Quadruple split

Chapter 491 Lightning flash

"The 'goods' you want are all here."

Sergei, who was smoother than Iron Bolt, leaned over and saluted, then extended his right hand to the two carriages not far away, and smiled: "There are a total of 209 orcs, all aged between twenty and forty-five. Between them, 70% are men and 30% are women. They do not have any malignant diseases. As for their physical condition... as long as they eat a few full meals, they will become very healthy, which should fully meet the requirements you made before."

Rex Hawkwood, who claimed to be the next head of the family, nodded slightly, then snapped his fingers: "Go and check it out."

"As you command, my lord."

A somewhat obscene sound suddenly sounded, startling Tie Shuan, but Sergei, who was relatively sensitive to breath, did not show any surprise. He just looked behind Rex and stared at the man with narrowed eyes. A burly figure appeared quietly.

It was an orc, an orc thief wearing dark green leather armor, with a big body and a round waist, but with a high level of stealth.

"Haha, don't look at me like that."

The dark-skinned orc thief chuckled, raised his hands and shook them twice to show that he had no hostility at all, and said unhurriedly: "I am not the kind of fool who will be filled with indignation because his fellow tribesmen are treated as goods. My friend, you don’t need to be so guarded.”

After saying that, he took two steps like a leisurely stroll, appeared in front of the second carriage very quickly, and opened the door.

"Oh, this smells bad."

He frowned at the strong body odor inside, then quickly slammed the car door, and after briefly looking at the other carriage, he ducked back to Rex, nodded and said, "It's not a big problem, it just stinks a bit." .”

The latter was slightly relieved, stepped forward and shook hands with Sergey, smiled and said with a wink, "How much?"

"They are all high-quality orc slaves. Each male has 800 gold coins, and the female has 600 gold coins. Shipping, tips, food, and medical expenses add up to 2,700 gold coins, for a total of 160,600 gold coins."

Tie Shuan reported a series of numbers without thinking, then pointed to the orc Pat lying next to him, and added leisurely: "Minus the one we consumed before, the total is 159,800 gold coins. If you don’t want to, just put it all together and just give me 160,000 yuan.”

"Easy to say."

Rex was not moved at all by this huge sum of money that could frighten Yu Ying. He just nodded with a smile, and then turned his eyes to the orc Pat with interest: "That orc seems to be particularly strong... …”

"Not only strong, but also loyal, simple, and fearless of death."

Tieshuan chuckled, walked up to Pat very proudly and patted his stiff cheek: "The strength, speed, and physical fitness are three times that of ordinary adult orcs. The reaction ability is slightly low, and it is too complicated to complete. orders, but there is no pain. You can keep fighting as long as you are alive. The theoretical life span is only three months. You don’t need to eat. You only need to drink a small amount of water every day. Without affecting the execution ability, you can withstand a total of more than three hundred kilograms. Heavy equipment may be lower for women, but 200 kilograms of heavy equipment is not a problem. It fully meets the 'additional requirements' you put forward before. Oh, by the way, if you feed them an additional potion, these slaves will It will explode when killed in battle. It is as powerful as a mid-level professional's full blow and is also full of poisonous gorgeous explosions, although it is only theoretical."

Rex Hawkwood was stunned at first, and then showed a look of ecstasy. He immediately took out a general certificate from the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce, took the quill handed by the thief guard and filled it out in a hurry. A string of numbers was handed to Tie Shuan who looked proud without hesitation: "This is two hundred thousand gold coins, and the extra is mine..."

"Ahem, I'm sorry, respected Lord Rex."

Tie Shuan shook his head and interrupted the other party's words. He did not accept the voucher handed over by the other party, but calmly and softly said: "Maybe I didn't express it clearly. In fact, the 159,800 gold coins are just If the price of this batch of slaves includes the 'additional services' I just mentioned..."

It is obvious that even the most unsophisticated goblin can become humble, shrewd and cunning when it comes to 'money'.

Rex's expression darkened slightly, but he soon smiled again and asked kindly: "What do you mean?"

Tie Shuan smiled and then raised three stubby fingers.

"Three hundred thousand?"

Rex was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily: "No problem, I can do it..."

"No, my dear Lord Rex."

Tie Shuan shook his finger and said calmly: "Three times. We need to use a lot of expensive black potions and even more expensive magic equipment in this process. If you want to turn all of these slaves into me For something like the one depicted before, a total of 480,000 gold coins must be paid.”

Rex's eyes widened, and there was a little anger in his deep voice: "Are you kidding me? Four hundred and eighty thousand gold coins can already hire two large mercenary groups for a month! Why should I use this money? Come to buy this kind of ordinary slave that is good for nothing?”

"Three hundred thousand gold coins are enough to hire two large mercenary groups of average strength."

Sergei, who was standing beside Tie Shuan, shook his head unhurriedly and said with a smile: "It would be a joke if the money was just used to recruit more than two hundred ordinary orcs, but what you bought are slaves, and they are slaves. War slaves that need to be 'processed' in an extremely inhumane way and can serve as living bombs. We have no intention of speculating on what you want to use them for, but the price is just that."

Rex is not a fool. He can naturally hear the other person's hidden meaning, so after a brief silence, he said solemnly: "I need you to 'process' one on the spot. If you really work with this person..."

"My name is Tie Shuan."

"Well, if it's really what Mr. Iron Bolt said, then I will buy them."


Tie Shuan nodded carelessly, then snapped his fingers and shrugged to Sergei: "Go get another one out. This time you don't have to break the leg."

So the latter ran to the carriage to pick up people very well. Knowing that Tieshuan was about to be promoted, Sergei, who had not dealt with him before, seemed to be very current.

"What are they talking about?"

Ji Xiaoge, who was lying behind a bush, frowned, stared at the imposing-looking Rex Hawkwood and murmured in a low voice: "Is this the buyer?"

Because the other party had been talking at a normal low volume just now, everyone did not clearly hear the exchanges between Rex and others.

"have no idea……"

Mo Tan moved forward half a meter without leaving a trace, his eyes followed Sergei and a slave he captured, he shook his head slightly and said, "I have a bad feeling."

A few minutes later, the bad premonition became a reality. Iron Bolt fastened the helmet to the struggling slave's head in the same manner as before, and after fiddling with the mechanical device in his hand, the iron bolt around the helmet The circle crystal glowed with red light, and then the struggling orc woman suddenly became quiet, and stood still in place in a daze.

"The high-intensity restraint field formed by the suppression magic crystal and interference crystal!"

Combining the knowledge she had learned in Tianzhu Mountain before, Ji Xiaoge quickly came to a conclusion. She bit her silver teeth and said angrily: "That damn goblin must be crazy. He used it on a large scale. The mental waves of the attack are forcibly compressed around the user's head, directly destroying that person's spirit. Damn it, what's the point of this terrible device that can only be used by ordinary people!"

Mo Tan didn't expect that the other party could draw such a detailed conclusion based on only a few details. He glanced at Ji Xiaoge in surprise, and then asked in a low voice: "Is there any hope?"


Ji Xiaoge clenched his fists tightly and shook his head with a pale face: "It was too late when I saw it. The helmet had completely turned the person wearing it into a shell, although he still maintained a minimum of consciousness and instincts. , but it’s no different from death. Damn it, why didn’t I see it earlier..."

Jadeka sighed softly and said in a deep voice: "Calm down, even if you see it earlier, it will be of no use. If we rush to save people now, it is no different than risking death."

"I want to bite them to death."

Yaya's face didn't look very good either. Although she was a bit irritable in her current state, she was still a good girl with upright views, so after hearing what Ji Xiaoge said just now, she felt particularly distressed and irritable. .

At the same time, Iron Bolt had already taken out what seemed to be called the 'black potion' and stuffed it into the mouth of the orc slave, whose spirit had been completely destroyed.

A few seconds later, the thin and small female orc also jumped to nearly two meters in height, and her whole body "bulged" strangely, bursting the top that was too loose before.

"Need not."

Mo Tan casually grabbed Ji Xiaoge's little hand covering his eyes, shook his head and said: "The system has been coded, I can't see anything clearly now."

Although he remained calm on the surface, he was already extremely angry and no longer deliberately tried to prevaricate words such as 'system' which should be considered sensitive topics for NPCs. He just stared coldly at Rex Hawkwood and the Viper Chamber of Commerce. of two people.

There are still seventeen minutes left before the reinforcements arrived according to Jadeka...

the other side

Rex enthusiastically walked around the naked upper body female orc twice, then whispered a few words to the thief guard he had brought with him, stroking his beard and thinking for a moment before speaking in a deep voice to the iron bolt. Asked: "How do I get her to obey orders?"

"All it takes is a small mental intervention, and after the master-slave relationship is established, her knowledge of things will be completely destroyed. After that, she will be your loyal servant until her death. Of course, as the price of strength and loyalty, They are unable to complete commands that are too complex, and their understanding is probably similar to that of a well-trained hunting dog.”

Tie Shuan smiled and explained Rex's knowledge, then walked to the latter and grinned: "If you are willing to buy this slave, I can let her regard you as her master now."

"No, I'm not going to buy her."

Rex shook his head slightly, then casually tore up the business exchange voucher that he had just written, which was worth two hundred thousand gold coins. Then he took out a new blank voucher and smiled at Tie Shuan. He blinked and laughed, "Four hundred and eighty thousand gold coins, right? I want them all!"

The two members of the Viper Chamber of Commerce were not overjoyed. They just smiled in unison and said, "Thank you for your generosity."


Rex waved the gold coin exchange certificate in his hand. He patted the chest of the orc woman next to him and said excitedly: "Let's turn all those slaves into this now! I have prepared weapons for them. Armor and other interesting little toys, hurry up and start, I can’t wait to train them and let these little cuties defeat the Diesel family’s cavalry!”

When he said this, his voice was quite different. It was completely different from his previous dignified appearance. Not only did Tie Shuan and Sergey feel a little embarrassed, but also...

"What is he going to do to the Cavalry?"

Jadeka in the grass took a deep breath, clenched his fists loudly, and said in a deep voice: "What on earth do the Hawkwood family want to do?"

Yaya tugged on his sleeve and whispered: "Calm down."

Jadeka nodded lightly and said with a gloomy face: "Don't worry, it will be enough to wait for another ten minutes. Once those people arrive..."

At the same time, Sergei had driven all the slaves out of the car.

The next second, Tie Shuan smiled and buckled the helmet on the head of a struggling orc boy.

In the third second, Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge had already rushed out of the bushes used for concealment and were heading straight towards the dirty big-eared goblin.

Even though the support Lao Jia said would arrive in ten minutes...

Although the strength of both sides is overwhelmingly unequal...

But Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge, who had already missed and witnessed once, no longer wanted to tolerate the third tragedy happening in front of them.

They heard clearly what Rex said just now, he was going to 'turn all those slaves into this', and Tie Shuan and Sergei had already started working after collecting the money.

【Can’t hesitate any more! 】

[We must contain him no matter what, and drag him until the people Jadeka calls over! 】

Without any communication, Ji Xiaoge and Mo Tan rushed out at the same time.

[Air to Ground Multiple Fragments Tea Egg]

The girl flying past suddenly flapped her wings and flew up, scattering dozens of brown oval objects in the air.

Mo Tan, who was far inferior to Ji Xiaoge, reached Tie Shuan at an incredible speed almost at the same time. If his movements were broken down, it would be...

Perform [Glorious Leap] on the spot, take out the unexpanded self-destructing sheep from the bag in mid-air, and use [Crazy Rush] at the moment of landing. At the same time, throw the self-destructing sheep forward, followed by a [Crash] Strike] behind the self-destructing sheep that just unfolded. The moment he got on the mount, he continuously launched [Falcon Strike] and [Thorn Charge] to increase the movement speed. In the middle of the charge, he activated [Tiger Spear] and turned over half a meter in front of the iron bolt. He got off the sheep, raised his leg and kicked the orc boy out of the effective killing radius of Ji Xiaoge Tea Egg, and then raised his sword with his backhand - [Angry Red Lotus]!

Dozens of piercing red sword lights suddenly exploded, complementing the dozens of shattered tea eggs around them.

Chapter 488: End

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