classroom, and you two look at Morse code; I go home and study three Yue finally learned Morse code, and you two broke up because of drinking too much hot water...

This kind of thing happens so often that the teacher doesn't care about it anymore. It's not a matter of moral character anyway. It's okay for someone to fall in love willingly, as long as there are no issues of principle.

That's why Mo Tan felt that the school in Dabus was really strict.

"Hi, it's actually a standing archway."

Dabus snorted with some disdain, spread his hands and said: "No one listened at all, the leader is just enjoying himself."

Mo Tan smiled and didn't comment much on the matter.

"But then again..."

Dabbs did not continue to complain about his leader, but frowned and stared into the depths of the forest, and said in a deep voice: "What should we do in a while? It would be fine if those people just rested, but if they are delivering goods ’ If so, can a few of us really save those who were sold as slaves? If we continue to follow them, the sky is vast and wild here, and the possibility of being discovered is too high."

"Then it depends on what Lao Jia says..."

Mo Tan turned around and glanced at Jadeka, who had already changed into his robe. He was squatting on the wooden cart and meditating. Then he put on his best equipment at this stage, which was an average and high-quality wooden board. Knight's armor, this set of outfits all come from the Tianzhu Mountain Arena rewards, and have been kept in the bag because it seemed to be more fashionable before.

Through some simple guesses, Mo Tan had roughly guessed Jadeka's plan, so he did not follow his previous idea, which was to cause a commotion in a crowded place like the Eastern Racecourse to launch a rescue operation. I chose to follow the target to such a remote place with everyone.

At this moment, two girls, Ji Xiaoge and Yaya, who had gone into the woods to change clothes, also came back. The former had not changed much because it was not a standard combat profession, while the latter put on the close-fitting, lightweight and revealing clothes again. He wore a leather armor suit of moderate strength. After he came back, he ran to the car and grabbed his holy clothes... Well, he put the weapon box behind him and it was all done.

"One hour."

After everyone was ready, Jadeka, who had been silent since just now, suddenly raised his head and said to his companions with a serious face: "If nothing happens, someone will come to help us in another hour. Those slave traders are not simple things, so I hope everyone will not act rashly during this period."

Out of trust in Jadeka and some guesses, they didn't ask any more questions. They just nodded slightly to express that they had no objections. Yaya and Anthony didn't have any guesses. One of them is cute and the other is stupid, and they both prefer to rely on others. , so I rarely take the initiative to express any opinions,

"But we still need to keep track."

Ji Xiaoge lightly slapped his palms, turned back and raised his chin into the depths of the forest, and said softly: "Those people haven't moved for a long time. We should keep an eye on them."

Jadeka stroked his beard and chuckled, nodding: "Of course, let's leave the horses and carts outside first, so that there can be less noise. There are many small creatures in this forest that are not strong and have relatively strong auras." It's a bit messy, so as long as it doesn't make any big noise, it should be hard to spot, well, Dabbs, you better be careful."

Dabbs thought about it for a while, then took out a box of the few remaining grain reserves (made by Ji Xiaoge) and let Anthony eat a snack on the spot. After the latter finished eating, he put him to sleep with a few words. After that, he nodded to everyone and said, "I have no problem here."

So, everyone left the horses and wooden carts outside and entered the woodland that could be seen everywhere in Caselo as quietly as possible.

Ya Ya walks in the front, and her sense of hearing and smell is very sensitive. She leads the crowd as a pioneer. Although the compatibility between dogs and the forest is not too high, the dog girl who has never lost her wild nature is still like a fish in water. Not only She moves very fast, and can see all directions without making any sound. If she hadn't often waited in place for a short while, it would have been impossible for Mo Tan and others to keep up with her.

Followed closely was Ji Xiaoge. Although she was not as relaxed and comfortable as Yaya, she still gave full play to the advantages of the winged clan. Every time her snow-white wings flapped, she would bring up a burst of fragrant wind, and affect the girl's graceful beauty. Her body looms in the forest, like a beautiful and charming forest fairy, making people reluctant to look away.

But fortunately, Jadka is old and Dabbs cares about Teacher Chen, so the two people walking at the back are relatively calm. Even if they occasionally look at each other one or two more times, their eyes are just pure. Appreciate it, and don’t have any bad thoughts.

As for Mo Tan, who has dealt with Ji Xiaoge the most in the game and has met him more than once in real life, he has become somewhat resistant to the latter, especially since he was affected by [Yi Gu Qingren City] at close range some time ago. Passed, so I can maintain my mind as still as water...

Boom! !

"Sorry sorry."

Mo Tan, who accidentally hit a tree, got up from the ground awkwardly and touched the tip of his nose awkwardly: "I was a little distracted just now."

fifteen minutes later

Yaya, who was rushing at the front, suddenly stopped, then quickly leaned down and turned around and waved to the four people behind him: "The bad dog is in front, only a few dozen dogs away from us."

Ji Xiaoge immediately fell back to the ground, folded his wings and half-knelt beside Yaya, and whispered to Mo Tan, Jadeka and Dabus who had followed behind him: "What should we do now?"

"Go and check the situation first, be careful to stay hidden, Dabbs, you stay here first, I will call you over if there is an emergency."

Mo Tan held his breath and concentrated, speaking with the same imperceptible volume.

The overly large ogre nodded slightly, then slowly sat on the ground holding the big wooden stick that Anthony got from somewhere: "I understand."

"Everyone slowed down and used the cover of birdsong and wind."

Jadeka carried his staff, whose top had been frozen into a big lump of ice, and quietly walked around in front of Yaya. He casually scattered something on the ground, and then whispered: "Follow my pace. "

Then the old man followed the relatively clear wheel prints on the ground and moved forward one step at a time. It was a real "step by step" and the texture of the soles was clearly visible.

As a result, Mo Tan, Ya Ya and Ji Xiao Ge followed closely behind Jadeka, and in the process, they tried their best to follow the footprints left by Jadeka, and this move strangely made They didn't make a sound, and they didn't even touch the treetops and various branches and leaves nearby.

[You have mastered the skill: Stalker Pace - Getting Started]

The system prompt sounded in the ears of Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge, and the two of them had no intention of opening the character panel to confirm, because they heard a weak and hoarse wail almost at the same time.

An open space appeared in front of the four of them, and the three black carriages were parked not far in front of them...

The next second, a plume of bright red blood splashed out, and the screams stopped abruptly.

Yaya and Ji Xiaoge, who were lying behind the bushes, widened their eyes at the same time, and then Mo Tan quickly covered their mouths, suppressing the exclamation that had reached their lips.

A few seconds later, the four of them looked up cautiously, and saw a thin female orc lying in a pool of blood, with a pair of brown pupils that had lost focus and lost any brilliance.

There were at least dozens of stab wounds on her body. Due to the rapid weight loss in a short period of time, the loose-skinned neck was brutally cut into one third. It was obvious that she was already dead and could no longer die.

Right next to the corpse, a male orc holding a knife was sitting there sluggishly. He wore a strange-looking helmet on his head, and the ring of decorative crystals on it still had not been dissipated. reddish light.

"He's crying..."

Ji Xiaoge patted Mo Tan's hand gently to indicate that he had calmed down, and then murmured in a low voice after the other person let go of him: "He is crying."

Mo Tan looked intently and saw that although the male orc who had just killed his comrades had a dull expression, his stiff face facing the crowd was filled with tears, mixed with the blood splashing on his face, silently. The earth seeps into the earth.

At the same time, a goblin with big ears danced and laughed...

"Perfect, it's perfect! What a clean cut, great!"

Chapter 486: End

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