Quadruple split

Chapter 510 ‘Black Brahma’’s Concerns

The process of leaving was not smooth sailing. Although only a few people knew about Yuchen's "coma due to unknown reasons", and only a few big shots knew the truth, people who had not seen His Highness Wangyu for a long time were still quite worried. Excited, these clergy who are qualified to enter and leave the chapel at any time may have higher religious ranks or have devout beliefs. In short, they are the core personnel of the Shuguang Sect. Since they are the core personnel, they will naturally not talk to Yu Chen. This trainee saint is too unfamiliar.

This gentle and introverted little saint, who to some extent is completely opposite to Xia Lian, has been very popular from the first day she joined the church, from those white-bearded bishops who are usually unsmiling to those responsible for cleaning in the chapel. My little sister, no one dislikes her.

So after the two saints returned from their 'expedition' against Misha, everyone was eager to see Yuchen, but they had not seen her figure in the past few days.

Until now, when some disturbing rumors had just spread, the Saint of Forgotten Words finally appeared in everyone's field of vision, and she was accompanied by a man of unknown origin!

The rumors are true!

His Highness Chen Wangyu met his old sweetheart whom he had not seen for many years in Misha County, and even brought him back!

[Damn it, I thought that after His Highness Xia Lian, a Flower of Dawn finally appeared who could make everyone dream, but I didn’t expect that she already has a companion! 】

Men think so.

[Damn it, how can such a seemingly ordinary man be worthy of His Highness Xiao Wangyu? However, the encounter between childhood sweethearts in a desperate situation after many years ~ eh~ sounds good! 】

So thought the ladies.

[Find an excuse and send that kid to a remote mountainous area.]

【Yeah yeah. 】

The old people discussed in low voices.


Mo Tan, who was dragged by Yu Chen to the atrium garden of the chapel, coughed dryly and asked in a low voice, covered with sweat, "Don't you feel a little hot?"

The girl who was squatting next to him and playing with a small white flower raised her head blankly and blinked: "Eh? Will it be very hot? I still feel a little cold. It's so cold in the chapel. There is no constant temperature barrier."

"Please pay attention to your surroundings."

Because it was difficult to take out things from his bag in front of everyone, Mo Tan casually took off his robe (of excellent quality) and leaned over to put it on Yu Chen's shoulders: "Didn't you realize that it started ten minutes ago? Are there more and more people here? And there are many people who have been trying to kill me with their eyes since just now!"

Yuchen tilted his head, then pulled the priest's robe on his shoulders and smiled sweetly: "Hey, don't you think putting clothes on me will only have the opposite effect?"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, feeling the scorching gaze on his back, like laser hair removal, and was petrified on the spot.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay~"

Yu Chen grabbed Mo Tan's arm and stood up, covering his mouth with a smile: "Actually, none of them mean any harm, but, well, how should I put it~ After all, I got along with everyone very well before I left for Misha County. Well, if a boyfriend suddenly appears out of nowhere, it will be more or less exciting."

Mo Tan: "."

Yuchen clapped his hands gently and said seriously: "It's like any guild in an online game. There is a female player who is relatively popular but has not established a relationship with anyone in it. If one day she suddenly pulls someone in, Enter the game and tell everyone that this is her boyfriend in real life. That boyfriend will definitely be resisted and even maliciously criticized by many people! This has nothing to do with whether the female player is beautiful or not, and it also has to do with whether others like her or not. She has nothing to do with it."

"Not to mention what the hell that 'da' is."

Mo Tanqian laughed twice and stood in the cold wind with his blazing gaze. He raised his eyes and looked at Yu Chen: "I always feel that the example you just gave is very strange."

The girl made a face and said with a bright smile: "Personal experience~"

【Ah, I am dead! 】

Many young men who had never seen the Saint of Forgotten Words so cheerful and lovely fell into a trance.

[Ward Farkle? 】

Although the reasons were different, Mo Tan also fell into a trance.

"By the way, I'm the one who dragged my boyfriend into the game~"

Yuchen added with a smile.

【Madfa Khor? 】

Mo Tan's eyes widened.

Yuchen sighed softly, shrugged and said, "But the eldest brother is really quite powerful. At that time, there were more than 20 people from the guild to ambush her, but the eldest brother blocked the resurrection point by himself."


Mo Tan was stunned for a while before he realized what he was doing. His eyes were twitching as he looked at Yu Chen, who had learned to speak and was breathing heavily: "Is it that big brother?"

"Yes, yes~"

"Hahahaha. Then she is really powerful. One person can defeat more than twenty people."

"Well, because she is a gold-earning player, after reaching the full level of power leveling, she directly smashed her body and added thirteen to fourteen. It's super awesome!"

"Girl, I and other poor players really can't accept what you are saying."

"Just giving an example! Give an example!"

Yuchen wrinkled his little nose and smiled: "I just want to tell you that no one has any ill intentions."

[Goddess, please chop that hateful man to death! 】

[If I buy a mask and take the opportunity to beat him up anonymously.]

[So envious. No, no, no, it’s so abominable! 】

Seeing Her Royal Highness the Saint's lovely expression, most of the single men between the ages of fourteen and forty were already filled with grief and anger. Of course, as Yu Chen said just now, this was not because these people had anything against her. The thought of separation is just a very inexplicable sense of hostility.

Mo Tan, who is more understanding of people's hearts, will naturally not be unable to understand, but he has no intention to correct Yu Chen's wrong judgment that "no one (no) has any (want) evil (beat) intention (you)". He just forced himself to remain calm in the latter's words. After visiting the atrium garden under the guidance of the leader, he expressed that he wanted to go somewhere other than the cathedral, and finally got rid of most of the followers.

Of course, 'most' means 'not all', so.

"Your Highness the Saint! Senior Hei Fan!"

The half-dragon female knight named Yi Zuojielet appeared out of nowhere, looked at the young man and woman in front of her with starry eyes, and made a knight's salute in a panic: "You... you. Well, it’s been a long time, Your Highness the Saint, Goddess bless you, I’m so happy to see you in good health.”

"Thank you for your concern, Yi Zuo."

Yu Chen greeted the other party with a smile, then turned to Mo Tan and said, "She is a knight of the guard appointed by Sister Xia Lian. We have a very good relationship."

Yi Zou scratched the lavender scales on his cheeks with some shame, and whispered: "Um. I'm really sorry. If I can accompany you when I go to Misha County, I can help. I heard Your Highness Xia Lian said that many people died this time, I’m sorry.”

"It doesn't matter. After all, no one expected that things would turn into that situation."

Yuchen shook his head and comforted softly: "And although we paid a heavy price, we won in the end."

"That's right."

Although he didn't quite understand the situation, Mo Tan couldn't help but comfort the female knight in front of him who had a face filled with self-blame: "And to be honest, on a battlefield of that level, even one more high-level knight would be useless. It’s just a drop in the bucket, you don’t need to think about it at all.”

Yi Zuo, whose eyes were reddish, nodded slightly and whispered: "Your Highness Xia Lian said the same thing. But I still groan, Your Highness, she was so seriously injured, but I, the guard knight, was in the light." They all took the assessment leisurely, it was really "


Yuchen stepped forward and hugged Yi Zhao gently, shaking his head and saying, "It's over now, so it's okay."


Yi Zuo nodded slightly, then turned his gaze to Mo Tan, and asked in a low voice: "Well, Your Highness Xia Lian said that Senior Hei Fan was particularly handsome when he led everyone in Misha County?"

Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously: "Yes, it's true, he's super handsome!"


Yi Zhao breathed softly, and then asked Yu Chen in a lower voice: "Also, His Highness said that you and Senior Hei Fan are childhood sweethearts. Is that true?"

Yuchen blinked and hesitated for a while before whispering in a lower voice than before: "Yeah, that's right."


The eyes of the half-dragon female knight were filled with little stars.

Mo Tan, who didn't hear the whispers between the two, twitched the corner of his mouth and coughed lightly: "What, what are you talking about?"

"Ah, nothing"

The female knight waved her hands quickly.

"Yizou asked if we are a couple."

Yu Chen turned to Mo Tan and smiled, "I said yes."

Then Mo Tan became speechless.

"Uh, by the way, Senior Heifan."

Yi Zuo suddenly slapped his forehead, then hurriedly walked to Mo Tan, bowed and said: "From today on, I will be your guard knight. Well, please give me more advice, senior!"


Mo Tan was shocked at that time, and Yu Chen next to him also showed a surprised expression.

"Your Highness Xia Lian just asked someone to send me a note."

Yi Zuo straightened up and looked at Mo Tan seriously, and said in a deep voice: "Your Highness said that Senior Hei Fan threatened to apostatize and asked for a direct knight order, but she couldn't handle this matter, so she sent one of her guard knights to Well, that means I transfer it to you."


Yuchen couldn't help but laugh. Having heard the conversation between Mo Tan and Xia Lian before, she knew very well that the former didn't want any knighthood at all, so this matter was probably Xia Lian trying to forcefully sell Mo Tan's favor. By the way, To ease the guilt of Yi Zou who has been blaming himself for not accompanying him.

Yi Zhao also knew what he knew, so he immediately added: "Of course, I know that Senior Hei Fan will never threaten His Highness or anything. Your Highness probably just wants to make me feel better. Well, but an order is an order, and I will be the one from now on." Your escort knight, please give me some advice, senior!"

So Mo Tan just got a guard knight with good strength. Although he is not very old, he is already a high-level paladin. Yi Xuan is not weak at all, although it is not as good as Gelbin's level. Strong, but the high-level monk Sergei who defeated the Wangwang team miserably in Caselo, Yi Zuo has no problem defeating both of them by himself.

The three of them chatted for a while at the door of the chapel, and then Yuchen left Yi Zhao here to continue his patrol mission on the grounds that he wanted to hang out alone with Mo Tan, dragging the former away quickly.

Fifteen minutes later.

Inner city of the City of Light, square in front of the Great Cathedral

"I still don't understand, what exactly is a guard knight?"

Mo Tan, who was sitting on the bench, scratched his hair vigorously, stared at the colorful fountain in front of him, and said in an extremely frantic voice: "What is this? What does Xia Lian want to do?"

Next to him, Yu Chen shrugged and stretched out his little hand to catch a few splashes of water: "I don't know much about this. You can ask Sister Xia Lian later, but Yi Zuo is a good girl."

"It has nothing to do with whether she is a good girl or not."

"That's right."

Yuchen smiled, then stretched out his hand to flick the water droplets on Mo Tan's forehead: "Are you worried?"

The latter took a long breath, shook his head slightly and said: "Actually, it doesn't count."

"That's right."

Yu Chen continued to tirelessly repeat the act of stretching out his little hand to take the water, and then flicking the water droplets on Mo Tan's face: "Do you want to tell me about it?"

Mo Tan nodded lightly, and then rubbed his forehead with some confusion: "First of all, Xia Lian already knows about the players."

"I know."

Yuchen wiped his hands on the hem of his skirt, wrapped Motan's robe tightly (can be worn, does not count as equipment, does not add attributes) nodded vigorously and said: "Didn't Sister Xia Lian notice it when we were in Misha County before? Well, we promised to give her a satisfactory answer later."

Mo Tan looked around for a while, and after making sure that no one was there, he took out a priest robe (ordinary quality) from his bag and put it on himself, shrugged and said: "You can tell her everything about our players when you go back, it's nothing anyway. It’s necessary to hide it.”

"Is it really possible?"

Yuchen tilted his head and looked at him with some worry, and hesitated: "There is no possibility that the NPC will know too much and the system will harmonize it."


Mo Tan answered with unusual certainty. After all, a certain prince who has almost thoroughly studied the player has been living well, so Xia Lian will most likely not have any problems after knowing the truth.

And this was one of the things that made Mo Tan feel uneasy.

You must know that in most games, NPCs cannot understand the players' "player actions". Even the smartest AI will in most cases choose to ignore or take action due to the "initial rules". I'm talking to myself, but that's not the case with the game Innocence.

Although there are indeed rules that seem to protect the player's identity, such as "you will fall into coma when you are offline when being watched by an NPC" and "you will appear in the blind spot of the NPC's field of vision when logging in", these rules themselves are a problem.

If the NPC can't understand it, why bother?

Wouldn't a rule of 'ignore player login' be enough?

Mo Tan was very confused about this

The previous analysis by Hugh Bressen gave him some kind of premonition.

Perhaps it won't be long before the secrets of the 'players' are completely exposed to the world, and the Holy Union will definitely not be the last to discover it.

And when that time comes, how should Yuchen, who has the three identities of 'player', 'favorite of the goddess of dawn', and 'favorite of the goddess of darkness', deal with himself?

Just like the inference that Xia Lian confirmed before

The behemoth United Holy Church is not monolithic.

Maybe it's just unnecessary thoughts, but at this moment, 'Hei Fan' can't help but worry about it.

Chapter 507: End

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