Quadruple split

Chapter 513 Minority Gathering (II)

"Get rid of her?"

The rickety and thin figure half-crouched beside the stretcher, suddenly turned his head to look at the dean sitting at the head of the long table, and asked blankly: "Why?"

"This is not a pleasant question."

The latter tilted his head slightly and asked: "But, why not?"

The person who brought Dora here was silent for two seconds, and said with a trembling voice: "Because Knight Dora has told us everything she knows, and you haven't before either"


The unknown dean tapped the table twice and asked with interest: "Did I promise anything to her?"


"Dorashika is a devout believer. She has done the best she can, and I am sincerely grateful for this." The dean stared at the blurry face under the other person's hood, casually He said unhurriedly: "But we shouldn't invest a lot of resources to cure her. It's not that the 'minority' doesn't have this ability, but at the same cost, we can save the seriously injured and endangered Dorashika and let her become a normal person again. An ordinary paladin with limited talents can also save any knight commander with the same injury. You might as well do a simple calculation to see how to do it more cost-effectively."

The woman with the charming voice stretched her body and let out a chuckle at the right time: "What's more, from the moment we choose to join the 'Today's Minority', we should know what kind of path this is and sacrifice some. Things are unavoidable, such as conscience and principles. For the sake of our supreme God, we are even willing to violate His will. Even a cute newcomer who has just attended two gatherings should understand this kind of thing, right?"

"Dorashika should not live, but there must be a place for her in my Lord's Kingdom of God."

The dean stood up while supporting the table and said without any doubt: "This venerable knight has suffered a lot of suffering and torture. It's time to free her, so..."

"I see."

The rickety attendees hung their heads deeply, then used magic to float the stretcher carrying Dora again, and walked slowly out: "I will handle it properly."

"Hurry up, we have many more important things to discuss."

The dean pointedly said to his back.


The other party's footsteps paused slightly, and then he whispered softly without looking back: "I understand."

two minutes later

"Your Excellency, I don't quite understand."

A man with an elegant voice sitting on the left side of the long table asked with some confusion: "Although what you just said is correct, we do not have no choice other than killing Dorashika. Although she cannot be cured, But if it’s not too difficult to just stabilize her physical condition, why does it have to be done?”

His question is straight to the point. With the power of these people here, it is easy to make up for the consumption before returning to Dora and erase part of her memory, without paying any cost at all.

"That's a good question."

The dean seemed to smile softly and said slowly: "Of course we can make Knight Dorashka feel that she has never been here. The reason why we let our new friends deal with her is just a small test. Test how far that person can go with his own choices.”

"What if Dora was indeed disposed of?"

The woman from before asked with a smile.

The dean said without any emotion: "Then I will believe him without reservation."

"What if he tries to spare the knight's life?"

A little man sitting on the back of the chair tightened his cloak and said sadly.

"In that case, we will have to have reservations about him in the future."

The dean tapped the table twice and said calmly: "Perhaps we have a choice in the matter of 'whether Dorashka can be allowed to live', but there will be many choices in the future. At this time, I believe that everyone here has a firm will, but our new partner may not be aware of it, so this 'test' was born."

The little man, whose whole body was hidden in his cloak, sneered and nodded: "The life of a low-level knight is really worth it compared to the weight of this 'test'."

"We cannot lose that 'partner', his role will be irreplaceable."

The dean leaned back lightly on the chair and said calmly: "Because of this, I must know his bottom line and the maximum he can achieve, and then judge what he can know, what he cannot know, and what he must know." Admit it, using the life of an innocent person to tempt is not a glorious act, but for our righteousness, this level of sacrifice is necessary. If you have any grudges, I would like to apologize to everyone in advance."

The man with an elegant voice on the left side of the long table smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said with a shrug: "If we had a grudge, you wouldn't have said it openly."

He sighed and drew a divine emblem on his chest: "For the glory of my lord."

"For the glory of our Lord"

at the same time

chapel, underground waterway

Dorashka on the stretcher opened her eyes in a daze and saw a warm and bright flame.


A low and soft voice sounded in her ears. Dora looked back and saw a rickety figure wearing a dark golden cloak and a hood standing next to her, extending her index finger to make a silencing gesture to herself. .

"Where is this? You are Wu, who are you?"

Dora, who was curled up on the stretcher, asked in a dreamy voice. The next second, the severe pain caused by the injury spread rapidly, causing the mutilated female knight to twitch in pain. At the same time, her consciousness With renewed clarity, she also remembered what had happened before.

When I was cultivating, I seemed to be taken to a certain chapel, and I also met a respected dean. There were many unknown people around him. The dean asked myself some questions, about Lord Hei Fan, and then... Then I can't remember clearly.

The person next to him seems to be the one who brought him here.

Why would I go with him?

No, I can't remember it at all.

"This is the underground of the Sun Chaser Sun Chapel in Midtown."

The other party lowered the brightness of the flame between his fingers a little, and then slowly took off the hood with the sacred emblem of the sun printed on it: "My name is Yuna Hodson."

She looks like an older lady, with a pair of light gray eyes, and her appearance is not very easy to describe, not because she is too ugly to describe, but because this Ms. Una Hodson is a lizard, so We can only palely describe her with pale golden scales, complete facial features, and no obvious disabilities.

Different from half-dragons and half-orcs who only have some racial characteristics, although lizardmen have the physique of humanoid creatures, in addition to being able to walk upright and having five fingers, their heads and skin are very lizard-like, so they look like It's really not very easy to describe.

But for now, please temporarily shift your focus away from her appearance, because Dora, whose face was full of astonishment, was more concerned about the identity of the other party than this.

"Eona Hossend"

The 'former female knight', who had long been unable to restrain the chicken, repeated it blankly, and then whispered softly: "Your Excellency the Patriarch?!"

Yes, this newcomer to the minority gathering, an elderly lady named Una Hossend, is one of the Patriarchs of the Sun Sect. Her status is second only to the Pope, and is on the same level as the Patriarch and the Favored One. The presence.

It is necessary to mention here that each sect in the Holy Union is different in terms of hierarchy, except for the unique top hierarchy of the Pope.

Just like the Sun Sect, in addition to the pope at the top of the pyramid, the next level down are the ten patriarchs, the three patriarchs, the saints and saints who are the favored ones of God, and then the knights, rectors, chief judges, and golden crowns. The officiant, at the first level again, is a high-ranking priest or archbishop.

As for the Dawn Sect to which Mo Tan belongs, those who are second only to the Pope are Saint Xia Lian (yes, it is Saint Xia Lian, not a saint), the Eleven Knight Commanders, the Five Priests, and the Third Director (Inquisition) , the great nun, the great ascetic, etc., and then there are the archbishop Yaoguang, the novice saint (named but not powerful), the rector, etc. Although it seems that there is not much difference, the system is different. Different places.

All in all, the Ms. Hodson who appeared in front of Dora is one of the three patriarchs with a very transcendent status in the Sun Sect. Although she usually lives in seclusion, her name is known to everyone within the church. .

"It's me, little girl, please lower your voice."

Patriarch Hodson showed a rather reluctant smile, and his right hand, burning with golden phantom flames, gently brushed Dora's forehead, easing the latter's pain: "Time is running out, in short, I hope you leave here, and Don’t go back to where you lived before, don’t contact your family, and if possible, leave the sanctuary as soon as possible.”

Dora was stunned. She looked at the elder in front of her in astonishment and asked in a low voice: "Why?"

"Due to some very complicated or disgraceful reasons, if you don't leave as soon as possible, you will probably die here. You know something you shouldn't know, although even you may not realize that it happened. What but”

Patriarch Hossend shook his head, then took out something from under his cloak and stuffed it into Dora's hand. He whispered: "This is my homemade sun brooch. It can stop the deterioration of your physical condition in a short time. Before that, leave the City of Light and settle down before it loses its effect. After the divine power fades, you can use it to exchange for some gold coins. The material of this thing is quite valuable. You can still exchange it for five thousand gold coins. If it is difficult to sell it in a short time. , you can also find a black market to sell it at a slightly cheaper price, and then recuperate in peace."

Dora shook her head in confusion: "I don't understand what this is, Your Excellency the Patriarch"

"It's best not to know, kid. Don't ask anything. I will try to find you if I have a chance."

Yuna Hodson interrupted her rather forcefully, and then used her divine power to activate the valuable sun brooch, allowing the seriously injured Dora to temporarily have a physical fitness close to that of an ordinary person, and then put her down from the stretcher. , pointed not far away and whispered: "Go straight along this road and turn left when you encounter the intersection. After repeating this nine times, you will see a trap door leading to the ground. Above is the south side of Zhongcheng District. Go out through the back door of a certain private house in the city and leave the City of Light immediately, the sooner the better."


"If you still want to see your family alive and the Black Van Priest from the Dawn Sect, leave quickly!"

"Thank you very much, His Excellency the Patriarch."

Perhaps she was shocked by Hodson, or Dora vaguely noticed something. After hesitating for a few seconds, she nodded vigorously, and then staggered towards the exit with a pale face.

"I'm sorry, kid."

The Patriarch murmured in a low voice, then suddenly raised his hand and pressed down, blasting out a stream of blazing golden flames, outlining a blackened human-shaped ember on the floor tiles in front of him, and then looked up at the almost-already figure in the distance. The invisible figure shook his head slightly: "You may not be able to see that Black Van priest again."

five minutes later

Sun Chaser Sun Chapel, underground prayer room

"I'm back."

Yuna Hodson, who put on her hood again, opened the door and walked in. She said hoarsely to the dean sitting at the top: "Dorašika has been dealt with. I hope her family can get a suitable compensation." .”

The latter nodded slightly and said calmly: "Don't worry, someone will do it, so now."

He stood up and looked around the long table: "It's time for us to evaluate the threat of the 'Black Van Priest'."

"I think that if Dorashika did not lie, then given time, the Black Van priest will definitely occupy a place at the top of the alliance." The burly man shook his arms and said angrily: "Obviously he is a genius. "

"Not only that."

The man with an elegant voice knocked on the table and then added: "He is still very young and has endless potential."

"But, gentlemen."

The woman sitting opposite the former shrugged, spread her hands and said: "Don't forget that he is just facing a group of undead creatures with no brains and low strength."

"But he only has a rabble whose number is equivalent to one-tenth of those undead creatures, and whose average strength is only low-level."

The little man on the back of the chair said coldly.

a brief moment of silence

"It seems that the conclusion is already obvious. The Black Van priest is indeed a threat."

One of the top ten leaders of the Sun Sect snorted and said calmly: "But there shouldn't be any problems in a short time. Under the premise that the trainee saint is unconscious and Xia Lian has not recovered from her serious injury, we There’s no need to overdo it.”


The door to the prayer room popped open, and a simple-looking man stumbled in.

"Chen Wangyu is awake!"

Ever since, a new wave of silence has fallen.

twenty minutes later

Dora, who had just pushed open the trap door, felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck before she could lean out, and she fainted before she could even make a sound.

Chapter 510: End

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