Quadruple split

Chapter 516 Small Inquisition

After taking a sip of the steaming black snow bean coffee, Mo took off his gloves, then leaned back on the chair, held his cheek and slowly closed his eyes.


The dark elf girl leaning on the table frowned and called out to the former, but did not receive any response. Feeling the darkness around her and the invisible but tangible malice, she could conclude that the other party did not He left the game, but his 'consciousness' seemed to be no longer here.

"How many secrets do you have?"

She sighed softly and flicked a dim flame onto the tray to maintain the temperature of the cup of coffee. Then she took out the [Black Curse Rapier Kaisan] from her bag and gently wiped the sword blade. While muttering: "What on earth are you thinking about? What on earth am I thinking about?"

The murder of Banser, the fall of the Dharma God, the deaths of the prince and his son, and the turmoil within the empire. That person easily made the situation continue to get out of control, but he looked down on it like an outsider who had nothing to do with it, calmly and calmly weaving disasters, Spreading fear, Rao knows most of the details and purpose, and even I, who has participated in it many times, cannot see clearly what kind of wishes and expectations he has, and what kind of situation he wants to achieve.

Not only that, she has gradually become unable to guess her own thoughts.

Looking back, the sleeping figure was so terrifying, like a huge abyss that was rotating all the time, lifeless, swallowing up all things, pale and void.

After being silent for a long time, the girl looked away. She put away the rapier in her hand, walked into the hazy darkness entrenched beside the Sin Lord, and smiled to herself.

"How bad is this world that it can't even tolerate a little you?"

ten minutes ago

City of Light, Outer City, Small Inquisition

The Lesser Inquisition is an institution under the Inquisition of the Holy Inquisition under the United Holy Church, the Great Inquisition under the Inquisition.

To put it simply, it is the lowest level prison, specially used to detain those beings who pose little threat or may pose a threat to the people. It is also a prison under the control of various major churches, although the prisoners and monsters locked inside are not the same. It is considered a powerful organization, but it is also a real official organization, and its staff are all serious clergy.

The strength of this group of people probably ranges from primary to mid-level. Although they are far from strong, they are enough to suppress the prisoners inside. After all, those who can really pose a great threat, are vicious, and resourceful have been eliminated by the Grand Inquisition. The Inquisition is almost full. Even if there is a troubled period, each major sect has a separate detention location. The security quality and strength are many times better than that of the Small Inquisition. Therefore, only a few are usually sent to such a place. Just cats and dogs, they can’t make any waves.

As for the Holy Tribunal, that place has been empty for who knows how many years. It is basically just a decoration. It is not that it is too corrupt or anything, mainly because there are really no people who are qualified to be imprisoned there in the past hundred years.

In the clean and honest Holy Church Union, the only place where there is real room for corruption and where certain secret operations can be carried out is the Small Inquisition, which can only hold low-level prisoners.

"By the way, Brother Moore, what is the origin of the woman who was imprisoned on the third floor earlier?"

On the underground floor of the Small Inquisition, a low-level paladin from the Plenty Sect curiously asked the fat dwarf next to him: "I see she is seriously injured."

"Haha, young man, how did you get sent to our place?"

The fat dwarf named Moore smiled and drank two silver coins and three barrels of bad wine. He wiped his mouth and asked, "Do you like working here?"

"I don't know how I was sent here."

The young low-level knight shook his head blankly and said listlessly: "To be honest, I really don't like it here at all. It's hard to see the light, the food is poor, there are no holidays, and the salary is low. It's not as interesting as training in the reserve team. At least I can go to the pub with everyone for a couple of drinks after the sun goes down.”

Moore patiently listened to the opponent's complaints, and then asked with a smile: "Let me guess, did you perform poorly when you were in the reserve team?"

"Well, maybe. I'm always scolded by the instructor for sleeping in, and my grades in the promotion test are not very good."

The chubby Orc knight with a pair of horns on his head scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said naively: "But I have the biggest appetite among us at the same time!"

"I knew it." Moore laughed and said with a grin: "You are lazy, your grades are mediocre, and you don't have any big ideas. No wonder your kid was sent to this hellish place."

The other party blinked in confusion and did not react immediately.

Moore had no intention of waiting for his reaction. He just pointed at the softly shining golden brooch in his hand and asked with a smile: "Do you want to be transferred out of here as soon as possible?"

"Think about it! Even in your dreams!"

The silly boy nodded immediately and said loudly: "As long as I can get out of this damn place, I can go to the night patrol team in the outer city to report. There are still five days off every month."

Moore touched his rosacea and nodded: "Okay, your request is not too high. What about the young men on duty today?"

"They said they had something to do today and asked me to help look after it."

The young man who had just graduated from being a trainee knight and was thrown into the small referee's office smiled, smacked his lips and said, "Tell me to treat you to a drink later."

Moore glanced at the few wine barrels nearby and laughed dryly: "Okay, as long as you get rid of your habit of sleeping in, and eat snacks during training, you will definitely be able to make a difference."

The other party blinked and looked blank: "Huh?"

"Let's not talk about it anymore. Uncle has a trick to get you out of here early."

Brother Moore chuckled, lowered his voice and asked, "Do you want to hear it?"

"Want to hear it!"

"That is"

Moore glanced at the steel trap door leading to the underground not far away, and said sternly to the younger generation with squinty ears: "Listen less, talk less, look less, and ask less! Your duty is to stay here every day, and occasionally go down below. It’s just a meal and a drink. As for the rest, no matter who the person is, whether it’s strange or suspicious, it has nothing to do with you. Don’t pay attention, don’t care, and don’t inquire! Do you understand?”

The knight across the table immediately nodded his head and said yes, then put his hand into the armor and scratched it and asked: "So who is that woman?"


Moore's face froze, and he was silent for a while before coughing dryly and said: "This kind of question is something you shouldn't ask, do you understand?"

"Oh oh oh. That's what happened."

The other party nodded again and said suddenly: "I understand, I understand!"

Moore nodded haggardly, took out a few silver coins and put them on the table. He waved his hand and said, "Go and have a good meal. I'll be on duty for you."


The low-level knight who was supposed to be filling in for others was suddenly shocked. He quickly reached out and pulled the silver coins in front of him. After counting them several times, he stupidly raised his head and asked, "Um, Brother Moore, I can't afford it." .”

"You don't have to pay it back."

Moore looked at him dumbfounded, shrugged and said, "Just think of it as your reward for chatting with me."

"My God, you are so kind!"

The latter immediately looked at him with gleaming eyes and said in shock: "Not only did you tell me what to do so that I can be transferred out quickly, but you also gave me so much money. I will definitely chat with you every day in the future!"

"No, I won't give it to you every time we chat."

"I'm leaving first! Thank you Brother Moore!"

As a result, the silly boy ran upstairs without waiting for Moore to finish speaking.


Moore, who sat there blankly, was silent for a long time, then twitched the corner of his mouth with a smile, shook his head and said: "Really, I wasn't so stupid when I was young, hey, forget it."

He drank another drink of wine, leaned back on the chair and kept playing with the brooch in his hand that was constantly exuding warmth.

"That's good~"

At the same time, on the third underground floor, Detention Room No. 13

Behind the secret gold fence with thin divine power flowing, a black figure who couldn't stop roaring was desperately hitting the defensive restrictions, but under the constantly flashing colorful light, he would be severely ejected every time like being struck by lightning. , although the magic here is not powerful, it is still enough to suppress these unworthy prisoners.

However, the gibbering roar did not stop. The black figure continued to challenge the intensity of the magic as if he didn't know what to give up. Like an out-of-control beast, he repeatedly hit, was bounced, hit, and bounced. The cycle of flying disturbed the whole floor and caused no peace.

"Really, it starts again"

In another detention room not far away, the ragged ogre Dodoma covered his head with all his strength, stared angrily at the madman-like figure diagonally opposite, and growled in a low voice: "Why do I have to fight with such a madman?" Stay on the same floor! Damn these beasts from the Holy Union."

He was a vicious gangster with nearly ten lives in his hands. When he was plundering a village, he was subdued on the spot by two priests in the local church. After being tossed around several times, he was detained in the City of Light. As of today, he has been imprisoned for a full day. It's been half a month. Because the official execution day is approaching, Dodoma has been in a very bad mood these two days. In addition, a certain monster diagonally across from him always goes crazy for a few hours every day. This monster will be gone in a few days. The ogre who was about to be beheaded was extremely anxious.

But he can only be anxious. Since he can be put here, it means that his strength is not enough to break through those defensive magic, and the possibility of escaping is completely zero, so Dodoma was imprisoned for a week. Then he gave up trying and left. After all, the feeling of being hit by magic was not pleasant, and he was not the masochist who didn't know what pain was.

Another five minutes passed, just as the desperate Dodoma began to consider whether to end it on his own, the madman diagonally across from him suddenly became strangely quiet.

"What's going on? Why did today end after only lasting so long?"

The ogre scratched his chest in surprise, then stretched his head out of curiosity to look at the cell diagonally opposite, and found that the guy was standing in front of the fence, quietly, as if he was a different person. of.

This is the first time he has seen such a situation. You must know that the monster has only two states in the past half month, namely, a human form that will continuously attack the fence for several hours every day, and a black mist. This is the first time Dodoma has seen this quiet form, although he maintains his human form but is not crazy.

It’s so fresh!

"Hey, asshole!"

The ogre, who was so bored, decided to relieve his boredom with the lunatic opposite him, so he shouted loudly and sneered: "Did you not eat today? Hmm!"

A pair of dark eyes forced him to swallow back the second half of his sentence. His huge body trembled uncontrollably, his mind went blank, and his whole body froze in place as if he had fallen straight into an ice cellar.

"Shut up."

The 'monster' said something coldly. His voice was very soft, but it sounded in Dodoma's ears as if he was close at hand, causing him to fall to the ground softly, with blood oozing out of his ears, eyes, mouth and nose at the same time. A trace of blood.

Obviously, this person is by no means an ordinary person, or in other words, he is definitely not an ordinary summoned creature.

【Shadow of Sin】

summon creature

Ontology: Ink/Chaotic Evil

HP: 6999/7000

Physical fitness value: 3600/3600

Magic value: 3600/3600

Sensitivity: 6200/6200

Rage value: 0%

Active skill: Body rubbing (58 available/31 unavailable)

Passive skill: Body rubbing (available at 45/unavailable at 11)

Basic attributes: Strength 370, Dexterity 300, Wisdom 350, Constitution 350

Properties: synchronization, immortality, growth, dissipation (inactive)

Status: Synchronizing

[Note: The Shadow of Sin was born from the nameless blood contract. 】

"It seems there is nothing wrong with suppressing its power to 1%."

Mo, who had successfully synchronized with the Shadow of Sin, carefully studied the row of fences in front of him and said softly: "Otherwise, this kind of place would be completely destroyed in only half a minute."

The height, appearance, and voice of the Shadow of Sin are exactly the same as Mo's, but he does not have the mask covering the upper half of his face, nor does he have any equipment on his body. He is just barefoot and wearing a set of tattered black cloth clothes. Apart from that Outside of his abyss-like eyes, he looked like an ill-fated refugee at first glance.

Of course, Mo didn't care how bad his appearance was, and he had no intention of using his skills to give himself a handsome outfit, so he just gently raised his right hand and summoned a summoned creature - [Zuo Lengchan].

The ghost cicada disappeared into the air as soon as it appeared, passed through the fence silently, and flew up the stone steps without hesitation.

Two minutes later, Mo, who used Gui Chan's vision to confirm that both the third and second underground floors were unattended, scratched his left wrist with his nails and used the second skill synchronized with the Shadow of Sin.

A pair of men and women with decayed faces and solemn expressions slowly emerged from the air.

Chapter 513: End

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