Quadruple split

Chapter 504 Dawn and Undertow

[Thank you, Pierce]

A vague figure murmured in her arms. Her face could not be seen clearly. Only the messy chestnut short hair was extremely clear. She weakly raised her delicate hands soaked in blood and stroked her pale cheek. , with a smile in his eyes.

The slender and rough hands became colder and colder. No matter how hard he tried to drive the shadow to block the wound, he still couldn't stop the opponent's body temperature and vitality from disappearing.


With tears streaming down his face, he seemed to be shouting something. It should be that person's name, but he couldn't remember it no matter how hard he tried. No matter how loudly he called her, he still couldn't remember her name.

[You are my hero, Pierce. Go and become stronger. I hope you become stronger. In this case, you will not blame yourself and suffer like you do now. When you meet the next person who is more worthy of cherishing. 】

What a mess, nonsense, this ignorant, stupid woman!

"Shut up, you'll be fine!"

I yelled in annoyance and still couldn't remember her name, but that didn't matter. The top priority now was to save her, save her, save her at all costs!

[I'm so happy that you are so sad for me. But I don't want you to be like this again in the future, so work hard to become stronger, so strong that you won't let yourself suffer from this kind of thing again. 】

Is there something wrong with your head?

When are you still saying this?

If you die here, what's the point of me getting stronger?

Idiot? Crazy? Apart from you, I would never do this for anyone else!

Your worries are all unnecessary!

If you really think about me, then try your best to survive! Don't leave me alone! Just put your hands on your hips and scold me like usual! It popped out suddenly like last night and scared me!

You know nothing!

Don't die!

Although this is what I think in my heart, although this is the truth, but...

"Ah, I know, I will definitely become super powerful, and then go everywhere to save beauties, so that you can die in peace!"

Pierce Scrimgeour held the opponent's increasingly weak hand tightly, forced an extremely ugly smile, and said loudly: "So, don't worry, Milena."

Great, at the end, it's great to be able to think of her name.

"Oh, that's a lie."

The woman in his arms shook her head and murmured in a low voice: "I saved you when we first met."

She lowered her hands and closed her eyes with a relieved smile, no longer breathing.

From that day on, Scrimgeour seemed like a different person, becoming stronger by any means necessary, and gradually lost himself in the process. In the end, he even forgot the name of the woman.

until now

[It’s so nice to finally be able to think of your name.]

[I kept my promise, became stronger, and never felt sad for anyone again.]

【Because besides you, no one can make me sad anymore】


Pierce Scrimgeour died. His body was torn into dozens of pieces by the sword, and the moment it was scattered on the ground, it was burned to ashes by the flames caused by the last move of Shattering Sun.

But as Darien said before, this was a painless death without any torture. Scrimgeour did not feel any pain until the last moment. On the contrary, at the moment he lost consciousness, he seemed to be watching. When he arrived, the woman with chestnut hair was smiling and waving to him.

"Then, it's your turn next"

Darian Disel, who killed a great mage in an instant, appeared in front of Sergei in a flash. His sharp-edged face showed no expression at all, and the words in his mouth showed no fluctuation: "Our grandpa is really under your 'care'."


Serge spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was crushed to the ground by Darien's momentum. Wisps of blood continued to protrude from his eyes, mouth, nose, and ears, and even the bones in his body kept creaking. There was a rattling noise, and other than lying on the ground vomiting blood and desperately begging for mercy with his eyes, he couldn't even say a word.

The other party's unimaginable weakness made Darien frown. He silently suppressed the aura that he unconsciously revealed in his rage, and said calmly: "Don't be like this, sir. If you die too simply, I will It’s very difficult.”

After saying that, he stretched out two fingers and tapped Sergei's trembling body, blasting a powerful red-gold fighting spirit into Sergei's body, while retaining the latter's consciousness and body-protecting energy. , easily crippled his ability to move.

"Actually, I didn't come alone."

Darien turned around gracefully and bowed to Jadeka: "I am going out on business with one-third of the Diesel Cavalry."

Jadeka raised his eyebrows: "Then what?"

"Then, since this person dares to take action against you, Grandpa, then..."

Darien took a deep breath, and then whispered in a low voice: "Tamp him to death."

His voice was not loud, but these three words swept out as if they were endowed with magic power, exploding in the air like angry thunder.

The next moment, under the dumbfounded gaze of Mo Tan and others, hundreds of heavy cavalry wearing black cloaks stepped out from all directions in a uniform manner. They wore the same dark silver magic pattern plate armor as Darien. Hanging on his waist is a broad-bladed heavy riding sword that is more than two meters long. He is holding a three-meter-and-a-half-meter-long snow-white cloud steel dragon gun. He is riding a Diesel black dragon pony with a market price of at least eight thousand gold coins, and controls those muscular beasts. The knotted, dark-skinned war horses with power comparable to mid-level monsters marched silently. These monster-like war horses were completely synchronized as they marched. The sound of horse hooves was like bursts of dull thunder that resounded throughout the entire open space without any noise.

Jadeka's body trembled slightly and his eyes turned red.

Mo Tan and his friends were stunned, like wooden piles.

The next second, the roaring sound of horse hooves stopped abruptly. A total of 620 Diesel knights thrust their dragon spears upside down on the ground at the same time, then pulled out their long swords with their backhands, and attacked the white-bearded and prostitute knight on horseback. The embarrassed old mage performed a standard knightly courtesy.

"Welcome home, Lord Jared Kadisel."

All the knights present, including Darian Disell, said in unison.

"You guys."

Jadeka cried and laughed and waved his hands. He took a deep breath and stood there facing the sky for a long time. In the end, he just raised his hands to cover his cheeks without saying a word.

"Everyone has been waiting for you to come back."

Darien walked slowly to Jadeka's side, smiled at his tearful old grandfather, then pointed at Sergei who fell not far away, and looked around at Dise around him. Er cavalry repeated: "Crush him to death."


The knights agreed with a bang, and in the next second they rushed towards Sergei in an extremely pleasing rhythm. They drove the horses under their crotches and trampled over the latter. The whole process seemed to have been rehearsed hundreds of times. They moved smoothly and smoothly, ensuring that every second the hoofs stepped on the target, and neither the formation nor the pace was disrupted in the slightest.

And Sergei, who just lost the ability to move but did not lose his strength, did not die immediately. As a high-level monk, he was already physically strong, and with the 'Ghost Breath Technique' he used before, even if he died Those war horses weighing hundreds of kilograms including the knights would be difficult to trample to death in a short time.

So this malicious execution lasted for nearly ten minutes in total before it was over. Under the orderly stampede of Diesel's cavalry, when Darien ordered to stop, the high-level monk Sergei who once tortured the Wangwang team to death had already It was spread evenly within a three-meter radius of where he fell to the ground.

There were six hundred and twenty war horses in total, and not one of them had red hooves.

It was not until after all this was over that Ji Xiaoge came back to his senses and wanted to talk to Mo Tan that he discovered that the latter had disappeared at some point.

[What, my equipment is all broken into pieces. After the transformation skill just now, I will be completely naked. Although there should be a mosaic in the eyes of the players, running naked in front of hundreds of big men and fierce girls is a bit too much. I'm sorry, so I got off first. You go back and say hello to Lao Jia and the others, and tell them that the trick I just did had some side effects. I have to find a place where no one is around to do some meditation. Tell everyone not to be in a hurry. Come find me, and when everything is fine again, I will find it myself, let Yaya and the others recover from their injuries, and let Lao Jia reminisce with his family~]

Ji Xiaoge, who was helped up by two female knights, glanced at the message board with a frown, and shook her head helplessly. She found that Mo Tan, a fellow player, had been used as a shield more and more times recently. More and more.

The girl didn't think much about it. On the one hand, it was because of her personality, and on the other hand, she had a certain complicity mentality. Although there were many doubts or problems in the paragraph just now, Ji Xiaoge, who was asked to smooth things over, was originally going to He lied for Mo Tan, so he was a little dark in the light.

Of course, it is impossible to say that there is no doubt at all. Although Ji Xiaoge is a little careless, she has never been a stupid girl. However, precisely because she is not a stupid girl, she will not ask Mo Tan the truth.

And she has other worries now.

After experiencing the extremely powerless and desperate battle just now, Ji Xiaoge, who was deeply dissatisfied with himself, wanted to become stronger in this game for the first time.

Real time PM23:39

"Huh, it only lasted less than an hour."

Mo Tan crawled out of the game cabin tiredly. He grabbed his phone and checked the time, and then breathed a long sigh of relief: "But it still feels like half a month has passed."

Yes, there is no doubt that this guy with good views is alluding to someone's sloppy and overestimating fight scene in more than ten chapters, trying to seek justice for all readers and friends. In view of the fact that this is indeed the case, here I will I won’t argue with him too much, after all, we don’t care.

So, back to business.

By the way, Mo Tan had an idea just now and found a stall where no one noticed him and went offline. Although it may be difficult to explain to Ji Xiaoge, he will definitely be questioned by his partners next time he goes online, but He was really at his wits end, it was better than directly exposing his identity.

Only at this time, Mo Tan will miss a certain personality of his own. If it is dominated by 'chaotic neutrality', then the latter will most likely be watertight.

[Let’s go back and think of a solution in that convulsive state.]

Mo Tan thought rather naively, but he didn't know that 99% of the time he would not be interested in pondering such things after becoming a 'chaotic neutral' personality.

"It's not even twelve o'clock yet."

Mo Tan stretched out, threw himself on the sofa, and turned on the TV: "You definitely can't go online now. Even if you go offline in that negative state, you still have to wait at least six hours. Just rest and wait until you can get on another account."

Meanwhile, game time PM16:21

Violet Empire, Royal Capital Salamun, Main Hall of Ugin Court

"I don't know what else to say between us, Ms. Daisy."

The slightly stooped Archduke Dantès waved his hands tiredly, and said in a deep voice to the simple-looking and round orc woman in front of him: "From the moment Buffy escaped, he had given up the last dignity of a Grand Duke. , our crusade and the Marshall family’s defeat are a foregone conclusion, so if you have time to come to me for a ‘chat’, you might as well inform your master immediately to be prepared to flee with your family, and don’t send him away!”

The old man's face was as serious as water and he ordered the guests to be kicked out.

"Be patient, Grand Duke Dantès."

The orc woman smiled kindly, walked to the chair next to her and sat down, without any intention of leaving: "First of all, although I do not deny that I am helping Buffy Marshall, he is not mine. Boss, secondly, although a joint crusade led by the Violet Royal Family, or His Royal Highness Prince Shubresn, is inevitable, the Marshall family may not be defeated. As long as you are interested in cooperating with us, oh, by the way, , my name is Gawen, so please forget the name Deshanna."

Dantès snorted coldly, shook his head and said: "Stop talking nonsense. I have cooperated with you once before, but what was the result? This kind of crusade is not a trivial matter. Do you think I will use my own family to do it?" Risky, Ms. Gavin?"

"I don't know if you would risk your family."

Gavin shrugged, then slowly took out a few pieces of parchment from his pocket, shook it, and said leisurely: "But Grand Duke Hussein has quite a lot of confidence in us, and as far as I know, you are standing by us. Bian’s reasons are much better than that of the businessman.”

"I can not understand what you say."

"Okay, then I'll make it clear."

Jiawen threw the pile of parchment to the ground and slowly stood up.

"Your Majesty Marshall intends to kill Clairvaux Bresne and Sue Bresne, and assist His Highness Ribo to become the new king of Violet. What do you think?"

Chapter 501: End

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