Quadruple split

Chapter 493 Resistance

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The three broken tea eggs did not have any effect. Sergei just held up a semi-circular air mask, intercepted the not very strong shock waves in front of him, and then raised his right hand heavily. With a flick, the burst of energy blew the large piece of eggshell away.

But Sergei was delayed for a short time after all. When he speeded up again to chase Mo Tan, the latter had successfully run to the self-destructing sheep and resisted it with a move [Knight Skill Turtle]. Sergei's punch could directly knock out half of Mo Tan's blood.

"Oh, it's quite difficult."

Sergei gently shook his slightly numb right hand, and snorted to Mo Tan who was hiding under the self-exploding sheep: "Give up, there is no difference at all between dying a few minutes earlier and dying a few minutes later. It's better to say , it would be easier if you just let me give you a good pleasure."

After saying that, the whole person squatted down in a rather twisted posture. With an amazing sense of balance, he swept out a leg with half of his body almost parallel to the ground. It did not hurt the self-destructing sheep at all, but it was He kicked Mo Tan out, who was half-kneeling under his mount.

Sergei did not choose to kill the obstructive sheep in front of him not because he loved animals or because he was cute, but because he discovered that this animal was not made of flesh and blood, and was very hard, and could even tear apart his own, which could easily tear through ordinary steel. The hand shook open, so I planned to keep this thing and hand it over to the organization to get some merit or something. As for Mo Tan...

In Sergei's eyes, he is already a dead person, the kind that can be dealt with in a matter of minutes.

At the same time, the orc thief not far away also easily blocked Ji Xiaoge's black blinding paste. He danced the long-handled dagger into a ball of silver light, and actually poured out the two cups of sticky and sweet black paste without leaking any water. The liquid stopped in front of him.

"It tastes so sweet and greasy, I thought it was poisonous."

He squatted down calmly, looked at the weeds on the ground that were covered in black blinding paste but showed no signs of withering or rotting, and sneered: "It turns out to be nothing."

Ji Xiaoge, who was flying in the air, threw two flying pancakes at Sergey while looking coldly at the orc thief and the panic-looking Rex Hawkwood behind him, without saying a word. respond.

She was not interested or in the mood to chat with these crazy villains.

"Hey, what on earth is going on!"

Rex took a half step back nervously and looked at the bodyguards he had hired with a lot of money, sweating profusely: "Who are they? Why are they here!?"

To be honest, the appearance of this dear man at this moment is very inconsistent with his angular appearance, tall and tall figure, and gorgeous and thick armor. It is also very inconsistent with a certain person who smashed the cross and opened people's heads in a group of mutants. The delicate saint has a chance to win.

"I don't know why they are here, sir."

The orc thief slowly bowed down, and his body seemed to be covered with a layer of black gauze that was constantly swaying. He licked the dagger in his hand with a ferocious expression, and showed a murderous smile: "But I can be very clear. Let me tell you, these two reckless and uninvited guests are rubbish, I only need two minutes to give them to... um... uh puff... uh... click... ahem..."

Bang! !

I saw that the orc thief was just halfway through his words when he suddenly grabbed his neck and coughed. Then his whole body began to tremble like chaff, and the [Dark Night Black Veil] on his body that was like water waves also suddenly The dark brown eyes that collapsed and were filled with fear slowly turned into white eyes. After shaking on the spot twice, they fell to the ground twitching like this.


Rex was so shocked that he accidentally stepped on his own cloak and fell heavily to the ground. He looked palely at this bodyguard, thug, and henchman who fell into confusion as soon as he said the cruel words, and his mind went blank. .

【Fuck! 】

Because Rex's scream was too brutal, Sergei, who was about to rush forward and beat Mo Tan, subconsciously frowned and glanced back, just in time to see the orc thief foaming at the mouth and twitching on the ground. People felt better then.

Although he had never met before, Sergei knew from the beginning that the orc thief with a rather bad personality must be a ruthless character. The unconcealed gloomy murderous intention on the other side was too obvious, even if his physical strength was relatively poor. Tie Shuan and Rex Hawkwood, who is strong on the outside and strong on the inside, can't feel it, but Sergei, a high-level monk who is very sensitive to aura, can sense it clearly. He has no doubt that this person has at least three digits of lives on his hands. Even if The theoretical strength is about the same, but in actual combat it is likely to be a level stronger than mine!

In the end, he fell down for no apparent reason! ?

Could it be that the other party came prepared? Were you just numbing yourself with everything you did before? Is there actually a secret killer move?

The client's bodyguard knelt down, could he be the next one?

For a moment, Sergei was on edge, frightened and suspicious. He quickly looked around to see what was going on. He didn't even bother to chase Mo Tan, who had just climbed up not far away. Little did he know that the latter was actually the same as him at this moment. Confused, confused, and unsure of how the orc thief was kneeling.

But someone knows!

However, I saw a slim figure suddenly appear from the forest, brandishing a Qimen weapon and rushing over with a roar, killing straight towards the orc thief who was lying on the ground and twitching, and raised his head before everyone could react. He raised the two-handed war hammer that looked like a gear and smashed it down hard!

Bang! !

A pool of bright red blood exploded on the spot, and the struggling orc thief finally stopped moving completely.

"You're so powerful, you don't dare to lick the dagger that's stained with Sister Yege's cooking!"

Yaya breathed a sigh of relief after killing the orc thief who never had a name with one hammer blow. He wiped the blood that had just splashed on his face and hummed softly: "It's not an unjust death."

So the truth is revealed...

To put it simply, the unknown thief first perfectly blocked the black blinding paste thrown by Ji Xiaoge, and then relied on his rich experience to judge that this stuff was non-toxic and harmless, and for some reason, God knows where he learned it. He licked the dagger out of his bad habit and ingested a small amount of the dessert carefully prepared by Ji Xiaoge...

Then he rushed to the street.

Mo Tan and Sergei, who were fighting at the time, did not see it. Although Rex Hawkwood saw it, he did not understand which part of the problem was the problem. Ji Xiaoge himself witnessed the whole process and struggled with it. After accepting the reality, she took out a few tea eggs and prepared to throw them down to hit the target, but there was someone who moved faster than her!

That was Yaya who was separated from Jadeka to make a detour. As soon as the girl assembled her weapons in the grass, she saw the thief licking her dagger that was stained with pigeon food, so she became particularly forward-looking. He guessed the ending, and in line with the principle of not missing the opportunity before it comes back again, he rushed out with the guy in hand without saying a word.

Sure enough, when she was halfway through, the thief who had never seen the world was knocked down by a small mouthful of black blinding paste. Then he twitched in pain and completely lost his resistance.

So Ya Ya picked up a sledgehammer to help him free himself.

This process is very fast. Even though the opponent is a high-level professional, he still cannot escape death even if he is completely unable to resist. You must know that the power of Yaya after becoming crazy is even more than that of Mo Tan and Jadeka (?), Lu Wei The warhammer tailor-made for her was especially heavy. Not to mention this unknown thief, even a high-level knight wearing plate armor was killed in this (food) situation (poison). A direct hit with a hammer would probably kill half of his life.

To sum up, this powerful thief was hammered to death in frustration.

"You're next!"

Yaya, who was killing someone for the first time in her life, had a very strong mentality. After hammering the unlucky orc into a mosaic, she immediately turned around and walked towards Rex, who was almost incontinent from fright. She showed a cute and evil smile: "Don't be afraid, DUANG. It’s over.”

"Don't even think about it!"

Sergei was already running over at this moment. Although he didn't know how the thief was knocked down, judging from the strength and speed of the half-orc girl just now, this girl was not a strong person. , and the sheep knight who was beaten up by him was just the same, so he still felt certain in his heart.

No matter what, at least Rex, who is a customer, cannot die here, otherwise it will definitely have a lot of negative impact on the reputation of the Viper Chamber of Commerce, and in that case, he will not be able to live for a few days.

[She must be stopped]

In desperation, Sergei exploded with all his strength, and appeared behind Yaya with a leap. He held his hands in vain, and pressed the back of the girl with a sound of wind and thunder. Although there were no cool special effects, the martial arts This is the characteristic of the monk profession. None of their moves are fancy at all, but their power is not small at all. If this blow hits Sergei, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous.

"So fast!"

The moment Yaya heard the whistling sound, he crouched down on the spot, narrowly avoiding Sergei's thundering fists, and then without looking back, he swung out the war hammer with his backhand, trying to hit the opponent hard. head.

But the gap between the two sides was too big. Sergei, who had not been weakened by some mysterious dishes, sneered, raised his left hand and slapped the hammer head, and unexpectedly removed 80% of the strength of the teeth, and then casually Pushing aside the castrating hammer, he rushed to the girl's side and quickly pointed out a finger, poking Yaya's wrist.


Yaya felt his right hand go numb, and he released his weapon uncontrollably. The moment the gear hammer hit the ground, Sergei elbowed him in the lower abdomen, and a mouthful of blood immediately spurted out. He staggered and fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

"Still alive?"

Sergei raised his eyebrows in surprise, and looked down at Yaya in surprise: "Based on your physical fitness, your internal organs should have been shattered after being hit by my force in the front. "


Yaya spat out another mouthful of blood, and then stood up staggeringly, staring at the other party with a pale face: "What a shame... what a shame to your mother! My life is tough! Just... ahem... …Just because you want to beat me to death?”


Sergei smiled instead of being angry, and clapped his palm again, aiming directly at Yaya's heart: "I really want to beat you to death!"


At this moment, a wall of fire suddenly rose between the two of them, blocking Sergei's fist. Yaya took advantage of the latter's hesitation to bend down and pick up the weapon, and flew away while Dissatisfied, he shouted not far away: "Too slow, Jadeka!"

"You rushed too fast."

The old mage who didn't know when he touched the group of slaves scratched his neck and shouted, then waved his staff and threw two fireballs at Sergei. At the moment, he was guiding the confused orcs by pulling and pulling them. Retreating to the forest, but because most of the opponents were in a state of unconsciousness, the work did not go very smoothly. Except for dozens of people who were resistant to drugs and in good physical condition, most of the slaves They all stood there with dull eyes, only taking one step or two subconsciously when being pulled or pushed.

This was what he and Yaya had discussed before. The latter looked for opportunities to help Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge contain the enemy, while the former tried his best to take the slaves standing on the edge of the clearing into the forest, and then let them face the approaching rush. Run as reinforcements arrive.

This method is good, and it was implemented smoothly in the early stage. Even the smoothness was a bit too smooth. After all, no one expected that the orc would seek death and lick the things Ji Xiaoge threw, and then gave Yaya a chance to kill you while you were sick. The chance of life was immediately hammered to death.

But there was trouble in guiding the slaves. It is not known whether they were fed something. Most of them showed obvious sluggishness and slowness, although it seemed that there was nothing serious except obvious malnutrition. , but his mental state was infinitely close to mental retardation, making it impossible for Jadeka to complete the evacuation quickly.

"And a mage?"

Sergey narrowed his eyes slightly, blasted the two fireballs flying in the air with a gloomy expression, and said coldly: "And he's still an apprentice-level trash?"

Without looking back, he swung a punch and knocked away the heavy hammer that Yaya swung again. Then he quickly dodged in front of the girl and picked her up by the neck. He threw out his leg and kicked her to seven Eight meters away, he then rushed in front of Rex, held the latter's shoulders and said in a deep voice: "Leave these trash fish to me. You can run to the carriage immediately. As long as you run over, you will be safe." Yes, do you understand?"

Rex immediately nodded his head quickly, and after Sergei let go, he rolled and crawled towards the three black carriages.

Sergey cracked his knuckles twice, then strode towards Yaya who was struggling to get up, and said with a cruel smile: "Do you know? Orc female slaves are top-notch, especially one with your kind of beauty. , even if we offer 100,000 gold coins, there will be people rushing to buy you home and train you."

"Tip your mother's head!"

Yaya stared at him with red eyes, and kept making low growling sounds from his mouth.

"Tip your mother's head!"

Ji Xiaoge flew up in the air, holding the Gateline Valkyrie and firing again.

"Turn your mother's head!"

Jadka waved his staff angrily and threw out a chain of scorching fire.

"Turn your mother's head!"

With a flash of sword light, the sheep knight slapped his horse and killed him.

Chapter 490: End

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